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Palabras contadas: spectral: 69, analysis: 738
Duarte, P. - Ferreira, D.P. - MacHado, I.F. - Ferreira, L.F.V. - Rodríguez, H.B. - Román, E.S.
Molecules 2012;17(2):1602-1616

Descripción: The photophysical behaviour of phloxine B adsorbed onto microcrystalline cellulose was evaluated by reflectance spectroscopy and laser induced time-resolved luminescence in the picosecond-nanosecond and microsecond- millisecond ranges. Analysis of the absorption spectral changes with concentration points to a small tendency of the dye to aggregate in the range of concentrations under study. Prompt fluorescence, phosphorescence and delayed fluorescence spectral decays were measured at room temperature and 77 K, without the need of sample degassing because cellulose protects triplet states from oxygen quenching. In all cases, spectral changes with time and lifetime distribution analysis were consistent with the dye coexisting in two different environments: dyes tightly entrapped between polymer chains in crystalline regions of cellulose showed longer fluorescence and phosphorescence lifetimes and more energetic triplet states, while dyes adsorbed in more amorphous regions of the support showed shorter lifetimes and less energetic triplet states. This behaviour is discussed in terms of the different dye-support interactions in both kinds of adsorption sites.
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Tipo de documento: info:ar-repo/semantics/artículo

Castelletti, G. - Dubner, G. - Clarke, T. - Kassim, N.E.
Astron. Astrophys. 2011;534

Descripción: Aims.We investigate the morphology at low radio frequencies of the supernova remnant (SNR) IC 443 in detail and accurately establish its radio continuum spectral properties. Methods. We used the VLA in multiple configurations to produce high-resolution radio images of IC 443 at 74 and 330 MHz. From these data we produced the first sensitive, spatially resolved spectral analysis of the radio emission at long wavelengths. The changes with position in the radio spectral index were correlated with data in near infrared (NIR) from 2MASS, in gamma-rays from VERITAS, and with the molecular 12CO (J = 1-0) line emission. Results. The new image at 74 MHz has HPBW = 35′′ and rms = 30 mJy beam-1 and at 330 MHz HPBW = 17′′and rms = 1.7 mJy beam-1. The integrated flux densities for the whole SNR are S SNR 74MHz = 470 ± 51 Jy and S SNR 330MHz = 248 ± 15 Jy. Improved estimates of the integrated spectrum were derived taking a turnover into account to fit the lowest frequency measurements in the literature. Combining our measurements with existing data, we derive an integrated spectral index α 10700MHz 10MHz =-0.39 ± 0.01 with a free-free continuum optical depth at 330 MHz 330 ∼ 7 × 10 -4 (τ10 = 1.07); all measurements above ∼10 MHz are equally consistent with a power law spectrum. For the pulsar wind nebula associated with the compact source CXOU J061705.3+222127, we calculated S PWN 330MHz = 0.23±0.05 Jy, SPWN 1420MHz = 0.20±0.04 Jy, and α8460MHz 330MHz ∼ 0.0. Substantial variations are observed in spectral index between 74 and 330 MHz across IC 443. The flattest spectral components (-0.25 = a =-0.05) coincide with the brightest parts of the SNR along the eastern border, with an impressive agreement with ionic lines as observed in the 2MASS J and H bands. The diffuse interior of IC 443 has a spectrum steeper than found anywhere in the SNR (-0.85 = a =-0.6), while the southern ridge again has a flatter spectrum (a ∼-0.4). With the available statistics the VERITAS .-ray emission strikingly matches the CO distribution, but no clear evidence is found for a morphological correlation between the TeV distribution and radio emission. Conclusions. The excellent correspondence between the eastern radio flattest spectrum region and NIR ionic lines strongly suggests that the passage of a fast, dissociating J-type shock across the interacting molecular cloud dissociated the molecules and ionized the gas.We therefore conclude that thermal absorption at 74 MHz (τ74 up to ∼0.3) is responsible for the localized spectral index flattening observed along the eastern border of IC 443. Towards the interior of IC 443, the spectrum is consistent with those expected from linear diffusive shock acceleration, while the flatter spectrum in the southern ridge is a consequence of the strong shock/molecular cloud interaction. © 2011 ESO.
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Tipo de documento: info:ar-repo/semantics/artículo

