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Palabras contadas: chromatin: 71
Levi, V. - Gratton, E.
Chromosome Res. 2008;16(3):439-449

Descripción: Our view of the structure and function of the interphase nucleus has changed drastically in recent years. It is now widely accepted that the nucleus is a well organized and highly compartmentalized organelle and that this organization is intimately related to nuclear function. In this context, chromatin-initially considered a randomly entangled polymer-has also been shown to be structurally organized in interphase and its organization was found to be very important to gene regulation. Relevant and not completely answered questions are how chromatin organization is achieved and what mechanisms are responsible for changes in the positions of chromatin loci in the nucleus. A significant advance in the field resulted from tagging chromosome sites with bacterial operator sequences, and visualizing these tags using green fluorescent protein fused with the appropriate repressor protein. Simultaneously, fluorescence imaging techniques evolved significantly during recent years, allowing observation of the time evolution of processes in living specimens. In this context, the motion of the tagged locus was observed and analyzed to extract quantitative information regarding its dynamics. This review focuses on recent advances in our understanding of chromatin dynamics in interphase with the emphasis placed on the information obtained from single-particle tracking (SPT) experiments. We introduce the basis of SPT methods and trajectory analysis, and summarize what has been learnt by using this new technology in the context of chromatin dynamics. Finally, we briefly describe a method of SPT in a two-photon excitation microscope that has several advantages over methods based on conventional microscopy and review the information obtained using this novel approach to study chromatin dynamics. © 2008 Springer.
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Tipo de documento: info:ar-repo/semantics/artículo

Ricardi, M.M. - González, R.M. - Iusem, N.D.
Plant Methods 2010;6(1)

Descripción: Background: Searching thoroughly for plant cis-elements corresponding to transcription factors is worthwhile to reveal novel gene activation cascades. At the same time, a great deal of research is currently focused on epigenetic events in plants. A widely used method serving both purposes is chromatin immunoprecipitation, which was developed for Arabidopsis and other plants but is not yet operational for tomato (Solanum lycopersicum), a model plant species for a group of economically important crops.Results: We developed a chromatin immunoprecipitation protocol suitable for tomato by adjusting the parameters to optimise in vivo crosslinking, purification of nuclei, chromatin extraction, DNA shearing and precipitate analysis using real-time PCR. Results were obtained with two different antibodies, five control loci and two normalisation criteria.Conclusion: Here we provide a chromatin immunoprecipitation procedure for tomato leaves that could be combined with high-throughput sequencing to generate a detailed map of epigenetic modifications or genome-wide nucleosome positioning data. © 2010 Ricardi et al; licensee BioMed Central Ltd.
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Tipo de documento: info:ar-repo/semantics/artículo

Ogara, M.F. - Sirkin, P.F. - Carcagno, A.L. - Marazita, M.C. - Sonzogni, S.V. - Ceruti, J.M. - Cánepa, E.T.
PLoS ONE 2013;8(4)

Descripción: The maintenance of genomic integrity is of main importance to the survival and health of organisms which are continuously exposed to genotoxic stress. Cells respond to DNA damage by activating survival pathways consisting of cell cycle checkpoints and repair mechanisms. However, the signal that triggers the DNA damage response is not necessarily a direct detection of the primary DNA lesion. In fact, chromatin defects may serve as initiating signals to activate those mechanisms. If the modulation of chromatin structure could initiate a checkpoint response in a direct manner, this supposes the existence of specific chromatin sensors. p19INK4d, a member of the INK4 cell cycle inhibitors, plays a crucial role in regulating genomic stability and cell viability by enhancing DNA repair. Its expression is induced in cells injured by one of several genotoxic treatments like cis-platin, UV light or neocarzinostatin. Nevertheless, when exogenous DNA damaged molecules are introduced into the cell, this induction is not observed. Here, we show that p19INK4d is enhanced after chromatin relaxation even in the absence of DNA damage. This induction was shown to depend upon ATM/ATR, Chk1/Chk2 and E2F activity, as is the case of p19INK4d induction by endogenous DNA damage. Interestingly, p19INK4d improves DNA repair when the genotoxic damage is caused in a relaxed-chromatin context. These results suggest that changes in chromatin structure, and not DNA damage itself, is the actual trigger of p19INK4d induction. We propose that, in addition to its role as a cell cycle inhibitor, p19INK4d could participate in a signaling network directed to detecting and eventually responding to chromatin anomalies. © 2013 Ogara et al.
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Tipo de documento: info:ar-repo/semantics/artículo

