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Palabras contadas: insects: 28
Mola, L.M.
Hereditas 1995;122(1):47-55

Descripción: In many groups of insects with holokinetic chromosomes the meiotic process is, without doubt, either pre‐reductional or post‐reductional. In Odonata, however, the mode of orientation (axial or equatorial) and type of meiosis (pre‐ or post‐reductional) of bivalents is still controversial. Copyright © 1995, Wiley Blackwell. All rights reserved
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Tipo de documento: info:ar-repo/semantics/artículo

Tomsic, D. - Berón de Astrada, M. - Sztarker, J.
J. Neurosci. 2003;23(24):8539-8546

Descripción: Ideally, learning-related changes should be investigated while they occur in vivo, but physical accessibility and stability limit intracellular studies. Experiments with insects and crabs demonstrate their remarkable capacity to learn and memorize visual features. However, the location and physiology of individual neurons underlying these processes is unknown. A recently developed crab preparation allows stable intracellular recordings from the optic ganglia to be performed in the intact animal during learning. In the crab Chasmagnathus, a visual danger stimulus (VDS) elicits animal escape, which declines after a few stimulus presentations. The long-lasting retention of this decrement is mediated by an association between contextual cues of the training site and the VDS, therefore, called context-signal memory (CSM). CSM is achieved only by spaced training. Massed training, on the contrary, produces a decline of the escape response that is short lasting and, because it is context independent, is called signal memory (SM). Here, we show that movement detector neurons (MDNs) from the lobula (third optic ganglion) of the crab modify their response to the VDS during visual learning. These modifications strikingly correlate with the rate of acquisition and with the duration of retention of both CSM and SM. Long-term CSM is detectable from the response of the neuron 1 d after training. In contrast to MDNs, identified neurons from the medulla (second optic ganglion) show no changes. Our results indicate that visual memory in the crab, and possibly other arthropods, including insects, is accounted for by functional changes occurring in neurons originating in the optic lobes.
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Tipo de documento: info:ar-repo/semantics/artículo

Dupuy, F. - Josens, R. - Giurfa, M. - Sandoz, J.-C.
BMC Neurosci. 2010;11

Descripción: Background: Olfactory systems create representations of the chemical world in the animal brain. Recordings of odour-evoked activity in the primary olfactory centres of vertebrates and insects have suggested similar rules for odour processing, in particular through spatial organization of chemical information in their functional units, the glomeruli. Similarity between odour representations can be extracted from across-glomerulus patterns in a wide range of species, from insects to vertebrates, but comparison of odour similarity in such diverse taxa has not been addressed. In the present study, we asked how 11 aliphatic odorants previously tested in honeybees and rats are represented in the antennal lobe of the ant Camponotus fellah, a social insect that relies on olfaction for food search and social communication.Results: Using calcium imaging of specifically-stained second-order neurons, we show that these odours induce specific activity patterns in the ant antennal lobe. Using multidimensional analysis, we show that clustering of odours is similar in ants, bees and rats. Moreover, odour similarity is highly correlated in all three species.Conclusion: This suggests the existence of similar coding rules in the neural olfactory spaces of species among which evolutionary divergence happened hundreds of million years ago. © 2010 Dupuy et al; licensee BioMed Central Ltd.
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Tipo de documento: info:ar-repo/semantics/artículo

Centanin, L. - Gorr, T.A. - Wappner, P.
J. Insect Physiol. 2010;56(5):447-454

Descripción: The insect tracheal system is a continuous tubular network that ramifies into progressively thinner branches to provide air directly to every organ and tissue throughout the body. During embryogenesis the basic architecture of the tracheal system develops in a stereotypical and genetically controlled manner. Later, in larval stages, the tracheal system becomes plastic, and adapts to particular oxygen needs of the different tissues of the body. Oxygen sensing is mediated by specific prolyl-4-hydroxylases that regulate protein stability of the alpha subunit of oxygen-responsive transcription factors from the HIF family. Tracheal cells are exquisitely sensitive to oxygen levels, modulating the expression of hypoxia-inducible proteins that mediate sprouting of tracheal branches in direction to oxygen-deprived tissues. © 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
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Tipo de documento: info:ar-repo/semantics/artículo

