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Palabras contadas: complementary: 26, dna: 527
Alleva, K. - Marquez, M. - Villarreal, N. - Mut, P. - Bustamante, C. - Bellati, J. - Martínez, G. - Civello, M. - Amodeo, G.
J. Exp. Bot. 2010;61(14):3935-3945

Descripción: In strawberry, the putative participation of aquaporins should be considered during fruit ripening. Furthermore, the availability of different firmness cultivars in this non-climacteric fruit is a very useful tool to determine their involvement in softening. In a previous work, the cloning of a strawberry fruit-specific aquaporin, FaPIP1;1, which showed an expression profile associated with fruit ripening was reported. Here, FaPIP2;1, an aquaporin subtype of PIP2 was cloned and its functional characterization in Xenopus oocytes determined. The FaPIP2;1 gene encodes a water channel with high water permeability (Pf) that is regulated by cytosolic pH. Interestingly, the co-expression of both FaPIP subtypes resulted in an enhancement of water permeability, showing Pf values that exceeds their individual contribution. The expression pattern of both aquaporin subtypes in two cultivars with contrasting fruit firmness showed that the firmer cultivar (Camarosa) has a higher accumulation of FaPIP1 and FaPIP2 mRNAs during fruit ripening when compared with the softer cultivar (Toyonoka). In conclusion, not only FaPIP aquaporins showed an expression pattern associated with fruit firmness but it was also shown that the enhancement of water transfer through the plasma membrane is coupled to the presence/absence of the co-expression of both subtypes. © 2010 The Author(s).
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Tipo de documento: info:ar-repo/semantics/artículo

Fernández, P. - Paniego, N. - Lew, S. - Hopp, H.E. - Heinz, R.A.
BMC Genomics 2003;4

Descripción: Background: Subtractive hybridization methods are valuable tools for identifying differentially regulated genes in a given tissue avoiding redundant sequencing of clones representing the same expressed genes, maximizing detection of low abundant transcripts and thus, affecting the efficiency and cost effectiveness of small scale cDNA sequencing projects aimed to the specific identification of useful genes for breeding purposes. The objective of this work is to evaluate alternative strategies to high-throughput sequencing projects for the identification of novel genes differentially expressed in sunflower as a source of organ-specific genetic markers that can be functionally associated to important traits. Results: Differential organ-specific ESTs were generated from leaf, stem, root and flower bud at two developmental stages (R1 and R4). The use of different sources of RNA as tester and driver cDNA for the construction of differential libraries was evaluated as a tool for detection of rare or low abundant transcripts. Organ-specificity ranged from 75 to 100% of non-redundant sequences in the different cDNA libraries. Sequence redundancy varied according to the target and driver cDNA used in each case. The R4 flower cDNA library was the less redundant library with 62% of unique sequences. Out of a total of 919 sequences that were edited and annotated, 318 were non-redundant sequences. Comparison against sequences in public databases showed that 60% of non-redundant sequences showed significant similarity to known sequences. The number of predicted novel genes varied among the different cDNA libraries, ranging from 56% in the R4 flower to 16 % in the R1 flower bud library. Comparison with sunflower ESTs on public databases showed that 197 of non-redundant sequences (60%) did not exhibit significant similarity to previously reported sunflower ESTs. This approach helped to successfully isolate a significant number of new reported sequences putatively related to responses to important agronomic traits and key regulatory and physiological genes. Conclusions: The application of suppressed subtracted hybridization technology not only enabled the cost effective isolation of differentially expressed sequences but it also allowed the identification of novel sequences in sunflower from a relative small number of analyzed sequences when compared to major sequencing projects. © 2003 Fernández et al; licensee BioMed Central Ltd.
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Tipo de documento: info:ar-repo/semantics/artículo

Gudesblat, G.E. - Iusem, N.D. - Morris, P.C.
New Phytol. 2007;173(4):713-721

Descripción: MAP kinases have been linked to guard cell signalling. Arabidopsis thaliana MAP Kinase 3 (MPK3) is known to be activated by abscisic acid (ABA) and hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), which also control stomatal movements. We therefore studied the possible role of MPK3 in guard cell signalling through guard cell-specific antisense inhibition of MPK3 expression. Such transgenic plants contained reduced levels of MPK3 mRNA in the guard cells and displayed partial insensitivity to ABA in inhibition of stomatal opening, but responded normally to this hormone in stomatal closure. However, ABA-induced stomatal closure was reduced compared with controls when cytoplasmic alkalinization was prevented with sodium butyrate. MPK3 antisense plants were less sensitive to exogenous H2O2, both in inhibition of stomatal opening and in promotion of stomatal closure, thus MPK3 is required for the signalling of this compound. ABA-induced H2O2 synthesis was normal in these plants, indicating that MPK3 probably acts in signalling downstream of H2O2. These results provide clear evidence for the important role of MPK3 in the perception of ABA and H 2O2 in guard cells. © The Authors (2007).
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Tipo de documento: info:ar-repo/semantics/artículo