Sanchez, M.C. - Alvarez Sedo, C. - Julianelli, V.L. - Romanato, M. - Calvo, L. - Calvo, J.C. - Fontana, V.A.
Syst. Biology Reprod. Med. 2013;59(2):82-90

Descripción: The mammalian sperm nucleus contains an unusually condensed chromatin, due to replacement of the majority of histones by protamines. However, soon after the spermatozoon penetrates the ooplasm at fertilization, decondensation of this densely packed chromatin must occur to allow formation of the male pronucleus and syngamy. Decondensation is accomplished by protamine disulfide bond reduction by oocyte glutathione and replacement of protamines by oocyte histones with the aid of an acceptor molecule. Previous results from our laboratory have demonstrated that heparan sulfate (HS) present in the ooplasm functions as protamine acceptor during human sperm decondensation in vivo. In the present paper, we analyze the role of heparin, structural analogue of HS, and dermatan sulfate (DS) in murine sperm chromatin decondensation in vitro, including the possibility of a synergistic effect between both glycosaminoglycans. Decondensation was assessed under phase contrast microscopy following incubation of murine spermatozoa with glutathione and either heparin, DS, or a combination of both. Ultrastructural changes taking place during decondensation were analyzed by transmission electron microscopy. Both glycosaminoglycans were able to promote the decondensation of murine spermatozoa in vitro but the decondensing ability of heparin was significantly higher. Use of both glycosaminoglycans together revealed the existence of a synergistic effect. Transmission electron microscopy analysis of decondensing spermatozoa supported these findings. Synergism between heparin and DS was observed both in capacitated and non-capacitated spermatozoa but decondensation kinetics was faster in the former. The results obtained indicate a new potential role for dermatan sulfate in murine sperm decondensation at fertilization and provide evidence of differences in the degree of chromatin condensation throughout the murine sperm nucleus. © 2013 Informa Healthcare USA, Inc.
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Tipo de documento: info:ar-repo/semantics/artículo

Schor, I.E. - Kornblihtt, A.R.
Commun. Integr. Biol. 2009;2(4):341-343

Descripción: Regulation of alternative splicing is coupled to transcription quality, the polymerase elongation rate being an important factor in modulating splicing choices. In a recently published work, we provide evidence that intragenic histone acetylation patterns can be affected by neural cell excitation in order to regulate alternative splicing of the neural cell adhesion molecule (NCAM) mRNA. This example illustrates how an extracellular stimulus can influence transcription-coupled alternative splicing, strengthening the link between chromatin structure, transcriptional elongation and mRNA processing. ©2009 Landes Bioscience.
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Tipo de documento: info:ar-repo/semantics/artículo

Alló, M. - Schor, I.E. - Muñoz, M.J. - De La Mata, M. - Agirre, E. - Valcárcel, J. - Eyras, E. - Kornblihtt, A.R.
Cold Spring Harbor Symp. Quant. Biol. 2010;75:103-111

Descripción: Alternative splicing affects more than 90% of human genes. Coupling between transcription and splicing has become crucial in the complex network underlying alternative splicing regulation. Because chromatin is the real template for nuclear transcription, changes in its structure, but also in the "reading" and "writing" of the histone code, could modulate splicing choices. Here, we discuss the evidence supporting these ideas, from the first proposal of chromatin affecting alternative splicing, performed 20 years ago, to the latest findings including genome-wide evidence that nucleosomes are preferentially positioned in exons. We focus on two recent reports from our laboratories that add new evidence to this field. The first report shows that a physiological stimulus such as neuron depolarization promotes intragenic histone acetylation (H3K9ac) and chromatin relaxation, causing the skipping of exon 18 of the neural cell adhesion molecule gene. In the second report, we show how specific histone modifications can be created at targeted gene regions as a way to affect alternative splicing: Using small interfering RNAs (siRNAs), we increased the levels of H3K9me2 and H3K27me3 in the proximity of alternative exon 33 of the human fibronectin gene, favoring its inclusion into mature messenger RNA (mRNA) through a mechanism that recalls RNAmediated transcriptional gene silencing. © 2010 Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press.
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Tipo de documento: info:ar-repo/semantics/artículo

