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Palabras contadas: microarray: 25, dna: 527
Glezer, I. - Chernomoretz, A. - David, S. - Plante, M.-M. - Rivest, S.
PLoS ONE 2007;2(3)

Descripción: Glucocorticoids are potent regulators of the innate immune response, and alteration in this inhibitory feedback has detrimental consequences for the neural tissue. This study profiled and investigated functionally candidate genes mediating this switch between cell survival and death during an acute inflammatory reaction subsequent to the absence of glucocorticoid signaling. Oligonucleotide microarray analysis revealed that following lipopolysaccharide (LPS) intracerebral administration at striatum level, more modulated genes presented transcription impairment than exacerbation upon glucocorticoid receptor blockage. Among impaired genes we identified ceruloplasmin (Cp), which plays a key role in iron metabolism and is implicated in a neurodegenative disease. Microglial and endothelial induction of Cp is a natural neuroprotective mechanism during inflammation, because Cp-deficient mice exhibited increased iron accumulation and demyelination when exposed to LPS and neurovascular reactivity to pneumococcal meningitis. This study has identified genes that can play a critical role in programming the innate immune response, helping to clarify the mechanisms leading to protection or damage during inflammatory conditions in the CNS. © 2007 Glezer et al.
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Tipo de documento: info:ar-repo/semantics/artículo

Fernandez, P. - Soria, M. - Blesa, D. - DiRienzo, J. - Moschen, S. - Rivarola, M. - Clavijo, B.J. - Gonzalez, S. - Peluffo, L. - Príncipi, D. - Dosio, G. - Aguirrezabal, L. - García-García, F. - Conesa, A. - Hopp, E. - Dopazo, J. - Heinz, R.A. - Paniego, N.
PLoS ONE 2012;7(10)

Descripción: Oligonucleotide-based microarrays with accurate gene coverage represent a key strategy for transcriptional studies in orphan species such as sunflower, H. annuus L., which lacks full genome sequences. The goal of this study was the development and functional annotation of a comprehensive sunflower unigene collection and the design and validation of a custom sunflower oligonucleotide-based microarray. A large scale EST (>130,000 ESTs) curation, assembly and sequence annotation was performed using Blast2GO (www.blast2go.de). The EST assembly comprises 41,013 putative transcripts (12,924 contigs and 28,089 singletons). The resulting Sunflower Unigen Resource (SUR version 1.0) was used to design an oligonucleotide-based Agilent microarray for cultivated sunflower. This microarray includes a total of 42,326 features: 1,417 Agilent controls, 74 control probes for sunflower replicated 10 times (740 controls) and 40,169 different non-control probes. Microarray performance was validated using a model experiment examining the induction of senescence by water deficit. Pre-processing and differential expression analysis of Agilent microarrays was performed using the Bioconductor limma package. The analyses based on p-values calculated by eBayes (p<0.01) allowed the detection of 558 differentially expressed genes between water stress and control conditions; from these, ten genes were further validated by qPCR. Over-represented ontologies were identified using FatiScan in the Babelomics suite. This work generated a curated and trustable sunflower unigene collection, and a custom, validated sunflower oligonucleotide-based microarray using Agilent technology. Both the curated unigene collection and the validated oligonucleotide microarray provide key resources for sunflower genome analysis, transcriptional studies, and molecular breeding for crop improvement. © 2012 Fernandez et al.
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Tipo de documento: info:ar-repo/semantics/artículo

Fernandez, P. - Di Rienzo, J. - Fernandez, L. - Hopp, H.E. - Paniego, N. - Heinz, R.A.
BMC Plant Biol. 2008;8

