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Palabras contadas: drainage: 11, basin: 192
González Díaz, E.F. - Castro Godoy, S.
Rev. Asoc. Geol. Argent. 2008;63(1):76-83

Descripción: A process of stream piracy caused by the active retrograde erosion of Limay Chico stream - a tributary of Limay river- is described. It is located in the southern part of headwaters of the Alicurá drainage basin, tributary of Collon Cura river. It is supposed that the increment of the headward erosion is related to the postglacial climatic conditions and a coetaneous deepening of the Limay river channel, a process expressed by modern and lower erosion terraces. Moreover the retrograde erosion was enhanced by the special location of the Limay Chico valley along an important line of structural weakness, the Limay Chico fault. The fluvial capture and the consequent diversion of the Alicurá basin upper part showed previous favorable conditions: 1) the topographic lower disposition of Limay Chico stream and their base level; 2) its steeper slope and the location of Limay Chico valley along a zone of structural and litologicalk weakness; 3) transverse arrangement of the Alicurá river's headwaters; 4) its gentle slope and location of their basin and base level at a topographic higher level. Several wind gaps were recognized and were interpreted two probable elbows of capture and barbed pattern. Also the increment of discharge of Limay Chico stream caused in their basin local phenomena of static rejuvenation. It is suppose a close genetic relation between the landslides observed along the steep fault scarp promoted by the Limay Chico Fault and the postglacial climatic change and the local erosional deepening of Limay Chico valley. The slumps characterized by the coalescence of their scan, generated the irregular and ruged landscape of the western side of Limay Chico valley. On the eastern valley slope the slumps reach minor expression. Longitudinal profils and slopes of the analized streams are included.
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Tipo de documento: info:ar-repo/semantics/artículo

González Díaz, E.F. - Folguera, A.
Rev. Asoc. Geol. Argent. 2011;68(1):17-32

Descripción: The geomorphologic analysis of the study area led to distinguish some formations not considered in previous geological research, as well as to explain the characteristics of the present relief. Thirteen principal geomorphic units produced by different geomorphic processes are recognized. Their variety and incidence through the time are expressed in the glacial morphogenesis concentrated in the western part of the Cordillera del Viento, in the volcanic landscape that predominates in the northern and eastern sectors (calderas, volcanoes, lava flows), in the structural control that defines the morphology of the fluvial process in the central zone and a firstly recognized important landslide to the north of Tricao Malal. As a result of the methodology employed two geological units of different age in the western part of the Tromen-Waile volcanic field were distinguished, which were initially interpreted as a single formation. A limited but consistent structural analysis of the region is also included.
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Tipo de documento: info:ar-repo/semantics/artículo

D'Odorico Benites, P.E. - Pérez, D.J. - Sequeir, N. - Fauqué, L.
Rev. Asoc. Geol. Argent. 2009;65(4):713-724

Descripción: In the region of the Main Andes of San Juan, exists a high concentration of landslide deposits that can originate natural dams. The outburst of these dams generated by slide is a common process in this morphology. The analyses of satellite imagery and air photos of previous years allow reconstructing the characteristics and the origin of the slides that formed those natural dams. In this region of the Main Andes, the rapid uplift and erosion of the mountain chain has created abrupt slopes and an internal structure in the materials that determined an increase of the susceptibility to the slope collapse without triggers as the seismic activity or precipitations. The objectives of the present work are (1) to analyze the causes that formed the natural dam and produced the landslide dam and development of the Los Erizos lagoon in the middle course of the Santa Cruz river; (2) the outburst of the dam and their consequent flood; and (3) the morphologic characteristic of the study region. The temporary comparison between air photos with satellite imageries indicates that the natural dam was generated by slip of the western hillside of the Santa Cruz mountain range, located below the Cerro Estrella. However, the constant water flow to the lagoon, has increased its water level until reaching the maximum benchmark of the dam, produced the beginning of the lake drainage and weakening of the dam causing the outburst and its consequent flood. Based on satellite imagery, a temporary analysis of the lagoon is presented, indicating that monitoring is an important tool to alert in the whole San Juan river basin for possible natural dikes, preventing hazards to the populations down water. The alluvium of November 12 of 2005, discharged 32.100.000 m3 in 67 minutes and traveled 254 km in less than 12 hours.
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Tipo de documento: info:ar-repo/semantics/artículo