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Palabras contadas: assessment: 21, risk: 25
Pereyra, F.X.
Rev. Asoc. Geol. Argent. 2004;59(3):394-410

Descripción: The main environmental problems existing in Buenos Aires metropolitan area were studied in an area located on the Pampean plains (Llanura Pampeana) at about 32°S and 66°W. Since its foundation in 1580, the city of Buenos Aires has experienced a striking population growth, to its present level of 13,000,000 inhabitants. The main geoenvironmental problems that pose a threat to Buenos Aires population are: flooding, regional rise in the water table, disposal of domestic and industrial waste in land-fill sites, mining dust, expansive soils and contamination of soils, water and air. This paper focuses on the geological, geomorphological and edaphic aspects, which may have controlled the occurrence of these processes. Thematic mapping of the main physical environmental features would appear to be one of the main tools for solving these problems. © 2004 Asociación Geológica Argentina.
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Tipo de documento: info:ar-repo/semantics/artículo

Vezzani, D. - Velázquez, S.M. - Schweigmann, N.
Mem. Inst. Oswaldo Cruz 2004;99(4):351-356

Descripción: In Buenos Aires, the most crowded city of Argentina, there is a potential risk of dengue virus transmission by the mosquito Aedes aegypti during late summer. The temporal patterns of oviposition activity and abundance of breeding sites of this vector were studied in two cemeteries of the city. Between September 1998 and August 1999, we examined 142 ovitraps weekly and a total of 18,010 water-filled containers. Both study areas showed remarkable differences in the percentages of positive ovitraps (19% vs 8%) and breeding sites (18% vs 1%), but similar temporal abundance patterns. The percentage of breeding sites was higher in summer and autumn than in spring and winter, and the percentage of positive ovitraps was higher in summer than in the other three seasons. Immatures were recorded from the first week of October to the second week of July, and oviposition activity from the third week of October until the end of April. In both cemeteries and with both methodologies the highest infestation levels were registered in March (ovitraps: 41.8% and 20.6%, breeding sites : 39.2% and 3.4%). These highest abundances took place after several months with mean temperatures above 20°C and accumulated rainfalls above 150 mm. A sharp decline in oviposition activity was observed when monthly mean temperature decreased to 16.5°C, and no eggs were found below 14.8°C. Seasonal fluctuation of Ae. aegypti abundances in mid-latitudes like Buenos Aires would allow reduction of the egg mosquito population through the elimination of containers during the coldest months, which are free of adults.
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Tipo de documento: info:ar-repo/semantics/artículo

Sundblad, V. - Chiauzzi, V.A. - Andreone, L. - Campo, S. - Charreau, E.H. - Dain, L.
Hum. Reprod. 2006;21(5):1154-1160

Descripción: Background: Premature ovarian failure (POF) is characterized by hypergonadotropic amenorrhoea before the age of 40. Inhibin α-subunit (INHα) gene is proposed as a candidate gene due to its role in negative feedback control of FSH. Methods: Polymorphism -16 C>T of INHα gene was studied in 61 POF patients and 82 controls above 40 years old (C > 40). Substitution 769G>A was studied in 59 POF patients, 76 C > 40 and 73 controls below 40 years old (C < 40). Results: No significant difference in risk of POF development for -16T allele was found when comparing idiopathic POF (I-POF) with C > 40 (Odds ratio = 1.46; 95% confidence interval = 0.63-3.19). Implication of -16C>T polymorphism in serum inhibin levels was analysed in 46 controls, and no significant differences (P > 0.05) were found between CC and CT + TT genotype groups when comparing either mid-follicular phase Pro-αC and inhibin B values or mid-luteal phase Pro-αC and inhibin A values. Heterozygosity for substitution 769G>A was found in 1 of 59 POF woman, 2 of 76 C > 40 and 6 of 73 C < 40. Presence of this su bstitution in a relevant number of control subjects is herein described for the first time. Conclusion: Our results indicate that -16C>T and 769G>A variants in INHα gene may not be associated to POF disease. © 2006 Oxford University Press.
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Tipo de documento: info:ar-repo/semantics/artículo

Kokot, R.R. - Codignotto, J.O. - Elissondo, M.
Rev. Asoc. Geol. Argent. 2004;59(3):477-487

Descripción: According to the global predictions by the International Panel of Climate Change (IPCC), the sea-level rise due to ocean thermal expansion and glacier mass loss will average 0.09 - 0.88 m between 1990 and 2100, with a trend toward an increasing rise rate. Potential impacts of this increasing rise rate relate to changes in the coastal area, including floods, increased coastal retreat, and saline intrusion in the coastal acquiferous and estuaries. In order to achieve an appropriate coastal management scheme in the Province of Río Negro, the area was divided into zones to show information of the level of hazard on a simple map. To identify areas of geological hazard related to permanent and/ or episodic floods, a database was prepared. The threatened or in-danger areas were identified by means of coastal vulnerability indices, also called susceptibility indices, which were calculated by means of an algorithm that relates different variables obtained from coastal geology, and oceanographic and climatological information. This index is defined by seven variables and can be used to identify areas in risk of erosion or permanent/temporary flood. The most vulnerable areas to sea level rise are Balneario El Salado (Playas Doradas), San Antonio Oeste - San Antonio Este, Caleta de los Loros, and the Río Negro mouth. By contrast, vulnerability of the coastal area located to the south of Punta Pórfido is low. © 2004 Asociación Geológica Argentina.
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Tipo de documento: info:ar-repo/semantics/artículo