2023 | diciembre | | | | Un estudio de caso que refleja la situación de la documentación publicitaria en las empresas españolas Cruz Gil, María del Carmen. |
| | | | | Panorama curricular de la enseñanza de normas jurídicas que inciden en la actividad bibliotecológica Torija Zane, Lucía. |
| | | | | Editorial Blanco, Nancy - Bentivegna, Nancy. |
| | | | | The capricious 1500, a discussion on the definition of incunabula López Arévalo, Robinson. |
| | | | | Strategic management of external organizational communication in the era of social media. Challenges of the BUCOC network member libraries Rodríguez, Mariela. |
| | | | | Application of neuroeducation and Design Thinking as a didactic strategy in the university classroom. Experience in the Quantitative Methods I course of the Library and Information Sciences course at the University of Costa Rica Mora-Coto, Grettel María - Rodríguez-Valerio, Daniela. |
| | | | | The role of bibliographic, institutional and person identifiers in bibliographic control Martín, Sandra Gisela. |
| | | | | Information Literacy on Cuban pedagogical careers Hernández-Campillo, Thais Raquel - Veranes Gálvez, Lisandra - Arias Hidalgo, Ania Beatriz . |
| noviembre | | | | Science and Technology Studies in Colombia: Research Groups and Collaboration Guerrero-C, Javier - Restrepo Medina, Liliana Patricia - Uribe Martínez, Astrid Girlesa - Jaraba Barrios, Bruno Andrés - Lucio-Arias, Diana. |
| | | | | Creación de un escáner aéreo para la digitalización de material bibliográfico patrimonial Guadamuz-Villalobos, Jairo. |
| junio | | | | Editorial Blanco, Nancy - Bentivegna, Nancy. |
| | | | | The scientific production of Uruguay from the Web Of Science (WOS): 40 years of science with international visibility Fontans-Álvarez, Exequiel - Aguire-Ligüera, Natalia - Feo Cediel, Yennyfer. |
| | | | | Reading habits of students from Ecuadorian universities Suárez Monzón, Noemí - Gutiérrez Gallego, José Antonio - Soto Vázquez, José - Jaraíz Cabanillas, Francisco Javier - Sevilla Vallejo, Santiago - Pérez Parejo, Ramón. |
| | | | | NeoCartography and geoliteracy: How the representation of cartographic materials in information systems intervenes in the search practices of geography community Blanco, Nancy - Indart, Camila - Bentivegna, Nancy - Bedini, Eugenia. |
| | | | | The Indigenous Pictorial Codices held in the National Library of Mexico Rosas Xelhuantzi, Tesiu. |
| | | | | Exploring the “school archive” concept Frasson Martendal, Fernanda. |
| | | | | Characterization of the performance levels of informational competence: The case of Universidad José Vasconcelos, México Espinoza Colón, Jorge. |
| | | | | A A fine stitch: Archives, information, mediation Guelfi Campos, José Francisco. |
| | | | | The role of libraries in the socio-educational reintegration of adolescents deprived from freedom: Analysis of five libraries of Latin American juvenile detention centers Flores-Fernández, Cherie - Civilo-Becerra, Maureen - Avilés Cañón, Pamela - Fernández Schutz, Rodrigo . |
| | | | | Construction of global citizenship through rural libraries. A systematization of two experiences in Colombia Aguilar-Forero, Nicolás - Salazar, Fernando - Aguilar Forero, Paloma. |
| | | | | Written Culture in an Art Museum. Objects and practices of the written word in Museo Provincial de Bellas Artes Rosa Galisteo de Rodríguez in the mid-twentieth century Pedroni, Juan Cruz. |
| | | | | Assembling the province. The cartographic works of the Dirección General de Tierras y Geodesia of Buenos Aires province (1913-1981) Mazzitelli Mastricchio, Malena. |