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Palabras contadas: dissipation: 34, energy: 329
Evans, R.M. - Opher, M. - Oran, R. - Van Der Holst, B. - Sokolov, I.V. - Frazin, R. - Gombosi, T.I. - Vásquez, A.
Astrophys. J. 2012;756(2)

Descripción: The heating and acceleration of the solar wind is an active area of research. Alfvén waves, because of their ability to accelerate and heat the plasma, are a likely candidate in both processes. Many models have explored wave dissipation mechanisms which act either in closed or open magnetic field regions. In this work, we emphasize the boundary between these regions, drawing on observations which indicate unique heating is present there. We utilize a new solar corona component of the Space Weather Modeling Framework, in which Alfvén wave energy transport is self-consistently coupled to the magnetohydrodynamic equations. In this solar wind model, the wave pressure gradient accelerates and wave dissipation heats the plasma. Kolmogorov-like wave dissipation as expressed by Hollweg along open magnetic field lines was presented in van der Holst et al. Here, we introduce an additional dissipation mechanism: surface Alfvén wave (SAW) damping, which occurs in regions with transverse (with respect to the magnetic field) gradients in the local Alfvén speed. For solar minimum conditions, we find that SAW dissipation is weak in the polar regions (where Hollweg dissipation is strong), and strong in subpolar latitudes and the boundaries of open and closed magnetic fields (where Hollweg dissipation is weak). We show that SAW damping reproduces regions of enhanced temperature at the boundaries of open and closed magnetic fields seen in tomographic reconstructions in the low corona. Also, we argue that Ulysses data in the heliosphere show enhanced temperatures at the boundaries of fast and slow solar wind, which is reproduced by SAW dissipation. Therefore, the model's temperature distribution shows best agreement with these observations when both dissipation mechanisms are considered. Lastly, we use observational constraints of shock formation in the low corona to assess the Alfvén speed profile in the model. We find that, compared to a polytropic solar wind model, the wave-driven model with physical dissipation mechanisms presented in this work is more aligned with an empirical Alfvén speed profile. Therefore, a wave-driven model which includes the effects of SAW damping is a better background to simulate coronal-mass-ejection-driven shocks. © 2012. The American Astronomical Society. All rights reserved.
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Tipo de documento: info:ar-repo/semantics/artículo

Gómez, D.O. - Dmitruk, P.
Proc. Int. Astron. Union 2007;3(S247):269-278

Descripción: Magnetohydrodynamic turbulence has been proposed as a mechanism for the heating of coronal active regions, and has therefore been actively investigated in recent years. According to this scenario, a turbulent regime is driven by footpoint motions. The energy being pumped this way into active region loops, is efficiently transferred to small scales due to a direct energy cascade. The ensuing generation of fine scale structures, which is a natural outcome of turbulent regimes, helps to enhance the dissipation of either waves or DC currents. We present an updated overview of recent results on turbulent coronal heating. To illustrate this theoretical scenario, we simulate the internal dynamics of a coronal loop within the reduced MHD approximation. The application of a stationary velocity field at the photospheric boundary leads to a turbulent stationary regime after several photospheric turnover times. This regime is characterized by a broadband power spectrum and energy dissipation rate levels compatible with the heating requirements of active region loops. Also, the energy dissipation rate displays a complex superposition of impulsive events, which we associate to the so-called nanoflares. A statistical analysis yields a power law distribution as a function of their energies, which is consistent with those obtained from observations. We also study the distributions of peak dissipation rate and duration of these events. © 2008 International Astronomical Union.
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Tipo de documento: info:ar-repo/semantics/artículo

Fosco, C.D. - Lombardo, F.C. - Mazzitelli, F.D.
Phys Lett Sect B Nucl Elem Part High-Energy Phys 2008;669(5):371-375

Descripción: We calculate the Casimir energy for scalar and gauge fields in interaction with zero-width mirrors, including quantum effects due to the matter fields inside the mirrors. We consider models where those fields are either scalar or fermionic, obtaining general expressions for the energy as a function of the vacuum field 1PI function. We also study, within the frame of a concrete model, the role of the dissipation induced by those degrees of freedom, showing that, after integration of the matter fields, the effective theory for the electromagnetic field contains modes with complex energies. As for the case of Lifshitz formula, we show that the formal result obtained by neglecting dissipation coincides with the correct result that comes from the quantum fluctuations of both bulk and matter fields. © 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
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Tipo de documento: info:ar-repo/semantics/artículo

Costa, A. - González, R. - Schifino, A.C.S.
Astron. Astrophys. 2004;427(1):353-361

