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Palabras contadas: population: 136, analysis: 738
Lobayan, R.M. - Bochicchio, R.C. - Lain, L. - Torre, A.
J Chem Phys 2005;123(14)

Descripción: This work studies the partitioning of the electron density into two contributions which are interpreted as the paired and the effectively unpaired electron densities. The topological features of each density field as well as of the total density are described localizing the corresponding critical points in simple selected molecules (local formalism). The results show that unpaired electron-density concentrations occur out of the topological bonding regions whereas the paired electron densities present accumulations inside those regions. A comparison of these results with those arising from population analysis techniques (nonlocal or integrated formalisms) is reported. © 2005 American Institute of Physics.
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Tipo de documento: info:ar-repo/semantics/artículo

Fernández Iriarte, P.J. - Levy, E. - Devincenzi, D. - Rodríguez, C. - Fanara, J.J. - Hasson, E.
Hereditas 1999;131(2):93-99

Descripción: The inversion polymorphism of the cactophilic fly Drosophila buzzatii was studied in two natural populations. We assessed the temporal changes and microspatial population structure. We observed a significant increase in the frequency of arrangement 2J at the expense of 2ST in both populations. These gene arrangements appear to affect the life-history of flies differently. Environmental heterogeneity explains the karyotype coexistence in nature. The analysis of population structure showed that differentiation of inversion frequencies among individual breeding sites, the rotting clacodes of Opuntia vulgaris, was highly significant. The karyotypic frequencies did not depart significantly from Hardy-Weinberg expectations, neither in individual rots nor in the total population. These results suggest that the observed population structure can be easily accounted by random genetic drift.
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Tipo de documento: info:ar-repo/semantics/artículo

Busch, M. - Cavia, R. - Carbajo, A.E. - Bellomo, C. - Gonzalez Capria, S. - Padula, P.
Trop. Med. Int. Health 2004;9(4):508-519

Descripción: We studied the spatial and temporal distribution of Hantavirus Pulmonary Syndrome (HPS) cases from 1998 to 2001 in the Buenos Aires Province, Argentina. HPS is a severe viral disease whose natural reservoir are rodents of the subfamily Sigmodontinae (Muridae) and which occurs in many countries of South and North America. We considered two spatial arrangements: cells of 18.5 x 18.5 km2; and departments, the political subdivisions of the province, as spatial units. We tested the departure from a Poisson distribution of the number of cases per cell and per month with the Variance/Mean index, while the interaction between spatial and temporal clustering was tested by means of the Knox and Mantel tests. We constructed probability maps in which the HPS rates per department were considered Poisson variates according to population, area and the product of population and area. We analysed the relation between rodent distribution, environmental and demographic variables and HPS cases conducting preliminary univariate analysis from which we selected variables to enter in general linearized models. We found that both the spatial and temporal distribution of cases is strongly aggregated. The spatiotemporal interaction appears to be related to a strong seasonality and the existence of particular ecological conditions rather than epidemic transmission of the disease. The main explanatory variables for the distribution of HPS cases among the departments of the Buenos Aires Province were human population, the distribution of the rodent Oxymycterus rufus and evapotranspiration. The last two variables are probably indicators of favourable ecological conditions for the reservoirs, which encompass other variables not taken into account in this study.
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Tipo de documento: info:ar-repo/semantics/artículo

