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20 documentos corresponden a la consulta.
Palabras contadas: central: 150, america: 211
Cornelius, C. - Cockle, K. - Politi, N. - Berkunsky, I. - Sandoval, L. - Ojeda, V. - Rivera, L. - Hunter Jr., M. - Martin, K.
Ornitol. Neotrop. 2008;19(SUPPL):253-268

Tipo de documento: info:ar-repo/semantics/artículo

Vadell, E.M. - Cavender, J.C.
Mycologia 2007;99(1):112-124

Descripción: Thirteen new species and varieties of dictyostelid cellular slime molds (csm) were isolated from soils of the Atlantic Subtropical Rain Forest at the Iguazu' Falls, Northeastern Misiones Province, Argentina. Seven new species are described herein, one of them is a Polysphondylium, while the rest of the species belong to the genus Dictyostelium. Also, six taxa are new varieties of Dictyostelium and Acytostelium, which will be reported later. Fourteen Northern Hemisphere (Tikal) species have also been isolated from Iguazu' soils, some of them new records for Southern South America. This csm community, when compared with others from forests of the Northern Hemisphere, particularly Tikal, Guatemala, give some insight into a possibly different evolutionary history and/or natural selection in the two areas. © 2007 by The Mycological Society of America.
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Tipo de documento: info:ar-repo/semantics/artículo

Villegas, D.C. - Pereyra, F.X. - Ferrer, J.A.
Rev. Asoc. Geol. Argent. 2007;62(3):366-374

Descripción: The study area is located in central-western Santa Cruz including El Chaltén town between 49°00'and 49°36'S - 73°30'and 72°00'W. Environmental variability, relief, parent material, altitude, climate, vegetation and soils were recognized. According to characteristics of the soils, it is possible to differentiate three sectors: western, central and eastern. Inceptisols, Spodosols and Andisols dominate in the first, meanwhile in Central area the main soils are Molisolls and Entisols. Aridisols and aridic Entisols dominate in the Eastern sector. A west-east variation trend, in relation to soil features could be established: an increase in pH, CEC, exchangeable bases and % of CaCO3. Inversely there is an increase % C, pHNaF (in udic regime soils) and divalent/monovalent cations relationship.
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Tipo de documento: info:ar-repo/semantics/artículo

Mpodozis, C. - Ramos, V.A.
Rev. Asoc. Geol. Argent. 2008;63(4):481-497

Descripción: The Jurassic history of southern South America shows a complex geologic evolution which is the result of different processes that began along the western Gondwana margin during the initial stages of Pangea breakup. Andean subduction along the Pacific continental margin began in the Early Jurassic, after a period of continental-scale extension and rifting, which peaked by the end of the Triassic in central and northern Argentina and Chile. Renewal of subduction was the result of an episode of ocean growth along a series of spreading centers between North and South America when the separation of these continents began as a consequence of the activity of the Central Atlantic Magmatic Province hotspot. Motion along these spreading centers produced a component of oblique, SE-directed subduction along the western margin of South America and the reactivation of inherited orthogonal structural features as the N70°E trending Huincul ridge in the Neuquén Basin that was uplifted during Jurassic times. Subduction along the north-south trending Argentine-Chilean continental margin acelerated during the break-up between West and East Gondwana soon after the opening of the Indian Ocean, linked to the Karoo hot-spot. Subduction took place under extensional conditions probably associated with a negative trench roll-back, leading to the formation of a magmatic arc along the Coast Ranges from southern Peru to central Chile and, to the east, the Arequipa, Tarapacá and Neuquén extensional back-arc basins. In northern Patagonia, early Jurassic arc related magmatism occurred to the east of the present day Andean Cordillera along the short-lived (190-170 Ma) Subcordilleran Batholith and the associated Liassic intra arc basin. Arc magmatism ceased in northern Patagonia at ca 170 Ma to be replaced by huge volumes of Early to Middle Jurassic rhyolites and dacites of the Chon-Aike Large Igneous province produced as a result of crustal melting in an overheated crust during the initial stages of Gondwana breakup. Early rifting during Middle-Late Jurassic times took place in the Cañadón Asfalto Basin and the Late Jurassic Río Guenguel, Río Mayo and Río Senguerr basins, orthogonal to the continental margin as a consequence of the Weddell Sea opening. Acid magmatism was associated with widespread extension and culminated in the opening of the ocean-floored Rocas Verdes Basin. The causes of the cessation of magmatism in the Subcordilleran Batholith, the origin of the Chon Aike LIP and the rotation of the magmatic front towards the Patagonian Batholith around 150 Ma are still not well understood. Hypothesis linking this mutating tectonic scenario to the collision of exotic terranes against the Pacific margin of Patagonia during the early to middle Jurassic should be taken into consideration.
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Tipo de documento: info:ar-repo/semantics/artículo