Fustiñana, M.S. - Ariel, P. - Federman, N. - Freudenthal, R. - Romano, A.
BMC Neurosci. 2010;11

Descripción: Background: Human β-amyloid, the main component in the neuritic plaques found in patients with Alzheimer's disease, is generated by cleavage of the β-amyloid precursor protein. Beyond the role in pathology, members of this protein family are synaptic proteins and have been associated with synaptogenesis, neuronal plasticity and memory, both in vertebrates and in invertebrates. Consolidation is necessary to convert a short-term labile memory to a long-term and stable form. During consolidation, gene expression and de novo protein synthesis are regulated in order to produce key proteins for the maintenance of plastic changes produced during the acquisition of new information.Results: Here we partially cloned and sequenced the beta-amyloid precursor protein like gene homologue in the crab Chasmagnathus (cappl), showing a 37% of identity with the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster homologue and 23% with Homo sapiens but with much higher degree of sequence similarity in certain regions. We observed a wide distribution of cappl mRNA in the nervous system as well as in muscle and gills. The protein localized in all tissues analyzed with the exception of muscle. Immunofluorescence revealed localization of cAPPL in associative and sensory brain areas. We studied gene and protein expression during long-term memory consolidation using a well characterized memory model: the context-signal associative memory in this crab species. mRNA levels varied at different time points during long-term memory consolidation and correlated with cAPPL protein levels. Conclusions: cAPPL mRNA and protein is widely distributed in the central nervous system of the crab and the time course of expression suggests a role of cAPPL during long-term memory formation. © 2010 Fustiñana et al; licensee BioMed Central Ltd.
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Tipo de documento: info:ar-repo/semantics/artículo

Morita, H. - Zhou, M. - Foecking, M.F. - Gomez-Sanchez, E.P. - Cozza, E.N. - Gomez-Sanchez, C.E.
ENDOCRINOLOGY 1996;137(6):2308-2314

Descripción: The 11β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase type 2 (11βHSD-2) enzyme is thought to confer aldosterone specificity upon mineralocorticoid target tissues by protecting the mineralocorticoid receptor from binding by the more abundant glucocorticoids, corticosterone and cortisol. We have developed a Chinese hamster ovary cell line stably transfected with a plasmid containing the rat 11βHSD-2 complementary DNA. This cell line has expressed the enzyme consistently for many generations. The 11βHSD-2 was located primarily in the microsomes, but significant amounts also existed in the nuclei and mitochondria. The enzymatic reaction was unidirectional, oxidative, and inhibited by the product, 11-dehydrocorticosterone, with an IC50 of approximately 200 nM. The K(m) for corticosterone was 9.6 ± 3.1 nM, and that for NAD+ was approximately 8 μM. The enzyme did not convert dexamethasone to 11-dehydrodexamethasone. Tunicamycin, an N-glycosylation inhibitor, had no effect on enzyme activity, 11α-Hydroxyprogesterone (11αOH-P) was an order of magnitude more potent a competitive inhibitor of the 11βHSD-2 than was glycyrrhetinic acid (GA) (approximate IC50 0.9 vs. 15 nM). 11βOH-P, progesterone, and GA were almost equipotent (IC50 = 10 and 6 nM, respectively), and 5α-pregnandione and 5β-pregnandione were less potent (IC50 = 100 and 500 nM, respectively) inhibitors of the enzyme. When the inhibitory activities were examined with intact transfected cells, 11αOH-P was more potent than GA (IC50 = 5 and 150 nM, respectively). 11αOH-P was not metabolized by 11βHSD-2. We were unable to demonstrate the presence of 11αOH-P in human urine. In conclusion, a cell line stably transfected with the rat 11βHSD-2 was created, and the enzyme kinetics, including inhibition, were characterized. 11αOH-P was found to be a potent relatively specific inhibitor of the 11βHSD-2 enzyme. Its potential importance is that it is the most specific inhibitor of the 11βHSD-2 so far encountered and would aid in the study of the physiological importance of the isoenzyme.
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Tipo de documento: info:ar-repo/semantics/artículo