Calabrese, G.C. - Wainstok, R.
Biocell 2004;28(3):251-258

Descripción: Endothelial cells, at the cell-cell borders, express PECAM-1, and have been implicated in vascular functions. The monoclonal antibody MEC 13.3 recognizes PECAM-1 molecule from mouse vessels and allows to analyze the ontogeny of mouse endothelium. At the present, little is known about the molecular basis of differentiation pathways of endothelial cells, that enables its morphological heterogeneity. The purpose of this study was to analyze the pattern of PECAM-1 expression, employing monoclonal antibody MEC 13.3, in cellular suspensions obtained from different mouse organs at pre and postnatal stages. Fluorescence activated cell sorter analysis showed a different profile of the glycoprotein expression in a cell population with size and granularity selected by 1G11 endothelial cell line. The expression differs from prenatal to postnatal developmental stages in a given organ, and among the organs studied. Another cell population, with a size and granularity higher than 1G11 endothelial cell line, coexists in cellular suspensions obtained from liver, gut and brain. These cells could be related to those detected by means of immunoenzyme methods which showed a non-differentiated morphology. The different PECAM-1 pattern expression could reflect potential organ-specific differentiation pathways during development and according to organs environment. The existence of another cell population with a size and granularity higher than 1G11 endothelial cell line required a phenotypic characterization.
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Tipo de documento: info:ar-repo/semantics/artículo

Zorzenon dos Santos, R.M. - Amador, A. - de Souza, W.V. - de Albuquerque, M.F.P.M. - Ponce Dawson, S. - Ruffino-Netto, A. - Zárate-Bladés, C.R. - Silva, C.L.
PLoS ONE 2010;5(11)

Descripción: Background: Detailed analysis of the dynamic interactions among biological, environmental, social, and economic factors that favour the spread of certain diseases is extremely useful for designing effective control strategies. Diseases like tuberculosis that kills somebody every 15 seconds in the world, require methods that take into account the disease dynamics to design truly efficient control and surveillance strategies. The usual and well established statistical approaches provide insights into the cause-effect relationships that favour disease transmission but they only estimate risk areas, spatial or temporal trends. Here we introduce a novel approach that allows figuring out the dynamical behaviour of the disease spreading. This information can subsequently be used to validate mathematical models of the dissemination process from which the underlying mechanisms that are responsible for this spreading could be inferred. Methodology/Principal Findings: The method presented here is based on the analysis of the spread of tuberculosis in a Brazilian endemic city during five consecutive years. The detailed analysis of the spatio-temporal correlation of the yearly geo-referenced data, using different characteristic times of the disease evolution, allowed us to trace the temporal path of the aetiological agent, to locate the sources of infection, and to characterize the dynamics of disease spreading. Consequently, the method also allowed for the identification of socio-economic factors that influence the process. Conclusions/Significance: The information obtained can contribute to more effective budget allocation, drug distribution and recruitment of human skilled resources, as well as guiding the design of vaccination programs. We propose that this novel strategy can also be applied to the evaluation of other diseases as well as other social processes. © 2010 Zorzenon dos Santos et al.
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Tipo de documento: info:ar-repo/semantics/artículo

Castañeda, M.E. - Claus, F.
Int. J. Climatol. 2013;33(10):2352-2361

Descripción: This study analyses heating degree-days (HDDs) in Argentina during the period 1900-2008. Gridded temperature data provided by the University of Delaware were analysed to calculate monthly and annual cumulative HDDs. Mean, maximum and minimum values as well as the average duration of the heating season are used to characterize the mean features of the region. Spatial variations are driven by latitude and altitude. The analysis of the temporal distribution of HDDs reveals that the centre of the mean heating season varies from mid-June to mid-July. The length of the cold season grows with increasing latitude and westward with increasing altitude. In the high Andes, the heating season extends all year round. S-mode principal component analysis is used to identify sub-groups of grid points with similar temporal variability. Negative trends in annual cumulative HDDs are detected in most of the country. Linear and nonlinear trends as well as temporal statistics are examined for inter- and intra-annual variability of HDDs to discuss its potential incidence on residential use of natural gas. Seasonal increases in natural gas consumption in the country, including the effect of regional price benefits, could be now better explained not only by population growth but also by the spatial and temporal characterization of the HDD season. © 2012 Royal Meteorological Society.
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Tipo de documento: info:ar-repo/semantics/artículo

