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Palabras contadas: survey: 29, geological: 30
Mescua, J.F. - Ramos, V.A.
Rev. Asoc. Geol. Argent. 2009;65(1):111-122

Descripción: Results of a detailed geologic survey of the Río Borbollón area, located in the Cordillera Principal of the province of Mendoza are presented. The stratigraphic record of the area corresponds to a Jurassic-early Cretaceous sedimentary succession, the products of Neogene igneous activity and Quaternary deposits. The Tres Esquinas and La Manga Formations of Jurassic age were recognized for the first time in the study area. The main structural features of the area are described and interpreted based on the obtained data and previous works. A balanced structural cross section of the Malargüe fold and thrust belt at 34°15'S depicts the structural style and the amount of orogenic shortening in this region of the Andes.
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Tipo de documento: info:ar-repo/semantics/artículo

Concheyro, A. - Montenegro, T.
Rev. Asoc. Geol. Argent. 2011;68(3):337-345

Descripción: Guido bonarelli is an important figure in the field of geology in Argentina and he constituted one of the most relevant geologists in the oil exploration in our country. of Italian origin, he was born in Ancona on July 25, 1871 and he died in montereano, January 11, 1951. He excelled in stratigraphy, geological survey, historical geology and paleontology, becoming a specialist in the taxonomy of Jurassic ammonites and the stratigraphy of the Central Apennines. His professional work began in Italy and continued in southeast Asia, south America, bolivia, Chile, Argentina and uruguay. During 1911-1918, he worked in the Dirección General de minas, Geología e Hidrografía of Argentina. He defined the sub-Andean ranges as an orographic complex and he pointed out the locations of oil and natural gas reservoirs. He developed his researches in several Argentinean provinces and in the pacific Chilean coast. During his second period of research in Argentina (1923 -1927), Guido bonarelli organized the Geological Division of YpF, and he intensified the oil exploration in the northwestern of Argentina, as well as in the provinces of mendoza, neuquén and the Comodoro rivadavia region. He developed a professional and academic team that dealt with the geology and the hydrocarbon exploration in the country. bonarelli discovered in 1891 a sedimentary horizon that has great importance and it serves as a baseline to characterize the global anoxic event known to the Cenomanian-turonian transition. this world-famous skyline has been named Livello Bonarelli as a posthumous tribute to his discoverer.
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Tipo de documento: info:ar-repo/semantics/artículo

Díaz, E.F.G.
Rev. Asoc. Geol. Argent. 2009;65(3):545-550

Descripción: Large landslides of different types not previously recorded are located in the left bank of the Río Curri Leuvú valley, north of the Tricao Malal village. There are situated among the Cerro Palao and the Palao pond and Riscos Negros site to the north. The largest landslides (Malal Cura and Arroyo Mogolillo landslides) correspond to the multiple rotational progressive type. They are developed on Mesozoic sedimentary rocks, covered by Cenozoic basalt flows. The debris and earth flows are developed in areas covered by the volcanic rocks of the Charilehue Formation (Middle Miocene) and continue north of study reaching the latitudes of the Grande and Medio streams and also the Colimamil stream valley southeast of Cerro Domuyo. The impact of these phenomena in the fluvial system was important and produced ephemeral and permanent blocking as seen in the La Turbia stream with coeval ponding. It is hypothesized that the landslide occurrence is related to excess or long-lasting periods of rain in postglacial times. It is also indicated the presence of rock glaciers in the Cerro Palao.
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Tipo de documento: info:ar-repo/semantics/artículo