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Palabras contadas: patagonia: 62
Strelin, J. - Malagnino, E.
Rev. Asoc. Geol. Argent. 2009;64(1):101-108

Descripción: Although the depositational environment assigned by Darwin to the large erratic blocks and gravels in the Río Santa Cruz valley has been reinterpreted, his geomorphological and stratigraphic observations are still in force. The large erratic blocks he described as crowning the Condor Cliff terrace and spread at the bottom of the valley just east of this locality (Sites 2 and 3), are now interpreted as indicators of the maximum glacial expansion in Patagonia. Similar blocks, though of a different lithology, accumulated over a lower terrace located up-valley (Site 4), are now linked to moraines and glacifluvial terraces of the Penultimate Glaciation. Finally, in addition to the erratic block discovered by Darwin in the lower Río Santa Cruz valley (Site 1), there are others - recently discovered - which probably account for a catastrophic event ascribed to a big glacier-lake outburst during the last interglacial.
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Tipo de documento: info:ar-repo/semantics/artículo

Muzzopappa, P. - Nicoli, L.
Acta Palaeontol. Pol. 2010;55(4):645-654

Descripción: Two fossil tadpoles collected in the Deseadan levels (Oligocene) at the Scarritt Pocket locality of central Patagonia are studied herein. These specimens, which show different degrees of skeletal development, have been assigned to the neobatrachian Calyptocephalella canqueli based on the morphology of the frontoparietals and the presence of adult specimens of this fossil species at the same locality. The concurrent analysis of three developmental stages (Gosner Stages 35/36 and 38/39, and adult) has provided significant data about the ontogeny of this species, including the change of the pattern of exostosis of the frontoparietals, from a pitted to a tuberculated pattern, and the corroboration of the inclusion of two neural arches in the formation of the urostyle. This evidence will shed light on developmental mechanisms that might be involved in the evolution of the genus Callyptocephalella.
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Tipo de documento: info:ar-repo/semantics/artículo

Compagnucci, R.H.
Biol. J. Linn. Soc. 2011;103(2):229-249

Descripción: This paper discusses the general atmospheric circulation over Patagonia on the basis of the principal palaeoclimate forcings: continental drift, orography, variations in the greenhouse gases in the Earth's atmosphere, evolution of the atmosphere and the oceans, changes in the orbit of the Earth, albedo feedbacks, and the land surface. These processes affect climate on time scales of millions to hundreds of thousands of years. Additionally, orbital forcing has had a major influence on climate during the Quaternary. The palaeo-atmospheric circulation of Patagonia is analyzed for the Early to Late Jurassic, the Cretaceous, the Late Palaeocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum, the Tortonian-Oligocene cooling, the Pliocene, the Quaternary including the Last Glacial Maximum, the Holocene Optimum, and the last millennium changes. Alternative palaeo-atmospheric circulations from climatic modelling scenarios through the ages are reviewed and compared with proxy data. Detailed and updated reference information on the topics analyzed is also provided. © 2011 The Linnean Society of London.
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Tipo de documento: info:ar-repo/semantics/artículo

Remesal, M.B. - Méndez, M.J. - Gagliardo, M.L.
Rev. Asoc. Geol. Argent. 2002;57(3):260-270

Descripción: In the northern side of the extra andean Patagonia, in portions of Rio Negro and Chubut provinces, extensive basaltic lava flows plateaux type are exposed. On the southern side of the plateaux, in the Ranquil Huau stream valley, close to Telsen locality, a large succesion of volcanic and vocaniclastic rocks is exposed. The basaltic lava flows of Somuncura Formation and the Basalto La Mesada (Quin̄elaf Superunit) and the volcanisclastic deposits of the Sarmiento Group are exposed in the area. The different groups of basalts are identified by petrographyc and geochemical distinctive features. In the upper level of Somún Curá Formation a basic pyroclastic flow is interbedded. The basic rocks exposed in the medium level of the valley have distinctive characteristics and they are named as Basanitas Ranquil Huao. The analized units have geochemical parameters consistent with the evolution of melt showing that were produced by differents degree of partial melting.
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Tipo de documento: info:ar-repo/semantics/artículo