Blázquez, J. - Nuñez, M.N.
Int. J. Climatol. 2013;33(4):904-919

Descripción: This paper evaluates a present climate simulation over southern South America performed with the Meteorological Research Institute/Japanese Meteorological Agency (MRI/JMA) high resolution global model. Main patterns of low and upper-level atmospheric circulation were analysed in a 25-year simulation as well as climate means, interannual variability, trends and bias of temperature and precipitation. The model is able to reproduce the main atmospheric circulation patterns and mean surface variables, although some deficiencies were found such as an overestimation of temperature over central Argentina in most of seasons, an overestimation of austral winter precipitation over northeastern and central Argentina, an underestimation of precipitation in all the seasons over southeast of Brazil, an underestimation of the amplitude of the annual cycle temperature in some regions and an overestimation of the amplitude of the annual cycle of precipitation over mountainous areas. Model interannual variability was also assessed. In general, temperature variability is overestimated, whereas precipitation is underestimated. The spatial structure of the year-to-year variability of precipitation is correctly simulated by the model, although some patterns were misplaced. Most of regions present a cold seasonal bias reaching values of - 2 °C in some regions. It was found that precipitation biases are between 3 and - 1 mm day-1. In some regions and seasons observed and simulated temperature trends coincide, as in austral summer or spring, where the model and the observations show positive trends in most of regions. However, there is no agreement between observed and simulated precipitation trends in almost all the regions and seasons. © 2012 Royal Meteorological Society.
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Tipo de documento: info:ar-repo/semantics/artículo

Briceño, D. - Eberhard, W. - Vilardi, J. - Cayol, J.-P. - Shelly, T.
Fla. Entomol. 2007;90(1):15-18

Descripción: This study documents differences in the courtship behavior of wild strains of Ceratitis capitata (Wiedemann) from Madeira (Portugal), Hawaii (U.S.A.), Costa Rica, and Patagonia (Argentina). Some traits showed large variations and others substantial overlaps. The angle at which the male faced toward the female at the moment of transition from continuous wing vibration and intermittent buzzing changed very little during the course of courtship in all strains, but males from Madeira tended to face more directly toward the female than other males. Females tended to look more, and more directly, toward the males as courtship progressed in all strains. The distance between male and female tended to decrease as courtship proceeded in all strains, but the distances at which males initiated continuous vibration, intermittent buzzing, and jumped onto the female were relatively less variable between strains, except for the strain from Costa Rica. Flies of Madeira courted for longer and the male moved his head and buzzed his wings longer than the other strains.
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Tipo de documento: info:ar-repo/semantics/artículo

Apesteguía, S. - Gómez, R.O. - Rougier, G.W.
Zool. J. Linn. Soc. 2012;166(2):342-360

