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Palabras contadas: environments: 34, local: 162
Pollock, F.A. - McCutcheon, D.P.S. - Lovett, B.W. - Gauger, E.M. - Nazir, A.
New J. Phys. 2013;15

Descripción: Unitary transformations can allow one to study open quantum systems in situations for which standard, weak-coupling type approximations are not valid. We develop here an extension of the variational (polaron) transformation approach to open system dynamics, which applies to arbitrarily large exciton transport networks with local environments. After deriving a time-local master equation in the transformed frame, we go on to compare the population dynamics predicted using our technique with other established master equations. The variational frame dynamics are found to agree with both weak coupling and full polaron master equations in their respective regions of validity. In parameter regimes considered difficult for these methods, the dynamics predicted by our technique are found to interpolate between the two. The variational method thus gives insight, across a broad range of parameters, into the competition between coherent and incoherent processes in determining the dynamical behaviour of energy transfer networks. © IOP Publishing and Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft.
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Tipo de documento: info:ar-repo/semantics/artículo

Tagliazucchi, M. - De La Cruz, M.O. - Szleifer, I.
Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A. 2010;107(12):5300-5305

Descripción: The competition between chemical equilibrium, for example protonation, and physical interactions determines the molecular organization and functionality of biological and synthetic systems. Charge regulation by displacement of acid-base equilibrium induced by changes in the local environment provides a feedback mechanism that controls the balance between electrostatic, van der Waals, steric interactions and molecular organization. Which strategies do responsive systems follow to globally optimize chemical equilibrium and physical interactions? We address this question by theoretically studying model layers of end-grafted polyacids. These layers spontaneously form self-assembled aggregates, presenting domains of controlled local pH and whose morphologies can be manipulated by the composition of the solution in contact with the film. Charge regulation stabilizes micellar domains over a wide range of pH by reducing the local charge in the aggregate at the cost of chemical free energy and gaining in hydrophobic interactions. This balance determines the boundaries between different aggregate morphologies. We show that a qualitatively new form of organization arises from the coupling between physical interactions and protonation equilibrium. This optimization strategy presents itself with polyelectrolytes coexisting in two different and well-defined protonation states. Our results underline the need of considering the coupling between chemical equilibrium and physical interactions due to their highly nonadditive behavior. The predictions provide guidelines for the creation of responsive polymer layers presenting self-organized patterns with functional properties and they give insights for the understanding of competing interactions in highly inhomogeneous and constrained environments such as those relevant in nanotechnology and those responsible for biological cells function.
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Tipo de documento: info:ar-repo/semantics/artículo

Sueiro, M.C. - Bortolus, A. - Schwindt, E.
Helgol. Mar. Res. 2011;65(4):467-477

Descripción: Several species of ecosystem engineers inhabiting coastal environments have been reported structuring different kinds of communities. The magnitude of this influence often depends on the habitat complexity introduced by the engineers. It is commonly accepted that an increase in habitat complexity will result in an increase in diversity and/or abundance in the associated fauna. The rocky salt marshes along the coast of Patagonia are dominated by cordgrasses, mussels, and barnacles forming a mosaic of engineered habitats with different complexity. This system allows us to address the following questions: how different is a macroinvertebrate assemblage when dominated by different ecosystem engineers? And, is there a positive relationship between increasing habitat complexity and the species richness, diversity and total density of the assemblages? To address these questions, we compared the three ecological scenarios with decreasing habitat complexity: cordgrass-mussel, mussel, and barnacle-engineered habitats. We found a total of 22 taxa mostly crustaceans and polychaetes common to all scenarios. The three engineered habitats showed different macroinvertebrate assemblages, mainly due to differences in individual abundances of some taxa. The cryptogenic amphipod Orchestia gammarella was found strictly associated with the cordgrass-mussel habitat. Species richness and diversity were positively related with habitat complexity while total density showed the opposite trend. Our study suggests that species vary their relative distribution and abundances in response to different habitat complexity. Nevertheless, the direction (i. e., neutral, positive or negative) and intensity of the community's response seem to depend on the physiological requirements of the different species and their efficiency to readjust their local spatial distribution in the short term. © 2010 Springer-Verlag and AWI.
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Tipo de documento: info:ar-repo/semantics/artículo

Santoferrara, L. - Alder, V.
J. Plankton Res. 2009;31(8):837-851

Descripción: Ciliates from sub-surface waters of the Argentine shelf and the Drake Passage under austral summer and autumn conditions were examined and compared for the first time. In both environments, the taxonomic structure of ciliates was related to temperature and salinity, and aloricate oligotrichs dominated in density (80%) over loricate oligotrichs, litostomatids and prostomatids, while the microplanktonic fraction prevailed in terms of biomass (90%) over the nanociliates. Myrionecta rubra was found all along the Argentine shelf only in autumn, but showed isolated peaks of abundance (103 ind. L -1) during summer. Mean values of density and biomass of total ciliates decreased ca. 2-fold from the shelf-slope to oceanic waters, while potential maximum production of aloricate oligotrichs decreased 9-fold, in relation with the drop in chlorophyll a concentration and the latitudinal decline of temperature, also reflected in maximum growth rates. Fifty percent of total ciliate abundance was represented by local increases (maximum: 20 000 ind. L-1 and 25 μg C L-1), which were spatially superimposed with ranges of seawater temperature and chlorophyll a concentrations of 10-15°C and 0.6-6 μg L-1, respectively, and were found in the nearby of fronts located on the shelf and the slope.
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Tipo de documento: info:ar-repo/semantics/artículo