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Palabras contadas: headwater: 4
Sellés-Martínez, J. - Azcurra, D.
Rev. Asoc. Geol. Argent. 2010;66(1-2):94-101

Descripción: Group of microstructures present in the Ordovician Yerba Loca and Los Sombreros Formations (cropping out in the vicinity of Road 150, between cuesta del Viento and Los Túneles), are described and interpreted. Cleavage, joints and fractures, shear zones, planar and sigmoid (en echelon) veins and kink bands are most common among them. Folded and domino faulted quartz veins, resulting from pressure solution contraction during formation of axial plane cleavage, are an outstanding feature and allowed calculation of contraction associated to cleavage development. The assemblage of minor structures shows coherency with the major structures hosting them and evidences a systematic displacement and stacking of rock masses from west to east. They also show the important participation of pressure solution and re-crystallization processes during deformation, along with progressive deformation due to rotation of local structures in the regional stress field.
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Tipo de documento: info:ar-repo/semantics/artículo

Sellés-Martínez, J. - Azcurra, D.
Rev. Asoc. Geol. Argent. 2010;66(1-2):80-93

Descripción: Structures cropping out in the Jachal Valley from the Cuesta del Viento dam to the locality of Los Tuneles are described and analyzed. These structures affect the Ordovician Yerba Loca and Los Sombreros Formations and the Paleogene-Neogene Vallecito and Rodeo Formations. The oldest units form the heights, Sierra Negra de Rodeo and Sierra de los Túneles, which are limited in their eastern flanks by the La Tranca and Los Blanquitos overthrusts, and by the angular unconformity underlying Rodeo Formation in their western ones. The regional folds show asymmetrical shapes and a wavelength comparable to the width of the Sierras, but minor structures ranging from meters to tens of meters are very common in their eastern limbs. Regional folds axis trend varies from Az 315 to Az 360 and the vergence of pre-carboniferous and andean structures point to the east, what makes very difficult to use orientation as a criterion to discriminate the differentiated deformational episodes. The comparison of sedimentological and structural features in the Rodeo area with those at the San Juan River evidences strong similarities but also important differences. Among the first ones, it can be mentioned the lithological and structural resemblance of the Ordovician units, which show NS trending axis in the eastern outcrops and point N-NW in the western ones. Main differences are the absence -in the Rodeo area- of the metapelites of the Silurian Calingasta Formation. and that of the conglomerates and rhythmites of the Devonian (?) El Planchón Formation. present in the San Juan River section.
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Tipo de documento: info:ar-repo/semantics/artículo

González Díaz, E.F. - Castro Godoy, S.
Rev. Asoc. Geol. Argent. 2008;63(1):76-83

Descripción: A process of stream piracy caused by the active retrograde erosion of Limay Chico stream - a tributary of Limay river- is described. It is located in the southern part of headwaters of the Alicurá drainage basin, tributary of Collon Cura river. It is supposed that the increment of the headward erosion is related to the postglacial climatic conditions and a coetaneous deepening of the Limay river channel, a process expressed by modern and lower erosion terraces. Moreover the retrograde erosion was enhanced by the special location of the Limay Chico valley along an important line of structural weakness, the Limay Chico fault. The fluvial capture and the consequent diversion of the Alicurá basin upper part showed previous favorable conditions: 1) the topographic lower disposition of Limay Chico stream and their base level; 2) its steeper slope and the location of Limay Chico valley along a zone of structural and litologicalk weakness; 3) transverse arrangement of the Alicurá river's headwaters; 4) its gentle slope and location of their basin and base level at a topographic higher level. Several wind gaps were recognized and were interpreted two probable elbows of capture and barbed pattern. Also the increment of discharge of Limay Chico stream caused in their basin local phenomena of static rejuvenation. It is suppose a close genetic relation between the landslides observed along the steep fault scarp promoted by the Limay Chico Fault and the postglacial climatic change and the local erosional deepening of Limay Chico valley. The slumps characterized by the coalescence of their scan, generated the irregular and ruged landscape of the western side of Limay Chico valley. On the eastern valley slope the slumps reach minor expression. Longitudinal profils and slopes of the analized streams are included.
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Tipo de documento: info:ar-repo/semantics/artículo

Suriano, J. - Limarino, C.O.
Rev. Asoc. Geol. Argent. 2009;65(3):516-532

Descripción: This paper deals with the sedimentological characteristics of piedmont deposits exposed in intramontane basins of the Precordillera. Detailed studies carried out along the upper Jáchal river and in the Gualilán area allowed identifying and characterizing six major types of piedmont accumulations: 1) talus, 2) colluvial fans dominated by gravity flows, 3) colluvial fans dominated by fluid flows, 4) collector-conoid fluvial system, 5) piedmonts dominated by channalized flows and 6) alluvial fans. The talus deposits are characterized by the dominance of clast-supported breccias (bearing minimum matrix amounts) that commonly exhibit massive bedding, planar or high angle imbricated clasts fabric. Colluvial fans dominated by gravity flows are formed by massive matrix-supported breccias with minor percentages of clast-supported breccias. On the contrary, colluvial fans dominated by fluid flows are composed of amalgamated channels infilled by both clast- and matrix-supported breccias together with intercalation of graded breccias. Accumulations of the collector-conoid fluvial systems are the most diverse in composition, including from massive matrix-supported breccias to cross-bedded conglomerates and scarce mudstones. In relation to the piedmont dominated by channalized flows, they comprise massive clast-supported breccias and less amounts of imbricated or cross-bedded ones. The alluvial fan deposits are mostly composed of cross-bedded clast-supported conglomerates, though matrix-supported conglomerates and breccias also appear as proximal deposits. Different from the previously mentioned deposits, the clast of alluvial fan accumulations shows more varied lithologic composition. The comparative analysis of the piedmonts found in the studied valleys permits to propone a conceptual model for classification of piedmont, on the basis of the extension of the basins and vertical space of accommodation.
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Tipo de documento: info:ar-repo/semantics/artículo