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Palabras contadas: cliffs: 8
Marcomini, S.C. - López, R.A. - Spinoglio, A.
Rev. Asoc. Geol. Argent. 2007;62(3):396-404

Descripción: The purpose of the paper is to analyze the geomorphology and hydrodynamic of the coastal area, to model the evolution of the coastal cohesive cliffs and the handing dune barrier system along southern Buenos Aires coast. The morphology and evolution of coastal transverse profile are used as geoindicator of erosional susceptibility for planning and manage the coastal communities' development. The vulnerability to erosion increases from dune coasts, to stabilized dunes, cliffs covered with ramps, cliffs with ramps, cliffs with mixed ramps, inactive cliffs and active cliffs. Human intervention such as afforestation, urbanization, mining and interruption of the littoral drift by Quequen harbor groins, have altered the eolian and marine sand supply in the area, modifying the coastal profile configuration, trending to the disappearance of sand ramps.
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Tipo de documento: info:ar-repo/semantics/artículo

Tudisca, E.P. - Pazos, P.J. - Ghiglione, M.C. - Cianfagna, F.A.
Rev. Asoc. Geol. Argent. 2012;69(1):43-60

Descripción: In the cliffs of the Ladrillero cape, situated on the Atlantic coast of the Isla Grande de Tierra del Fuego, the uppermost records of the Austral or Magallanes foreland basin infill crop out. This locality contains Lower Miocene deposits informally named "Cabo Ladrillero beds" and "Cabo San Pablo beds" being the "upper Cabo Ladrillero beds" analyzed in this paper. This locality is situated around ten kilometers to the north of the emerging orogenic front (Punta Gruesa locality) where four facies association have been defined from gravitationally-driven supra batial to prograding and shallowing upward deltaic wedges. Deformed and massive beds by liquefaction processes and resedimentation are connected with abundant clastic dykes and synsedimentary faults. The statistic study suggests they are associated tectonic activity related to a transtensive episode rather than tectonic quiescence sometimes suggested in previous works. We conclude that microfossils documented in the area and used as a tool to support a deep marine environment are situated in underlying stratigraphic intervals that form part of the Desdémona Formation and the "lower Cabo Ladrillero beds" cropping out to the south of the study area. Sedimentological evidence are not conclusive respect to the batimetry but absence of classical turbidites, hyperpycnal flows and abundant deformed and resedimented deposits are more compatible with deltaic deposits, with high detritus supply generating unstable slopes rather than deep marine depositional settings, suggesting a more complex depositional evolution than the foraminiferal-based framework dominant in the literature.
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Tipo de documento: info:ar-repo/semantics/artículo