Descripción: Herein we describe a new rhynchocephalian taxon from the Middle Jurassic of Patagonia, Argentina, representing the first Jurassic record of the group in South America. The new taxon, consisting of a complete dentary, is ascribed to Sphenodontia based on the presence of a deep and wide Meckelian groove, long posterior process, well-developed coronoid process, and acrodont teeth showing dental regionalization including successional, alternate hatchling, and additional series. This allocation is reinforced by a phylogenetic analysis that places the new taxon in a basal position within a clade of sphenodontians that excludes Diphydontosaurus and Planocephalosaurus. Additionally, the new taxon clusters within a Gondwanan clade with the Indian Godavarisaurus from the Jurassic Kota Formation, sharing the presence of recurved and relatively large posterior successional teeth that are ribbed and bear a peculiar anterolingual groove. This sister-group relationship is intriguing from a palaeobiogeographical viewpoint, as it suggests some degree of endemism during the initial stages of the breakup of Pangaea. We also discuss the ontogenetic stage of the new taxon and provide insights on the evolution of successional dentition in rhynchocephalians. © 2012 The Linnean Society of London.
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Tipo de documento: info:ar-repo/semantics/artículo

Gargiulo, M.F. - Rubinstein, N. - Carpio, F. - Salvarredi, J.
Rev. Asoc. Geol. Argent. 2007;62(3):387-395

Descripción: The goal of this paper is to present the petrographic study from outcrop samples of the Central II alteration zone. This area is located in the San Rafael Massif, province of Mendoza (34°54'56" S; 68°37'02" O) and is related to hypoabyssal rhyolitic bodies that intrude a volcanic-volcaniclastic sequence corresponding to the upper section of Choiyoi Group. The alteration zone is represented by pervasive sericitization overprinted by silicic breccias and veins with WNW trend (Az 290° - 300°) and vertical dip. Hydrothermal veins are mainly composed by quartz with primary growth, recrystalization and replacement textures with minor pyrite, chalcopyrite and scarce arsenopyrite. The combination of crustifiform - colloform silica banding, quartz pseudomorphs of bladed calcite and adularia with different morphologies (sub-rhombic, rhombic and pseudo-acicular) is a clear evidence of a low-sulfidation epithermal system with paleozones of upflow boiling.
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Tipo de documento: info:ar-repo/semantics/artículo

Morabito, E.G. - Folguera, A.
Rev. Asoc. Geol. Argent. 2005;60(4):742-761

Descripción: The Andes located in the central Neuquén (38°-39°S), which belong to the southern Central Andes (35°-39°S), have recorded a similar chronology of uplift than the neighbor northern Patagonian Andes (39°-46°S), Both areas have been formed trough successive phases of contraction in the Late Cretaceous, Middle Eocene and Late Miocene respectively. However, the Neuquén Andes have experienced two discrete phases of orogenic relaxation, during the Late Oligocene and Pliocene-Quaternary, which make then distinctive respect to the area located to the south. Field studies have shown new evidences of an episodic behavior of the fold and thrust belt in Neuquen, corresponding to compressive phases followed by stages of crustal collapse, at least since the Middle Cretaceous. The study of two main morphostructural units in the arc and retroarc area at 37°-39°S, the Alto de Copahue Pino Hachado, and its continuation to the north in the Chilean Andes (Laguna de la Laja), and the Loncopué trough respectively exemplify this particular behavior. A structural and a stratigraphie study in those areas have given a new evolutionary framework for the Neuquén Andes. © 2005 Asociación Geológica Argentina.
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Tipo de documento: info:ar-repo/semantics/artículo

Tedesco, A.M. - Limarino, C.O. - Ciccioli, P.L.
Rev. Asoc. Geol. Argent. 2007;62(3):471-474

Descripción: Ciénaga del Río Huaco Formation was deposited during the Cretaceous in the Precordillera Central (La Rioja and San Juan provinces). The unit forms part of a thick red-bed sequence including rocks of different ages (from Late Paleozoic to Tertiary) and problematic identification. In the La Troya river area, the red bed sequence is composed of the Panacán (Permian), Santo Domingo (Late Triassic- Early Jurassic), Ciénaga del Río Huaco (Cretaceous) and Puesto La Flecha Formations (Oligocene- Early Nfiocene). In the past, all these formations were included in the same stratigrapbic unit and only in recent years the different formations could be separated mainly based on their fossil contain. In the case of Ciénaga del Rio Huaco Formation, the finding of microfossils (palynomorphs and ostracods) allowed to infer a Late Cretaceous age for these rocks. However, a radiometric age of 108,1 ± 4,4 Ma presented in this paper, clearly suggest that the unit was deposited at the end of the Early Cretaceous. This age is the first Cretaceous absolute age in the Precordillera Central and enhances the time constraints of of the Cretaceous Basin.
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Tipo de documento: info:ar-repo/semantics/artículo