Schor, I.E. - Llères, D. - Risso, G.J. - Pawellek, A. - Ule, J. - Lamond, A.I. - Kornblihtt, A.R.
PLoS ONE 2012;7(11)

Descripción: Chromatin structure is an important factor in the functional coupling between transcription and mRNA processing, not only by regulating alternative splicing events, but also by contributing to exon recognition during constitutive splicing. We observed that depolarization of neuroblastoma cell membrane potential, which triggers general histone acetylation and regulates alternative splicing, causes a concentration of SR proteins in nuclear speckles. This prompted us to analyze the effect of chromatin structure on splicing factor distribution and dynamics. Here, we show that induction of histone hyper-acetylation results in the accumulation in speckles of multiple splicing factors in different cell types. In addition, a similar effect is observed after depletion of the heterochromatic protein HP1α, associated with repressive chromatin. We used advanced imaging approaches to analyze in detail both the structural organization of the speckle compartment and nuclear distribution of splicing factors, as well as studying direct interactions between splicing factors and their association with chromatin in vivo. The results support a model where perturbation of normal chromatin structure decreases the recruitment efficiency of splicing factors to nascent RNAs, thus causing their accumulation in speckles, which buffer the amount of free molecules in the nucleoplasm. To test this, we analyzed the recruitment of the general splicing factor U2AF65 to nascent RNAs by iCLIP technique, as a way to monitor early spliceosome assembly. We demonstrate that indeed histone hyper-acetylation decreases recruitment of U2AF65 to bulk 3′ splice sites, coincident with the change in its localization. In addition, prior to the maximum accumulation in speckles, ~20% of genes already show a tendency to decreased binding, while U2AF65 seems to increase its binding to the speckle-located ncRNA MALAT1. All together, the combined imaging and biochemical approaches support a model where chromatin structure is essential for efficient co-transcriptional recruitment of general and regulatory splicing factors to pre-mRNA. © 2012 Schor et al.
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Tipo de documento: info:ar-repo/semantics/artículo

Frankel, N.
Dev. Dyn. 2012;241(12):1857-1866

Descripción: Genomes contain the necessary information to ensure that genes are expressed in the right place, at the right time, and with the proper rate. Metazoan developmental genes often possess long stretches of DNA flanking their coding sequences and/or large introns which contain elements that influence gene expression. Most of these regulatory elements are relatively small and can be studied in isolation. For example, transcriptional enhancers, the elements that generate the expression pattern of a gene, have been traditionally studied with reporter constructs in transgenic animals. These studies have provided and will provide invaluable insights into enhancer evolution and function. However, this experimental approach has its limits; often, enhancer elements do not faithfully recapitulate native expression patterns. This fact suggests that additional information in cis-regulatory regions modulates the activity of enhancers and other regulatory elements. Indeed, recent studies have revealed novel functional aspects at the level of whole cis-regulatory regions. First, the discovery of "shadow enhancers." Second, the ubiquitous interactions between cis-regulatory elements. Third, the notion that some cis-regulatory regions may not function in a modular manner. Last, the effect of chromatin conformation on cis-regulatory activity. In this article, I describe these recent findings and discuss open questions in the field. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
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Tipo de documento: info:ar-repo/semantics/artículo

Romanato, M. - Regueira, E. - Cameo, M.S. - Baldini, C. - Calvo, L. - Calvo, J.C.
Hum. Reprod. 2005;20(10):2784-2789