Badnell, N.R. - O'Mullane, M.G. - Summers, H.P. - Altun, Z. - Bautista, M.A. - Colgan, J. - Gorczyca, T.W. - Mitnik, D.M. - Pindzola, M.S. - Zatsarinny, O.
Astron. Astrophys. 2003;406(3):1151-1165

Descripción: A programme is outlined for the assembly of a comprehensive dielectronic recombination database within the generalized collisional-radiative (GCR) framework. It is valid for modelling ions of elements in dynamic finite-density plasmas such as occur in transient astrophysical plasmas such as solar flares and in the divertors and high transport regions of magnetic fusion devices. The resolution and precision of the data are tuned to spectral analysis and so are sufficient for prediction of the dielectronic recombination contributions to individual spectral line emissivities. The fundamental data are structured according to the format prescriptions of the Atomic Data and Analysis Structure (ADAS) and the production of relevant GCR derived data for application is described and implemented following ADAS. The requirements on the dielectronic recombination database are reviewed and the new data are placed in context and evaluated with respect to older and more approximate treatments. Illustrative results validate the new high-resolution zero-density dielectronic recombination data in comparison with measurements made in heavy-ion storage rings utilizing an electron cooler. We also exemplify the role of the dielectronic data on GCR coefficient behaviour for some representative light and medium weight elements.
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Tipo de documento: info:ar-repo/semantics/artículo

Alvarez, E. - Mazzitelli, F.D.
Phys Lett Sect B Nucl Elem Part High-Energy Phys 2001;505(1-4):236-242

Descripción: The effective action for quantum fields on a d-dimensional spacetime can be computed using a non-local expansion in powers of the curvature. We show explicitly that, for conformal fields and up to quadratic order in the curvature, the non-local effective action is equivalent to the d + 1 action for classical gravity in AdSd+1 restricted to a (d - 1)-brane. This generalizes previous results about quantum corrections to the Newtonian potential and provides an alternative method for making local a non-local effective action. The equivalence can be easily understood by comparing the Kallen-Lehmann decomposition of the classical propagator with the spectral representation of the non-local form factors in the quantum effective action. © 2001 Published by Elsevier Science B.V.
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Tipo de documento: info:ar-repo/semantics/artículo

Quiroga Lombard, C.S. - Balenzuela, P. - Braun, H. - Chialvo, D.R.
Nonlinear Processes Geophys. 2010;17(5):585-592

Descripción: Spectral analyses performed on records of cosmogenic nuclides reveal a group of dominant spectral components during the Holocene period. Only a few of them are related to known solar cycles, i.e., the De Vries/Suess, Gleissberg and Hallstatt cycles. The origin of the others remains uncertain. On the other hand, time series of North Atlantic atmospheric/sea surface temperatures during the last ice age display the existence of repeated large-scale warming events, called Dansgaard-Oeschger (DO) events, spaced around multiples of 1470 years. The De Vries/Suess and Gleissberg cycles with periods close to 1470/7 (∼210) and 1470/17 (∼86.5) years have been proposed to explain these observations. In this work we found that a conceptual bistable model forced with the De Vries/Suess and Gleissberg cycles plus noise displays a group of dominant frequencies similar to those obtained in the Fourier spectra from paleo-climate during the Holocene. Moreover, we show that simply changing the noise amplitude in the model we obtain similar power spectra to those corresponding to GISP2 δ18O (Greenland Ice Sheet Project 2) during the last ice age. These results give a general dynamical framework which allows us to interpret the main characteristic of paleoclimate records from the last 100 000 years. © 2010 Author(s).
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Tipo de documento: info:ar-repo/semantics/artículo

Brachet, M.E. - Bustamante, M.D. - Krstulovic, G. - Mininni, P.D. - Pouquet, A. - Rosenberg, D.
Phys. Rev. E Stat. Nonlinear Soft Matter Phys. 2013;87(1)

