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Palabras contadas: river: 84
Doyle, M.E. - Barros, V.R.
Int. J. Climatol. 2011;31(15):2234-2248

Descripción: A regression approach was used to quantitatively estimate the attribution of the notable growth in the river flows of the Plata Basin during 1960-1999. The study was conducted in seven large basins that account for most of the Plata River discharge. Annual rainfall integrated over each basin and annual river flows at their closing points were used for the analysis. The contribution of rainfall changes during each of the three phases of El Niño-Southern Oscillation to total rainfall change in these basins was also calculated. The two main drivers for the generalized growth of the river flows were the increased precipitation and the decreased evaporation attributable to land use change, including deforestation of natural forest and crop switch from sugarcane and coffee trees to soybean. Other evaporation changes played a minor role. There was a north-south gradient in the respective importance of each driver, with land use change having greater weight in the northern basins and the precipitation increase in the southern ones. Thus, in the northern part of the Upper Paraná Basdespite the negative trend in precipitation there was a strong augment of the river flow caused by land use change. The contribution to the positive trend of the stream flows in the middle of the Plata Basin came from both land use change and increased precipitation. Finally, in the south, the Uruguay River flow change was basically due to the precipitation trend that was not only observed during the El Niño phase, but also during the Neutral phase. Only in the Middle Paraguay Basin was the shift to more frequent and intense El Niño events that took place in the 1970s an important factor in the contribution of precipitation to streamflow trends. © 2010 Royal Meteorological Society.
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Tipo de documento: info:ar-repo/semantics/artículo

Devercelli, M. - O'Farrell, I.
Limnologica 2013;43(2):67-78

Descripción: The phytoplankton structure along the mainstem of the Lower Salado River (Argentina) was analysed in relation to the environmental variables and the influence exerted by the inflowing waters from the Paraná River (via El Vado Stream) and an adjacent floodplain shallow lake, between December 2003 and August 2004. Phytoplankton driving forces were explored using a functional approach. Small phytoplanktonic organisms with high metabolism and well adapted to live in mixed environments dominated (functional groups C, D, X1, X2), but the organic enrichment and slow flow also facilitated the thriving of Cyanobacteria (LO and minor contributions of H1, K, SN) and large Euglenophyta (W1, W2) inflowing from adjacent sites. The longitudinal and temporal changes in the phytoplankton structure depended on the prevailing hydrological conditions. Three scenarios were identified as regards the complex hydrological interactions of the Paraná and Salado Rivers: (i) the hydrological isolation period (low waters) when the Salado had a homogeneous longitudinal pattern and high phytoplankton development; (ii) the period of hydrological interactions with Salado River influence (high waters) when the homogeneous longitudinal pattern extended to the stream, and algal growth in the river was counteracted by dilution and enhancement of water velocity, and (iii) the period of hydrological interactions with Paraná System influence characterised by a longitudinal discontinuity with lower phytoplankton concentrations downriver the Paraná inflow due to dilution. There were no evidences that the lake contributed with algal biomass to the downriver plankton during the study period. © 2012 Elsevier GmbH.
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Tipo de documento: info:ar-repo/semantics/artículo

Pereyra, F.X. - Baumann, V. - Altinier, V. - Ferrer, J. - Tchilinguirian, P.
Rev. Asoc. Geol. Argent. 2004;59(2):229-242

Descripción: The relationships between landscapes features evolution and soil genesis and distribution are studied. The area is located in southern Entre Rios province (33o00'-33o45'S and 58o30'-59o17'W). The Parana River Delta, has a complex genetic evolution, due to river processes, marine ingressions and aeolian actions. These processes resulted in an unstable landscape, that imprinted its particular features in soils. Nine geomorphic units were recognized: 1) Gualeguay river alluvial plain and terraces, 2) Arroyo Ñancay aluvial plain and terrazes, 3) Minor streams aluvial plains, 4) Gualeguay river delta, 5) Deltaic plain, 6) Beach ridges, 7) Old lagoon and tidal plain, 8) Loessic plain and 9) Dunes. Soils are mainly Entisols, Inceptisols and Mollisols, and a spatial trend is recognized in the Delta Region. Soil evolution is controlled by a) an active morphodynamic, b) soil landscape features that resulted in a dominant aquic regime of soils and c) Late Quaternary climatic fluctuations that resulted in sea level variations. Finally, soil development, soil features and distribution and soil drainage are studied in relation with landscape main features and evolution. © 2004 Asociación Geológica Argentina.
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Tipo de documento: info:ar-repo/semantics/artículo