Descripción: Using methods of non-equilibrium thermodynamics that extend and generalize the MHD energy principle of Bernstein et al. (1958, Proc. Roy. Soc. A, 244, 17) we develop a formalism in order to analyze the stability properties of prominence models considered as dissipative states i.e. states far form thermodynamic equilibrium. As an example, the criterion is applied to the Kippenhahn-Schlüter model (hereafter K-S) considering the addition of dissipative terms in the coupled system of equations: the balance of energy equation and the equation of motion. We show from this application, that periods corresponding to typical oscillations of the chromosphere and photosphere (3 and 5 min respectively), that were reported as observations of the prominence structure, can be explained as internal modes of the prominence itself. This is an alternative explanation to the one that supposes that the source of these perturbations are the cold foot chromospheric and photospheric basis.
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Tipo de documento: info:ar-repo/semantics/artículo

Pouquet, A. - Baerenzung, J. - Mininni, P.D. - Rosenberg, D. - Thalabard, S.
J. Phys. Conf. Ser. 2011;318(SECTION 4)

Descripción: We present numerical evidence on how three-dimensionalization is recovered at small scale in rotating turbulence with helical forcing provided by a Beltrami flow. The relevant ranges (large-scale inverse cascade of energy, anisotropic and isotropic direct cascades of energy and helicity, dissipative) are each moderately resolved. These results stem from large direct numerical simulations on grids of either 15363 or 30723 points. In the latter case, the scale at which the inertial wave time and the eddy turn-over time are equal is found to be more than one order of magnitude larger than the dissipation scale. We also examine how the presence of such an intermediate scale could affect truncation due to the use of a helical spectral Large Eddy Simulation procedure which can allow for extending the analysis to a wider range of parameters. Finally, the self-similarity of the direct cascade of energy to small scales for rotating flows, observed recently in numerical simulations as well as in several laboratory experiments, will be discussed briefly for its scaling properties and its conformal invariance.
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Tipo de documento: info:ar-repo/semantics/documento de conferencia

Pollock, F.A. - McCutcheon, D.P.S. - Lovett, B.W. - Gauger, E.M. - Nazir, A.
New J. Phys. 2013;15

Descripción: Unitary transformations can allow one to study open quantum systems in situations for which standard, weak-coupling type approximations are not valid. We develop here an extension of the variational (polaron) transformation approach to open system dynamics, which applies to arbitrarily large exciton transport networks with local environments. After deriving a time-local master equation in the transformed frame, we go on to compare the population dynamics predicted using our technique with other established master equations. The variational frame dynamics are found to agree with both weak coupling and full polaron master equations in their respective regions of validity. In parameter regimes considered difficult for these methods, the dynamics predicted by our technique are found to interpolate between the two. The variational method thus gives insight, across a broad range of parameters, into the competition between coherent and incoherent processes in determining the dynamical behaviour of energy transfer networks. © IOP Publishing and Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft.
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Tipo de documento: info:ar-repo/semantics/artículo

Graham, J.P. - Holm, D.D. - Mininni, P.D. - Pouquet, A.
Phys. Fluids 2008;20(3)

Descripción: We determine how the differences in the treatment of the subfilter-scale physics affect the properties of the flow for three closely related regularizations of Navier-Stokes. The consequences on the applicability of the regularizations as subgrid-scale (SGS) models are also shown by examining their effects on superfilter-scale properties. Numerical solutions of the Clark-α model are compared to two previously employed regularizations, the Lagrangian-averaged Navier-Stokes α-model (LANS-α) and Leray-α, albeit at significantly higher Reynolds number than previous studies, namely, Re≈3300, Taylor Reynolds number of Re≈790, and to a direct numerical simulation (DNS) of the Navier-Stokes equations. We derive the de Kármán-Howarth equation for both the Clark-α and Leray-α models. We confirm one of two possible scalings resulting from this equation for Clark-α as well as its associated k-1 energy spectrum. At subfilter scales, Clark-α possesses similar total dissipation and characteristic time to reach a statistical turbulent steady state as Navier-Stokes, but exhibits greater intermittency. As a SGS model, Clark-α reproduces the large-scale energy spectrum and intermittency properties of the DNS. For the Leray-α model, increasing the filter width α decreases the nonlinearity and, hence, the effective Reynolds number is substantially decreased. Therefore, even for the smallest value of α studied Leray-α was inadequate as a SGS model. The LANS-α energy spectrum ∼k1, consistent with its so-called "rigid bodies," precludes a reproduction of the large-scale energy spectrum of the DNS at high Re while achieving a large reduction in numerical resolution. We find, however, that this same feature reduces its intermittency compared to Clark-α (which shares a similar de Kármán-Howarth equation). Clark-α is found to be the best approximation for reproducing the total dissipation rate and the energy spectrum at scales larger than α, whereas high-order intermittency properties for larger values of α are best reproduced by LANS-α. © 2008 American Institute of Physics.
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Tipo de documento: info:ar-repo/semantics/artículo