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Palabras contadas: moments: 14, magnetic: 559
Correa, V.F. - Sänger, N. - Jorge, G. - Nieva, G. - Haberkorn, N.
J. Phys. Conf. Ser. 2009;167

Descripción: We report high magnetic field magnetostructural studies on Gd 2/3Ca1/3MnO3 single crystals. A giant linear magnetostrictive effect is observed in a wide temperature range (T < 120 K). Above 25 K a large hysteresis is seen reflecting the Mn magnetic moments ordering. At lower temperature (T < 15 K), a rather complicated field dependence arising from the competition between the Mn and Gd magnetic sublattices is observed. The relevance of the Gd ions in the low temperature behavior is further corroborated by specific heat experiments. © 2009 IOP Publishing Ltd.
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Tipo de documento: info:ar-repo/semantics/documento de conferencia

Sánchez, M. - Ferraro, M.B. - Alkorta, I. - Elguero, J. - Sauer, S.P.A.
J Chem Phys 2008;128(6)

Descripción: We applied a methodology capable of resolving the optical rotatory power into atomic contributions. The individual atomic contributions to the optical rotatory power and molecular chirality of the methylhydroperoxide are obtained via a canonical transformation of the Hamiltonian by which the electric dipolar moment operator is transformed to the acceleration gauge formalism and the magnetic dipolar moment operator to the torque formalism. The gross atomic isotropic contributions have been evaluated for the carbon, the nonequivalent oxygen, and the nonequivalent hydrogen atoms of methylhydroperoxide, employing a very large Gaussian basis set which is close to the Hartree-Fock limit. © 2008 American Institute of Physics.
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Tipo de documento: info:ar-repo/semantics/artículo

Guevara, J. - Llois, A.M. - Aguilera-Granja, F. - Montejano-Carrizales, J.M.
Rev. Mex. Fis. 2010;56(1):21-29

Descripción: We study the dependence of the magnetic properties of NiPd and CoPd segregated nanoclusters and slabs as a function of the 3d magnetic component concentration (x), the chemical order, and size. In the case of clusters we consider 3d cores coated by Pd atoms (3d/Pd) and also onion-like (Pd/3d/Pd) configurations. For the slabs we consider different possible segregated structures of the 3d and 4d atoms and study the evolution of the magnetic properties on these different configurations. We show that Pd coating gives rise to an enhancement of the average magnetic moment of the Ni or Co core atoms and of the Pd atoms as well. Larger values of the average magnetic moments are obtained in the onion-like structures (Pd/3d/Pd) than in the core/shell (3d/Pd) configuration. We compare with theoretical and experimental results available in the literature.
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Tipo de documento: info:ar-repo/semantics/artículo

Melo, J.I. - Ruiz De Azua, M.C. - Giribet, C.G. - Aucar, G.A. - Provasi, P.F.
J Chem Phys 2004;121(14):6798-6808

Descripción: Relativistic effects on nuclear magnetic shielding constants in HX and CH 3X, where X is either Br or I, were investigated using elimination of small component (ESC) approach. The values of σ(X) were found to affected by relativistic corrections. Large negative contributions correcting the dimagnetic terms were observed that when the effect of electron-positron rotations was included within RC-ESC approach. The results show that some overall shifts from HX to CH 3X is dominated by nonrelativistic effects.
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Tipo de documento: info:ar-repo/semantics/artículo

Mandrini, C.H. - Pohjolainen, S. - Dasso, S. - Green, L.M. - Démoulin, P. - Van Driel-Gesztelyi, L. - Copperwheat, C. - Foley, C.
Astron. Astrophys. 2005;434(2):725-740

Descripción: Using multi-instrument and multi-wavelength observations (SOHO/MDI and BIT, TRACE and Yohkoh/SXT), as well as computing the coronal magnetic field of a tiny bipole combined with modelling of Wind in situ data, we provide evidences for the smallest event ever observed which links a sigmoid eruption to an interplanetary magnetic cloud (MC). The tiny bipole, which was observed very close to the solar disc centre, had a factor one hundred less flux than a classical active region (AR). In the corona it had a sigmoidal structure, observed mainly in EUV, and we found a very high level of non-potentiality in the modelled magnetic field, 10 times higher than we have ever found in any AR. From May 11, 1998, and until its disappearance, the sigmoid underwent three intense impulsive events. The largest of these events had extended EUV dimmings and a cusp. The Wind spacecraft detected 4.5 days later one of the smallest MC ever identified (about a factor one hundred times less magnetic flux in the axial component than that of an average MC). The link between this last eruption and the interplanetary magnetic cloud is supported by several pieces of evidence: good timing, same coronal loop and MC orientation, same magnetic field direction and magnetic helicity sign in the coronal loops and in the MC. We further quantify this link by estimating the magnetic flux (measured in the dimming regions and in the MC) and the magnetic helicity (pre- to post-event change in the solar corona and helicity content of the MC). Within the uncertainties, both magnetic fluxes and helicities are in reasonable agreement, which brings further evidences of their link. These observations show that the ejections of tiny magnetic flux ropes are indeed possible and put new constraints on CME models. © ESO 2005.
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Tipo de documento: info:ar-repo/semantics/artículo