Cuitiño, J.I. - Scasso, R.A.
Rev. Asoc. Geol. Argent. 2010;66(3):406-417

Descripción: Sedimentology and paleoenvironments of the Patagoniano and its transition to the Santa Cruz Formation south of Lago Argentino, southern Patagonia. Detailed sedimentological analysis of the Patagoniano and its transition to the Santa Cruz Formation has been carried out south of Lago Argentino, in southern Patagonia. The 180 meters thick succession of fossiliferous sandstones was subdivided into twelve lithofacies, grouped in three facies associations. From base to top we defined the facies association I, dominated by massive, bioturbated and fossiliferous sandstones; the facies association II, dominated by fining upward cycles of cross-stratified sandstones and heterolithic facies; and the facies association III dominated by thin conglomeratic levels interbedded with mudstones rich in plant remains and paleosoils. The facies association I is interpreted as the deposit of a transgressive, shallow sea with oyster rich biogenic accumulations, finally evolving to a coastal plain paleoenvironment. A new transgression originated the discontinuity underlying the facies association II, which was interpreted as a progradational estuarine system. Finally, the ongoing progradation produced the fluvial meandering system of facies association III, assigned to the Santa Cruz Formation. The new name "Estancia 25 de Mayo" is formalized here for the Patagoniano in the southernmost Cordillera Patagónica, instead of the problematic name Centinela Formation. The Estancia 25 de Mayo Formation was subdivided in two members: the lower Quién Sabe Member, equivalent to the facies association I, and the upper Bandurrias Member, equivalent to the (facies association II).
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Tipo de documento: info:ar-repo/semantics/artículo

Bianchi, A.A. - Pino, D.R. - Isbert Perlender, H.G. - Osiroff, A.P. - Segura, V. - Lutz, V. - Clara, M.L. - Balestrini, C.R. - Piola, A.R.
J. Geophys. Res. C Oceans 2009;114(3)

Tipo de documento: info:ar-repo/semantics/artículo

Fugassa, M.H. - Araújo, A. - Guichón, R.A.
Mem. Inst. Oswaldo Cruz 2006;101(SUPPL2):29-33

Tipo de documento: info:ar-repo/semantics/artículo

Beltrame, M.O. - Sardella, N.H. - Fugassa, M.H. - Barberena, R.
Mem. Inst. Oswaldo Cruz 2012;107(5):604-608

Descripción: The aim of the present study was to examine the parasite fauna present in rodent coprolites collected from Cueva Huenul 1 (CH1), northern Neuquén (Patagonia, Argentina), an archaeological site that provides stratified sequences of archaeological and palaeontological remains dating from the Late Pleistocene/Early Holocene Transition to the Late Holocene period. Twenty rodent coprolites collected from different sedimentary units from the site, with ages ranging from 13.844 ± 75-1.416 ± 37 years BP, were examined for parasites. Each coprolite was processed as a whole: rehydrated, homogenised, spontaneously sedimented and examined using light microscopy. The coprolites and the eggs of any parasites present were described, measured and photographed. In all, 158 parasite eggs were found in 10 coprolites. The faeces were positive for Viscachataenia quadrata Denegri, Dopchiz, Elissondo & Beveridge and Monoecocestus sp. Beddard (Cestoda: Anoplocephalidae) and for Heteroxynema (Cavioxyura) viscaciae Sutton & Hugot (Nematoda: Oxyuridae). The coprolites examined were tentatively attributed to Lagidium viscacia Molina (Mammalia, Rodentia, Caviomorpha, Chinchillidae). The life cycles of these parasites are discussed.
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Tipo de documento: info:ar-repo/semantics/artículo

Villegas, D.C. - Pereyra, F.X. - Irisarri, J.A. - Ferrer, J.A. - Viaggio, A.
Rev. Asoc. Geol. Argent. 2004;59(2):200-212