Insausti, T.C. - Lazzari, C.R.
Mem. Inst. Oswaldo Cruz 2000;95(6):877-881

Descripción: Simple eyes or ocelli coexist with compound eyes in many adult insects. The change in the morphology of the ocelli along the five larval instars of Triatoma infestans was studied by light and scanning electron microscopy. Our analysis showed that the development of the ocelli of these bugs occurs gradually along the larval life. The photoreceptor layer is present from the second-instar onwards. The cornea appears first at the imaginal stage and grows up to the 18-20th day after the last ecdysis, associated to an increase in the retinal mass. Findings are discussed in a comparative fashion and in relation to the functionality of the ocellar system in T. infestans.
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Tipo de documento: info:ar-repo/semantics/artículo

Bilenca, D.N. - Kravetz, F.O. - Zuleta, G.A.
Mammalia 1992;56(3):371-384

Descripción: We report results of dietary analyses of Akodon azarae and Calomys laucha and of food availability in corn fields and their borders in the Pampean region of central Argentina. Sampling was conducted at different developmental crop stages, in order to assess the influence of food availability on diet and reproductive performance. Both species were generalistic and opportunistic feeders, but differed in food habits and nutritional requirements for reproduction : A azarae had omnivorous diets and its breeding activity was related to high requirements of insects, whereas C. laucha was mainly an herbivorous-granivorous feeder and required high amounts of green forage to improve its reproductive performance. We discuss the role that food availability may play as a potential factor for competitive interactions at the different crop stages, regarding the changes in abundance of both species and their differences in diet, competitive ability, habitat preferences and colonizing potential. © 1992, Walter de Gruyter. All rights reserved.
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Tipo de documento: info:ar-repo/semantics/artículo

Cendra, P.G. - Segura, D. - Allinghi, A. - Cladera, J. - Vilardi, J.
Fla. Entomol. 2007;90(1):147-153

Descripción: The South American fruit fly Anastrepha fraterculus (Wiedemann) is one of the most destructive fruit pests in this region, infesting major fruit crops. Implementation of the sterile insect technique (SIT) as part of an area-wide integrated approach against this species requires information on the survival of mass-reared and sterilized insects in the field and their ability to mate with wild females. The survival rates in field cages of both non-irradiated and irradiated laboratory flies were compared with that of wild flies. Both types of laboratory flies survived longer than their wild counterparts over the 8 days under the experimental conditions. The irradiation dose (70 Gy) did not affect survival of the laboratory reared flies. Our results improve the prospect of integrating the SIT into the control of A. fraterculus populations in Argentina.
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Tipo de documento: info:ar-repo/semantics/artículo

Vance, C.C. - Smith, S.M. - Malcolm, J.R. - Huber, J. - Bellocq, M.I.
Environ. Entomol. 2007;36(5):1073-1083

Descripción: Most insects' assemblages differ with forest type and show vertical stratification. We tested for differences in richness, abundance and composition of hymenopteran families and mymarid genera between sugar maple (Acer saccharum) and white pine (Pinus strobus) stands and between canopy and understory in northeastern temperate forests in Canada. We used flight interception traps (modified malaise traps) suspended in the canopy and the understory in a split-split block design, with forest type as the main factor, forest stratum as the first split factor, and collection bottle location as the second split factor. Hymenopteran families and mymarid genera differed in their diversity depending on forest type and stratum. Both family and genera richness were higher in maple than in pine forests, whereas family richness was higher in the canopy and top bottles and generic richness was higher in the understory and bottom bottles. Multivariate analysis separated samples by forest type, vegetation stratum, and bottle location. Family composition showed 77% similarity between forest types and 73% between the canopy and understory. At the lower taxa level, mymarid genera showed only 47% similarity between forest types and 40% between forest strata, indicating vertical stratification and relatively high β-diversity. Our study suggests that hymenopteran diversity and composition is strongly dependent on forest type and structure, making flying members of this order particularly vulnerable to forest management practices. It also shows that insect assemblage composition (especially at low-taxon levels), rather than relative abundance and richness, is the community attribute most sensitive to forest type and vertical stratification. © 2007 Entomological Society of America.
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Tipo de documento: info:ar-repo/semantics/artículo

Arenas, A. - Fernández, V.M. - Farina, W.M.
PLoS ONE 2009;4(12)