Perez Castro, C. - Giacomini, D. - Carbia Nagashima, A. - Onofri, C. - Graciarena, M. - Kobayashi, K. - Páez-Pereda, M. - Renner, U. - Stalla, G.K. - Arzt, E.
Endocrinology 2003;144(2):693-700

Descripción: Two of the most potent cytokines that regulate anterior pituitary cell function are leukemia inhibitory factor and IL-6. These and others like IL-11 and ciliary neurotrophic factor are referred to as the gp130 cytokines because they share the gp130 glycoprotein as a common receptor initial signal transducer. We and others have shown that gp130 cytokines and their receptors are expressed and functional in normal and tumoral anterior pituitary cells. To study the role of gp130 cytokines in tumorigenic process, we generated gp130 cDNA gp130 sense and gp130 antisense (gp130-AS) transfected stable clones derived from lactosomatotroph GH3 cells. We examined hormone secretion and cell proliferation of these clones as well as their tumorigenic properties in athymic nude mice. Although gp130-AS clones, which have low gp130 levels and impaired signal transducer and activator of transcription 3 activity and suppressor of cytokine signaling-3 expression, showed reduced proliferation and hormone secretion (GH and prolactin) in response to gp130 cytokines, they had a normal response to gp130-independent stimuli. Moreover, gp130-AS clones showed a severely impaired in vivo tumor development. In contrast, the overexpressing gp130 clones (gp130 sense) showed no differences, compared with cells transfected with control vector. Thus, the present study provides new evidence supporting a link between gp130 and pituitary abnormal growth.
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Tipo de documento: info:ar-repo/semantics/artículo

Da Ros, V.G. - Maldera, J.A. - Willis, W.D. - Cohen, D.J. - Goulding, E.H. - Gelman, D.M. - Rubinstein, M. - Eddy, E.M. - Cuasnicu, P.S.
Dev. Biol. 2008;320(1):12-18

Descripción: Mammalian fertilization is a complex multi-step process mediated by different molecules present on both gametes. Epididymal protein CRISP1, a member of the Cysteine-RIch Secretory Protein (CRISP) family, was identified by our laboratory and postulated to participate in both sperm-zona pellucida (ZP) interaction and gamete fusion by binding to egg-complementary sites. To elucidate the functional role of CRISP1 in vivo, we disrupted the Crisp1 gene and evaluated the effect on animal fertility and several sperm parameters. Male and female Crisp1-/- animals exhibited no differences in fertility compared to controls. Sperm motility and the ability to undergo a spontaneous or progesterone-induced acrosome reaction were neither affected in Crisp1-/- mice. However, the level of protein tyrosine phosphorylation during capacitation was clearly lower in mutant sperm than in controls. In vitro fertilization assays showed that Crisp1-/- sperm also exhibited a significantly reduced ability to penetrate both ZP-intact and ZP-free eggs. Moreover, when ZP-free eggs were simultaneously inseminated with Crisp1+/+ and Crisp1-/- sperm in a competition assay, the mutant sperm exhibited a greater disadvantage in their fusion ability. Finally, the finding that the fusion ability of Crisp1-/- sperm was further inhibited by the presence of CRISP1 or CRISP2 during gamete co-incubation, supports that another CRISP cooperates with CRISP1 during fertilization and might compensate for its lack in the mutant mice. Together, these results indicate that CRISP proteins are players in the mammalian fertilization process. To our knowledge this is the first knockout mice generated for a CRISP protein. The information obtained might have important functional implications for other members of the widely distributed and evolutionarily conserved CRISP family. © 2008 Elsevier Inc.
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Tipo de documento: info:ar-repo/semantics/artículo

Baez, M.V. - Boccaccio, G.L.
J. Biol. Chem. 2005;280(52):43131-43140

Descripción: Cytoplasmic events depending on RNA-binding proteins contribute to the fine-tuning of gene expression. Sterile α motif-containing RNA-binding proteins constitute a novel family of post-transcriptional regulators that recognize a specific RNA sequence motif known as Smaug recognition element (SRE). The Drosophila member of this family, dSmaug, triggers the translational repression and deadenylation of maternal mRNAs by independent mechanisms, and the yeast homologue Vts1 stimulates degradation of SRE-containing messengers. Two homologous genes are present in the mammalian genome. Here we showed that hSmaug 1, encoded in human chromosome 14, represses the translation of reporter transcripts carrying SRE motifs. When expressed in fibroblasts, hSmaug 1 forms cytoplasmic granules that contain polyadenylated mRNA and the RNA-binding proteins Staufen, TIAR, TIA-1, and HuR. Smaug 1 foci are distinct from degradation foci. The murine protein mSmaug 1 is expressed in the central nervous system and is abundant in post-synaptic densities, a subcellular region where translation is tightly regulated by synaptic stimulation. Biochemical analysis indicated that mSmaug 1 is present in synaptoneurosomal 20 S particles. These results suggest a role for mammalian Smaug 1 in RNA granule formation and translation regulation in neurons. © 2005 by The American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Inc.
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Tipo de documento: info:ar-repo/semantics/artículo

