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1 documento corresponde a la consulta.
Palabras contadas: zeta: 3, interacting: 41, protein: 1717
Moncada, D. - Viola, H.
Learn. Mem. 2008;15(11):810-814

Descripción: Spatial familiarization consists of a decrease in the exploratory activity over time after exposure to a place. Here, we show that a 30-min exposure to an open field led to a pronounced decrease in the exploratory behavior of rats, generating context familiarity. This behavioral output is associated with a selective decrease in hippocampal PKMζ levels. A short 5-min exposure did not induce spatial familiarity or a decrease in PKMζ, while inactivation of hippocampal PKMζ by the specific inhibitor ZIP was sufficient to induce spatial familiarity, suggesting that the decrease in PKMζ is involved in setting a given context as a familiar place. © 2008 Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press.
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Tipo de documento: info:ar-repo/semantics/artículo