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Palabras contadas: experience: 21
Ballarini, F. - Martínez, M.C. - Díaz Perez, M. - Moncada, D. - Viola, H.
PLoS ONE 2013;8(6)

Descripción: Education is the most traditional means with formative effect on the human mind, learning and memory being its fundamental support. For this reason, it is essential to find different strategies to improve the studentś performance. Based on previous work, we hypothesized that a novel experience could exert an enhancing effect on learning and memory within the school environment. Here we show that novel experience improved the memory of literary or graphical activities when it is close to these learning sessions. We found memory improvements in groups of students who had experienced a novel science lesson 1 hour before or after the reading of a story, but not when these events were 4 hours apart. Such promoting effect on long-term memory (LTM) was also reproduced with another type of novelty (a music lesson) and also after another type of learning task (a visual memory). Interestingly, when the lesson was familiar, it failed to enhance the memory of the other task. Our results show that educationally relevant novel events experienced during normal school hours can improve LTM for tasks/activities learned during regular school lessons. This effect is restricted to a critical time window around learning and is particularly dependent on the novel nature of the associated experience. These findings provide a tool that could be easily transferred to the classroom by the incorporation of educationally novel events in the school schedule as an extrinsic adjuvant of other information acquired some time before or after it. This approach could be a helpful tool for the consolidation of certain types of topics that generally demand a great effort from the children. © 2013 Ballarini et al.
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Tipo de documento: info:ar-repo/semantics/artículo

Anton, S. - Evengaard, K. - Barrozo, R.B. - Anderson, P. - Skals, N.
Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A. 2011;108(8):3401-3405

Descripción: Modulation of sensitivity to sensory cues by experience is essential for animals to adapt to a changing environment. Sensitization and adaptation to signals of the same modality as a function of experience have been shown in many cases, and some of the neurobiological mechanisms underlying these processes have been described. However, the influence of sensory signals on the sensitivity of a different modality is largely unknown. In males of the noctuid moth, Spodoptera littoralis, the sensitivity to the female-produced sex pheromone increases 24 h after a brief preexposure with pheromone at the behavioral and central nervous level. Here we show that this effect is not confined to the same sensory modality: the sensitivity of olfactory neurons can also be modulated by exposure to a different sensory stimulus, i.e., a pulsed stimulus mimicking echolocating sounds from attacking insectivorous bats. We tested responses of preexposed male moths in a walking bioassay and recorded from neurons in the primary olfactory center, the antennal lobe. We show that brief exposure to a bat call, but not to a behaviorally irrelevant tone, increases the behavioral sensitivity of male moths to sex pheromone 24 h later in the same way as exposure to the sex pheromone itself. The observed behavioral modification is accompanied by an increase in the sensitivity of olfactory neurons in the antennal lobe. Our data provide thus evidence for cross-modal experience-dependent plasticity not only on the behavioral level, but also on the central nervous level, in an insect.
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Tipo de documento: info:ar-repo/semantics/artículo

Méndez-Díaz, I. - Zabala, P.
Discrete Appl Math 2010;158(4):349-354

Descripción: This paper presents a new generalization of the graph multicoloring problem. We propose a Branch-and-Cut algorithm based on a new integer programming formulation. The cuts used are valid inequalities that we could identify to the polytope associated with the model. The Branch-and-Cut system includes separation heuristics for the valid inequalities, specific initial and primal heuristics, branching and pruning rules. We report on computational experience with random instances. © 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
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Tipo de documento: info:ar-repo/semantics/artículo

