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Palabras contadas: costs: 8
Alcoba, D.R. - Torre, A. - Lain, L. - Bochicchio, R.C.
J Chem Phys 2005;122(7)

Descripción: This work describes simple decompositions of the energy of molecular systems according to schemes that partition the three-dimensional space. The components of those decompositions depend on one and two atomic domains thus providing a meaningful chemical information about the nature of different bondings among the atoms which compose the system. Our algorithms can be applied at any level of theory (correlated or uncorrelated wave functions). The results reported here, obtained at the Hartree-Fock level in selected molecules, show a good agreement with the chemical picture of molecules and require a low computational cost in comparison with other previously reported decompositions.
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Tipo de documento: info:ar-repo/semantics/artículo

Amster, P. - Averbuj, C.G. - Mariani, M.C. - Rial, D.
J. Math. Anal. Appl. 2005;303(2):688-695

Descripción: We consider a boundary value problem for a nonlinear differential equation which arises in an option pricing model with transaction costs. We apply the method of upper and lower solutions in order to obtain solutions for the stationary problem. Moreover, we give conditions for the existence of solutions of the general evolution equation. © 2004 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
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Tipo de documento: info:ar-repo/semantics/artículo

Méndez-Díaz, I. - Zabala, P. - Lucena, A.
Discrete Appl Math 2008;156(17):3223-3237

Descripción: The Traveling Deliveryman Problem is a generalization of the Minimum Cost Hamiltonian Path Problem where the starting vertex of the path, i.e. a depot vertex, is fixed in advance and the cost associated with a Hamiltonian path equals the sum of the costs for the layers of paths (along the Hamiltonian path) going from the depot vertex to each of the remaining vertices. In this paper, we propose a new Integer Programming formulation for the problem and computationally evaluate the strength of its Linear Programming relaxation. Computational results are also presented for a cutting plane algorithm that uses a number of valid inequalities associated with the proposed formulation. Some of these inequalities are shown to be facet defining for the convex hull of feasible solutions to that formulation. These inequalities proved very effective when used to reinforce Linear Programming relaxation bounds, at the nodes of a Branch and Bound enumeration tree. © 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
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Tipo de documento: info:ar-repo/semantics/artículo

Burgos, E. - Ceva, H. - Perazzo, R.P.J.
Phys Rev E. 2002;65(3)

Descripción: We study a cost function for the aggregate behavior of all the agents involved in the minority game (MG) or the bar attendance model (BAM). The cost function allows us to define a deterministic, synchronous dynamic that yields results that have the main relevant features than those of the probabilistic, sequential dynamics used for the MG or the BAM. We define a temperature through a Langevin approach in terms of the fluctuations of the average attendance. We prove that the cost function is an extensive quantity that can play the role of an internal energy of the many-agent system while the temperature so defined is an intensive parameter. We compare the results of the thermal perturbation to the deterministic dynamics and prove that they agree with those obtained with the MG or BAM in the limit of very low temperature. © 2002 The American Physical Society.
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Tipo de documento: info:ar-repo/semantics/artículo

Gloag, R. - Fiorini, V.D. - Reboreda, J.C. - Kacelnik, A.
Proc. R. Soc. B Biol. Sci. 2012;279(1734):1831-1839

Descripción: Despite the costs to avian parents of rearing brood parasitic offspring, many species do not reject foreign eggs from their nests.We show that where multiple parasitism occurs, rejection itself can be costly, by increasing the risk of host egg loss during subsequent parasite attacks. Chalk-browed mockingbirds (Mimus saturninus) are heavily parasitized by shiny cowbirds (Molothrus bonariensis), which also puncture eggs in host nests. Mockingbirds struggle to prevent cowbirds puncturing and laying, but seldom remove cowbird eggs once laid. We filmed cowbird visits to nests with manipulated clutch compositions and found that mockingbird eggs were more likely to escape puncture the more cowbird eggs accompanied them in the clutch. A Monte Carlo simulation of this 'dilution effect', comparing virtual hosts that systematically either reject or accept parasite eggs, shows that acceptors enjoy higher egg survivorship than rejecters in host populations where multiple parasitism occurs. For mockingbirds or other hosts in which host nestlings fare well in parasitized broods, this benefit might be sufficient to offset the fitness cost of rearing parasite chicks, making egg acceptance evolutionarily stable. Thus, counterintuitively, high intensities of parasitism might decrease or even reverse selection pressure for host defence via egg rejection. © 2012 The Royal Society.
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Tipo de documento: info:ar-repo/semantics/artículo

Sánchez, V.M. - Sued, M. - Scherlis, D.A.
J Chem Phys 2009;131(17)

Descripción: Continuum solvent models have become a standard technique in the context of electronic structure calculations, yet no implementations have been reported capable to perform molecular dynamics at solid-liquid interfaces. We propose here such a continuum approach in a density functional theory framework using plane-wave basis sets and periodic boundary conditions. Our work stems from a recent model designed for Car-Parrinello simulations of quantum solutes in a dielectric medium [D. A. Scherlis, J. Chem. Phys. 124, 074103 (2006)], for which the permittivity of the solvent is defined as a function of the electronic density of the solute. This strategy turns out to be inadequate for systems extended in two dimensions: the dependence of the dielectric function on the electronic density introduces a new term in the Kohn-Sham potential, which becomes unphysically large at the interfacial region, seriously affecting the convergence of the self-consistent calculations. If the dielectric medium is properly redefined as a function of the atomic coordinates, a good convergence is obtained and the constant of motion is conserved during the molecular dynamics simulations. The Poisson problem is solved using a multigrid method, and in this way Car-Parrinello molecular dynamics simulations of solid-liquid interfaces can be performed at a very moderate computational cost. This scheme is employed to investigate the acid-base equilibrium at the TiO2 -water interface. The aqueous behavior of titania surfaces has stimulated a large amount of experimental research, but many open questions remain concerning the molecular mechanisms determining the chemistry of the interface. Here we make an attempt to answer some of them, putting to the test our continuum model. © 2009 American Institute of Physics.
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Tipo de documento: info:ar-repo/semantics/artículo