González Díaz, E.F. - Castro Godoy, S.
Rev. Asoc. Geol. Argent. 2008;63(1):76-83

Descripción: A process of stream piracy caused by the active retrograde erosion of Limay Chico stream - a tributary of Limay river- is described. It is located in the southern part of headwaters of the Alicurá drainage basin, tributary of Collon Cura river. It is supposed that the increment of the headward erosion is related to the postglacial climatic conditions and a coetaneous deepening of the Limay river channel, a process expressed by modern and lower erosion terraces. Moreover the retrograde erosion was enhanced by the special location of the Limay Chico valley along an important line of structural weakness, the Limay Chico fault. The fluvial capture and the consequent diversion of the Alicurá basin upper part showed previous favorable conditions: 1) the topographic lower disposition of Limay Chico stream and their base level; 2) its steeper slope and the location of Limay Chico valley along a zone of structural and litologicalk weakness; 3) transverse arrangement of the Alicurá river's headwaters; 4) its gentle slope and location of their basin and base level at a topographic higher level. Several wind gaps were recognized and were interpreted two probable elbows of capture and barbed pattern. Also the increment of discharge of Limay Chico stream caused in their basin local phenomena of static rejuvenation. It is suppose a close genetic relation between the landslides observed along the steep fault scarp promoted by the Limay Chico Fault and the postglacial climatic change and the local erosional deepening of Limay Chico valley. The slumps characterized by the coalescence of their scan, generated the irregular and ruged landscape of the western side of Limay Chico valley. On the eastern valley slope the slumps reach minor expression. Longitudinal profils and slopes of the analized streams are included.
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Tipo de documento: info:ar-repo/semantics/artículo

Sellés-Martínez, J. - Azcurra, D.
Rev. Asoc. Geol. Argent. 2010;66(1-2):80-93

Descripción: Structures cropping out in the Jachal Valley from the Cuesta del Viento dam to the locality of Los Tuneles are described and analyzed. These structures affect the Ordovician Yerba Loca and Los Sombreros Formations and the Paleogene-Neogene Vallecito and Rodeo Formations. The oldest units form the heights, Sierra Negra de Rodeo and Sierra de los Túneles, which are limited in their eastern flanks by the La Tranca and Los Blanquitos overthrusts, and by the angular unconformity underlying Rodeo Formation in their western ones. The regional folds show asymmetrical shapes and a wavelength comparable to the width of the Sierras, but minor structures ranging from meters to tens of meters are very common in their eastern limbs. Regional folds axis trend varies from Az 315 to Az 360 and the vergence of pre-carboniferous and andean structures point to the east, what makes very difficult to use orientation as a criterion to discriminate the differentiated deformational episodes. The comparison of sedimentological and structural features in the Rodeo area with those at the San Juan River evidences strong similarities but also important differences. Among the first ones, it can be mentioned the lithological and structural resemblance of the Ordovician units, which show NS trending axis in the eastern outcrops and point N-NW in the western ones. Main differences are the absence -in the Rodeo area- of the metapelites of the Silurian Calingasta Formation. and that of the conglomerates and rhythmites of the Devonian (?) El Planchón Formation. present in the San Juan River section.
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Tipo de documento: info:ar-repo/semantics/artículo

Prario, B.E. - Dragani, W. - Mediavilla, D.G. - D'Onofrio, E.
Appl. Math. Model. 2011;35(11):5265-5275