Colombo, P.C.
Hereditas 2003;139(1):68-74

Descripción: Grasshoppers have been much less studied than Drosophila when it comes to inversion polymorphisms, despite the occurrence of this rearrangement in several species of grasshoppers. In the present study, 354 males from a natural population of the New World species Trimerotropis pallidipennis, polymorphic for 6 pericentric inversions in 4 chromosome pairs, were sampled at the beginning and at the end of the adult life span. This sampling, along with the fact that generations in this grasshopper are annual and discrete, was done to detect differential adult male longevity among karyotypes and departures from formal null models, such as gametic phase equilibrium. These methods allow the detection of natural selection taking place in the wild. The comparison between age classes showed that some inversions were significantly more frequent in one sample, thus revealing the operation of natural selection. Gametic phase disequilibrium was detected in the sample of aged males but not in the sample of young ones. Furthermore, here we aim to detect the phenotypic targets of longevity selection by examining morphometric characters, in order to have a clearer idea of the relation between inversions and natural selection in this species. These results corroborate previous studies that suggested that the inversions are involved in natural selection, and an adaptive model has been proposed for the pattern of inversion frequencies throughout several populations at different altitudes and latitudes.
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Tipo de documento: info:ar-repo/semantics/artículo

Rosetti, N. - Remis, M.I.
PLoS ONE 2012;7(7)

Descripción: Many grasshopper species are considered of agronomical importance because they cause damage to pastures and crops. Comprehension of pest population dynamics requires a clear understanding of the genetic diversity and spatial structure of populations. In this study we report on patterns of genetic variation in the South American grasshopper Dichroplus elongatus which is an agricultural pest of crops and forage grasses of great economic significance in Argentina. We use Direct Amplification of Minisatellite Regions (DAMD) and partial sequences of the cytochrome oxydase 1 (COI) mitochondrial gene to investigate intraspecific structure, demographic history and gene flow patterns in twenty Argentinean populations of this species belonging to different geographic and biogeographic regions. DAMD data suggest that, although genetic drift and migration occur within and between populations, measurable relatedness among neighbouring populations declines with distance and dispersal over distances greater than 200 km is not typical, whereas effective gene flow may occur for populations separated by less than 100 km. Landscape analysis was useful to detect genetic discontinuities associated with environmental heterogeneity reflecting the changing agroecosystem. The COI results indicate the existence of strong genetic differentiation between two groups of populations located at both margins of the Paraná River which became separated during climate oscillations of the Middle Pleistocene, suggesting a significant restriction in effective dispersion mediated by females and large scale geographic differentiation. The number of migrants between populations estimated through mitochondrial and DAMD markers suggest that gene flow is low prompting a non-homogeneous spatial structure and justifying the variation through space. Moreover, the genetic analysis of both markers allows us to conclude that males appear to disperse more than females, reducing the chance of the genetic loss associated with recent anthropogenic fragmentation of the D. elongatus studied range. © 2012 Rosetti, Remis.
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Tipo de documento: info:ar-repo/semantics/artículo

Lanzavecchia, S. - Remis, M. - Cladera, J. - Zandomeni, R.
Entomol. Exp. Appl. 2010;136(1):53-65

Descripción: DNA size polymorphisms were utilized in a study of 24 natural populations of Ceratitis capitata Wiedemann (Diptera: Tephritidae) from Argentina. The first intron of alcohol dehydrogenase 1 gene (Adh1) was amplified using exon priming intron crossing-polymerase chain reaction. Three size variants were detected among the 307 samples analyzed. To better differentiate the size variants, further digestion of PCR products with the EcoRI restriction enzyme was carried out. Complete nucleotide sequences of the three-allele variants were obtained and single changes, insertions, deletions, and EcoRI recognition sites were located. Population allele frequencies were analyzed and a global mean heterozygosity (He) of 0.33 was obtained. In most populations, observed allelic frequencies conformed to Hardy-Weinberg expectations. Significant differences between provinces and sampling sites within these provinces, and among some populations were found. The average number of insects exchanged among populations (Nm) was estimated and high values were observed between Argentina and populations from two African countries (Morocco and Kenya), Australia, and Hawaii (Kauai). Pest introduction sources and dispersion patterns in Argentina are discussed based on these results as well as on available bibliographical data. © 2010 The Authors. Journal compilation © 2010 The Netherlands Entomological Society.
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Tipo de documento: info:ar-repo/semantics/artículo