De Marco, R.J.
J. Exp. Biol. 2006;209(3):421-432

Descripción: Apis mellifera bees perform dances to communicate the presence of desirable nectar sources. The regulation of these dances does not depend exclusively on properties of the nectar sources, but also upon certain stimuli derived from the foraging status of the colony as a whole; i.e. bees exploiting a source of constant profitability are more likely to dance when the colony's nectar intake rate is low. Based on these stimuli, individual bees tune their dances according to their colony's nectar influx without visiting alternative nectar sources. Division of labour, in addition, is a common feature in honeybees. Upon returning to the nest, successful foragers transfer the content of their crops to food-receivers by means of a common behaviour in social insects called trophallaxis, i.e. the transfer of liquid food by mouth. Martin Lindauer stated that a returned forager may sense the foraging status of its colony on the basis of the food transfer process by computing how quickly and eagerly the food-receivers unload its crop. This study focuses on the forager's experience during the food transfer process, its variability based on the colony's nectar influx, and the separate effects that the 'ease' and the 'eagerness' of the food-unloading have on the tuning of recruitment dances. Results indicate that foragers can rapidly sense variations in the colony's nectar influx, even when they experience no variation in the time interval between their return to the hive and the beginning of the food transfer. To accomplish this task they appear to use stimuli derived from the number of food-receivers, which enable them, in turn, to set their dance thresholds in relation to the nectar influx of their colony. The relevance of these findings is discussed in the context of communication and successful foraging.
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Tipo de documento: info:ar-repo/semantics/artículo

Alonso, M. - Stella, C. - Galagovsky, L.
Biochem. Mol. Biol. Educ. 2008;36(1):16-21

Descripción: Enrollments into first-year university biology courses may be very large, and therefore evaluating student learning can represent quite a challenge. In this article, we present our experience in assessing students by means of an assessment instrument called "Understand Before Choosing" (UBC). It has been used for six semesters, and its performance has been compared with two other common means of assessment, the use of multiple-choice questions and the use of open-ended questions. UBC consists of a text (100 lines, nearly 700 words) on the subject being tested, and a set of carefully worded questions that require the selection of one of five crafted options to be answered. To choose the best option, a student needs to understand the concepts embedded in the text. © 2008 by The International Union of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology.
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Tipo de documento: info:ar-repo/semantics/artículo

Arenas, A. - Fernández, V.M. - Farina, W.M.
PLoS ONE 2009;4(12)

Descripción: Background: Cognitive experiences during the early stages of life play an important role in shaping the future behavior in mammals but also in insects, in which precocious learning can directly modify behaviors later in life depending on both the timing and the rearing environment. However, whether olfactory associative learning acquired early in the adult stage of insects affect memorizing of new learning events has not been studied yet. Methodology: Groups of adult honeybee workers that experienced an odor paired with a sucrose solution 5 to 8 days or 9 to 12 days after emergence were previously exposed to (i) a rewarded experience through the offering of scented food, or (ii) a non-rewarded experience with a pure volatile compound in the rearing environment. Principal Findings: Early rewarded experiences (either at 1-4 or 5-8 days of adult age) enhanced retention performance in 9-12-day-conditioned bees when they were tested at 17 days of age. The highest retention levels at this age, which could not be improved with prior rewarded experiences, were found for memories established at 5-8 days of adult age. Associative memories acquired at 9-12 days of age showed a weak effect on retention for some pure pre-exposed volatile compounds; whereas the sole exposure of an odor at any younger age did not promote long-term effects on learning performance. Conclusions: The associative learning events that occurred a few days after adult emergence improved memorizing in middle-aged bees. In addition, both the timing and the nature of early sensory inputs interact to enhance retention of new learning events acquired later in life, an important matter in the social life of honeybees. © 2009 Arenas et al.
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Tipo de documento: info:ar-repo/semantics/artículo

Sztarker, J. - Tomsic, D.
J. Neurosci. 2011;31(22):8175-8180

Descripción: Experiments with insects and crabs have demonstrated their remarkable capacity to learn and memorize complex visual features (Giurfa et al., 2001; Pedreira and Maldonado, 2003; Chittka and Niven, 2009). Such abilities are thought to require modular brain processing similar to that occurring in vertebrates (Menzel and Giurfa, 2001). Yet, physiological evidence for this type of functioning in the small brains of arthropods is still scarce (Liu et al., 1999, 2006; Menzel and Giurfa, 2001). In the crab Chasmagnathus granulatus, the learning rate as well as the long-term memory of a visual stimulus has been found to be reflected in the performance of identified lobula giant neurons (LGs) (Tomsic et al., 2003). The memory can only be evoked in the training context, indicating that animals store two components of the learned experience, one related to the visual stimulus and one related to the visual context (Tomsic et al., 1998; Hermitte et al., 1999). By performing intracellular recordings in the intact animal, we show that the ability of crabs to generalize the learned stimulus into new space positions and to distinguish it from a similar but unlearned stimulus, two of the main attributes of stimulus memory, is reflected by the performance of the LGs. Conversely, we found that LGs do not support the visual context memory component. Our results provide physiological evidence that the memory traces regarding "what" and "where" are stored separately in the arthropod brain. © 2011 the authors.
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Tipo de documento: info:ar-repo/semantics/artículo