Descripción: A hydrodynamic numerical study at the mouths of the Paraná and Uruguay rivers and the upper Río de la Plata is presented in this paper. Water Quality Mapping numerical model was implemented and realistic and very simple boundary conditions were specially developed for this complex estuarial system. A set of numerical experiments were carried out using different constant discharges for the Paraná and Uruguay rivers but unrealistic currents were generated. In order to obtain more realistic results, a set of numerical simulations were carried out imposing water level timeseries at the open boundaries. M2, S2, K1 and O1 harmonic constants were used to generate water levels at Zárate (Paraná river), Nueva Palmira (Uruguay river) and the eastern boundary of the domain (La Plata-Colonia). A mean water level equal to zero was set between La Plata and Colonia. Positive mean water levels (0.3-0.4m) were imposed at Zárate and Nueva Palmira to simulate the hydraulic slope of both rivers and, consequently, to generate realistic and unsteady discharges. These boundary conditions, built by means of the addition of a mean water level and the astronomical tide, significantly improve the simulated currents at the northernmost region of the RDP estuary. © 2011 Elsevier Inc.
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Tipo de documento: info:ar-repo/semantics/artículo

Sellés-Martínez, J. - Azcurra, D.
Rev. Asoc. Geol. Argent. 2010;66(1-2):94-101

Descripción: Group of microstructures present in the Ordovician Yerba Loca and Los Sombreros Formations (cropping out in the vicinity of Road 150, between cuesta del Viento and Los Túneles), are described and interpreted. Cleavage, joints and fractures, shear zones, planar and sigmoid (en echelon) veins and kink bands are most common among them. Folded and domino faulted quartz veins, resulting from pressure solution contraction during formation of axial plane cleavage, are an outstanding feature and allowed calculation of contraction associated to cleavage development. The assemblage of minor structures shows coherency with the major structures hosting them and evidences a systematic displacement and stacking of rock masses from west to east. They also show the important participation of pressure solution and re-crystallization processes during deformation, along with progressive deformation due to rotation of local structures in the regional stress field.
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Tipo de documento: info:ar-repo/semantics/artículo

Menoret, A. - Ivanov, V.A.
Folia Parasitol. 2011;58(3):178-186

Descripción: Two new species of Rhinebothrium (Cestoda, Rhinebothriidea) from potamotrygonid stingrays in the Neotropical region are herein described, which raises the total number of Rhinebothrium species known from Neotropical freshwaters to five. Rhinebothrium corbatai sp. n., and Rhinebothrium mistyae sp. n. were both collected from Potamotrygon motoro (Müller et Henle), captured in four tributaries of the Paraná River in Santa Fé Province, Argentina. The new species can be distinguished from their congeners, and from each other, by a combination of various features, including worm size (length and number of proglottids), number of loculi per bothridium, microthrix pattern, size of the cirrus sac, and the extent of the vas deferens. The discovery of these new species from P. motoro supports the pattern of high host specificity in this cestode genus, and reinforces the notion that some of the previous records of the enigmatic R. paratrygoni may correspond to new species of Rhinebothrium yet to be described. © Institute of Parasitology, Biology Centre ASCR.
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Tipo de documento: info:ar-repo/semantics/artículo

Ferrer, J.A. - Pereyra, F.X. - Villegas, D.
Rev. Asoc. Geol. Argent. 1999;54(3):270-280

Descripción: Landforms and soils in the Traful River Valley, Neuquén Province. The Andes Patagónicos Region is characterised by the presence of strong west-east bioclimatic, geomorphological and lithostratigraphical gradients, that controlled the genesis and geographical distribution of soils. In this contribution soil-landscape relationships in a sector of a transitional zone in the northern Andes Patagónicos are studied. The Traful River valley is located in Neuquén Province aproximately at 40°40′S and 71°15′W. Diverse geomorphological units were distinguished which were formed through glacial and fluvioglacial action, and partially modified in recent times by fluvial and eolian processes and by mass wasting. Holocen ashes and lapilli were deposited in different volcanic events and constitute the soils'main parent material. We recognize soils belong to three orders: entisols, mollisols and andisols. A strong gradient of variations in soils properties was observed. The Andisolization process decrease with distance from the Cordillera zone. © 1999 Asociación Geológica Argentina.
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Tipo de documento: info:ar-repo/semantics/artículo

Isla, F. - Germán, B. - Alejandra, M. - Ángel, F. - Cortizo, L.
Rev. Asoc. Geol. Argent. 2009;65(3):446-456