Sambucetti, P. - Loeschcke, V. - Norry, F.M.
Hereditas 2006;143(2006):77-83

Descripción: Clinal analysis for fitness-related traits provides a well-known approach to investigate adaptive evolution. Several fitness-related traits (developmental time, thorax length, wing length and wing loading) were measured at two laboratory generations (G7 and G33) of D. buzzatii from an altitudinal gradient from northwestern Argentina, where significant thermal differences persist. Developmental time (DT) was positively correlated with altitude of origin of population. Further, DT was negatively correlated with maximal mean temperature at the site of origin of population, and this thermal variable decreases with altitude. Wing loading tended to be larger in highland than in lowland populations, suggesting that flight performance is subject to stronger selection pressure in highland populations. Developmental time showed a significant increase with laboratory generation number. There was no significant correlation between developmental time and body size across populations along the altitudinal cline of DT. This result illustrates that developmental time and body size do not always evolve in the same direction, even though both traits are often positively and genetically correlated in a well-known tradeoff in Drosophila.
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Soto, I.M. - Soto, E.M. - Carreira, V.P. - Hurtado, J. - Fanara, J.J. - Hasson, E.
J. Insect Sci. 2010;10

Descripción: The inversion polymorphisms of the cactophilic Drosophila buzzatti Patterson and Wheeler (Diptera: Drosophilidae) were studied in new areas of its distribution in Argentina. A total of thirty-eight natural populations, including 29 from previous studies, were analyzed using multiple regression analyses. The results showed that about 23% of total variation was accounted for by a multiple regression model in which only altitude contributed significantly to population variation, despite the fact that latitude and longitude were also included in the model. Also, inversion frequencies exhibited significant associations with mean annual temperature, precipitation, and atmospheric pressure. In addition, expected heterozygosity exhibited a negative association with temperature and precipitation and a positive association with atmospheric pressure. The close similarity of the patterns detected in this larger dataset to previous reports is an indication of the stability of the clines. Also, the concurrence of the clines detected in Argentina with those reported for colonizing populations of Australia suggests the involvement of natural selection as the main mechanism shaping inversion frequencies in D. buzzatii.
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Tipo de documento: info:ar-repo/semantics/artículo

Pollock, F.A. - McCutcheon, D.P.S. - Lovett, B.W. - Gauger, E.M. - Nazir, A.
New J. Phys. 2013;15

Descripción: Unitary transformations can allow one to study open quantum systems in situations for which standard, weak-coupling type approximations are not valid. We develop here an extension of the variational (polaron) transformation approach to open system dynamics, which applies to arbitrarily large exciton transport networks with local environments. After deriving a time-local master equation in the transformed frame, we go on to compare the population dynamics predicted using our technique with other established master equations. The variational frame dynamics are found to agree with both weak coupling and full polaron master equations in their respective regions of validity. In parameter regimes considered difficult for these methods, the dynamics predicted by our technique are found to interpolate between the two. The variational method thus gives insight, across a broad range of parameters, into the competition between coherent and incoherent processes in determining the dynamical behaviour of energy transfer networks. © IOP Publishing and Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft.
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Tipo de documento: info:ar-repo/semantics/artículo

Fusari, C.M. - Lia, V.V. - Hopp, H.E. - Heinz, R.A. - Paniego, N.B.
BMC Plant Biol. 2008;8