Aldana Marcos, H.J. - Ferrari, C.C. - Benitez, I. - Affanni, J.M.
Biocell 1996;20(3):265-272

Descripción: This paper reports the standardization of methods used for processing and embedding various vertebrate brains of different sizes in paraffin. Other technical details developed for avoiding frequent difficulties arising during laboratory routine are also reported. Some modifications of the Nissl and Klüver-Barrera staining methods are proposed. These modifications include: 1) a Nissl stain solution with a rapid and efficient action with easier differentiation; 2) the use of a cheap microwave oven for the Klüver-Barrera stain. These procedures have the advantage of permitting Nissl and Klüver-Barrera staining of nervous tissue in about five and fifteen minutes respectively. The proposed procedures have been tested in brains obtained from fish, amphibians, reptiles and mammals of different body sizes. They are the result of our long experience in preparing slides for comparative studies. Serial sections of excellent quality were regularly obtained in all the specimens studied. These standardized methods, being simple and quick, are recommended for routine use in neurobiological laboratories.
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Tipo de documento: info:ar-repo/semantics/artículo

Lavagnino, N.J. - Anholt, R.R.H. - Fanara, J.J.
J. Evol. Biol. 2008;21(4):988-996

Descripción: Odour-guided behaviour is a quantitative trait determined by many genes that are sensitive to gene-environment interactions. Different natural populations are likely to experience different selection pressures on the genetic underpinnings of chemosensory behaviour. However, few studies have reported comparisons of the quantitative genetic basis of olfactory behaviour in geographically distinct populations. We generated isofemale lines of Drosophila melanogaster from six populations in Argentina and measured larval and adult responses to benzaldehyde. There was significant variation within populations for both larval and adult olfactory behaviour and a significant genotype × sex interaction (GSI) for adult olfactory behaviour. However, there is substantial variation in the contribution of GSI to the total phenotypic variance among populations. Estimates of evolvability are orders of magnitude higher for larvae than for adults. Our results suggest that the potential for evolutionary adaptation to the chemosensory environment is greater at the larval feeding stage than at the adult reproductive stage. © 2008 The Authors.
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Tipo de documento: info:ar-repo/semantics/artículo

González, R. - Costa, A. - Santini, E.S.
Phys. Fluids 2010;22(7):1-7

Descripción: In a previous paper [R. González, L. G. Sarasua, and A. Costa, "Kelvin waves with helical Beltrami flow structure," Phys. Fluids20, 024106 (2008)] we analyzed the formation of Kelvin waves with a Beltrami flow structure in an ideal fluid. Here, taking into account the results of this paper, the topological analogy between the role of the magnetic field in Woltjer's theorem [L. Woltjer, "A theorem on force-free magnetic fields," Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A.44, 489 (1958)] and the role of the vorticity in the equivalent theorem is revisited. Via this analogy we identify the force-free equilibrium of the magnetohydrodynamics with the Beltrami flow equilibrium of the hydrodynamic. The stability of the last one is studied applying Arnold's theorem. We analyze the role of the enstrophy in the determination of the equilibrium and its stability. We show examples where the Beltrami flow equilibrium is stable under perturbations of the Beltrami flow type with the same eigenvalue as the basic flow one. The enstrophy variation results invariant with respect to a uniform rotating and translational frame and the stability is conserved when the flow experiences a transition from a Beltrami axisymmetric flow to a helical one of the same eigenvalue. These results are discussed in comparison with that given by Moffatt in 1986 [H. K. Moffatt, "Magnetostatic equilibria and analogous Euler flows of arbitrarily complex topology. Part 2. Stability considerations," J. Fluid Mech.166, 359 (1986)]. © 2010 American Institute of Physics.
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Tipo de documento: info:ar-repo/semantics/artículo