Descripción: The coast of Lobería and Necochea is characterized by cliffsand narrow beaches. The inlet of the Quequén Grande river used to alter the coastline. The construction of jetties related to the Quequén Harbour induced huge accumulations of sand towards Necochea, and a critic erosive process of cliff and beach to the east. Beach width reduces from 300 m at the west to 40-60 m to the east. Considering regional sand scarcity, the eastern beaches are characterized by more sand variability. Greater variations in the sand balance were assigned to human activity. Waves coming from the E, SE and S deliver more energy along this eastern sector. On the other hand, submerged zones of these beaches have less availability of sand. Greater availability of fine sand was recognized towards Necochea. The Quequén Grande river has much effect on the estuarine dynamics during ENSO-triggered floods, although sedimentation is dominated by silt supply.
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Tipo de documento: info:ar-repo/semantics/artículo

Jacovkis, P.M. - Tabak, E.G.
MATH. COMPUT. MODEL. 1996;24(11):1-21

Descripción: A general kinematic wave model for flood propagation is presented in the form of a scalar conservation law. The corresponding flux function is convex or nearly convex for regular cross-sections of the river. In the presence of pronounced irregularities, however, convexity may fail. Qualitative consequences of the shape of the flux function for typical irregularities are discussed, particularly for rivers with flood plains and rivers trapped in canyons.
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Tipo de documento: info:ar-repo/semantics/artículo

D'Odorico Benites, P.E. - Pérez, D.J. - Sequeir, N. - Fauqué, L.
Rev. Asoc. Geol. Argent. 2009;65(4):713-724

Descripción: In the region of the Main Andes of San Juan, exists a high concentration of landslide deposits that can originate natural dams. The outburst of these dams generated by slide is a common process in this morphology. The analyses of satellite imagery and air photos of previous years allow reconstructing the characteristics and the origin of the slides that formed those natural dams. In this region of the Main Andes, the rapid uplift and erosion of the mountain chain has created abrupt slopes and an internal structure in the materials that determined an increase of the susceptibility to the slope collapse without triggers as the seismic activity or precipitations. The objectives of the present work are (1) to analyze the causes that formed the natural dam and produced the landslide dam and development of the Los Erizos lagoon in the middle course of the Santa Cruz river; (2) the outburst of the dam and their consequent flood; and (3) the morphologic characteristic of the study region. The temporary comparison between air photos with satellite imageries indicates that the natural dam was generated by slip of the western hillside of the Santa Cruz mountain range, located below the Cerro Estrella. However, the constant water flow to the lagoon, has increased its water level until reaching the maximum benchmark of the dam, produced the beginning of the lake drainage and weakening of the dam causing the outburst and its consequent flood. Based on satellite imagery, a temporary analysis of the lagoon is presented, indicating that monitoring is an important tool to alert in the whole San Juan river basin for possible natural dikes, preventing hazards to the populations down water. The alluvium of November 12 of 2005, discharged 32.100.000 m3 in 67 minutes and traveled 254 km in less than 12 hours.
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Tipo de documento: info:ar-repo/semantics/artículo

Pratolongo, P. - Kandus, P. - Brinson, M.M.
Darwiniana 2008;46(2):258-269

Descripción: We studied different functional attributes on two Schoenoplectus californicus (C. A. Mey) Sójak marshes that appear as very similar communities in terms of structure and dominant species, although they are settled on opposite ends along a fluvial-tidal gradient in the Lower Delta of the Paraná River. Obtained results showed a significantly higher net aboveground primary production (NAPP) in the marsh directly affected by tides (1999.41 ± 211.97 g m-2 year-1). In the upstream site, less prone to tidal flooding, S. californicus had a lower NAPP (1299.17 ± 179.48 g m-2 year-1) and the system showed a higher ability to keep the produced biomass within the marsh, with significantly higher amounts of standing dead biomass (1316.00 ± 336.01 vs. 112.40 ± 55.05 g m-2), as well as higher organic contents in soils (16.20 ± 0.12 % vs. 0.70 ± 0.08 %). Results of the present study suggest that high energy overland flows may change the marsh functioning from a stable system accumulating organic matter to an aggressively growing marsh with higher rates of mineral accumulation.
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Tipo de documento: info:ar-repo/semantics/artículo