Descripción: Background: Cognitive experiences during the early stages of life play an important role in shaping the future behavior in mammals but also in insects, in which precocious learning can directly modify behaviors later in life depending on both the timing and the rearing environment. However, whether olfactory associative learning acquired early in the adult stage of insects affect memorizing of new learning events has not been studied yet. Methodology: Groups of adult honeybee workers that experienced an odor paired with a sucrose solution 5 to 8 days or 9 to 12 days after emergence were previously exposed to (i) a rewarded experience through the offering of scented food, or (ii) a non-rewarded experience with a pure volatile compound in the rearing environment. Principal Findings: Early rewarded experiences (either at 1-4 or 5-8 days of adult age) enhanced retention performance in 9-12-day-conditioned bees when they were tested at 17 days of age. The highest retention levels at this age, which could not be improved with prior rewarded experiences, were found for memories established at 5-8 days of adult age. Associative memories acquired at 9-12 days of age showed a weak effect on retention for some pure pre-exposed volatile compounds; whereas the sole exposure of an odor at any younger age did not promote long-term effects on learning performance. Conclusions: The associative learning events that occurred a few days after adult emergence improved memorizing in middle-aged bees. In addition, both the timing and the nature of early sensory inputs interact to enhance retention of new learning events acquired later in life, an important matter in the social life of honeybees. © 2009 Arenas et al.
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Tipo de documento: info:ar-repo/semantics/artículo

Gomez Cendra, P. - Calcagno, G. - Belluscio, L. - Vilardi, J.C.
J. Insect Sci. 2011;11

Descripción: The South American fruit fly Anastrepha fraterculus (Wiedemann) (Diptera: Tephritidae) is a pest of fruit species of warm regions of the Americas, including Argentina. Some authors claim that this taxon includes a group of cryptic species. In order to evaluate possible targets of sexual selection, it is necessary to analyze ethological aspects of male courtship and identify particular steps that strongly influence mating success. A mating test designed to evaluate behavioral differences between insects that achieve copulation (successful males) and those that did not mate (unsuccessful males) could also be relevant for the possible implementation of control programs based on sterile insect technique. Reared insects need to be evaluated periodically, since genetic drift and artificial selection associated with rearing conditions could have a detrimental effect on their ability to compete for matings in nature. In this study, courtship behavior of A. fraterculus males from a laboratory strain was analyzed for the first time through video recordings. Three components for the activities were identified: calling, wing positions, and movements. Also, the time that males spent on each step of the courtship was registered, including the last activities before attempting copulation. Data showed that mating achievement occurs relatively quickly; 65% of the successful males reached copulation within the first ten minutes after the male and female were placed together. Behavioral differences were detected between successful and unsuccessful males. The former group tended to invest more time in activities directly related with mating (Spin, Arrowhead, Attempt); however, as courtship progressed, unsuccessful males increased the time dedicated to activities not directly associated to mating (Call 0, Relax,Stationary). There was not a single sequence of activities leading to success, but the analysis of the last activities performed before mating attempts indicated that the most frequent position before successful attempts was Arrowhead, occurring in 68% of cases, whereas in unsuccessful males this position was observed only 18% of the time before mounting. Although the behavior of the strain analyzed here should be compared with that of natural populations, one would not expect to observe significant differences as compatibility and competitiveness with wild collected flies was previously shown under field cage conditions. Behavioral tests such as those applied here might be important to assess quality of mass reared strains for sterile insect technique implementation programs. © This is an open access paper. We use the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 license that permits unrestricted use, provided that the paper is properly attributed.
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Tipo de documento: info:ar-repo/semantics/artículo

Sztarker, J. - Tomsic, D.
J. Neurosci. 2011;31(22):8175-8180

Descripción: Experiments with insects and crabs have demonstrated their remarkable capacity to learn and memorize complex visual features (Giurfa et al., 2001; Pedreira and Maldonado, 2003; Chittka and Niven, 2009). Such abilities are thought to require modular brain processing similar to that occurring in vertebrates (Menzel and Giurfa, 2001). Yet, physiological evidence for this type of functioning in the small brains of arthropods is still scarce (Liu et al., 1999, 2006; Menzel and Giurfa, 2001). In the crab Chasmagnathus granulatus, the learning rate as well as the long-term memory of a visual stimulus has been found to be reflected in the performance of identified lobula giant neurons (LGs) (Tomsic et al., 2003). The memory can only be evoked in the training context, indicating that animals store two components of the learned experience, one related to the visual stimulus and one related to the visual context (Tomsic et al., 1998; Hermitte et al., 1999). By performing intracellular recordings in the intact animal, we show that the ability of crabs to generalize the learned stimulus into new space positions and to distinguish it from a similar but unlearned stimulus, two of the main attributes of stimulus memory, is reflected by the performance of the LGs. Conversely, we found that LGs do not support the visual context memory component. Our results provide physiological evidence that the memory traces regarding "what" and "where" are stored separately in the arthropod brain. © 2011 the authors.
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Tipo de documento: info:ar-repo/semantics/artículo