Gürtler, R.E. - Kitron, U. - Cecere, M.C. - Segura, E.L. - Cohen, J.E.
Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A. 2007;104(41):16194-16199

Descripción: Chagas disease remains a serious obstacle to health and economic development in Latin America, especially for the rural poor. We report the long-term effects of interventions in rural villages in northern Argentina during 1984-2006. Two community-wide campaigns of residual insecticide spraying immediately and strongly reduced domestic infestation and infection with Trypanosoma cruzi in Triatoma infestans bugs and dogs and more gradually reduced the seroprevalence of children <15 years of age. Because no effective surveillance and control actions followed the first campaign in 1985, transmission resurged in 2-3 years. Renewed interventions in 1992 followed by sustained, supervised, community-based vector control largely suppressed the reestablishment of domestic bug colonies and finally led to the interruption of local human T. cruzi transmission. Human incidence of infection was nearly an order of magnitude higher in peripheral rural areas under pulsed, unsupervised, community-based interventions, where human transmission became apparent in 2000. The sustained, supervised, community-based strategy nearly interrupted domestic transmission to dogs but did not eliminate T. infestans despite the absence of pyrethroid-insecticide resistance. T. infestans persisted in part because of the lack of major changes in housing construction and quality. Sustained community participation grew out of establishing a trusted relationship with the affected communities and the local schools. The process included health promotion and community mobilization, motivation, and supervision in close cooperation with locally nominated leaders. © 2007 by The National Academy of Sciences of the USA.
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Tipo de documento: info:ar-repo/semantics/artículo

Iglesia Llanos, M.P.
Rev. Asoc. Geol. Argent. 2009;65(2):387-399

Descripción: The palaeomagnetic sudy was carried out in five sections cropping out in the Neuquén Basin, which are made up of hundreds metres-thick of ammonite-bearing sedimentary and subordinately, volcanic rocks of Early Jurassic age. These sections are located in the northern part of the basin along the Atuel river (Hettangian to Toarcian), and the central part (Pliensbachian to Toarcian) of the basin. From paleomagnetic and petrographical studies two magnetic components carried by titanomagnetites were recognised, one soft bearing a direction that coincides with the local present-day field, and another harder interpreted as the original jurassic according to the palaeomagnetic field tests. Based on the polarities succession isolated in the five sections, a composite magnetostratigraphic scale was elaborated, which is the first of this age in the Southern Hemisphere. Eleven dominantly reversed (JR1 to JR11) and 12 dominantly normal (JN1 to JN12) polarity zones were identified, in relation with 19 ammonite zones from the Andean Region, which were in turn correlated with the international standard geomagnetic time scale. The good fit between the two scales allowed to date some stratigraphic levels with no diagnotic fossils, such as the Sinemurian-Pliensbachian boundary at Puesto Araya, and the Pliensbachian-Toarcian limit at Rapajalo. On the other hand, two palaeomagnetic poles were calculated, one for the Hettangian-Sinemurian (223°E, 51°S, A95= 6°, N = 25) and another for the Pliensbachian-Toarcian (67°E, 74°S, A95= 5°, N = 52). These poles, combined with others selected from the literature, led to the construction of a new apparent polar wander (APW) path of South America for the Late Triassic-Jurassic time interval, which turned out to be dissimilar from previous curves placing the continent in a stationary latitudinal position during most of the Mesozoic. The resultant APW path suggests that South America would have rotated clockwise while it was moving northward. The same shape and chronology is observed in the jurassic path of Eurasia. The latitudinal shifts derived from the palaeomagnetic data are supported by diverse marine faunas from both the southern and northern hemispheres.
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Tipo de documento: info:ar-repo/semantics/artículo