Descripción: Factors of soils formation, parent material, and relief in western part of Santa Cruz province (southermost Patagonia) were studied in rio de las Vueltas valley beetween Laguna del Desierto and Lago Viedma (49oS-49o30′S y a 73o W). There is great soil variability related to a strong north-west-south-east bioclimatic and geomorphic gradient. Soils were studied in a NW-SE transect, where three different sectors could be distinguished. The western area, including the Patagonian Andean Cordillera and piedmont is characterised by strong landscape variations due to glacial processes, colluvial, glacial, cineritc and glacifluvial parent materials, a udic-xeric regime and Nothofagus woodlands. The landscape of the eastern area is mainly of glacial-fluvioglacial, fluvial origin, with aeolian landforms, an and regime, grassland-shrub steppe and large flat structural plain landscape. Because of their different landscape-relief features and parent materials, both areas have different soils associations. The western area is characterized by a distrudepts, udivitrands/hapludands and haploxerolls sequence, meanwhile the eastern by an haplargides, torriortents and haplocalcides trends. In the western area, podzolisation features were recognized. In the north-western sector, Bs and E horizons were recognized, and low pH base saturation values, due to climatic conditions, indicate ongoing podzolization. Elsewhere in the south-eastern sector calcium carbonate from the surface, basic pH and total saturation are soils main features. © 2004 Asociación Geológica Argentina.
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Tipo de documento: info:ar-repo/semantics/artículo

Barreda, V.D. - Cúneo, N.R. - Wilf, P. - Currano, E.D. - Scasso, R.A. - Brinkhuis, H.
PLoS ONE 2012;7(12)

Descripción: Nearly all data regarding land-plant turnover across the Cretaceous/Paleogene boundary come from western North America, relatively close to the Chicxulub, Mexico impact site. Here, we present a palynological analysis of a section in Patagonia that shows a marked fall in diversity and abundance of nearly all plant groups across the K/Pg interval. Minimum diversity occurs during the earliest Danian, but only a few palynomorphs show true extinctions. The low extinction rate is similar to previous observations from New Zealand. The differing responses between the Southern and Northern hemispheres could be related to the attenuation of damage with increased distance from the impact site, to hemispheric differences in extinction severity, or to both effects. Legacy effects of the terminal Cretaceous event also provide a plausible, partial explanation for the fact that Paleocene and Eocene macrofloras from Patagonia are among the most diverse known globally. Also of great interest, earliest Danian assemblages are dominated by the gymnosperm palynomorphs Classopollis of the extinct Mesozoic conifer family Cheirolepidiaceae. The expansion of Classopollis after the boundary in Patagonia is another example of typically Mesozoic plant lineages surviving into the Cenozoic in southern Gondwanan areas, and this greatly supports previous hypotheses of high latitude southern regions as biodiversity refugia during the end-Cretaceous global crisis. © 2012 Barreda et al.
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Tipo de documento: info:ar-repo/semantics/artículo

Kay, S.M. - Ardolino, A.A. - Gorring, M.L. - Ramos, V.A.
J. Pet. 2007;48(1):43-77

Descripción: The Oligo-Miocene Somuncura province is the largest (∼55 000 km2) back-arc mafic volcanic field in Patagonia, and one of Earth's largest with no clear link to a hotspot or major extension. Major and trace element and Sr-Nd-Pb isotopic data suggest involvement of a plume-like component in the mantle magma source mixed with hydrous, but not high field strength element (HFSE)-depleted components, from a disintegrating subducting plate. Magmatism is attributed to mantle upwelling related to disturbances during plate reorganization, possibly at a time when the South America plate was nearly stationary over the underlying mantle. Melting was enhanced by hydration of the mantle during Paleogene subduction. Crustal contamination was minimal in a refractory crust that had been extensively melted in the Jurassic. Eruption began with low-volume intraplate alkaline mafic flows with depleted Nd-Sr isotopic signatures. These were followed by voluminous ∼29-25 Ma tholeiitic mafic flows with flat light and steep heavy rare earth element (REE) patterns, intraplate-like La/Ta ratios, arc-like Ba/La ratios and enriched Sr-Nd isotopic signatures. Their source can be explained by mixing EM1-Tristan da Cunha-like and depleted mantle components with subduction-related components. Post-plateau ∼24-17 Ma alkaline flows with steep REE patterns, high incompatible element abundances, and depleted Sr-Nd isotopic signatures mark the ebbing of the mantle upwelling. Copyright © 2007 Oxford University Press.
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Tipo de documento: info:ar-repo/semantics/artículo

