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Palabras contadas: collective: 19, dynamics: 259
Garrahan, J.P. - Kruczenski, M.
J. Math. Phys. 1999;40(12):6178-6188

Descripción: The collective dynamics of solitons with a coset space G/H as moduli space is studied. It is shown that the collective band for a vibrational state is given by the inequivalent coset space quantization corresponding to the representation of H carried by the vibration. To leading order the collective dynamics is free motion in G/H coupled to background gauge fields determined by the vibrational state. © 1999 American Institute of Physics.
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Tipo de documento: info:ar-repo/semantics/artículo

Gulminelli, F. - Chomaz, Ph. - Juillet, O. - Ison, M.J. - Dorso, C.O.
AIP Conf. Proc. 2007;884:332-339

Descripción: An information theory description of finite systems explicitly evolving in time is presented. We impose a MaxEnt variational principle on the Shannon entropy at a given time while the constraints are set at a former time. The resulting density matrix contains explicit time odd components in the form of collective flows. As a specific application we consider the dynamics of the expansion in connection with heavy ion experiments. Lattice gas and classical molecular dynamics simulations are shown. © 2007 American Institute of Physics.
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Tipo de documento: info:ar-repo/semantics/documento de conferencia

Videla, P.E. - Rossky, P.J. - Laria, D.
J Chem Phys 2013;139(17)

Descripción: We use ring-polymer-molecular-dynamics (RPMD) techniques and the semi-empirical q-TIP4P/F water model to investigate the relationship between hydrogen bond connectivity and the characteristics of nuclear position fluctuations, including explicit incorporation of quantum effects, for the energetically low lying isomers of the prototype cluster [H2O] 8 at T = 50 K and at 150 K. Our results reveal that tunneling and zero-point energy effects lead to sensible increments in the magnitudes of the fluctuations of intra and intermolecular distances. The degree of proton spatial delocalization is found to map logically with the hydrogen-bond connectivity pattern of the cluster. Dangling hydrogen bonds exhibit the largest extent of spatial delocalization and participate in shorter intramolecular O-H bonds. Combined effects from quantum and polarization fluctuations on the resulting individual dipole moments are also examined. From the dynamical side, we analyze the characteristics of the infrared absorption spectrum. The incorporation of nuclear quantum fluctuations promotes red shifts and sensible broadening relative to the classical profile, bringing the simulation results in much more satisfactory agreement with direct experimental information in the mid and high frequency range of the stretching band. While RPMD predictions overestimate the peak position of the low frequency shoulder, the overall agreement with that reported using an accurate, parameterized, many-body potential is reasonable, and far superior to that one obtains by implementing a partially adiabatic centroid molecular dynamics approach. Quantum effects on the collective dynamics, as reported by instantaneous normal modes, are also discussed. © 2013 AIP Publishing LLC.
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Tipo de documento: info:ar-repo/semantics/artículo