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Palabras contadas: brain: 92, function: 347
Merlo, E. - Romano, A.
PLoS ONE 2008;3(11)

Descripción: In contextual memories, an association between a positive or negative reinforcement and the contextual cues where the reinforcement occurs is formed. The re-exposure to the context without reinforcement can lead to memory extinction or reconsolidation, depending on the number of events or duration of a single event of context re-exposure. Extinction involves the temporary waning of the previously acquired conditioned response. The molecular processes underlying extinction and the mechanisms which determine if memory will reconsolidate or extinguish after retrieval are not well characterized, particularly the role of transcription factors and gene expression. Here we studied the participation of a transcription factor, NF-κB, in memory extinction. In the crab context-signal memory, the activation of NF-κB plays a critical role in consolidation and reconsolidation, memory processes that are well characterized in this model. The administration of a NF-κB inhibitor, sulfasalazine prior to extinction session impeded spontaneous recovery. Moreover, reinstatement experiments showed that the original memory was not affected and that NF-κB inhibition by sulfasalazine impaired spontaneous recovery strengthening the ongoing memory extinction process. Interestingly, in animals with fully consolidated memory, a brief re-exposure to the training context induced neuronal NF-κB activation and reconsolidation, while prolonged re-exposure induced NF-κB inhibition and memory extinction. These data constitutes a novel insight into the molecular mechanisms involved in the switch between memory reconsolidation and extinction. Moreover, we propose the inhibition of NF-κB as the engaged mechanism underlying extinction, supporting a novel approach for the pharmacological enhancement of this memory process. The accurate description of the molecular mechanisms that support memory extinction is potentially useful for developing new strategies and drug candidates for therapeutic treatments of the maladaptive memory disorders such as post-traumatic stress, phobias, and drug addiction. © 2008 Merlo, Romano.
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Tipo de documento: info:ar-repo/semantics/artículo

Santangelo, A.M. - De Souza, F.S.J. - Franchini, L.F. - Bumaschny, V.F. - Low, M.J. - Rubinstein, M.
PLoS Genet. 2007;3(10):1813-1826

Descripción: The proopiomelanocortin gene (POMC) is expressed in the pituitary gland and the ventral hypothalamus of all jawed vertebrates, producing several bioactive peptides that function as peripheral hormones or central neuropeptides, respectively. We have recently determined that mouse and human POMC expression in the hypothalamus is conferred by the action of two 5′ distal and unrelated enhancers, nPE1 and nPE2. To investigate the evolutionary origin of the neuronal enhancer nPE2, we searched available vertebrate genome databases and determined that nPE2 is a highly conserved element in placentals, marsupials, and monotremes, whereas it is absent in nonmammalian vertebrates. Following an in silico paleogenomic strategy based on genome-wide searches for paralog sequences, we discovered that opossum and wallaby nPE2 sequences are highly similar to members of the superfamily of CORE-short interspersed nucleotide element (SINE) retroposons, in particular to MAR1 retroposons that are widely present in marsupial genomes. Thus, the neuronal enhancer nPE2 originated from the exaptation of a CORE-SINE retroposon in the lineage leading to mammals and remained under purifying selection in all mammalian orders for the last 170 million years. Expression studies performed in transgenic mice showed that two nonadjacent nPE2 subregions are essential to drive reporter gene expression into POMC hypothalamic neurons, providing the first functional example of an exapted enhancer derived from an ancient CORE-SINE retroposon. In addition, we found that this CORE-SINE family of retroposons is likely to still be active in American and Australian marsupial genomes and that several highly conserved exonic, intronic and intergenic sequences in the human genome originated from the exaptation of CORESINE retroposons. Together, our results provide clear evidence of the functional novelties that transposed elements contributed to their host genomes throughout evolution. © 2007 Santangelo et al.
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Tipo de documento: info:ar-repo/semantics/artículo

Boccia, M. - Freudenthal, R. - Blake, M. - De La Fuente, V. - Acosta, G. - Baratti, C. - Romano, A.
J. Neurosci. 2007;27(49):13436-13445

Descripción: Initially, memory is labile and requires consolidation to become stable. However, several studies support that consolidated memories can undergo a new period of lability after retrieval. The mechanistic differences of this process, termed reconsolidation, with the consolidation process are under debate, including the participation of hippocampus. Up to this point, few reports describe molecular changes and, in particular, transcription factor (TF) involvement in memory restabilization. Increasing evidence supports the participation of the TF nuclear factor-κB (NF-κB) in memory consolidation. Here, we demonstrate that the inhibition of NF-κB after memory reactivation impairs retention of a hippocampal-dependent inhibitory avoidance task in mice. We used two independent disruptive strategies to reach this conclusion. First, we administered intracerebroventricular or intrahippocampal sulfasalazine, an inhibitor of IKK (IκB kinase), the kinase that activates NF-κB. Second, we infused intracerebroventricular or intrahippocampal κB decoy, a direct inhibitor of NF-κB consisting of a double-stranded DNA oligonucleotide that contains the κB consensus sequence. When injected immediately after memory retrieval, sulfasalazine or κB decoy (Decoy) impaired long-term retention. In contrast, a one base mutated κB decoy (mDecoy) had no effect. Furthermore, we also found NF-κB activation in the hippocampus, with a peak 15 min after memory retrieval. This activation was earlier than that found during consolidation. Together, these results indicate that NF-κB is an important transcriptional regulator in memory consolidation and reconsolidation in hippocampus, although the temporal kinetics of activation differs between the two processes. Copyright © 2007 Society for Neuroscience.
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Tipo de documento: info:ar-repo/semantics/artículo

Quintá, H.R. - Maschi, D. - Gomez-Sanchez, C. - Piwien-Pilipuk, G. - Galigniana, M.D.
J. Neurochem. 2010;115(3):716-734

Descripción: FKBP51 and FKBP52 (FK506-binding protein 51 and 52) are tetratricopeptide repeat-domain immunophilins belonging to the tetratricopeptide- protein•hsp90•hsp70•p23 heterocomplex bound to steroid receptors. Immunophilins are related to receptor folding, subcellular localization, and hormonedependent transcription. Also, they bind the immunosuppressant macrolide FK506, which shows neuroregenerative and neuroprotective actions by a still unknown mechanism. In this study, we demonstrate that in both, undifferentiated neuroblastoma cells and embryonic hippocampal neurons, the FKBP52• hsp90•p23 heterocomplex concentrates in a perinuclear structure. Upon cell stimulation with FK506, this structure disassembles and this perinuclear area becomes transcriptionally active. The acquisition of a neuronal phenotype is accompanied by increased expression of bIII-tubulin, Map-2, Tau-1, but also hsp90, hsp70, p23, and FKBP52. During the early differentiation steps, the perinuclear heterocomplex redistributes along the cytoplasm and nascent neurites, p23 binds to intermediate filaments and microtubules acquired higher filamentary organization. While FKBP52 moves towards neurites and concentrates in arborization bodies and terminal axons, FKBP51, whose expression remains constant, replaces FKBP52 in the perinuclear structure. Importantly, neurite outgrowth is favored by FKBP52 over-expression or FKBP51 knock-down, and is impaired by FKBP52 knock-down or FKBP51 over-expression, indicating that the balance between these FK506-binding proteins plays a key role during the early mechanism of neuronal differentiation. © 2010 The Authors.
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Tipo de documento: info:ar-repo/semantics/artículo

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