Soto, I.M. - Hasson, E.R. - Manfrin, M.H.
Biol. J. Linn. Soc. 2008;95(4):655-665

Descripción: A central issue in evolutionary biology is to understand the mechanisms promoting morphological evolution during speciation. In a previous study, we showed that the Neotropical cactophilic sibling species Drosophila gouveai and Drosophila antonietae can be reared in media prepared with their presumptive natural host plants (Pilosocereus machrisis and Cereus hildmaniannus) and that egg to adult viability is not independent of the cactus host. In the present study, we investigate the effects of ecological and genetic factors on interspecific divergence in wing morphology, in relation to the pattern of wing venation and phenotypic plasticity in D. gouveai and D. antonietae, by means of the comparative analysis of isofemale lines reared in the two cactus hosts. The species differed significantly in wing size and shape, although specific differences were mainly localized in a particular portion of the wing. We detected significant variation in form among lines, which was not independent of the breeding cactus, suggesting the presence of genetic variation for phenotypic plasticity and wing shape variation in both species. We discuss the results considering the plausible role of host plant use in the evolutionary history of cactophilic Drosophila inhabiting the arid zones of South America. © 2008 The Linnean Society of London.
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Tipo de documento: info:ar-repo/semantics/artículo

Concheyro, A. - Montenegro, T.
Rev. Asoc. Geol. Argent. 2011;68(3):337-345

Descripción: Guido bonarelli is an important figure in the field of geology in Argentina and he constituted one of the most relevant geologists in the oil exploration in our country. of Italian origin, he was born in Ancona on July 25, 1871 and he died in montereano, January 11, 1951. He excelled in stratigraphy, geological survey, historical geology and paleontology, becoming a specialist in the taxonomy of Jurassic ammonites and the stratigraphy of the Central Apennines. His professional work began in Italy and continued in southeast Asia, south America, bolivia, Chile, Argentina and uruguay. During 1911-1918, he worked in the Dirección General de minas, Geología e Hidrografía of Argentina. He defined the sub-Andean ranges as an orographic complex and he pointed out the locations of oil and natural gas reservoirs. He developed his researches in several Argentinean provinces and in the pacific Chilean coast. During his second period of research in Argentina (1923 -1927), Guido bonarelli organized the Geological Division of YpF, and he intensified the oil exploration in the northwestern of Argentina, as well as in the provinces of mendoza, neuquén and the Comodoro rivadavia region. He developed a professional and academic team that dealt with the geology and the hydrocarbon exploration in the country. bonarelli discovered in 1891 a sedimentary horizon that has great importance and it serves as a baseline to characterize the global anoxic event known to the Cenomanian-turonian transition. this world-famous skyline has been named Livello Bonarelli as a posthumous tribute to his discoverer.
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Tipo de documento: info:ar-repo/semantics/artículo

Japas, M.S. - Cortés, J.M. - Pasini, M.
Rev. Asoc. Geol. Argent. 2008;63(2):213-222

Descripción: Triassic clastic and volcanic rocks from the Precordillera were deposited in the Cuyana rift basin filling half-graben systems. Contractional/transpressional Andean tectonics leads to the almost complete inversion of some portions of the basin which resulted in present-day isolated, structurally controlled outcrops of these Triassic rocks. In the Southern Precordillera both the degree of Neogene tectonic inversion and structural compexities are variable. At the regional scale, these variations in Andean deformation are related to first order anisotropies like the Cuyana basin borders and previous shear zones of Permian age (San Rafael orogenic phase). This paper focuses on the kinematic analysis done in the Cerro Manantial thrust sheet area (Cordón San Bartolo, central sector of the South Precordillera) where tectonic inversion was not that strong and the influence of oblique strain zones is practically null. Four sets of extensional/ transtensional faults were recognized affecting Triassic sedimentary rocks of the El Cielo Formation (Uspallata Group) at the Quebrada El Salto. Fault displacements are of decimetric to metric scale. Mesoscopic kinematic indicators (en-échèlon tensional gashes, Riedel shear fractures, sigmoidal fractures) were measured. Once Andean deformation was restored, a NNE direction for the Triassic extension was determined. Considering a northern branch of the Cuyana basin trending NNW (Az. 150°) and oblique to the direction of extension (Az. 35-40°), a sinistral strike-slip component could be inferred for this portion of the basin.
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Tipo de documento: info:ar-repo/semantics/artículo