Descripción: Background: Human spermatozoa decondense in vitro upon exposure to heparin and glutathione. Glutathione is also the disulfide bond reducer in vivo, and heparan sulfate, a functional analogue of heparin, has been proposed as the protamine acceptor. The aim of this study was to evaluate the decondensing ability of chemically modified heparins and different glycosaminoglycans (GAGs) on isolated sperm nuclei in vitro, and to analyse the possible role of different GAGs as protamine acceptors. Methods: Capacitated spermatozoa and isolated sperm nuclei from normospermic semen samples were decondensed in the presence of heparin (or its equivalent) and glutathione. After fixation with glutaraldehyde, the percentage of decondensed spermatozoa and nuclei was determined under phase-contrast. Proteins were extracted from sperm nuclei previously incubated in the presence of gluhathione and different GAGs by incubation with urea-β-meracptoethanol-NaCl, and analysed by acid polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Results: The ability of desulfated heparins and other GAGs to decondense isolated nuclei mirrored exactly the decondensation of capacitated spermatozoa, the only difference being the level of maximum decondensation achieved. Heparan sulfate and heparin, but not other GAGs, were able to release protamines from sperm chromatin. Conclusions: Heparan sulfate could be functioning as protamine acceptor in vivo during human sperm nuclear decondensation. © The Author 2005. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology. All rights reserved.
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Tipo de documento: info:ar-repo/semantics/artículo

Mascanfroni, I.D. - Montesinos, M.D.M. - Alamino, V.A. - Susperreguy, S. - Nicola, J.P. - Ilarregui, J.M. - Masini-Repiso, A.M. - Rabinovich, G.A. - Pellizas, C.G.
J. Biol. Chem. 2010;285(13):9569-9582

Descripción: Despite considerable progress in our understanding of the interplay between immune and endocrine systems, the role of thyroid hormones and their receptors in the control of adaptive immunity is still uncertain. Here, we investigated the role of thyroid hormone receptor (TR) β 1 signaling in modulating dendritic cell (DC) physiology and the intracellular mechanisms underlying these immunoregulatory effects. Exposure of DCs to triiodothyronine (T 3 ) resulted in a rapid and sustained increase in Akt phosphorylation independently of phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase activation, which was essential for supporting T 3 -induced DC maturation and interleukin (IL)-12 production. This effect was dependent on intact TRβ 1 signaling as small interfering RNA-mediated silencing of TRβ 1 expression prevented T 3 -induced DC maturation and IL-12 secretion as well as Akt activation and IκB-ε degradation. In turn, T 3 up-regulated TRβ 1 expression through mechanisms involving NF-κB, suggesting an autocrine regulatory loop to control hormone-dependent TRβ 1 signaling. These findings were confirmed by chromatin immunoprecipitation analysis, which disclosed a new functional NF-κB consensus site in the promoter region of the TRB1 gene. Thus, a T 3 -induced NF-κB-dependent mechanism controls TRβ 1 expression, which in turn signals DCs to promote maturation and function via an Akt-dependent but PI3K-independent pathway. These results underscore a novel unrecognized target that regulates DC maturation and function with critical implications in immunopathology at the crossroads of the immune-endocrine circuits. © 2010 by The American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Inc.
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Tipo de documento: info:ar-repo/semantics/artículo

Ceruti, J.M. - Scassa, M.E. - Flo, J.M. - Varone, C.L. - Cánepa, E.T.
Oncogene 2005;24(25):4065-4080

Temas:   Apoptosis -  CDK4/6 -  DNA repair -  INK4 -  Neuroblastoma -  UV -  caspase 3 -  DNA -  DNA fragment -  RNA

Descripción: The genetic instability driving tumorigenesis is fuelled by DNA damage and by errors made by the DNA replication. Upon DNA damage the cell organizes an integrated response not only by the classical DNA repair mechanisms but also involving mechanisms of replication, transcription, chromatin structure dynamics, cell cycle progression, and apoptosis. In the present study, we investigated the role of p19INK4d in the response driven by neuroblastoma cells against DNA injury caused by UV irradiation. We show that p19INK4d is the only INK4 protein whose expression is induced by UV light in neuroblastoma cells. Furthermore, p19INK4d translocation from cytoplasm to nucleus is observed after UV irradiation. Ectopic expression of p19INK4d clearly reduces the UV-induced apoptosis as well as enhances the cellular ability to repair the damaged DNA. It is clearly shown that DNA repair is the main target of p19INK4d effect and that diminished apoptosis is a downstream event. Importantly, experiments performed with CDK4 mutants suggest that these p19INK4d effects would be independent of its role as a cell cycle checkpoint gene. The results presented herein uncover a new role of p19INK4d as regulator of DNA-damage-induced apoptosis and suggest that it protects cells from undergoing apoptosis by allowing a more efficient DNA repair. We propose that, in addition to its role as cell cycle inhibitor, p19INK4d is involved in maintenance of DNA integrity and, therefore, would contribute to cancer prevention. © 2005 Nature Publishing Group. All rights reserved.
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Tipo de documento: info:ar-repo/semantics/artículo