Ballarini, F. - Moncada, D. - Martinez, M.C. - Alen, N. - Viola, H.
Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A. 2009;106(34):14599-14604

Descripción: In daily life, memories are intertwined events. Little is known about the mechanisms involved in their interactions. Using two hippocampus-dependent (spatial object recognition and contextual fear conditioning) and one hippocampus-independent (conditioned taste aversion) learning tasks, we show that in rats subjected to weak training protocols that induce solely short term memory (STM), long term memory (LTM) is promoted and formed only if training sessions took place in contingence with a novel, but not familiar, experience occurring during a critical time window around training. This process requires newly synthesized proteins induced by novelty and reveals a general mechanism of LTM formation that begins with the setting of a "learning tag" established by a weak training. These findings represent the first comprehensive set of evidences indicating the existence of a behavioral tagging process that in analogy to the synaptic tagging and capture process, need the creation of a transient, protein synthesis-independent, and input specific tag.
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Tipo de documento: info:ar-repo/semantics/artículo

Celej, M.S. - Jares-Erijman, E.A. - Jovin, T.M.
Biophys. J. 2008;94(12):4867-4879

Descripción: The deposition of fibrillar structures (amyloids) is characteristic of pathological conditions including Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases. The detection of protein deposits and the evaluation of their kinetics of aggregation are generally based on fluorescent probes such as thioflavin T and Congo red. In a search for improved fluorescence tools for studying amyloid formation, we explored the ability of N-arylaminonaphthalene sulfonate (NAS) derivatives to act as noncovalent probes of α-synuclein (AS) fibrillation, a process linked to Parkinson's disease and other neurodegenerative disorders. The compounds bound to fibrillar AS with micromolar Kds, and exhibited fluorescence enhancement, hyperchromism, and high anisotropy. We conclude that the probes experience a hydrophobic environment and/or restricted motion in a polar region. Time- and spectrally resolved emission intensity and anisotropy provided further information regarding structural features of the protein and the dynamics of solvent relaxation. The steady-state and time-resolved parameters changed during the course of aggregation. Compared with thioflavin T, NAS derivatives constitute more sensitive and versatile probes for AS aggregation, and in the case of bis-NAS detect oligomeric as well as fibrillar species. They can function in convenient, continuous assays, thereby providing useful tools for studying the mechanisms of amyloid formation and for high-throughput screening of factors inhibiting and/or reversing protein aggregation in neurodegenerative diseases. © 2008 by the Biophysical Society.
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Tipo de documento: info:ar-repo/semantics/artículo

Arenas, A. - Ramírez, G.P. - Balbuena, M.S. - Farina, W.M.
Front. Physiol. 2013;4 AUG

Descripción: Cognitive experiences during the early stages of life play an important role in shaping future behavior. Behavioral and neural long-term changes after early sensory and associative experiences have been recently reported in the honeybee. This invertebrate is an excellent model for assessing the role of precocious experiences on later behavior due to its extraordinarily tuned division of labor based on age polyethism. These studies are mainly focused on the role and importance of experiences occurred during the first days of the adult lifespan, their impact on foraging decisions, and their contribution to coordinate food gathering. Odor-rewarded experiences during the first days of honeybee adulthood alter the responsiveness to sucrose, making young hive bees more sensitive to assess gustatory features about the nectar brought back to the hive and affecting the dynamic of the food transfers and the propagation of food-related information within the colony. Early olfactory experiences lead to stable and long-term associative memories that can be successfully recalled after many days, even at foraging ages. Also they improve memorizing of new associative learning events later in life. The establishment of early memories promotes stable reorganization of the olfactory circuits inducing structural and functional changes in the antennal lobe (AL). Early rewarded experiences have relevant consequences at the social level too, biasing dance and trophallaxis partner choice and affecting recruitment. Here, we revised recent results in bees' physiology, behavior, and sociobiology to depict how the early experiences affect their cognition abilities and neural-related circuits. © 2013 Arenas, Ramírez, Balbuena and Farina.
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Tipo de documento: info:ar-repo/semantics/artículo