Corio, C. - Soto, I.M. - Carreira, V. - Padró, J. - Betti, M.I.L. - Hasson, E.
Biol. J. Linn. Soc. 2013;109(2):342-353

Descripción: The host-plant environment of phytophagous insects directly affects various aspects of an insect's life cycle. Interestingly, relatively few insect groups have specialized in the exploitation of plants in the Cactaceae family, potentially because of the chemical and ecological challenges imposed by these plants. The cactophilic Drosophila buzzatiiPatterson & Wheeler, 1942 is a well-studied model in evolutionary ecology, partially because of its ability to exploit toxic cactus hosts. Previous studies have shown a negative effect on performance when flies are reared in an alternative columnar cactus host of the genus Trichocereus, relative to its primary cactus host, Opuntia. These observations were attributed to the presence of alkaloids in Trichocereus tissues, a chemical deterrent to herbivores that indirectly affects Drosophila larvae; however, the putative toxic effect of alkaloids has never been tested directly in D. buzzatii. The present study is the first attempt to relate chemical extracts in Trichocereus terscheckii Britton & Rose, 1920 with detrimental effects on D. buzzatii. We assessed the effects of a crude alkaloid extract, rich in phenylethylamines, and a 'non-alkaloid fraction' on viability and adult wing morphology. Our results indicate that rearing larvae on an artificial diet containing different concentrations of the crude alkaloid extract decreased pupal viability and adult size in a concentration-dependent manner. We discuss the role of cactus alkaloids in the evolution of host-plant use in cactophilic flies. © 2013 The Linnean Society of London.
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Tipo de documento: info:ar-repo/semantics/artículo

Schilman, P.E. - Waters, J.S. - Harrison, J.F. - Lighton, J.R.B.
J. Exp. Biol. 2011;214(8):1271-1275

Descripción: Insects in general, and Drosophila in particular, are much more capable of surviving anoxia than vertebrates, and the mechanisms involved are of considerable biomedical and ecological interest. Temperature is likely to strongly affect both the rates of damage occurring in anoxia and the recovery processes in normoxia, but as yet there is no information on the effect of this crucial variable on recovery rates from anoxia in any animal. We studied the effects of temperature, and thus indirectly of metabolic flux rates, on survival and recovery times of individual male Drosophila melanogaster following anoxia and O2 reperfusion. Individual flies were reared at 25° and exposed to an anoxic period of 7.5, 25, 42.5 or 60?min at 20, 25 or 30°. Before, during and after anoxic exposure the flies' metabolic rates (MRs), rates of water loss and activity indices were recorded. Temperature strongly affected the MR of the flies, with a Q10 of 2.21. Temperature did not affect the slope of the relationship between time to recovery and duration of anoxic exposure, suggesting that thermal effects on damage and repair rates were similar. However, the intercept of that relationship was significantly lower (i.e. recovery was most rapid) at 25°, which was the rearing temperature. When temperatures during exposure to anoxia and during recovery were switched, recovery times matched those predicted from a model in which the accumulation and clearance of metabolic end-products share a similar dependence on temperature. ©2011. Published by The Company of Biologists Ltd.
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Tipo de documento: info:ar-repo/semantics/artículo

Lanzavecchia, S. - Remis, M. - Cladera, J. - Zandomeni, R.
Entomol. Exp. Appl. 2010;136(1):53-65