Kadener, S. - Fededa, J.P. - Rosbash, M. - Kornblihtt, A.R.
Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A. 2002;99(12):8185-8190

Descripción: Promoters and enhancers are cis-acting elements that control gene transcription via complex networks of protein-DNA and proteinprotein interactions. Whereas promoters deal with putting in place the RNA polymerase, both enhancers and promoters can control transcriptional initiation and elongation. We have previously shown that promoter structure modulates alternative splicing, strengthening the concept of a physical and functional coupling between transcription and splicing. Here we report that the promoter effect is due to the control of RNA pol II elongation. We found that the simian virus 40 (SV40) transcriptional enhancer, inserted in fibronectin (FN) minigene constructs transfected into mammalian cells, controls alternative splicing by inhibiting inclusion of the FN extra domain I (EDI) exon into mature mRNA. Deletion analysis of enhancer subdomains and competitions in vivo with excess of specific enhancer DNA subfragments demonstrate that the "minimal" enhancer, consisting of two 72-bp repeats, is responsible for the splicing effect. The 72-bp repeat region has been reported to promote RNA pol II elongation. When transcription is driven by the α-globin promoter linked to the SV40 enhancer, basal EDI inclusion and activation by the SR (Ser-Arg-rich) protein SF2/ASF are much lower than with other promoters. Deletion of only one of the two 72-bp repeats not only provokes higher EDI inclusion levels but allows responsiveness to SF2/ASF. These effects are the consequence of a decrease in RNA pol II elongation evidenced both by an increase in the proportions of shorter proximal over full length transcripts and by higher pol II densities upstream of the alternative exon detected by chromatin immunoprecipitation.
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Tipo de documento: info:ar-repo/semantics/artículo

Giacomini, D. - Páez-Pereda, M. - Stalla, J. - Stalla, G.K. - Arzt, E.
Mol. Endocrinol. 2009;23(7):1102-1114

Descripción: The regulatory role of estrogen, bone morphogenetic protein-4 (BMP-4), and TGF-β has a strong impact on hormone secretion, gene transcription, and cellular growth of prolactin (PRL)-producing cells. In contrast to TGF-β, BMP-4 induces the secretion of PRL in GH3 cells. Therefore, we studied the mechanism of their transcriptional regulation. Both BMP-4 and TGF-β inhibited the transcriptional activity of the estrogen receptor (ER). Estrogens had no effect on TGF-β-specific Smad protein transcriptional activity but presented a stimulatory action on the transcriptional activity of the BMP-4-specific Smads. BMP-4/estrogen cross talk was observed both on PRL hormone secretion and on the PRL promoter. This cross talk was abolished by the expression of a dominant-negative form for Smad-1 and treatment with ICI 182780 but not by point mutagenesis of the estrogen response element site within the promoter, suggesting that Smad/ER interaction might be dependent on the ER and a Smad binding element. By serial deletions of the PRL promoter, we observed that indeed a region responsive to BMP-4 is located between -2000 and -1500 bp upstream of the transcriptional start site. Chromatin immunoprecipitation confirmed Smad-4 binding to this region, and by specific mutation and gel shift assay, a Smad binding element responsible site was characterized. These results demonstrate that the different transcriptional factors involved in the Smad/ER complexes regulate their transcriptional activity in differential ways and may account for the different regulatory roles of BMP-4, TGF-β, and estrogens in PRL-producing cells. Copyright © 2009 by The Endocrine Society.
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Tipo de documento: info:ar-repo/semantics/artículo