Mpodozis, C. - Ramos, V.A.
Rev. Asoc. Geol. Argent. 2008;63(4):481-497

Descripción: The Jurassic history of southern South America shows a complex geologic evolution which is the result of different processes that began along the western Gondwana margin during the initial stages of Pangea breakup. Andean subduction along the Pacific continental margin began in the Early Jurassic, after a period of continental-scale extension and rifting, which peaked by the end of the Triassic in central and northern Argentina and Chile. Renewal of subduction was the result of an episode of ocean growth along a series of spreading centers between North and South America when the separation of these continents began as a consequence of the activity of the Central Atlantic Magmatic Province hotspot. Motion along these spreading centers produced a component of oblique, SE-directed subduction along the western margin of South America and the reactivation of inherited orthogonal structural features as the N70°E trending Huincul ridge in the Neuquén Basin that was uplifted during Jurassic times. Subduction along the north-south trending Argentine-Chilean continental margin acelerated during the break-up between West and East Gondwana soon after the opening of the Indian Ocean, linked to the Karoo hot-spot. Subduction took place under extensional conditions probably associated with a negative trench roll-back, leading to the formation of a magmatic arc along the Coast Ranges from southern Peru to central Chile and, to the east, the Arequipa, Tarapacá and Neuquén extensional back-arc basins. In northern Patagonia, early Jurassic arc related magmatism occurred to the east of the present day Andean Cordillera along the short-lived (190-170 Ma) Subcordilleran Batholith and the associated Liassic intra arc basin. Arc magmatism ceased in northern Patagonia at ca 170 Ma to be replaced by huge volumes of Early to Middle Jurassic rhyolites and dacites of the Chon-Aike Large Igneous province produced as a result of crustal melting in an overheated crust during the initial stages of Gondwana breakup. Early rifting during Middle-Late Jurassic times took place in the Cañadón Asfalto Basin and the Late Jurassic Río Guenguel, Río Mayo and Río Senguerr basins, orthogonal to the continental margin as a consequence of the Weddell Sea opening. Acid magmatism was associated with widespread extension and culminated in the opening of the ocean-floored Rocas Verdes Basin. The causes of the cessation of magmatism in the Subcordilleran Batholith, the origin of the Chon Aike LIP and the rotation of the magmatic front towards the Patagonian Batholith around 150 Ma are still not well understood. Hypothesis linking this mutating tectonic scenario to the collision of exotic terranes against the Pacific margin of Patagonia during the early to middle Jurassic should be taken into consideration.
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Tipo de documento: info:ar-repo/semantics/artículo

Briceño, D. - Eberhard, W. - Vilardi, J. - Cayol, J.-P. - Shelly, T.
Fla. Entomol. 2007;90(1):15-18

Descripción: This study documents differences in the courtship behavior of wild strains of Ceratitis capitata (Wiedemann) from Madeira (Portugal), Hawaii (U.S.A.), Costa Rica, and Patagonia (Argentina). Some traits showed large variations and others substantial overlaps. The angle at which the male faced toward the female at the moment of transition from continuous wing vibration and intermittent buzzing changed very little during the course of courtship in all strains, but males from Madeira tended to face more directly toward the female than other males. Females tended to look more, and more directly, toward the males as courtship progressed in all strains. The distance between male and female tended to decrease as courtship proceeded in all strains, but the distances at which males initiated continuous vibration, intermittent buzzing, and jumped onto the female were relatively less variable between strains, except for the strain from Costa Rica. Flies of Madeira courted for longer and the male moved his head and buzzed his wings longer than the other strains.
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Tipo de documento: info:ar-repo/semantics/artículo

Ramos, M.E. - Orts, D. - Calatayud, F. - Pazos, P.J. - Folguera, A. - Ramos, V.A.
Rev. Asoc. Geol. Argent. 2011;68(2):210-224

