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Palabras contadas: glaciation: 13
Marenssi, S.A. - Tripaldi, A. - Caselli, A.T. - Limarino, C.O.
Rev. Asoc. Geol. Argent. 2002;57(3):349-352

Temas:   glaciation -  Gondwana -  till -  Argentina

Descripción: Fil:Marenssi, S.A. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales; Argentina.
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Tipo de documento: info:ar-repo/semantics/artículo

González Díaz, E.F.
Rev. Asoc. Geol. Argent. 2005;60(1):72-87

Descripción: This thematic map describes the principal features of the landscape, a relative sequence of its geomorphic evolution, and arrives to important conclusions about its regional stratigrapby. The regional landscape is composed and polycyclic. The geoforms are related to different exogenous processes (glacial, fluvial and mass-wasting). An endogenous process (volcanism) formed the more distinctive features; a great tectonic-volcanic caldera and the preglacial Copahue stratovolcano. Some minor and youngest volcanic forms were formed during postglacial times. A previous fluvial cycle was replaced by glacial morphogenesis (valley glaciation) during the Quaternary, due a climatic intervention. A huge and very thick (500-800 m) ice-blister was lodged into the caldera. The ice-blister exceded the caldera's edges forming several glacial diffluences and giving an important and additional supply to neighbouring glacial valleys (Hualcupén and Trocoman), out of to the depression. The Pleistocene glaciation shows two local cycles of volcanic eruptions: pre- and post-glacial. The origin of many local lakes was related to glacial exharation. Others lakes have different genesis: by blocking slide, crater-lake and glacial exharation associated with important structural weakness (Caviahue Lake related to the Trapa-Trapa lineament or Caviahue graben). During postglacial times important rock-avalanches occurred in the Hualcupén valley: the Cajón Chico and Compul rock-avalanches were related to seismic shocks. Previously, their accumulations were interpreted as terminal moraines of a second glaciation. A fluvial rejuvenation phase was the consequence of a blocking of Agrio River by the Agrio volcanic flows, during the Holocene. After that, the river eroded this obstacle restablishing its previous base level. The Agrio cascade represents the upstream present position of the consequent rejuvenation wave. © 2005 Asociación Geológica Argentina.
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Tipo de documento: info:ar-repo/semantics/artículo

Strelin, J. - Malagnino, E.
Rev. Asoc. Geol. Argent. 2009;64(1):101-108

Descripción: Although the depositational environment assigned by Darwin to the large erratic blocks and gravels in the Río Santa Cruz valley has been reinterpreted, his geomorphological and stratigraphic observations are still in force. The large erratic blocks he described as crowning the Condor Cliff terrace and spread at the bottom of the valley just east of this locality (Sites 2 and 3), are now interpreted as indicators of the maximum glacial expansion in Patagonia. Similar blocks, though of a different lithology, accumulated over a lower terrace located up-valley (Site 4), are now linked to moraines and glacifluvial terraces of the Penultimate Glaciation. Finally, in addition to the erratic block discovered by Darwin in the lower Río Santa Cruz valley (Site 1), there are others - recently discovered - which probably account for a catastrophic event ascribed to a big glacier-lake outburst during the last interglacial.
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Tipo de documento: info:ar-repo/semantics/artículo

González Díaz, E.F. - di Tommaso, I.
Rev. Asoc. Geol. Argent. 2010;66(3):438-451

Descripción: The region is situated in the Neuquén Cordillera at 38° 30'S latitud close to the international border. Geomorphic and structural features are presented which indicated a glacial morphogenesis for the depression that contains the Moquehue- Aluminé lakes. Previous works have identified a large volcanic complex related to Plio-Quaternary volcanic activity located at the east of the present volcanic arc. In this sector various caldera depressions and associated domic bodies have been identified. From the nine proposed calderas only the Pino Hachado caldera has been studied in detail. The Meseta del Arco and Nacimientos del Aluminé are disregarded as calderas. The erosional genesis of the steep scarps previously interpreted as caldera margins is also identified with glacial erosion. Facies and types of the local Pleistocene glaciation, its extension, their flow direction and its quite probable diffluence (Paso del Arco) through coeval glaciers situated north of the international border are also analyzed. Local characteristics of volcanic and eolian morphogenic and the mass-wasting process are described. Brief comments about pre-glacial drainage and the previous proposal of Bío Bío-Aluminé trough on the region are added. Transversal topographic-geological profiles discard west of the Bío Bío-Aluminé Fault a structural unit related to tectonic depression of Bío Bío-Aluminé trough and the Nacimientos del Aluminé and Moquehue calderas.
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Tipo de documento: info:ar-repo/semantics/artículo