Schwede, A. - Manful, T. - Jha, B.A. - Helbig, C. - Bercovich, N. - Stewart, M. - Clayton, C.
Nucleic Acids Res. 2009;37(16):5511-5528

Descripción: Removal of the poly(A) tail is the first step in the degradation of many eukaryotic mRNAs. In metazoans and yeast, the Ccr4/Caf1/Not complex has the predominant deadenylase activity, while the Pan2/Pan3 complex may trim poly(A) tails to the correct size, or initiate deadenylation. In trypanosomes, turnover of several constitutively-expressed or long-lived mRNAs is not affected by depletion of the 5'-3' exoribonuclease XRNA, but is almost completely inhibited by depletion of the deadenylase CAF1. In contrast, two highly unstable mRNAs, encoding EP procyclin and a phosphoglycerate kinase, PGKB, accumulate when XRNA levels are reduced. We here show that degradation of EP mRNA was partially inhibited after CAF1 depletion. RNAi-targeting trypanosome PAN2 had a mild effect on global deadenylation, and on degradation of a few mRNAs including EP. By amplifying and sequencing degradation intermediates, we demonstrated that a reduction in XRNA had no effect on degradation of a stable mRNA encoding a ribosomal protein, but caused accumulation of EP mRNA fragments that had lost substantial portions of the 5' and 3' ends. The results support a model in which trypanosome mRNAs can be degraded by at least two different, partially independent, cytoplasmic degradation pathways attacking both ends of the mRNA. © 2009 The Author(s).
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Tipo de documento: info:ar-repo/semantics/artículo

De Luca, P. - Moiola, C.P. - Zalazar, F. - Gardner, K. - Vazquez, E.S. - De Siervi, A.
Prostate Cancer Prostatic Dis. 2013;16(3):233-238

Descripción: Background:Loss or mutations of the BRCA1 gene are associated with increased risk of breast and ovarian cancers and with prostate cancer (PCa) aggressiveness. Previously, we identified GADD153 as a target of BRCA1 protein, which increases doxorubicin sensitivity in human p53 -/- PCa cells (PC3). Considering that p53 is a crucial target in cancer therapy, in this work we investigated p53 role in the regulation of transcription of GADD153.Methods:We performed reverse transcription quantitative PCR (RT-qPCR), western blot and luciferase assays to analyze GADD153 and/or BRCA1 expression in response to ultraviolet or doxorubicin exposure in PC3 p53 stable-transfected cells and LNCaP (p53+/+) cells. BRCA1 protein recruitment to GADD153 promoter was studied by chromatin immunoprecipitation-qPCR. To assess expression of BRCA1 and/or p53 target genes, we used a panel of stable-transfected PCa cell lines. We finally analyzed these genes in vivo using BRCA1-depleted PCa xenograft models.Results:We found that GADD153 was highly induced by doxorubicin in PC3 cells; however, this response was totally abolished in LNCaP (p53wt) and in p53-restituted PC3 cells. Furthermore, BRCA1 protein associates to GADD153 promoter after DNA damage in the presence of p53. Additionally, we demonstrated that BRCA1 and/or p53 modulate genes involved in DNA damage and cell cycle regulation (cyclin D1, BLM, BRCA2, DDB2, p21 WAF1/CIP1, H3F3B, GADD153, GADD45A, FEN1, CCNB2), EMT (E-cadherin, β-catenin, vimentin, fibronectin, slug, snail) and Hedgehog pathways (SHH, IHH, DHH, Gli1, PATCH1). Furthermore, xenograft studies demonstrated that BRCA1 knockdown in PC3 cells increased tumor growth and modulated these genes in vivo.Conclusions:Although BRCA1 induces GADD153 in a p53 independent manner, p53 abolished GADD153 induction in response to DNA damage. In addition, several important PCa targets are modulated by BRCA1 and p53. Altogether, these data might be important to understand the therapy response of PCa patients.© 2013 Macmillan Publishers Limited All rights reserved.
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Tipo de documento: info:ar-repo/semantics/artículo

Rocha-Viegas, L. - Vicent, G.P. - Barañao, J.L. - Beato, M. - Pecci, A.
J. Biol. Chem. 2006;281(45):33959-33970