Vera, E.A.R. - Folguera, A. - Gímenez, M. - Martínez, P. - Ruiz, F. - Ramos, V.A.
Rev. Asoc. Geol. Argent. 2009;64(2):214-230

Descripción: The Huecú basin is located at the central part of the large Loncopué retroarc trough. Its volcanic, volcaniclastic, lacustrine and fluvial filling is directly related to neotectonic activity in the area. The basaltic eruptions are reflecting different pulses associated with the development of extensional faults and tensional fractures. Geophysical potential methods have identified basement involvement in the extensional deformation that affected the Tertiary sequences of the area during the last 5 Mys. Neotectonic features in Quaternary volcanic sequences suggest the persistence of these subsidence mechanisms in the Huecú depocenter. These faults are directly connected to the basement segmentation identified by gravimetric and mag-netometric studies. The historical floods produced by the Agrio river damming, are related to fisural eruptions and demons-trate the high probability that retroarc volcanic eruptions may occur again. The recognition of flooded areas that are forming the youngest sedimentary levels in the Huecú depocenter shows potential areas of active retroarc spreading in the Neuquén area associated with neotectonic and seismic processes.
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Tipo de documento: info:ar-repo/semantics/artículo

Martínez, S. - Botta, S. - Múlgura, M.E.
Darwiniana 1996;34:1-17

Descripción: This paper deals with the interpretation, description and typological characterization of the inflorescences of the genera belonging to the tribe Verbeneae. These genera are: Glandularia Gmelin, Hierobotana Briquet, Junellia Moldenke, Tamonea Aublet, Verbena Linné and Urbania R. A. Philippi, all of them represented in South America. All the cases belong to the polytelic type of synflorescences. Florescences of almost all genera are dense spikes with decussate bracts. Only Tamonea has loose, spiciform racemes with disperse bracts. Floral prophylls are always absent. The heterothetic pleiobotryum is the most frequent branching form, present in Verbena, Glandularia and Hierobotana. Urbania and Junellia have monobotrya. Homothetic pleiobotrya characterize all species of Tamonea. Heteroblastic development of the branches can be observed in several species of Junellia. In these cases flowering can be restricted to the brachyblasts, a frequent specialization in woody plants. The heterothetic paniculiform pleiobotryum has been mentioned for several families of the Angiospermae as a primitive or central form, from which other forms derived through processes such as condensation, reduction and truncation. In Verbeneae this non specialized "paniculodium" is present in Verbena and Glandularia. Condensation of the florescences, to compose more or less functionally discrete subunits, appears in Verbena ser. Pachystachyae and Glandularia subgen. Paraglandularia. Reduction of the enriching zone occurs in Urbania and most Junellia species. Such reduction and decrease of flower number in the florescences could be related to the xerophyllous nature of these species. Truncation of the main florescence, such as the homogenization and racemization of the distal paracladia, have been produced in Tamonea giving rise to an homothetic pleioraceme. Tamonea shows few affinities with the remaining genera of Verbeneae. It differs from them in several inflorescence characters and gynoecial features previously studied by other authors. Because of all these characters, the place of this genus within the Verbenoideae should be reconsidered.
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Tipo de documento: info:ar-repo/semantics/artículo

