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Palabras contadas: oxides: 8, metal: 31, transition: 99
Ghenzi, N. - Sánchez, M.J. - Gomez-Marlasca, F. - Levy, P. - Rozenberg, M.J.
J Appl Phys 2010;107(9)

Descripción: Multilevel resistance states in silver-manganite interfaces are studied both experimentally and through a realistic model that includes as a main ingredient the oxygen vacancies diffusion under applied electric fields. The switching threshold and amplitude studied through hysteresis switching loops are found to depend critically on the initial state. The associated vacancy profiles further unveil the prominent role of the effective electric field acting at the interfaces. While experimental results validate main assumptions of the model, the simulations allow to disentangle the microscopic mechanisms behind the resistive switching in metal-transition metal oxide interfaces. © 2010 American Institute of Physics.
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Tipo de documento: info:ar-repo/semantics/artículo

Lee, H.S. - Choi, S.G. - Park, H.-H. - Rozenberg, M.J.
Sci. Rep. 2013;3

Descripción: Resistive random access memory based on the resistive switching phenomenon is emerging as a strong candidate for next generation non-volatile memory. So far, the resistive switching effect has been observed in many transition metal oxides, including strongly correlated ones, such as, cuprate superconductors, colossal magnetoresistant manganites and Mott insulators. However, up to now, no clear evidence of the possible relevance of strong correlation effects in the mechanism of resistive switching has been reported. Here, we study Pr 0.7 Ca0.3 MnO3, which shows bipolar resistive switching. Performing micro-spectroscopic studies on its bare surface we are able to track the systematic electronic structure changes in both, the low and high resistance state. We find that a large change in the electronic conductance is due to field-induced oxygen vacancies, which drives a Mott metal-insulator transition at the surface. Our study demonstrates that strong correlation effects may be incorporated to the realm of the emerging oxide electronics.
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Tipo de documento: info:ar-repo/semantics/artículo