Descripción: The bcl-X gene plays a critical role in apoptosis. Six different isoforms generated by tissue-specific promoter usage and alternative splicing were described. Some of them exert opposite effects on cell death. In mammary epithelial cells glucocorticoids induce bcl-X expression and increase the ratio bcl-XL (antiapoptotic)/bcl-XS (apoptotic) by activating P4 promoter, which contains two hormone response elements. Here we show that, on mouse thymocytes and T lymphocyte derivative S49 cells, glucocorticoids inhibited transcription from P4 and decreased the ratio bcl-X L/bcl-XS favoring apoptosis. Upon hormonal treatment, glucocorticoid receptor (GR), steroid receptor coactivator-1, and RNA polymerase II were transiently recruited to P4 promoter, whereas STAT5B was also recruited but remained bound. Concomitant with the release of GR, silencing mediator for retinoic acid receptor and thyroid hormone receptor and histone deacetylase 3 were recruited, histone H3 was deacetylated, and RNA polymerase II left the promoter. Inhibition of STAT5 activity reverted glucocorticoid repression to activation of transcription and was accompanied by stable recruitment of GR and RNA polymerase II to P4. © 2006 by The American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Inc.
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Tipo de documento: info:ar-repo/semantics/artículo

Dekanty, A. - Romero, N.M. - Bertolin, A.P. - Thomas, M.G. - Leishman, C.C. - Perez-Perri, J.I. - Boccaccio, G.L. - Wappner, P.
PLoS Genet. 2010;6(6):1-10

Descripción: Hypoxia-inducible factors (HIFs) are a family of evolutionary conserved alpha-beta heterodimeric transcription factors that induce a wide range of genes in response to low oxygen tension. Molecular mechanisms that mediate oxygen-dependent HIF regulation operate at the level of the alpha subunit, controlling protein stability, subcellular localization, and transcriptional coactivator recruitment. We have conducted an unbiased genome-wide RNA interference (RNAi) screen in Drosophila cells aimed to the identification of genes required for HIF activity. After 3 rounds of selection, 30 genes emerged as critical HIF regulators in hypoxia, most of which had not been previously associated with HIF biology. The list of genes includes components of chromatin remodeling complexes, transcription elongation factors, and translational regulators. One remarkable hit was the argonaute 1 (ago1) gene, a central element of the microRNA (miRNA) translational silencing machinery. Further studies confirmed the physiological role of the miRNA machinery in HIF-dependent transcription. This study reveals the occurrence of novel mechanisms of HIF regulation, which might contribute to developing novel strategies for therapeutic intervention of HIF-related pathologies, including heart attack, cancer, and stroke. © 2010 Dekanty et al.
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Tipo de documento: info:ar-repo/semantics/artículo

Pelisch, F. - Gerez, J. - Druker, J. - Schor, I.E. - Muñoz, M.J. - Risso, G. - Petrillo, E. - Westman, B.J. - Lamond, A.I. - Arzt, E. - Srebrow, A.
Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A. 2010;107(37):16119-16124

Descripción: Protein modification by conjugation of small ubiquitin-related modifier (SUMO) is involved in diverse biological functions, such as transcription regulation, subcellular partitioning, stress response, DNA damage repair, and chromatin remodeling. Here, we show that the serine/arginine-rich protein SF2/ASF, a factor involved in splicing regulation and other RNA metabolism-related processes, is a regulator of the sumoylation pathway. The overexpression of this protein stimulates, but its knockdown inhibits SUMO conjugation. SF2/ASF interacts with Ubc9 and enhances sumoylation of specific substrates, sharing characteristics with already described SUMO E3 ligases. In addition, SF2/ASF interacts with the SUMO E3 ligase PIAS1 (protein inhibitor of activated STAT-1), regulating PIAS1-induced overall protein sumoylation. The RNA recognition motif 2 of SF2/ASF is necessary and sufficient for sumoylation enhancement. Moreover, SF2/ASF has a role in heat shock-induced sumoylation and promotes SUMO conjugation to RNA processing factors. These results add a component to the sumoylation pathway and a previously unexplored role for the multifunctional SR protein SF2/ASF.
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Tipo de documento: info:ar-repo/semantics/artículo