Scassa, M.E. - Guberman, A.S. - Ceruti, J.M. - Cánepa, E.T.
J. Biol. Chem. 2004;279(27):28082-28092

Descripción: Although the negative regulation of gene expression by insulin has been widely studied, the transcription factors responsible for the insulin effect are still unknown. The purpose of this work was to explore the molecular mechanisms involved in the insulin repression of the 5-aminolevulinate synthase (ALAS) gene. Deletion analysis of the 5′-regulatory region allowed us to identify an insulin-responsive region located at -459 to -354 bp. This fragment contains a highly homologous insulin-responsive (IRE) sequence. By transient transfection assays, we determined that hepatic nuclear factor 3 (HNF3) and nuclear factor 1 (NF1) are necessary for an appropriate expression of the ALAS gene. Insulin overrides the HNF3β or HNF3β plus NF1-mediated stimulation of ALAS transcriptional activity. Electrophoretic mobility shift assay and Southwestern blotting indicate that HNF3 binds to the ALAS promoter. Mutational analysis of this region revealed that IRE disruption abrogates insulin action, whereas mutation of the HNF3 element maintains hormone responsiveness. This dissociation between HNF3 binding and insulin action suggests that HNF3β is not the sole physiologic mediator of insulin-induced transcriptional repression. Furthermore, Southwestern blotting assay shows that at least two polypeptides other than HNF3β can bind to ALAS promoter and that this binding is dependent on the integrity of the IRE. We propose a model in which insulin exerts its negative effect through the disturbance of HNF3β binding or transactivation potential, probably due to specific phosphorylation of this transcription factor by Akt. In this regard, results obtained from transfection experiments using kinase inhibitors support this hypothesis. Due to this event, NF1 would lose accessibility to the promoter. The posttranslational modification of HNF3 would allow the binding of a protein complex that recognizes the core IRE. These results provide a potential mechanism for the insulin-mediated repression of IRE-containing promoters.
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Tipo de documento: info:ar-repo/semantics/artículo

Gorr, T.A. - Tomita, T. - Wappner, P. - Bunn, H.F.
J. Biol. Chem. 2004;279(34):36048-36058

Descripción: Although hypoxia-inducible factor-α (HIFα) subunit-specific hydroxylation and proteolytic breakdown explain the binary switch between the presence (hypoxia) and absence (normoxia) of HIFs, little is known of the mechanisms that fine-tune HIF activity under constant, rather than changing, oxygen tensions. Here, we report that the Drosophila HIFα homolog, the basic helix-loop-helix/PAS protein Sima (Similar), in hypoxic cultures of SL2 cells is expressed in full-length (fl) and splice variant (sv) isoforms. The following evidence supports the role of flSima as functional HIFα and the role of SL2 HIF as a transcriptional activator or suppressor. The pO2 dependence of Sima abundance matched that of HIF activity. HIF-dependent changes in candidate target gene expression were detected through variously effective stimuli: hypoxia (strong) > iron chelation, e.g. desferrioxamine (moderate) ≪ transition metals, e.g. cobalt ≃ normoxia (ineffective). Sima overexpression augmented hypoxic induction or suppression of different targets. In addition to the full-length exon 1-12 transcript yielding the 1510-amino acid HIFα homolog, the sima gene also expressed, specifically under hypoxia, an exon 1-7/12 splice variant, which translated into a 426-amino acid Sima truncation termed svSima. svSima contains basic helix-loop-helix and PAS sequences identical to those of flSima, but, because of deletion of exons 8-11, lacks the oxygen-dependent degradation domain and nuclear localization signals. Overexpressed svSima failed to transactivate reporter genes. However, it attenuated HIF (Sima-Tango)-stimulated reporter expression in a dose-dependent manner. Thus, svSima has the potential to regulate Drosophila HIF function under steady and hypoxic pO2 by creating a cytosolic sink for the Sima partner protein Tango.
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Tipo de documento: info:ar-repo/semantics/artículo

Rossetti, M.V. - Granata, B.X. - Giudice, J. - Parera, V.E. - Batlle, A.
BMC Med. Genet. 2008;9