Descripción: Background. Considering that sunflower production is expanding to arid regions, tolerance to abiotic stresses as drought, low temperatures and salinity arises as one of the main constrains nowadays. Differential organ-specific sunflower ESTs (expressed sequence tags) were previously generated by a subtractive hybridization method that included a considerable number of putative abiotic stress associated sequences. The objective of this work is to analyze concerted gene expression profiles of organ-specific ESTs by fluorescence microarray assay, in response to high sodium chloride concentration and chilling treatments with the aim to identify and follow up candidate genes for early responses to abiotic stress in sunflower. Results. Abiotic-related expressed genes were the target of this characterization through a gene expression analysis using an organ-specific cDNA fluorescence microarray approach in response to high salinity and low temperatures. The experiment included three independent replicates from leaf samples. We analyzed 317 unigenes previously isolated from differential organ-specific cDNA libraries from leaf, stem and flower at R1 and R4 developmental stage. A statistical analysis based on mean comparison by ANOVA and ordination by Principal Component Analysis allowed the detection of 80 candidate genes for either salinity and/or chilling stresses. Out of them, 50 genes were up or down regulated under both stresses, supporting common regulatory mechanisms and general responses to chilling and salinity. Interestingly 15 and 12 sequences were up regulated or down regulated specifically in one stress but not in the other, respectively. These genes are potentially involved in different regulatory mechanisms including transcription/translation/protein degradation/protein folding/ROS production or ROS-scavenging. Differential gene expression patterns were confirmed by qRT-PCR for 12.5% of the microarray candidate sequences. Conclusion. Eighty genes isolated from organ-specific cDNA libraries were identified as candidate genes for sunflower early response to low temperatures and salinity. Microarray profiling of chilling and NaCl-treated sunflower leaves revealed dynamic changes in transcript abundance, including transcription factors, defense/stress related proteins, and effectors of homeostasis, all of which highlight the complexity of both stress responses. This study not only allowed the identification of common transcriptional changes to both stress conditions but also lead to the detection of stress-specific genes not previously reported in sunflower. This is the first organ-specific cDNA fluorescence microarray study addressing a simultaneous evaluation of concerted transcriptional changes in response to chilling and salinity stress in cultivated sunflower.
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Tipo de documento: info:ar-repo/semantics/artículo

Pearson, J.L. - Robinson, T.J. - Muñoz, M.J. - Kornblihtt, A.R. - Garcia-Blanco, M.A.
J. Biol. Chem. 2008;283(12):7949-7961

Descripción: The transcription factor TCERG1 (also known as CA150) associates with RNA polymerase II holoenzyme and alters the elongation efficiency of reporter transcripts. TCERG1 is also found as a component of highly purified spliceosomes and has been implicated in splicing. To elucidate the function of TCERG1, we used short interfering RNA-mediated knockdown followed by en masse gene expression analysis to identify its cellular targets. Analysis of data from HEK293 and HeLa cells identified high confidence targets of TCERG1. We found that targets of TCERG1 were enriched in microRNA-binding sites, suggesting the possibility of post-transcriptional regulation. Consistently, reverse transcription-PCR analysis revealed that many of the changes observed upon TCERG1 knockdown were because of differences in alternative mRNA processing of the 3′-untranslated regions. Furthermore, a novel computational approach, which can identify alternatively processed events from conventional microarray data, showed that TCERG1 led to widespread alterations in mRNA processing. These findings provide the strongest support to date for a role of TCERG1 in mRNA processing and are consistent with proposals that TCERG1 couples transcription and processing. © 2008 by The American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Inc.
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Tipo de documento: info:ar-repo/semantics/artículo

Ghiglione, H.O. - Gonzalez, F.G. - Serrago, R. - Maldonado, S.B. - Chilcott, C. - Curá, J.A. - Miralles, D.J. - Zhu, T. - Casal, J.J.
Plant J. 2008;55(6):1010-1024

Descripción: The wheat spikelet meristem differentiates into up to 12 floret primordia, but many of them fail to reach the fertile floret stage at anthesis. We combined microarray, biochemical and anatomical studies to investigate floret development in wheat plants grown in the field under short or long days (short days extended with low-fluence light) after all the spikelets had already differentiated. Long days accelerated spike and floret development and greening, and the expression of genes involved in photosynthesis, photoprotection and carbohydrate metabolism. These changes started while the spike was in the light-depleted environment created by the surrounding leaf sheaths. Cell division ceased in the tissues of distal florets, which interrupted their normal developmental progression and initiated autophagy, thus decreasing the number of fertile florets at anthesis. A massive decrease in the expression of genes involved in cell proliferation, a decrease in soluble carbohydrate levels, and an increase in the expression of genes involved in programmed cell death accompanied anatomical signs of cell death, and these effects were stronger under long days. We propose a model in which developmentally generated sugar starvation triggers floret autophagy, and long days intensify these processes due to the increased carbohydrate consumption caused by the accelerated plant development. © 2008 The Authors.
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Tipo de documento: info:ar-repo/semantics/artículo