Descripción: We investigate the ideal and incompressible magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) equations in three space dimensions for the development of potentially singular structures. The methodology consists in implementing the fourfold symmetries of the Taylor-Green vortex generalized to MHD, leading to substantial computer time and memory savings at a given resolution; we also use a regridding method that allows for lower-resolution runs at early times, with no loss of spectral accuracy. One magnetic configuration is examined at an equivalent resolution of 61443 points and three different configurations on grids of 40963 points. At the highest resolution, two different current and vorticity sheet systems are found to collide, producing two successive accelerations in the development of small scales. At the latest time, a convergence of magnetic field lines to the location of maximum current is probably leading locally to a strong bending and directional variability of such lines. A novel analytical method, based on sharp analysis inequalities, is used to assess the validity of the finite-time singularity scenario. This method allows one to rule out spurious singularities by evaluating the rate at which the logarithmic decrement of the analyticity-strip method goes to zero. The result is that the finite-time singularity scenario cannot be ruled out, and the singularity time could be somewhere between t=2.33 and t=2.70. More robust conclusions will require higher resolution runs and grid-point interpolation measurements of maximum current and vorticity. © 2013 American Physical Society.
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Tipo de documento: info:ar-repo/semantics/artículo

Pouquet, A. - Baerenzung, J. - Mininni, P.D. - Rosenberg, D. - Thalabard, S.
J. Phys. Conf. Ser. 2011;318(SECTION 4)

Descripción: We present numerical evidence on how three-dimensionalization is recovered at small scale in rotating turbulence with helical forcing provided by a Beltrami flow. The relevant ranges (large-scale inverse cascade of energy, anisotropic and isotropic direct cascades of energy and helicity, dissipative) are each moderately resolved. These results stem from large direct numerical simulations on grids of either 15363 or 30723 points. In the latter case, the scale at which the inertial wave time and the eddy turn-over time are equal is found to be more than one order of magnitude larger than the dissipation scale. We also examine how the presence of such an intermediate scale could affect truncation due to the use of a helical spectral Large Eddy Simulation procedure which can allow for extending the analysis to a wider range of parameters. Finally, the self-similarity of the direct cascade of energy to small scales for rotating flows, observed recently in numerical simulations as well as in several laboratory experiments, will be discussed briefly for its scaling properties and its conformal invariance.
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Tipo de documento: info:ar-repo/semantics/documento de conferencia

Gómez, D. - Sicardi Schifino, A. - Ferro Fontán, C.
Astrophys. J. 1990;352(1):318-325

Temas:   Hydromagnetics -  Sun: corona

Descripción: We study the coupling between the hot plasma confined in a coronal loop and the much colder chromospheric plasma at the footpoints. Considering the coronal heating rate as a control parameter, we find that the static equilibrium becomes unstable for heating rates below a critical value, giving rise to the appearance of a stable limit cycle. Starting from the hydrodynamic equations, we derive a model which generalizes the analysis of Kuin and Martens and consistently takes into account the condensation-evaporation process. In this paper, we linearize our equations in order to find the bifurcation point where the stability of the static equilibrium is lost. We also show that this model can provide a natural explanation for the excess widths of EUV spectral lines formed in the transition region. Moreover, we can predict the observed reduction in the broadening of these lines when they form in certain active regions, like quiescent prominences or sunspots.
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Tipo de documento: info:ar-repo/semantics/artículo

Alexander, P. - Luna, D. - Llamedo, P. - De La Torre, A.
Ann. Geophys. 2010;28(2):587-595