Kay, R.F. - Madden, R.H. - Vucetich, M.G. - Carlini, A.A. - Mazzoni, M.M. - Re, G.H. - Heizler, M. - Sandeman, H.
Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A. 1999;96(23):13235-13240

Descripción: Isotopic age determinations (40Ar/39Ar) and associated magnetic polarity stratigraphy for Casamayoran age fauna at Gran Barranca (Chubut, Argentina) indicate that the Barrancan 'subage' of the Casamayoran South American Land Mammal 'Age' is late Eocene, 18 to 20 million years younger than hitherto supposed. Correlations of the radioisotopically dated magnetic polarity stratigraphy at Gran Barranca with the Cenozoic geomagnetic polarity time scale indicate that Barrancan faunal levels at the Gran Barranca date to within the magnetochronologic interval from 35.34 to 36.62 megannums (Ma) or 35.69 to 37.60 Ma. This age revision constrains the timing of an adaptive shift in mammalian herbivores toward hypsodonty. Specifically, the appearance of large numbers of hypsodont taxa in South America occurred sometime between 36 and 32 Ma (late Eocene-early Oligocene), at approximately the same time that other biotic and geologic evidence has suggested the Southern high latitudes experienced climatic cooling associated with Antarctic glaciation.
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Tipo de documento: info:ar-repo/semantics/artículo

González Díaz, E.F. - di Tommaso, I.
Rev. Asoc. Geol. Argent. 2011;68(4):507-525

Descripción: An ancient alluvial fan and its subsequent evolution are described. Ancient alluvial fan accumulations have been interpreted as the northern continuation of the rodados patagónicos of the Montemayor Plateau, a proposal that is contested. The methodological recognition of the ancient alluvial fan and its genetic and temporary distinction, were made from geomorphologic analysis and altimetric evaluation. Time assignment is a problem not yet solved. The methodology led to three different geomorphic systems or levels related to successive episodes of aggradation and erosion, with increasing lower positions, which coincide with a complex paleodrainage ancient alluvial fan. its successive developments are linked to proposed proto-rivers Chubut 1, 2, 3 and to a Simpson paleo-valley. Despite the mentioned limitations, we propose that the evolutionary model of ancient alluvial fan responds to a structure of cut and fill which is supported by the poly-formational composition of an ancient alluvial fan, and a gradual southward migration of the paleo-drainage. Based on geomorphologic analysis and altimetric distinction an upper level, composed of the remains of three plains (Pa, Pm and Pb), a middle level with two terraces (T1 and T2) and a complex lower level and five terraces (T3, T4, T5 T6 and T7) were recognized. Relict evidences of paleo-drainages are proposed based on the Estancia Paz and Don Morgan-Saraza paleo-valleys in the upper level. The age of the ancient alluvial fan based on the geomorphic evolution of the study area is tentatively assigned to an uncertain period between the late Pleistocene and late Sangamon interglacial at the end of the last glaciation.
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Tipo de documento: info:ar-repo/semantics/artículo

Gonzalez Diaz, E.F. - Folguera, A.
Rev. Asoc. Geol. Argent. 2005;60(3):446-460

Descripción: Five prehistoric rock-avalanches are described in the northern cordilleran region of Neuquén Province, between 37°15′ and 37°30′S and between 70°55′ and 71°05′W. These slides and their deposits were not previously identified and moreover they were classified as glacial and glaciofluvial in origin. All of them are developed on volcanic-sedimentary deposits. They are named after local places: Cerro Piche Moncol, Cerro Guañaco, Cerro Coronal, Laguna Negra and Laguna Lauquen Mallin avalanches. The first three form a group of avalanches situated north of Reñileuvú creek, in the vicinity of the previously described Moncol rock-avalanche. Their break-away zones are located on the lateral slopes of a pre-existing deep glacial valley. The biggest rock-avalanche is the Cerro Piche Moncol and its deposits are due to the collapse of the southern flank of a volcanic edifice with a small caldera. The Cerro Guañaco, Cerro Coronal and Laguna Negra rock-avalanches began as a slump slide to evolving distally into a flow. The slides of Laguna Lauquen Mallín are big rock-block slides. Some local factors, principally contrasting lithology and physical properties, structural factors and more humid conditions during postglacial times favourable conditions for the loss of slope equilibrium. The authors suggest that these gravitational movements triggered by seismic shock. The age of these rock-avalanches is unknown but they must be younger than last local glaciation. © 2005 Asociación Geológica Argentina.
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Tipo de documento: info:ar-repo/semantics/artículo