Rodriguez, L. - Zhukov, A.N. - Dasso, S. - Mandrini, C.H. - Cremades, H. - Cid, C. - Cerrato, Y. - Saiz, E. - Aran, A. - Menvielle, M. - Poedts, S. - Schmieder, B.
Ann. Geophys. 2008;26(2):213-229

Temas:   cloud -  magnetic field -  plasma -  solar activity

Descripción: We analyze two magnetic clouds (MCs) observed in different points of the heliosphere. The main aim of the present study is to provide a link between the different aspects of this phenomenon, starting with information on the origins of the MCs at the Sun and following by the analysis of in-situ observations at 1 AU and at Ulysses. The candidate source regions were identified in SOHO/EIT and SOHO/MDI observations. They were correlated with H-± images that were obtained from ground-based observatories. Hints on the internal magnetic field configuration of the associated coronal mass ejections are obtained from LASCO C2 images. In interplanetary space, magnetic and plasma moments of the distribution function of plasma species (ACE/Ulysses) were analyzed together with information on the plasma composition, and the results were compared between both spacecraft in order to understand how these structures interact and evolve in their cruise from the Sun to 5 AU. Additionally, estimates of global magnitudes of magnetic fluxes and helicity were obtained from magnetic field models applied to the data in interplanetary space. We have found that these magnetic characteristics were well kept from their solar source, up to 5 AU where Ulysses provided valuable information which, together with that obtained from ACE, can help to reinforce the correct matching of solar events and their interplanetary counterparts.
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Tipo de documento: info:ar-repo/semantics/artículo

Ruiz, R.C. - Goguitchaichvili, A. - Geuna, S.E. - Alva-Valdivia, L.M. - Solé, J. - Morales, J.
Earth Planets Space 2006;58(10):1333-1339

Descripción: We present here new paleointensity and geochronology results from Early Cretaceous volcanic rocks of Sierra Chica de Cordoba (Argentina). The new K-Ar isotopic ages of 5 samples range from 136 to 122 Ma. Twenty five samples from 7 individual flows yielded acceptable paleointensity estimates. The mean paleointensity values per flow are ranging from 53.0±1.9 to 25.4±2.6 μT and the corresponding Virtual Dipole Moments (VDMs) are ranging from 9.3±1.3 to 4.6±0.5 (1022 Am2). This corresponds to the mean value of 7.3±1.7x1022 Am2, which is compatible to the present geomagnetic axial dipole. Currently available selected paleointensity data from 80 to 130 Ma suggest that geomagnetic field strength frequently fluctuated before and during the Cretaceous Normal Superchron while the magnetic polarity maintained stable. The mean paleointensities derived from Cordoba lavas agree remarkably well with those obtained from the Parana Magmatic Province (133-132 Ma). This reinforces the hypothesis about the unreliability of ‘Mesozoic Dipole Low'. © 2006, The Seismological Society of Japan, Society of Geomagnetism and Earth, Planetary and Space Sciences, The Volcanological Society of Japan, The Geodetic Society of Japan, The Japanese Society for Planetary Sciences. All rights reserved.
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Tipo de documento: info:ar-repo/semantics/artículo

Alcoba, D.R. - Torre, A. - Lain, L. - Massaccesi, G.E. - Oña, O.B.
J Chem Phys 2013;139(8)

Descripción: This work extends the concept of seniority number, which has been widely used for classifying N-electron Slater determinants, to wave functions of N electrons and spin S, as well as to N-electron spin-adapted Hilbert spaces. We propose a spin-free formulation of the seniority number operator and perform a study on the behavior of the expectation values of this operator under transformations of the molecular basis sets. This study leads to propose a quantitative evaluation for the convergence of the expansions of the wave functions in terms of Slater determinants. The non-invariant character of the seniority number operator expectation value of a wave function with respect to a unitary transformation of the molecular orbital basis set, allows us to search for a change of basis which minimizes that expectation value. The results found in the description of wave functions of selected atoms and molecules show that the expansions expressed in these bases exhibit a more rapid convergence than those formulated in the canonical molecular orbital bases and even in the natural orbital ones. © 2013 AIP Publishing LLC.
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Tipo de documento: info:ar-repo/semantics/artículo