Descripción: Background. Association analysis is a powerful tool to identify gene loci that may contribute to phenotypic variation. This includes the estimation of nucleotide diversity, the assessment of linkage disequilibrium structure (LD) and the evaluation of selection processes. Trait mapping by allele association requires a high-density map, which could be obtained by the addition of Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms (SNPs) and short insertion and/or deletions (indels) to SSR and AFLP genetic maps. Nucleotide diversity analysis of randomly selected candidate regions is a promising approach for the success of association analysis and fine mapping in the sunflower genome. Moreover, knowledge of the distance over which LD persists, in agronomically meaningful sunflower accessions, is important to establish the density of markers and the experimental design for association analysis. Results. A set of 28 candidate genes related to biotic and abiotic stresses were studied in 19 sunflower inbred lines. A total of 14,348 bp of sequence alignment was analyzed per individual. In average, 1 SNP was found per 69 nucleotides and 38 indels were identified in the complete data set. The mean nucleotide polymorphism was moderate ( = 0.0056), as expected for inbred materials. The number of haplotypes per region ranged from 1 to 9 (mean = 3.54 1.88). Model-based population structure analysis allowed detection of admixed individuals within the set of accessions examined. Two putative gene pools were identified (G1 and G2), with a large proportion of the inbred lines being assigned to one of them (G1). Consistent with the absence of population sub-structuring, LD for G1 decayed more rapidly (r 2= 0.48 at 643 bp; trend line, pooled data) than the LD trend line for the entire set of 19 individuals (r2= 0.64 for the same distance). Conclusion. Knowledge about the patterns of diversity and the genetic relationships between breeding materials could be an invaluable aid in crop improvement strategies. The relatively high frequency of SNPs within the elite inbred lines studied here, along with the predicted extent of LD over distances of 100 kbp (r2∼0.1) suggest that high resolution association mapping in sunflower could be achieved with marker densities lower than those usually reported in the literature.
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Tipo de documento: info:ar-repo/semantics/artículo

Penas-Steinhardt, A. - Barcos, L.S. - Belforte, F.S. - de Sereday, M. - Vilariño, J. - Gonzalez, C.D. - Martínez-Larrad, M.T. - Tellechea, M.L. - Serrano-Ríos, M. - Poskus, E. - Frechtel, G.D. - Leskow, F.C.
PLoS ONE 2012;7(12)

Descripción: Subclinical low-grade systemic inflammation has been associated with obesity, insulin resistance and metabolic syndrome (MS). Recent studies have highlighted the role of gut microbiota in these disorders. The toll-like receptor 4 (TLR4) plays a key role in the innate immune response activation. We studied two polymorphisms (+3725G/C and 11350G/C) in the 3′ untranslated region (3′UTR) of the TLR4 gene that may alter its expression and their association with metabolic disorders related to systemic inflammation. We cloned the 3′UTR into a luciferase reporter system and compared wild-type 3′UTR (WT) and +3725C variant (MUT) constructs luciferase activities. MUT construct reduced the reporter gene activity by 30% compared to WT (P = 0.0001). To evaluate the association between these polymorphisms with biochemical and clinical overweight related variables, we conducted a population cross-sectional study in 966 men of Argentine general population. Considering smoking as a confounding variable that causes systemic inflammation, we studied these possible effects in both, smokers and nonsmokers. The 11350G/C polymorphism was not detected in our sample whereas the CC genotype of +3725 polymorphism was associated with lean subjects (p = 0.011) and higher Adiponectin levels (p = 0.021). Subjects without any NCEP/ATP III MS component were associated with this genotype as well (p = 0.001). These results were strengthened in nonsmokers, in which CC genotype was associated with lean subjects (p = 0.003) and compared with G carriers showed significantly lower BMI (25.53 vs. 28.60 kg/m2; p = 0.023) and waist circumference (89.27 vs. 97.51 cm; p = 0.025). None of these associations were found in smokers. These results showed that +3725C variant has a functional effect down-regulating gene expression and it could be considered as a predictive factor against overweight, particularly in nonsmokers. Considering the role of TLR4 in inflammation, these findings would suggest that the presence of +3725C variant could predict a lower prevalence of chronic metabolic disorders. © 2012 Penas-Steinhardt et al.
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Tipo de documento: info:ar-repo/semantics/artículo

Gürtler, R.E. - Garelli, F.M. - Espinosa, M.O. - Weinberg, D. - Coto, H.D. - Gaspe, M.S.
J. Med. Entomol. 2009;46(5):1176-1186

