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Palabras contadas: periodicity: 7
Barrucand, M. - Rusticucci, M. - Vargas, W.
J. Geophys. Res. D Atmos. 2008;113(20)

Descripción: The objective of this research is to study the main variability modes of the frequency of extreme temperatures in the south of South Amenica, their relation to sea surface temperatures (SSTs), and some indices of atmospheric circulation in the Southern Hemisphere. Observational data and reanalysis data were used for this purpose over the 1964-2003 period. An initial analysis showed that between the months of March and June, the frequency of wann events (especially warm nights) is highly associated with the SST in coastal zones. A wavelet analysis showed that the main variability mode found at a seasonal scale was an 8-year wave signal present in spning that remains active until the 1990s; it was noticeable in the analysis of cold nights, Atlantic SSTs, Pacific SSTs, and the Southern Annular Mode (SAM). A cross-wavelet analysis among them reflected this signal as a common variability mode, with the positive phase of the SAM congruent with the warmest conditions in the coastal zones of the Atlantic Ocean and lower cases with cold nights at the reference meteorological stations analyzed. Although longer series are desirable for low-frequency variability analysis, the results agree with previous studies that take into account an 8-year periodicity of the baroclinic waves at the Southern Hemisphere, supporting the relevance of the 8-year signal. Copyright 2008 by the American Geophysical Union.
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Tipo de documento: info:ar-repo/semantics/artículo

Carcagno, A.L. - Marazita, M.C. - Ogara, M.F. - Ceruti, J.M. - Sonzogni, S.V. - Scassa, M.E. - Giono, L.E. - Cánepa, E.T.
PLoS ONE 2011;6(7)

Descripción: Background: A central aspect of development and disease is the control of cell proliferation through regulation of the mitotic cycle. Cell cycle progression and directionality requires an appropriate balance of positive and negative regulators whose expression must fluctuate in a coordinated manner. p19INK4d, a member of the INK4 family of CDK inhibitors, has a unique feature that distinguishes it from the remaining INK4 and makes it a likely candidate for contributing to the directionality of the cell cycle. p19INK4d mRNA and protein levels accumulate periodically during the cell cycle under normal conditions, a feature reminiscent of cyclins. Methodology/Principal Findings: In this paper, we demonstrate that p19INK4d is transcriptionally regulated by E2F1 through two response elements present in the p19INK4d promoter. Ablation of this regulation reduced p19 levels and restricted its expression during the cell cycle, reflecting the contribution of a transcriptional effect of E2F1 on p19 periodicity. The induction of p19INK4d is delayed during the cell cycle compared to that of cyclin E, temporally separating the induction of these proliferative and antiproliferative target genes. Specific inhibition of the E2F1-p19INK4d pathway using triplex-forming oligonucleotides that block E2F1 binding on p19 promoter, stimulated cell proliferation and increased the fraction of cells in S phase. Conclusions/Significance: The results described here support a model of normal cell cycle progression in which, following phosphorylation of pRb, free E2F induces cyclin E, among other target genes. Once cyclinE/CDK2 takes over as the cell cycle driving kinase activity, the induction of p19 mediated by E2F1 leads to inhibition of the CDK4,6-containing complexes, bringing the G1 phase to an end. This regulatory mechanism constitutes a new negative feedback loop that terminates the G1 phase proliferative signal, contributing to the proper coordination of the cell cycle and provides an additional mechanism to limit E2F activity. © 2011 Carcagno et al.
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Tipo de documento: info:ar-repo/semantics/artículo

Güller, F. - Inchaussandague, M.E. - Depine, R.A.
Prog. Electromagn. Res. M 2011;19:1-12

Descripción: In this paper, we introduce a dispersion equation for 3D photonic crystals made of parallel layers of non-overlapping spheres, valid when both wavelength and separation between layers are much larger than the distance between neighbouring spheres. This equation is based on the Korringa-Kohn-Rostoker (KKR) wave calculation method developed by Stefanou et al. and can be used to predict the spectral positions of bandgaps in structures made of dispersive spheres. Perfect agreement between the spectral positions of bandgaps predicted with our simplified equation and those obtained with the numerical code MULTEM2 was observed. We find that this simplified relation allows us to identify two types of bandgaps: those related to the constitutive parameters of the spheres and those related to the three dimensional periodicity (distance between layers). Bandgaps of the first type are independent of the frequency and the distance between layers, while those of the second type depend only on these two quantities. We then analyze the influence of the constitutive parameters of the spheres on the spectral position of bandgaps for spheres immersed in dielectric or magnetic homogeneous media. The number and positions of the bandgaps are affected by the permitivity (permeability) of the host medium if the spheres have dispersive permitivity (permeability).
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Tipo de documento: info:ar-repo/semantics/artículo

Scasso, R.A. - Alonso, M.S. - Lanés, S. - Villar, H.J. - Lippai, H.
Rev. Asoc. Geol. Argent. 2002;57(2):143-159

Descripción: A 25 m thick, rhythmic, limestone-marl alternation of Los Catutos Member (Vaca Muerta Formation, Neuquén Basin), was studied bed by hed in several quarries near Zapala. Beds up to 1 m thick are of massive or laminated, lithographic, fossiliferous limestone, locally mottled or weakly bioturbated (?Chondrites), interbedded with thinner marl beds. Limestones and marls can be classified as pelbiomicrites and biopelmicrites, mainly composed of pellets, radiolaria, forams, ostracods, equinoids, spicles of sponges and gastropods, with minor amounts of peloids, feldspar, chert, muscovite, glauconite and phosphates. Values for δ18O and δ13C are similar to those of lithographic limestones from the northern hemisphere. δ13O values are most probably result of diagenetic modification of the primary signal but the δ13C agrees well with the published curves for the Tithonian sea water and with other records from Tethyan limestones. A preliminary analysis of negative excursions of δ13C point to productivity crisis in the sedimentary system with a periodicity of 400 ka, which can be a result of changes in the orbital eccentricity of the earth. Smectite and interlayers reflect pedogenic processes developed on volcanogenic source-rocks, whereas more abundant kaolinite in marls might reflect more humid conditions. With TOC up to 1.95% the rocks offer prospects as a regular to good source rock for hydrocarbons, although thermally immature. A low-energy, dysaerobic, open-marine environment is inferred for Los Catutos Member, with high sedimentation rates as a result of high productivity at the sea-surface and incoming plumes of suspended sediment from the inner shelf. Sediment accumulation in wide and gently dipping calcareous bulges in an outer ramp system is envisaged.
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Tipo de documento: info:ar-repo/semantics/artículo