Arredondo, N.J. - de Chambrier, A. - de Pertierra, A.A.G.
Folia Parasitol. 2013;60(3):248-256

Descripción: This paper describes Regoella brevis gen. n. et. sp. n. (Proteocephalidea: Monticelliinae), a parasite of the intestine of the barred sorubim Pseudoplatystoma fasciatum (Linnaeus) from the Paraná River basin. The new genus is placed in the Monticelliinae because of the cortical position of the genital organs. It differs from all known genera included in the Monticelliinae by the following combination of characters: 1) a quadrangular scolex with a truncated conical apex and formed by four lobes separated by grooves; 2) uniloculate suckers of inverted triangular shape possessing a small cone-shaped projection at each corner of the anterior margin; 3) strobila consisting of a low number of proglottides; 4) testes arranged in one dorsal field; 5) a cirrus-sac, which represents more than one half of the proglottis width, cirrus surrounded by conspicuous chromophilic gland cells; 6) a butterfly-shaped and strongly lobulate ovary; and 7) formation of uterus of type 2. The examination of the tegument surface with scanning electron microscopy revealed the occurrence of three types of microtriches: acicular and capilliform filitriches and gladiate spinitriches. The new species is the eighth proteocephalidean reported from P. fasciatum, six of which are commonly found in the Amazon and Paraná River basins. © Institute of Parasitology, Biology Centre ASCR.
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Tipo de documento: info:ar-repo/semantics/artículo

González Díaz, E.F. - di Tommaso, I.
Rev. Asoc. Geol. Argent. 2011;68(4):507-525

Descripción: An ancient alluvial fan and its subsequent evolution are described. Ancient alluvial fan accumulations have been interpreted as the northern continuation of the rodados patagónicos of the Montemayor Plateau, a proposal that is contested. The methodological recognition of the ancient alluvial fan and its genetic and temporary distinction, were made from geomorphologic analysis and altimetric evaluation. Time assignment is a problem not yet solved. The methodology led to three different geomorphic systems or levels related to successive episodes of aggradation and erosion, with increasing lower positions, which coincide with a complex paleodrainage ancient alluvial fan. its successive developments are linked to proposed proto-rivers Chubut 1, 2, 3 and to a Simpson paleo-valley. Despite the mentioned limitations, we propose that the evolutionary model of ancient alluvial fan responds to a structure of cut and fill which is supported by the poly-formational composition of an ancient alluvial fan, and a gradual southward migration of the paleo-drainage. Based on geomorphologic analysis and altimetric distinction an upper level, composed of the remains of three plains (Pa, Pm and Pb), a middle level with two terraces (T1 and T2) and a complex lower level and five terraces (T3, T4, T5 T6 and T7) were recognized. Relict evidences of paleo-drainages are proposed based on the Estancia Paz and Don Morgan-Saraza paleo-valleys in the upper level. The age of the ancient alluvial fan based on the geomorphic evolution of the study area is tentatively assigned to an uncertain period between the late Pleistocene and late Sangamon interglacial at the end of the last glaciation.
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Tipo de documento: info:ar-repo/semantics/artículo

Salvia, M. - Franco, M. - Grings, F. - Perna, P. - Martino, R. - Karszenbaum, H. - Ferrazzoli, P.
Remote Sens. 2009;1(4):992-1008

Descripción: The inability to monitor wetland drag coefficients at a regional scale is rooted in the difficulty to determine vegetation structure from remote sensing data. Based on the fact that the backscattering coefficient is sensitive to marsh vegetation structure, this paper presents a methodology to estimate the drag coefficient from a combination of SAR images, interaction models and ancillary data. We use as test case a severe fire event occurred in the Paraná River Delta (Argentina) at the beginning of 2008, when 10% of the herbaceous vegetation was burned up. A map of the reduction of the wetland drag coefficient is presented. © 2009 by the authors; licensee Molecular Diversity Preservation International, Basel, Switzerland.
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Tipo de documento: info:ar-repo/semantics/artículo

