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Palabras contadas: hamiltonian: 21, molecular: 579
Aucar, I.A. - Gómez, S.S. - De Azúa, M.C.R. - Giribet, C.G.
J Chem Phys 2012;136(20)

Descripción: A theoretical study of the relation between the relativistic formulation of the nuclear magnetic shielding and spin-rotation tensors is presented. To this end a theoretical expression of the relativistic spin-rotation tensor is formulated, considering a molecular Hamiltonian of relativistic electrons and non-relativistic nuclei. Molecular rotation effects are introduced considering the terms of the Born-Oppenheimer decomposition, which couple the electrons and nuclei dynamics. The loss of the simple relation linking both spectral parameters in the non-relativistic formulation is further analyzed carrying out a perturbative expansion of relativistic effects by means of the linear response within the elimination of the small component approach. It is concluded that relativistic effects on the spin-rotation tensor are less important than those of the nuclear magnetic shielding tensor. © 2012 American Institute of Physics.
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Tipo de documento: info:ar-repo/semantics/artículo

Borondo, F. - Vergini, E. - Wisniacki, D.A. - Zembekov, A.A. - Benito, R.M.
J Chem Phys 2005;122(11)

Descripción: Recent experimental and theoretical methods allowed the efficient investigation of highly excited rovibrational states of molecular systems. At these levels of excitation the correspondence principle holds, and then classical mechanics can provide intuitive views of the involved processes. In this respect, we have recently shown that for completely hyperbolic systems, homoclinic motions, which are known to organize the classical chaotic region in Hamiltonian systems, imprint a clear signature in the corresponding highly excited quantum spectra. In this Communication we show that this result also holds in mixed systems, by considering an application to the floppy LiNCLiCN molecular system. © 2005 American Institute of Physics.
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Tipo de documento: info:ar-repo/semantics/artículo

Cordero, P. - Hernández, E.S.
Physical Review E 1995;51(3):2573-2580

Descripción: We investigate classical Hamiltonian models for particles interacting with steep differential repulsive barriers both in coordinate and momentum space. The final aim is to define a classical system of many particles behaving as fermions in many respects. In this paper we examine the appearance of the phase portrait of one- or two-particle systems to skim the essential features that would later be transcribed to the basic rules of a molecular dynamics algorithm. One of the remarkable properties of the phase portrait is the flow from states that start far away with a wide range of momentum towards a narrow region in momentum-a virtual locking of momentum-in the vicinity of the steepest part of the barrier in momentum space. The central ideas are developed through two examples in one and two dimensions. © 1995 The American Physical Society.
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Tipo de documento: info:ar-repo/semantics/artículo

Sánchez, M. - Ferraro, M.B. - Alkorta, I. - Elguero, J. - Sauer, S.P.A.
J Chem Phys 2008;128(6)

Descripción: We applied a methodology capable of resolving the optical rotatory power into atomic contributions. The individual atomic contributions to the optical rotatory power and molecular chirality of the methylhydroperoxide are obtained via a canonical transformation of the Hamiltonian by which the electric dipolar moment operator is transformed to the acceleration gauge formalism and the magnetic dipolar moment operator to the torque formalism. The gross atomic isotropic contributions have been evaluated for the carbon, the nonequivalent oxygen, and the nonequivalent hydrogen atoms of methylhydroperoxide, employing a very large Gaussian basis set which is close to the Hartree-Fock limit. © 2008 American Institute of Physics.
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Tipo de documento: info:ar-repo/semantics/artículo

Videla, P.E. - Rossky, P.J. - Laria, D.
J Chem Phys 2013;139(16)