Descripción: A citywide control program of Aedes aegypti (L.) (Diptera: Culicidae) mainly based on the use of larvicides reduced infestations but failed to achieve the desired target levels in Clorinda, northeastern Argentina, over 5 yr of interventions. To understand the underlying causes of persistent infestations and to develop new control tactics adapted to the local context, we conducted two pupal surveys in a large neighborhood with ≈2,500 houses and recorded several variables for every container inspected in fall and spring 2007. In total, 4,076 lots and 4,267 containers were inspected over both surveys, and 8,391 Ae. aegypti pupae were collected. Large tanks used for potable water storage were the most abundant and the most productive type of container, accounting for 6584% of all the pupae collected. Therefore, large tanks were key containers and candidates for improved targeted interventions. Multivariate analysis showed that containers located in the yard, at low sun exposure, unlidded, filled with rain water, and holding polluted water were all more likely to be infested by larvae or pupae. When only infested containers were considered, productivity of pupae was most closely associated with large tanks and rain water. A stochastic simulation model was developed to calculate the expected correlations between pupal and Stegomyia indices according to the characteristics of the distribution of larvae and pupae per container and the spatial scale at which the indices were computed. The correlation between pupal and Stegomyia indices is expected to increase as infestation levels decline. © 2009 Entomological Society of America.
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Tipo de documento: info:ar-repo/semantics/artículo

Sciurano, R. - Segura, D. - Rodriguero, M. - Cendra, P.G. - Allinghi, A. - Cladera, J.L. - Vilardi, J.
Fla. Entomol. 2007;90(1):163-170

Descripción: Despite the interest in applying environmentally friendly control methods such as sterile insect technique (SIT) against Anastrepha fraterculus (Wiedemann) (Diptera: Tephritidae), information about its biology, taxonomy, and behavior is still insufficient. To increase this information, the present study aims to evaluate the performance of wild flies under field cage conditions through the study of sexual competitiveness among males (sexual selection). A wild population from Horco Molle, Tucumán, Argentina was sampled. Mature virgin males and females were released into outdoor field cages to compete for mating. Morphometric analyses were applied to determine the relationship between the multivariate phenotype and copulatory success. Successful and unsuccessful males were measured for 8 traits: head width (HW), face width (FW), eye length (EL), thorax length (THL), wing length (WL), wing width (WW), femur length (FL), and tibia length (TIL). Combinations of different multivariate statistical methods and graphical analyses were used to evaluate sexual selection on male phenotype. The results indicated that wing width and thorax length would be the most probable targets of sexual selection. They describe a nonlinear association between expected fitness and each of these 2 traits. This nonlinear relation suggests that observed selection could maintain the diversity related to body size.
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Tipo de documento: info:ar-repo/semantics/artículo

Standley, C.J. - Prepelitchi, L. - Pietrokovsky, S.M. - Issia, L. - Stothard, J.R. - Wisnivesky-Colli, C.
Parasites Vectors 2013;6(1)

Descripción: Background: Freshwater lymnaeid snails can act as the intermediate hosts for trematode parasites such as the liver fluke Fasciola hepatica, that cause significant economic and biomedical burden worldwide, particularly through bovine fascioliasis. Transmission potential is tightly coupled to local compatibility with snail hosts, so accurate identification of lymnaeid species is crucial for understanding disease risk, especially when invasive species are encountered. Mendoza Province, in Argentina, is a center of livestock production and also an area of endemic fascioliasis transmission. However, the distribution of lymnaeid species in the region is not well known. Methods. This study examined lymnaeid snails from seven localities in the Department of Malarguë, Mendoza Province, using morphological and molecular analyses and also describing ecological variables associated with snail presence. Results: While morphological characters identified two species of lymnaeid, Galba truncatula and G. viatrix, molecular data revealed a third, cryptic species, G. neotropica, which was sympatric with G. viatrix. G. truncatula was exclusively found in high altitude (>1900 meters above sea level [masl]) sites, whereas mixed G. neotropica/G. viatrix localities were at middle elevations (1300-1900 masl), and G. viatrix was found alone at the lowest altitude sites (<1300 masl). Phylogenetic analysis using two mitochondrial markers revealed G. neotropica and G. viatrix to be closely related, and given their morphological similarities, their validities as separate taxonomic entities should be questioned. Conclusions: This study highlights the need of a robust taxonomic framework for the identification of lymnaeid snails, incorporating molecular, morphological and ecological variables while avoiding nomenclature redundancy. As the three species observed here, including one alien invasive species, are considered hosts of varying susceptibility to Fasciola parasites, and given the economic importance of fascioliasis for livestock production, this research has critical importance for the ultimate aim of controlling disease transmission. © 2013 Standley et al.; licensee BioMed Central Ltd.
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Tipo de documento: info:ar-repo/semantics/artículo