Descripción: The southern part of the Ñirihuau basin at the valley of the Cushamen River region, is deformed and uplifted forming a prominent Precordillera Patagónica fold and thrust belt, east of the Patagonian Andes. The Ñirihuau Basin infill is represented by Oligocene to Miocene sedimentary to volcaniclastic rocks gathered in eleven litho types belonging to four members. These foreland sequences are exposed by a combination of thin-skinned deformation whose shortening is transferred to the basement in the west beneath the Cordón del Maitén. The entire Ñirihuau section as well as the overlying Collón Cura Formation is characterized by the occurrence of progressive unconformities, fact that implies synorogenic sedimentation at the time of the Cordón del Maitén range uplift. This belt is formed by an east-verging basement wedge associated with a series of backthrusts. The reactivation of the deformation associated with growth strata, indicates that the basin has evolved in a wedge-top of a foreland system in different pulses of deformation.
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Tipo de documento: info:ar-repo/semantics/artículo

Sueiro, M.C. - Bortolus, A. - Schwindt, E.
Helgol. Mar. Res. 2011;65(4):467-477

Descripción: Several species of ecosystem engineers inhabiting coastal environments have been reported structuring different kinds of communities. The magnitude of this influence often depends on the habitat complexity introduced by the engineers. It is commonly accepted that an increase in habitat complexity will result in an increase in diversity and/or abundance in the associated fauna. The rocky salt marshes along the coast of Patagonia are dominated by cordgrasses, mussels, and barnacles forming a mosaic of engineered habitats with different complexity. This system allows us to address the following questions: how different is a macroinvertebrate assemblage when dominated by different ecosystem engineers? And, is there a positive relationship between increasing habitat complexity and the species richness, diversity and total density of the assemblages? To address these questions, we compared the three ecological scenarios with decreasing habitat complexity: cordgrass-mussel, mussel, and barnacle-engineered habitats. We found a total of 22 taxa mostly crustaceans and polychaetes common to all scenarios. The three engineered habitats showed different macroinvertebrate assemblages, mainly due to differences in individual abundances of some taxa. The cryptogenic amphipod Orchestia gammarella was found strictly associated with the cordgrass-mussel habitat. Species richness and diversity were positively related with habitat complexity while total density showed the opposite trend. Our study suggests that species vary their relative distribution and abundances in response to different habitat complexity. Nevertheless, the direction (i. e., neutral, positive or negative) and intensity of the community's response seem to depend on the physiological requirements of the different species and their efficiency to readjust their local spatial distribution in the short term. © 2010 Springer-Verlag and AWI.
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Tipo de documento: info:ar-repo/semantics/artículo

Piola, A.R. - Martínez Avellaneda, N. - Guerrero, R.A. - Jardón, F.P. - Palma, E.D. - Romero, S.I.
Ocean Sci. 2010;6(1):345-359

Descripción: The Patagonia continental shelf located off southeastern South America is bounded offshore by the Malvinas Current, which extends northward from northern Drake Passage (∼55deg; S) to nearly 38deg; S. The transition between relatively warm-fresh shelf waters and Subantarctic Waters from the western boundary current is characterized by a thermohaline front extending nearly 2500 km. We use satellite derived sea surface temperature, and chlorophyll-a data combined with hydrographic and surface drifter data to document the intrusions of slope waters onto the continental shelf near 41deg; S. These intrusions create vertically coherent localized negative temperature and positive salinity anomalies extending onshore about 150 km from the shelf break. The region is associated with a center of action of the first mode of non-seasonal sea surface temperature variability and also relatively high chlorophyll-a variability, suggesting that the intrusions are important in promoting the local development of phytoplankton. The generation of slope water penetrations at this location may be triggered by the inshore excursion of the 100 m isobath, which appears to steer the Malvinas Current waters over the outer shelf.
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Tipo de documento: info:ar-repo/semantics/artículo