Descripción: DNA size polymorphisms were utilized in a study of 24 natural populations of Ceratitis capitata Wiedemann (Diptera: Tephritidae) from Argentina. The first intron of alcohol dehydrogenase 1 gene (Adh1) was amplified using exon priming intron crossing-polymerase chain reaction. Three size variants were detected among the 307 samples analyzed. To better differentiate the size variants, further digestion of PCR products with the EcoRI restriction enzyme was carried out. Complete nucleotide sequences of the three-allele variants were obtained and single changes, insertions, deletions, and EcoRI recognition sites were located. Population allele frequencies were analyzed and a global mean heterozygosity (He) of 0.33 was obtained. In most populations, observed allelic frequencies conformed to Hardy-Weinberg expectations. Significant differences between provinces and sampling sites within these provinces, and among some populations were found. The average number of insects exchanged among populations (Nm) was estimated and high values were observed between Argentina and populations from two African countries (Morocco and Kenya), Australia, and Hawaii (Kauai). Pest introduction sources and dispersion patterns in Argentina are discussed based on these results as well as on available bibliographical data. © 2010 The Authors. Journal compilation © 2010 The Netherlands Entomological Society.
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Tipo de documento: info:ar-repo/semantics/artículo

Anton, S. - Evengaard, K. - Barrozo, R.B. - Anderson, P. - Skals, N.
Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A. 2011;108(8):3401-3405

Descripción: Modulation of sensitivity to sensory cues by experience is essential for animals to adapt to a changing environment. Sensitization and adaptation to signals of the same modality as a function of experience have been shown in many cases, and some of the neurobiological mechanisms underlying these processes have been described. However, the influence of sensory signals on the sensitivity of a different modality is largely unknown. In males of the noctuid moth, Spodoptera littoralis, the sensitivity to the female-produced sex pheromone increases 24 h after a brief preexposure with pheromone at the behavioral and central nervous level. Here we show that this effect is not confined to the same sensory modality: the sensitivity of olfactory neurons can also be modulated by exposure to a different sensory stimulus, i.e., a pulsed stimulus mimicking echolocating sounds from attacking insectivorous bats. We tested responses of preexposed male moths in a walking bioassay and recorded from neurons in the primary olfactory center, the antennal lobe. We show that brief exposure to a bat call, but not to a behaviorally irrelevant tone, increases the behavioral sensitivity of male moths to sex pheromone 24 h later in the same way as exposure to the sex pheromone itself. The observed behavioral modification is accompanied by an increase in the sensitivity of olfactory neurons in the antennal lobe. Our data provide thus evidence for cross-modal experience-dependent plasticity not only on the behavioral level, but also on the central nervous level, in an insect.
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Tipo de documento: info:ar-repo/semantics/artículo

De Marco, R.J.
J. Exp. Biol. 2006;209(3):421-432

Descripción: Apis mellifera bees perform dances to communicate the presence of desirable nectar sources. The regulation of these dances does not depend exclusively on properties of the nectar sources, but also upon certain stimuli derived from the foraging status of the colony as a whole; i.e. bees exploiting a source of constant profitability are more likely to dance when the colony's nectar intake rate is low. Based on these stimuli, individual bees tune their dances according to their colony's nectar influx without visiting alternative nectar sources. Division of labour, in addition, is a common feature in honeybees. Upon returning to the nest, successful foragers transfer the content of their crops to food-receivers by means of a common behaviour in social insects called trophallaxis, i.e. the transfer of liquid food by mouth. Martin Lindauer stated that a returned forager may sense the foraging status of its colony on the basis of the food transfer process by computing how quickly and eagerly the food-receivers unload its crop. This study focuses on the forager's experience during the food transfer process, its variability based on the colony's nectar influx, and the separate effects that the 'ease' and the 'eagerness' of the food-unloading have on the tuning of recruitment dances. Results indicate that foragers can rapidly sense variations in the colony's nectar influx, even when they experience no variation in the time interval between their return to the hive and the beginning of the food transfer. To accomplish this task they appear to use stimuli derived from the number of food-receivers, which enable them, in turn, to set their dance thresholds in relation to the nectar influx of their colony. The relevance of these findings is discussed in the context of communication and successful foraging.
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Tipo de documento: info:ar-repo/semantics/artículo

Barnatan, Yair - Tomsic, Daniel - Sztarker, Julieta - Cámera, A.
Proc. R. Soc. B Biol. Sci. 2022;1981