Torales, S.L. - Rivarola, M. - Pomponio, M.F. - Gonzalez, S. - Acuña, C.V. - Fernández, P. - Lauenstein, D.L. - Verga, A.R. - Hopp, H.E. - Paniego, N.B. - Poltri, S.N.M.
BMC Genomics 2013;14(1)

Descripción: Background: Prosopis alba (Fabaceae) is an important native tree adapted to arid and semiarid regions of north-western Argentina which is of great value as multipurpose species. Despite its importance, the genomic resources currently available for the entire Prosopis genus are still limited. Here we describe the development of a leaf transcriptome and the identification of new molecular markers that could support functional genetic studies in natural and domesticated populations of this genus.Results: Next generation DNA pyrosequencing technology applied to P. alba transcripts produced a total of 1,103,231 raw reads with an average length of 421 bp. De novo assembling generated a set of 15,814 isotigs and 71,101 non-assembled sequences (singletons) with an average of 991 bp and 288 bp respectively. A total of 39,000 unique singletons were identified after clustering natural and artificial duplicates from pyrosequencing reads.Regarding the non-redundant sequences or unigenes, 22,095 out of 54,814 were successfully annotated with Gene Ontology terms. Moreover, simple sequence repeats (SSRs) and single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) were searched, resulting in 5,992 and 6,236 markers, respectively, throughout the genome. For the validation of the the predicted SSR markers, a subset of 87 SSRs selected through functional annotation evidence was successfully amplified from six DNA samples of seedlings. From this analysis, 11 of these 87 SSRs were identified as polymorphic. Additionally, another set of 123 nuclear polymorphic SSRs were determined in silico, of which 50% have the probability of being effectively polymorphic.Conclusions: This study generated a successful global analysis of the P. alba leaf transcriptome after bioinformatic and wet laboratory validations of RNA-Seq data.The limited set of molecular markers currently available will be significantly increased with the thousands of new markers that were identified in this study. This information will strongly contribute to genomics resources for P. alba functional analysis and genetics. Finally, it will also potentially contribute to the development of population-based genome studies in the genera. © 2013 Torales et al.; licensee BioMed Central Ltd.
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Tipo de documento: info:ar-repo/semantics/artículo

Manchester IV, W.B. - Nuevo, F.A. - Huang, Z. - Frazin, R. - Jin, M. - Vásquez, A.M.
Astrophys. J. 2013;773(1)

Descripción: The combination of differential emission measure tomography with extrapolation of the photospheric magnetic field allows determination of the electron density and electron temperature along individual magnetic field lines. This is especially useful in quiet-Sun (QS) plasmas where individual loops cannot otherwise be identified. In Paper I, this approach was applied to study QS plasmas during Carrington rotation (CR) 2077 at the minimum between solar cycles (SCs) 23 and 24. In that work, two types of QS coronal loops were identified: "up" loops in which the temperature increases with height, and "down" loops in which the temperature decreases with height. While the first ones were expected, the latter ones were a surprise and, furthermore, were found to be ubiquitous in the low-latitude corona. In the present work, we extend the analysis to 11 CRs around the last solar minimum. We found that the "down" population, always located at low latitudes, was maximum at the time when the sunspot number was minimum, and the number of down loops systematically increased during the declining phase of SC-23 and diminished during the rising phase of SC-24. "Down" loops are found to have systematically larger values of β than do "up" loops. These discoveries are interpreted in terms of excitation of Alfvén waves in the photosphere, and mode conversion and damping in the low corona. © 2013. The American Astronomical Society. All rights reserved..
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