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Palabras contadas: landscape: 37, evolution: 230
Ferrer, J.A. - Pereyra, F.X. - Villegas, D. - Castro Godoy, S.E.
Rev. Asoc. Geol. Argent. 2001;56(3):377-391

Descripción: Soil-landscape relationships were studied in the central region of Santa Cruz, southern Argentina, between 49-51°S on the Atlantic coast westward to the international border with Chile. Two different sectors were distinguished. The western area, including the Patagonian Andean Cordillera and piedmont is characterised by strong landscape variations, a udic-xeric humidity regime and Nothofagus woodlands; the eastern area has an arid regime, grassland-shrub steppe and large flat structural plain landscape. As a result of the different landscape-relief features and parent materials, the two areas have different soils associations. The western area is characterised by an Andisol-Mollisol-Entisol sequence, whereas the eastern area has an Ardidisol-Entisol trend. The principal characteristics and properties of the soils are analysed and discussed in relation to variations in the conditions of formation.
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Tipo de documento: info:ar-repo/semantics/artículo

Pereyra, F.X. - Baumann, V. - Altinier, V. - Ferrer, J. - Tchilinguirian, P.
Rev. Asoc. Geol. Argent. 2004;59(2):229-242

Descripción: The relationships between landscapes features evolution and soil genesis and distribution are studied. The area is located in southern Entre Rios province (33o00'-33o45'S and 58o30'-59o17'W). The Parana River Delta, has a complex genetic evolution, due to river processes, marine ingressions and aeolian actions. These processes resulted in an unstable landscape, that imprinted its particular features in soils. Nine geomorphic units were recognized: 1) Gualeguay river alluvial plain and terraces, 2) Arroyo Ñancay aluvial plain and terrazes, 3) Minor streams aluvial plains, 4) Gualeguay river delta, 5) Deltaic plain, 6) Beach ridges, 7) Old lagoon and tidal plain, 8) Loessic plain and 9) Dunes. Soils are mainly Entisols, Inceptisols and Mollisols, and a spatial trend is recognized in the Delta Region. Soil evolution is controlled by a) an active morphodynamic, b) soil landscape features that resulted in a dominant aquic regime of soils and c) Late Quaternary climatic fluctuations that resulted in sea level variations. Finally, soil development, soil features and distribution and soil drainage are studied in relation with landscape main features and evolution. © 2004 Asociación Geológica Argentina.
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Tipo de documento: info:ar-repo/semantics/artículo

Pereyra, F.X.
Rev. Asoc. Geol. Argent. 1996;51(3):248-260

Descripción: The main geomorphological features of a sector of Sierras Australes (Buenos Aires province) are described. Fluvial processes (mainly formation of alluvial fans), mass wasting (creep and debrisflows) and wind action (deflation and acumulation) are responsible for the configuration of the landscape of the region. At least three alluvial acumulation events and equal number of loess deposition were recognized for the late Cenozoic times. The development of a planation surface of pre-Cenozoic age, and developed in Palaeozoic rocks, is postulated. This surface and the piedmont acumulations were affected by erosional events related to tectonic, climatic and eustatic events (Andean Orogeny and glaciations). Six major geomorphological units are recognized. Today the pedogenetic processes predominate whereas morphodynamic ones are low.
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Tipo de documento: info:ar-repo/semantics/artículo