Descripción: When an animal rotates (whether it is an arthropod, a fish, a bird or a human) a drift of the visual panorama occurs over its retina, termed optic flow. The image is stabilized by compensatory behaviours (driven by the movement of the eyes, head or the whole body depending on the animal) collectively termed optomotor responses. The dipteran lobula plate has been consistently linked with optic flow processing and the control of optomotor responses. Crabs have a neuropil similarly located and interconnected in the optic lobes, therefore referred to as a lobula plate too. Here we show that the crabs' lobula plate is required for normal optomotor responses since the response was lost or severely impaired in animals whose lobula plate had been lesioned. The effect was behaviour-specific, since avoidance responses to approaching visual stimuli were not affected. Crabs require simpler optic flow processing than flies (because they move slower and in two-dimensional instead of three-dimensional space), consequently their lobula plates are relatively smaller. Nonetheless, they perform the same essential role in the visual control of behaviour. Our findings add a fundamental piece to the current debate on the evolutionary relationship between the lobula plates of insects and crustaceans.
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Tipo de documento: info:ar-repo/semantics/artículo

Genovese, G. - Senek, M. - Ortiz, N. - Regueira, M. - Towle, D.W. - Tresguerres, M. - Luquet, C.M.
J. Exp. Biol. 2006;209(14):2785-2793

Descripción: The effects of dopamine (DA) and dopaminergic agonists and antagonists on ion transport were studied in isolated perfused gills of the crab Chasmagnathus granulatus. DA applied under steady state conditions (perfusion with hemolymph-like saline) produced a transient increase of the transepithelial potential difference (Vtc) from 2.2±0.2 to 4.8±0.3 mV, describing an initial cAMP-dependent stimulating phase followed by an inhibitory phase. Spiperone and domperidone (antagonists of D2-like DA receptors in vertebrates) completely blocked the response to DA, while the D1-like antagonist SCH23390 blocked only the inhibitory phase. Theophylline (phosphodiesterase inhibitor) and okadaic acid (protein phosphatases PP1 and PP2A inhibitor) were also able to block the inhibitory phase, suggesting that it depends on adenylyl cyclase inhibition and on protein phosphatases. When the gills were perfused with hypoosmotic solution, or with the adenylyl cyclase activator forskolin, Vte was increased several-fold. DA applied under these stimulated conditions partially reversed the Vte increase by 54% and 25%, respectively. Similarly, the D1-like agonist, fenoldopam, produced a 33% reduction in the stimulated Vte. We propose that, in C. granulatus gills, DA stimulates adenylyl cyclase and therefore ion transport through D1-like receptors linked to a Gs protein, although they respond to antagonists that interact with D2-like receptors in vertebrates. The inhibitory phase seems to be mediated by D2-like receptors linked to a Gi/o protein, which inhibits adenylyl cyclase, although these receptors can be activated or blocked by agonists or antagonists that interact with D1-like receptors in vertebrates and insects.
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Tipo de documento: info:ar-repo/semantics/artículo

Carreira, V.P. - Imberti, M.A. - Mensch, J. - Fanara, J.J.
PLoS ONE 2013;8(7)

Descripción: Understanding the genetic architecture of any quantitative trait requires identifying the genes involved in its expression in different environmental conditions. This goal can be achieved by mutagenesis screens in genetically tractable model organisms such as Drosophila melanogaster. Temperature during ontogenesis is an important environmental factor affecting development and phenotypic variation in holometabolous insects. In spite of the importance of phenotypic plasticity and genotype by environment interaction (GEI) for fitness related traits, its genetic basis has remained elusive. In this context, we analyzed five different adult morphological traits (face width, head width, thorax length, wing size and wing shape) in 42 co-isogenic single P-element insertional lines of Drosophila melanogaster raised at 17°C and 25°C. Our analyses showed that all lines differed from the control for at least one trait in males or females at either temperature. However, no line showed those differences for all traits in both sexes and temperatures simultaneously. In this sense, the most pleiotropic candidate genes were CG34460, Lsd-2 and Spn. Our analyses also revealed extensive genetic variation for all the characters mostly indicated by strong GEIs. Further, our results indicate that GEIs were predominantly explained by changes in ranking order in all cases suggesting that a moderate number of genes are involved in the expression of each character at both temperatures. Most lines displayed a plastic response for at least one trait in either sex. In this regard, P-element insertions affecting plasticity of a large number of traits were associated to the candidate genes Btk29A, CG43340, Drak and jim. Further studies will help to elucidate the relevance of these genes on the morphogenesis of different body structures in natural populations of D. melanogaster. © 2013 Carreira et al.
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Tipo de documento: info:ar-repo/semantics/artículo

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