Rapalini, A.E. - Bettucci, L.S.
Geophys. J. Int. 2008;174(1):55-74

Descripción: A palaeomagnetic study was performed on three Neoproterozoic sedimentary successions exposed in central and eastern Uruguay in order to better constrain the palaeogeographic evolution of the Río de la Plata craton by the latest Proterozoic. These units comprise the latest Ediacaran to Early Cambrian calcareous Cerro Victoria Fm., exposed in the central Nico Pérez terrane, the late Ediacaran clastic Yerbal Fm. and the calcareous Polanco Fm., exposed in the Dom Feliciano belt, and the Ediacaran clastic Rocha Fm. exposed in the easternmost Punta del Este suspect terrane. The study showed that none of the units carry the original remanence and that they were affected by remagnetizations. The most widespread remagnetization is shown by the Cerro Victoria, Yerbal and Rocha Formations. A dual-polarity post-folding remanence, carried by hematite, was isolated in all these units. Mean directions from them are CV (Cerro Victoria): Dec: 179.1°, Inc: 59.0°, α95: 2.9°, n = 79 samples; Y (Yerbal): Dec: 182.4°, Inc: 61.9°, α 95: 4.5°, n = 38 samples; R (Rocha): Dec: 4.2°, Inc: -64.9°, α 95: 2.7°, n = 42 samples. Their corresponding pole positions are virtually identical (CV: 82.6°S, 309.3°E, A95: 3.9° Y: 77.0°S, 298.4°E, A95: 5.9° R: 76.6°S, 291.0°E, A95: 4.2°) suggesting the same magnetization age and process. Comparison with the South American path suggests the Late Permian-Early Triassic or the latest Cretaceous-Palaeogene as the most likely times for its acquisition. These poles are also identical to the pole of the Late Proterozoic La Tinta Fm., which is interpreted as affected by the same remagnetization, and therefore, invalid for palaeogeographic reconstructions. A different magnetic component, also dual polarity and post-folding, was defined at two sites of the Cerro Victoria Fm. and other two of the Polanco Fm., possibly carried by magnetite. The mean geomagnetic poles from both units (CVc: 4.2°N, 343.2°E, A95: 13.8° and P: 3.2°N, 325.8°E, A95: 15.2°) fall on the Middle Cambrian to Early Ordovician segment of the Gondwana APWP, suggesting that age for the remagnetization. This permits to establish the age of the tectonic event affecting the Neoproterozoic units of the Río de la Plata craton as Early Cambrian (ca. 525 Ma.). The available palaeomagnetic poles for this craton permit to constrain its palaeogeographic evolution only since approximately 600 Ma. © 2008 The Authors Journal compilation © 2008 RAS.
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Tipo de documento: info:ar-repo/semantics/artículo

Solman, S.A. - Nuñez, M.N.
Int. J. Climatol. 1999;19(8):835-861

Descripción: For the purposes of estimating local changes in surface climate at selected stations in the central Argentina region, induced by an enhanced CO2 concentration, projected by general circulation models (GCM), a statistical method to derive local scale monthly mean minimum, maximum and mean temperatures from large-scale atmospheric predictors is presented. Empirical relationships are derived among selected variables from the NCEP re-analyses and local data for summer and winter months, tested against an independent set of observed data and subsequently applied to the HADAM and MPI GCM control runs. Finally, the statistical approach is applied to a climate change experiment performed with the MPI model to construct a local climate change scenario. The comparison between the estimated versus the observed mean temperature ffields shows good agreement and the temporal evolution of the estimated variables is well-captured, though, the estimated temperatures contain less interannual variability than the observations. For the present day climate simulation, the results from the HADAM and MPI GCMs are used. It is shown that the pattern of estimated temperatures obtained using the MPI large-scale predictors matches the observations for summer months, though minimum and mean temperatures are slightly underestimated in the southeast part of the domain. However, the differences are well within the range of the observed variability. The possible anthropogenic climate change at the local scale is assessed by applying the statistical method to the results of the perturbed run conducted with the MPI model. For summer and winter months, the local temperature increase is smaller for minimum temperature than for maximum temperature for almost all the stations, yielding an enhanced temperature amplitude in both seasons. The temperature amplitude (difference between maximum and minimum) for summer months was larger than for winter months. The estimated maximum temperature increase is found to be larger for summer months than for winter months for all the stations, while for the minimum, temperature increases for summer and winter months are similar.
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Tipo de documento: info:ar-repo/semantics/artículo