Ottone, E.G.
Rev. Asoc. Geol. Argent. 2009;65(2):373-386

Descripción: The paleoenvironmental and paleoclimatic significance of Cretaceous flora in the Neuquén Basin is summarized. Berriasian-Barremian terrestrial palynological assemblages are dominated by Araucariaceae and Cheirolepidiaceae, with subordinated podopcarps, ferns, lycopsids and bryophytes that progressed in a mild and humid climate. Tithonian-Barremian dinoflagellates mostly possess Mediterranean affinities. Upper Barremian evaporitic strata represent the final cycle of marine deposition related to the Pacific ocean in the basin. In the Aptian appear the first angiosperm pollen grains. Aptian-Cenomanian terrestrial palynological assemblages are characterized by the presence of northern Gondwana forms such as Afropollis and elaterate pollen grains. Tempskyaceae and Ginkgoales are also present in the late Early Cretaceous. Turonian-lower Campanian continental strata mostly include petrified wood and charophytes. Upper Campanian-Maastrichtian strata yield a rich terrestrial palynological assemblage composed by Nothofagaceae, Podocarpaceae, Cheirolepidiaceae, Araucariaceae, Salviniales and angiosperms, but also dinoflagellates that reflect the beginning of a marine transgression related to the Atlantic ocean. The presence of locally abundant cycads and palms suggests a warm and relatively humid climate towards the end of the Cretaceous.
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Tipo de documento: info:ar-repo/semantics/artículo

Japas, M.S. - Sruoga, P. - Kleiman, L.E. - Gayone, M.R. - Maloberti, A. - Comito, O.
Rev. Asoc. Geol. Argent. 2013;70(1):16-30

Descripción: Bracketed between 188-152 Ma, the Chon Aike Silicic Province developed in Patagonia covering an area of about 1,7 x 10 6 km 2 with volcanic products. An extensional tectonic regime that was active since at least the Jurassic-Cretaceous boundary accompanied this volcanic megaevent. Kinematic analyses focused in four selected localities (El Dorado - Monserrat, Norte de Cerro Vanguardia and El Fénix, in the Deseado region; and Lago Ghío, in the southern Patagonian Cordillera) allowed to define the main kinematic axes and to recognize two different kinematic events (a main and a secondary ones). Additionally these data certified the transtensional character of the Jurassic deformational event. When comparing directions of kinematic axes of all the selected localities, two kinematic domains: west and east could be discriminated. Whereas the eastern domain (El Dorado - Monserrat, Cerro Vanguardia north) shows ENE and NNW directions of extension for the main and the secondary kinematic events respectively, the western domain (El Fénix and Lago Ghío) indicate NE and NW directions of extension for the two events. The two kinematic events could be related or correspond to different volcanic facies. Considering the diachronism of the Chon Aike province (younger volcanic rocks westwards), the different kinematic fields could be linked to a large scale, non-coaxial deformation regime that controlled the emplacement of the Chon Aike volcanic province.
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Tipo de documento: info:ar-repo/semantics/artículo

Bottini, M.C.J. - Orsi, M.C. - Greizerstein, E.J. - Poggio, L.
Darwiniana 1997;35:115-129

Descripción: Phenetic relationships among species of Berberis (Berberidaceae) from NW Patagonia. Darwiniana 35: 115-129. Phenetic relationships among 11 species belonging to the genus Berberis from 46 populations of NW Patagonia Argentina, were studied using numerical techniques. The species are B. bidentata Lechl., B. buxifolia Lam., B. cabrerae Job, B. chillanensis Sprag. ex Sandwith, B. darwinii Hook., B. empetrifolia Lam., B. heterophylla Juss., B. linearifolia Phil., B. montana Gay, B. parodii Job and B. serrato-dentata Lechl. Fifty four morphological characters were defined (24 vegetative and 30 reproductive). Forty six populations (with a total of 288 individuals) were analyzed. Two main groups were distinguished from the phenogram. One consists of the populations of 10 spiny species; the other one is only formed by populations of B. serrato-dentata (without - or rarely / with scarce little weak - spines). Numerical analysis allowed to differentiate the species studied and each of the populations within a same species. This may be related to microambiental agents conditioning the phenotype. The results here obtained agree fairly well with the interespecific relationships previously published in the genus Berberis.
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Tipo de documento: info:ar-repo/semantics/artículo

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