González Díaz, E.F.
Rev. Asoc. Geol. Argent. 2005;60(1):72-87

Descripción: This thematic map describes the principal features of the landscape, a relative sequence of its geomorphic evolution, and arrives to important conclusions about its regional stratigrapby. The regional landscape is composed and polycyclic. The geoforms are related to different exogenous processes (glacial, fluvial and mass-wasting). An endogenous process (volcanism) formed the more distinctive features; a great tectonic-volcanic caldera and the preglacial Copahue stratovolcano. Some minor and youngest volcanic forms were formed during postglacial times. A previous fluvial cycle was replaced by glacial morphogenesis (valley glaciation) during the Quaternary, due a climatic intervention. A huge and very thick (500-800 m) ice-blister was lodged into the caldera. The ice-blister exceded the caldera's edges forming several glacial diffluences and giving an important and additional supply to neighbouring glacial valleys (Hualcupén and Trocoman), out of to the depression. The Pleistocene glaciation shows two local cycles of volcanic eruptions: pre- and post-glacial. The origin of many local lakes was related to glacial exharation. Others lakes have different genesis: by blocking slide, crater-lake and glacial exharation associated with important structural weakness (Caviahue Lake related to the Trapa-Trapa lineament or Caviahue graben). During postglacial times important rock-avalanches occurred in the Hualcupén valley: the Cajón Chico and Compul rock-avalanches were related to seismic shocks. Previously, their accumulations were interpreted as terminal moraines of a second glaciation. A fluvial rejuvenation phase was the consequence of a blocking of Agrio River by the Agrio volcanic flows, during the Holocene. After that, the river eroded this obstacle restablishing its previous base level. The Agrio cascade represents the upstream present position of the consequent rejuvenation wave. © 2005 Asociación Geológica Argentina.
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Tipo de documento: info:ar-repo/semantics/artículo

Fernández-Ibáñez, F. - Pérez-López, R. - Martínez-Díaz, J.J. - Paredes, C. - Giner-Robles, J.L. - Caselli, A.T. - Ibáñez, J.M.
Antarct. Sci. 2005;17(3):418-426

Descripción: Deception Island (South Shetlands, Antarctica) is one of the most active volcanoes in Antarctica, having erupted recently in 1967, 1969 and 1970, damaging scientific stations on the island. It is also seismically very active. The island has attracted the attention of many researchers as it constitutes an undisturbed natural laboratory to study seismo-volcanic events and how they affect landscape modelling and evolution. One of the most remarkable geological and geomorphological features on Deception Island is the linearity of its easternmost coastal landform, the origin of which remains unknown. Some answers, based on presence of strike-slip fault or on the ice cap and beach geomorphological dynamics, have been reported in the literature. Our new work provides several indications of the existence of a dip-slip submarine fault, parallel to the coast (NNW-SSE), which suggests a tectonic origin for this morphological feature. Uplifted marine terraces, incision of a fluvial network over the ice cap, normal faulting parallel to the coast in the north and south rock heads bounding the beach and sharp shelf-break with rather constant slope, constitute some of this evidence. Terrace uplift and fluvial channel incision decreasing southward from Macaroni Point, indicates possible tilt movement across this inferred fault plane. © Antarctic Science Ltd.
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Tipo de documento: info:ar-repo/semantics/artículo

González Díaz, E.F. - Castro Godoy, S.
Rev. Asoc. Geol. Argent. 2008;63(1):76-83

Descripción: A process of stream piracy caused by the active retrograde erosion of Limay Chico stream - a tributary of Limay river- is described. It is located in the southern part of headwaters of the Alicurá drainage basin, tributary of Collon Cura river. It is supposed that the increment of the headward erosion is related to the postglacial climatic conditions and a coetaneous deepening of the Limay river channel, a process expressed by modern and lower erosion terraces. Moreover the retrograde erosion was enhanced by the special location of the Limay Chico valley along an important line of structural weakness, the Limay Chico fault. The fluvial capture and the consequent diversion of the Alicurá basin upper part showed previous favorable conditions: 1) the topographic lower disposition of Limay Chico stream and their base level; 2) its steeper slope and the location of Limay Chico valley along a zone of structural and litologicalk weakness; 3) transverse arrangement of the Alicurá river's headwaters; 4) its gentle slope and location of their basin and base level at a topographic higher level. Several wind gaps were recognized and were interpreted two probable elbows of capture and barbed pattern. Also the increment of discharge of Limay Chico stream caused in their basin local phenomena of static rejuvenation. It is suppose a close genetic relation between the landslides observed along the steep fault scarp promoted by the Limay Chico Fault and the postglacial climatic change and the local erosional deepening of Limay Chico valley. The slumps characterized by the coalescence of their scan, generated the irregular and ruged landscape of the western side of Limay Chico valley. On the eastern valley slope the slumps reach minor expression. Longitudinal profils and slopes of the analized streams are included.
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Tipo de documento: info:ar-repo/semantics/artículo