Vera, E.A.R. - Folguera, A. - Gímenez, M. - Martínez, P. - Ruiz, F. - Ramos, V.A.
Rev. Asoc. Geol. Argent. 2009;64(2):214-230

Descripción: The Huecú basin is located at the central part of the large Loncopué retroarc trough. Its volcanic, volcaniclastic, lacustrine and fluvial filling is directly related to neotectonic activity in the area. The basaltic eruptions are reflecting different pulses associated with the development of extensional faults and tensional fractures. Geophysical potential methods have identified basement involvement in the extensional deformation that affected the Tertiary sequences of the area during the last 5 Mys. Neotectonic features in Quaternary volcanic sequences suggest the persistence of these subsidence mechanisms in the Huecú depocenter. These faults are directly connected to the basement segmentation identified by gravimetric and mag-netometric studies. The historical floods produced by the Agrio river damming, are related to fisural eruptions and demons-trate the high probability that retroarc volcanic eruptions may occur again. The recognition of flooded areas that are forming the youngest sedimentary levels in the Huecú depocenter shows potential areas of active retroarc spreading in the Neuquén area associated with neotectonic and seismic processes.
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Tipo de documento: info:ar-repo/semantics/artículo

González Díaz, E.F.
Rev. Asoc. Geol. Argent. 2005;60(1):72-87

Descripción: This thematic map describes the principal features of the landscape, a relative sequence of its geomorphic evolution, and arrives to important conclusions about its regional stratigrapby. The regional landscape is composed and polycyclic. The geoforms are related to different exogenous processes (glacial, fluvial and mass-wasting). An endogenous process (volcanism) formed the more distinctive features; a great tectonic-volcanic caldera and the preglacial Copahue stratovolcano. Some minor and youngest volcanic forms were formed during postglacial times. A previous fluvial cycle was replaced by glacial morphogenesis (valley glaciation) during the Quaternary, due a climatic intervention. A huge and very thick (500-800 m) ice-blister was lodged into the caldera. The ice-blister exceded the caldera's edges forming several glacial diffluences and giving an important and additional supply to neighbouring glacial valleys (Hualcupén and Trocoman), out of to the depression. The Pleistocene glaciation shows two local cycles of volcanic eruptions: pre- and post-glacial. The origin of many local lakes was related to glacial exharation. Others lakes have different genesis: by blocking slide, crater-lake and glacial exharation associated with important structural weakness (Caviahue Lake related to the Trapa-Trapa lineament or Caviahue graben). During postglacial times important rock-avalanches occurred in the Hualcupén valley: the Cajón Chico and Compul rock-avalanches were related to seismic shocks. Previously, their accumulations were interpreted as terminal moraines of a second glaciation. A fluvial rejuvenation phase was the consequence of a blocking of Agrio River by the Agrio volcanic flows, during the Holocene. After that, the river eroded this obstacle restablishing its previous base level. The Agrio cascade represents the upstream present position of the consequent rejuvenation wave. © 2005 Asociación Geológica Argentina.
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Tipo de documento: info:ar-repo/semantics/artículo

Penna, I.M. - Hermanns, R.L. - Folguera, A.
Rev. Asoc. Geol. Argent. 2007;62(3):460-466

Descripción: Considering the high concentration of rock avalanches in the northern part of the Neuquén province of Argentina (36°-38°S and 70°-71°W) and their association with lacustrine basins forming natural dams, their catastrophic collapse seems not to be such a common process as could be expected for these cases. The present work depicts the area immediately affected by the outburst flood corresponding to the Navarrete dam catastrophic collapse (175 × 106 m3), through a sedimentological analysis, generated since the arroyo Colorado was blocked due to a rock avalanche deposit during not well constrained postglacial times. The outburst flood dispersion is initially inferred based on morphological criteria and then determined from a sedimentological analysis of its matrix. Furthermore, the matrix is compared to that of the fluvial terraces, which have been sampled along the arroyo Colorado. This comparison shows that even though differences among them are not so significant through most of the study area, matrix frequency starts to be distinctive from the most distant point of sampling.
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Tipo de documento: info:ar-repo/semantics/artículo

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