2020 | noviembre | | | | South American agricultural science journals indexed in SciELO: relationship with agricultural development indicators Hinojosa Benavides, Rene Antonio - De la Cruz Marcos, Ruggerths Neil - Espinoza Quispe, Carlos Enrique. |
| | | | | Proposal for the fusion of scientific disciplines at the university: Strategies from research, teaching and governance Serrano, Jorge Caldera. |
| | | | | Presence of social networks in Argentine museums of National Management. Significant progress in its implementation (2015-2017) Ristol, Marcela. |
| | | | | Authorities's control of proper names: The subject headlines in the Repositorio Institucional Nínive Montero O' Farrill, José Luis - Pérez Pérez, Maylén Beatriz - de la Vara Garrido, Niurka - Reyes Hernández, Flor María. |
| octubre | | | | The role of the penitentiary library in the social rehabilitation of inmates of the "Puente Grande" Penitentiary Complex, Jalisco, Mexico Ochoa-García, Julián - Martínez-Camacho, Humberto. |
| | | | | Scientific concentration and inequality in Latin America and the Caribbean at the beginning of the 21st century: A scientometric study Santin, Dirce Maria - Caregnato, Sônia Elisa. |
| | | | | The sale catalogues of the Argentine booksellers: Emergence and specialization of an ephemeral advertising medium, 1850-1920 Murillo Sandoval, Juan David. |
| | | | | Libraries, books and readings through COVID-19 Blanco, Nancy. |
| | | | | Pies de imprenta y colofones falsos: repertorio bibliográfico de impresos fingidos en la Navarra del siglo XVII Ruiz Astiz, Javier. |
| | | | | Management of the inter-library loan service of the Cordoba University Library Agreement (ABUC) Chaves, María Luz - Martín, Sandra Gisela. |
| | | | | Dilemmas of Argentine university libraries regarding the access and dissemination of scientific literature Fushimi, Marcela - Pené, Mónica - Unzurrunzaga, Carolina - Sanllorenti, Ana María. |
| | | | | Bibliometric and scientometric analysis of the scientific production of Peru and Ecuador from Web of Science (2009-2018) Limaymanta, Cesar H. - Zulueta-Rafael, Hilda - Restrepo-Arango, Cristina - Alvarez-Muñoz, Patricio. |
| mayo | | | | Más allá de la mensajería instantánea: WhatsApp como una herramienta de mediación y apoyo en la enseñanza de la Bibliotecología Rodríguez Valerio, Daniela. |
| | | | | Omission and forgetfulness in the history of library services in Argentina Romanos, Susana. |
| | | | | The National University of Engineering (UNI) through its patents and utility models. Production and network analysis Agüero Aguilar, Carlos Enrique . |
| | | | | Interdisciplinary research and societal impact: analysis of social media Álvarez Bornstein, Belén - Montesi, Michela. |
| | | | | Information literacy in the context of the 21st century university Alonso-Arévalo, Julio - Saraiva, Rosa María. |
| | | | | El legado profesional como patrimonio institucional: la obra bibliotecológica de Hanny Stoecker de Simons en la Biblioteca Pública de la Universidad Nacional de La Plata Meclazcke, Julián. |
| | | | | Disinformation and Misinformation, Post-truth and fake news: conceptual precisions, differences, similarities and juxtapositions Estrada-Cuzcano, Alonso - Alfaro-Mendives, Karen - Saavedra-Vásquez, Valeria. |
| | | | | The circulation of knowledge and the problem of authorship in the viceregal press. An analysis of the Correo de Comercio, 1810-1811 Maggio Ramírez, Matías. |
| | | | | Repositorios institucionales digitales de acceso abierto: una mirada socio-tecnológica. Estudio de caso del repositorio de la Universidad Nacional de Entre Ríos - Argentina Andrés, Gonzalo - Cortassa Amadio, Carina - Wursten, Andrés - Legaria, Juan Ignacio. |
| | | | | Revisiting academic writing in Librarianship and Information Science. Formalism versus openness? Parada, Alejandro E.. |