Descripción: Background: A partial deficiency in Protoporphyrinogen oxidase (PPOX) produces the mixed disorder Variegate Porphyria (VP), the second acute porphyria more frequent in Argentina. Identification of patients with an overt VP is absolutely important because treatment depends on an accurate diagnosis but more critical is the identification of asymptomatic relatives to avoid acute attacks which may progress to death. Methods: We have studied at molecular level 18 new Argentinean patients biochemically diagnosed as VP. PPOX gene was amplified in one or in twelve PCR reactions. All coding exons, flanking intronic and promoter regions were manual or automatically sequenced. For RT-PCR studies RNA was retrotranscripted, amplified and sequenced. PPOX activity in those families carrying a new and uncharacterized mutation was performed. Results: All affected individuals harboured mutations in heterozygous state. Nine novel mutations and 3 already reported mutations were identified. Six of the novel mutations were single nucleotide substitutions, 2 were small deletions and one a small insertion. Three single nucleotide substitutions and the insertion were at exon-intron boundaries. Two of the single nucleotide substitutions, c.471G>A and c.807G>A and the insertion (c.388+3insT) were close to the splice donor sites in exons 5, 7 and intron 4 respectively. The other single nucleotide substitution was a transversion in the last base of intron 7, g.3912G>C (c.808-1G>C) so altering the consensus acceptor splice site. However, only in the first case the abnormal band showing the skipping of exon 5 was detected. The other single nucleotide substitutions were transversions: c.101A>T, c.995G>C and c.670 T>G that result in p.E34V, p.G332A and W224G aminoacid substitutions in exons 3, 10 and 7 respectively. Activity measurements indicate that these mutations reduced about 50% PPOX activity and also that they co-segregate with this reduced activity value. Two frameshift mutations, c.133delT and c.925delA, were detected in exons 3 and 9 respectively. The first leads to an early termination signal 22 codons downstream (p.S45fsX67) and the second leads to a stop codon 5 codons downstream (p.I309fsX314). One reported mutation was a missense mutation (p.G232R) and 2 were frameshift mutations: c.1082insC and 1043insT. The last mutation was detected in six new apparently unrelated Argentinean families. Conclusion: Molecular analysis in available family members revealed 14 individuals who were silent carriers of VP. Molecular techniques represent the most accurate approach to identify unaffected carriers and to provide accurate genetic counselling for asymptomatic individuals. The initial screening includes the insertion search. © 2008 Rossetti et al; licensee BioMed Central Ltd.
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Tipo de documento: info:ar-repo/semantics/artículo

Taranda, J. - Ballestero, J.A. - Hiel, H. - De Souza, F.S.J. - Wedemeyer, C. - Gómez-Casati, M.E. - Lipovsek, M. - Vetter, D.E. - Fuchs, P.A. - Katz, E. - Elgoyhen, A.B.
JARO J. Assoc. Res. Otolaryngol. 2009;10(3):397-406

Descripción: Efferent inhibition of cochlear hair cells is mediated by α9α10 nicotinic cholinergic receptors (nAChRs) functionally coupled to calcium-activated, small conductance (SK2) potassium channels. Before the onset of hearing, efferent fibers transiently make functional cholinergic synapses with inner hair cells (IHCs). The retraction of these fibers after the onset of hearing correlates with the cessation of transcription of the Chrna10 (but not the Chrna9) gene in IHCs. To further analyze this developmental change, we generated a transgenic mice whose IHCs constitutively express α10 into adulthood by expressing the α10 cDNA under the control of the Pou4f3 gene promoter. In situ hybridization showed that the α10 mRNA is expressed in IHCs of 8-week-old transgenic mice, but not in wild-type mice. Moreover, this mRNA is translated into a functional protein, since IHCs from P8-P10 α10 transgenic mice backcrossed to a Chrna10 -/- background (whose IHCs have no cholinergic function) displayed normal synaptic and acetylcholine (ACh)-evoked currents in patch-clamp recordings. Thus, the α10 transgene restored nAChR function. However, in the α10 transgenic mice, no synaptic or ACh-evoked currents were observed in P16-18 IHCs, indicating developmental down-regulation of functional nAChRs after the onset of hearing, as normally observed in wild-type mice. The lack of functional ACh currents correlated with the lack of SK2 currents. These results indicate that multiple features of the efferent postsynaptic complex to IHCs, in addition to the nAChR subunits, are down-regulated in synchrony after the onset of hearing, leading to lack of responses to ACh. © 2009 Association for Research in Otolaryngology.
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Tipo de documento: info:ar-repo/semantics/artículo