Descripción: Ring polymer molecular dynamics experiments have been carried out to examine effects derived from nuclear quantum fluctuations at ambient conditions on equilibrium and non-equilibrium dynamical characteristics of charge solvation by a popular simple, rigid, water model, SPC/E, and for a more recent, and flexible, q-TIP4P/F model, to examine the generality of conclusions. In particular, we have recorded the relaxation of the solvent energy gap following instantaneous, ±e charge jumps in an initially uncharged Lennard-Jones-like solute. In both charge cases, quantum effects are reflected in sharper decays at the initial stages of the relaxation, which produce up to a ∼20% reduction in the characteristic timescales describing the solvation processes. For anionic solvation, the magnitude of polarization fluctuations controlling the extent of the water proton localization in the first solvation shell is somewhat more marked than for cations, bringing the quantum solvation process closer to the classical case. Effects on the solvation response from the explicit incorporation of flexibility in the water Hamiltonian are also examined. Predictions from linear response theories for the overall relaxation profile and for the corresponding characteristic timescales are reasonably accurate for the solvation of cations, whereas we find that they are much less satisfactory for the anionic case. © 2013 AIP Publishing LLC.
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Tipo de documento: info:ar-repo/semantics/artículo

Ferraro, M.B. - Caputo, M.C.
J Chem Phys 1999;110(22):10706-10714

Descripción: The conventional random phase approximation (RPA) of the polarization propagator theory and a computational method based on continuous transformation of origin for the current density (CTOCD) induced within the electron cloud by an external homogeneous, static magnetic field has been employed to calculate atomic contributions to magnetic susceptibilities. The diamagnetic part of the magnetic susceptibility is written in terms of the polarization propagator. Since the paramagnetic term may also be obtained from the propagator it is thus possible to compute both contributions at the same level of approximation. The evaluated average susceptibility is independent of the origin of the vector potential, but depends on the origin of the reference frame. The atomic contributions to the diamagnetic and paramagnetic parts of the magnetic susceptibility are derived by applying off-diagonal hypervirial relations which are exactly fulfilled if the state functions are exact eigenfunctions of a model Hamiltonian. The rationalization of the magnetic susceptibilities into atomic contributions is applied to some small molecules: HF, H2O, NH3 and CH4, and the sum of these contributions is compared to the corresponding calculated total values and the experimental data for the molecular magnetic susceptibility for the same compounds. Computations are performed using basis sets of increasing quality. A series of sum rules for gauge independence of the computed results and charge-current conservation have been tested to document the accuracy of the calculation of magnetic properties. © 1999 American Institute of Physics.
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Tipo de documento: info:ar-repo/semantics/artículo

Semino, R. - Laria, D.
J Chem Phys 2012;136(19)

Descripción: Using molecular dynamics experiments, we analyze equilibrium and dynamical characteristics related to the solvation of excess protons in water-acetone mixtures. Our approach is based on the implementation of an extended valence-bond Hamiltonian, which incorporates translocation of the excess charge between neighboring water molecules. Different mixtures have been analyzed, starting from the pure water case down to solutions with a water molar fraction x w 0.25. In all cases, we have verified that the structure of the first solvation shell of the H 3 O moiety remains practically unchanged, compared to the one observed in pure water. This shell is composed by three water molecules acting as hydrogen bond acceptors, with no evidence of hydrogen bond donor-like connectivity. Moreover, the increment in the acetone concentration leads to a gradual stabilization of Eigen-like [H 3O·(H 2O) 3] configurations, in detriment of Zundel-like [H·(H 2O) 2] ones. Rates of proton transfer and proton diffusion coefficients have been recorded at various water-acetone relative concentrations. In both cases, we have found a transition region, in the vicinity of x w ∼ 0.8, where the concentration dependences of the two magnitudes change at a quantitative level. A crude estimate shows that, at this tagged concentration, the volumes occupied by the two solvents become comparable. The origins of this transition separating water-rich from acetone-rich realms is rationalized in terms of modifications operated in the nearby, second solvation shell, which in the latter solutions, normally includes at least, one acetone molecule. Our results would suggest that one possible mechanism controlling the proton transfer in acetone-rich solutions is the exchange of one of these tagged acetone molecules, by nearby water ones. This exchange would give rise to Zundel-like structures, exhibiting a symmetric, first solvation shell composed exclusively by water molecules, and would facilitate the transfer between neighboring water molecules along the resonant complex. © 2012 American Institute of Physics.
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Tipo de documento: info:ar-repo/semantics/artículo