Descripción: We first study the seasonal and geographical behavior of gravity wave activity in the lower stratosphere over the southernmost Andes mountains and their prolongation in the Antarctic Peninsula by global positioning system (GPS) radio occultation (RO) temperature profiles, obtained between years 2002 and 2005 by the CHAllenging Minisatellite Payload (CHAMP) mission. The observed features complement observations in the same zone by other satellite passive remote sensing instruments, which are able to detect different height regions and other spectral intervals of the wave spectrum. Comparisons with previous GPS RO studies in smaller areas than the one covered in our analysis are also established. Significant seasonal variation of wave activity is observed in our work, in agreement with results from other instruments. The locations of significant cases indicate that topography is an important source. Some strong wave activity is also found over open ocean. Critical level filtering is shown to have an attenuation effect, implying that a large fraction of the observed activity can be considered to be an outcome of mountain waves. The studied region has a significant advantage as compared to other regions of our planet: it generates wavefronts nearly aligned with the North-South direction (almost parallel to the mountains), whereby this geometry favors the wave detection by the nearly meridional line of sight characterizing most of the GPS RO observations used. A distribution of the observed gravity waves in terms of amplitudes and wavelengths is also presented.
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Tipo de documento: info:ar-repo/semantics/artículo

Tognalli, N. - Fainstein, A. - Calvo, E. - Bonazzola, C. - Pietrasanta, L. - Campoy-Quiles, M. - Etchegoin, P.
J Chem Phys 2005;123(4)

Descripción: We present a detailed structural and surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) study of poly(allylamine) modified with Os (byp)2 ClPyCHO (PAH-Os) and gold nanoparticles self-assembled multilayers [PAH-Os+ (Au-nanoparticlesPAH-Os)n, n=1 and 5]. Atomic force microscopy and variable-angle spectroscopic ellipsometry measurements indicate that the first nanoparticle layer grows homogenously by partially covering the substrate without clustering. Analyzing the sample thickness and roughness we infer that the growth process advances thereafter by filling with nanoparticles the interstitial spaces between the previously adsorbed nanoparticles. After five immersion steps the multilayers reach a more compact structure. The interaction between plasmons of near-gold nanoparticles provides a new optical absorption around 650 nm which, in addition, allows a more effective SERS process in that spectral region than at the single-plasmon resonance (∼530 nm). We compare the electronic resonance Raman and SERS amplification mechanisms in these self-assembled multilayers analyzing Raman resonance scans and Raman intensity micromaps. As a function of nanoparticle coverage we observe large changes in the Raman intensity scans, with maxima that shift from the electronic transitions, to the plasmon resonance, and finally to the coupled-plasmon absorption. The Raman micromaps, on the other hand, evidence huge intensity inhomogeneities which we relate to "hot spots." Numerical discrete dipole approximation calculations including the interaction between gold nanoparticles are presented, providing a qualitative model for the coupled-plasmon absorption and redshifted Raman hot spots in these samples. © 2005 American Institute of Physics.
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Tipo de documento: info:ar-repo/semantics/artículo

Rusticucci, M. - Renom, M.
Int. J. Climatol. 2008;28(8):1083-1095

Descripción: A database of daily extreme temperature was created for as many stations as possible for Uruguay, as far back as possible. This is the first attempt to gather all the different data sources together, perform a quality control and homogeneity assessment. We work with seven stations; it should be taken into account that Uruguay is a small country (around 177 000 km2) and this represents most of the available data. There are three old series with starting dates in 1930, and four that start around 1950. From this database, a set of four extreme temperature indices was constructed for the oldest five stations, warm days (TX90), cold days (TX10), warm nights (TN90) and cold nights (TN10). The index TN10 shows the largest significant negative trend for the period 1960-2002, while TN90 shows a positive but not significant trend for this period indicating a strong warming of nighttime temperature. A spectral analysis was performed using the multi taper methods (MTM) to the de-trended annual, summer Dec-Feb (DJF) and winter Jun-Aug (JJA) indices time-series. This analysis shows that on inter-annual timescales, the most significant range of frequencies is from 2 to 2.5 years and from 3 to 6 years. Low frequencies of variability were detected when the MTM was applied to de-trended smoothed annual time-series, around the range of frequencies of 15-25 years for almost all the indices analysed. Links with global sea surface temperature (SST) were studied for two stations (Paysandu and Rocha), and it was found that the indices showed largest correlations with SST anomalies in the Pacific Ocean. We detected changes in the response of the TN10 index for Rocha station when the series was split up into two different periods (1942-1976 and 1977-2005). Copyright © 2007 Royal Meteorological Society.
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Tipo de documento: info:ar-repo/semantics/artículo