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Palabras contadas: body: 117, many: 122
Alcoba, D.R. - Bochicchio, R.C. - Lain, L. - Torre, A.
J Chem Phys 2010;133(14)

Descripción: In this paper we propose a functional of the many-body cumulant of the second-order reduced density matrix within the spin-free formalism of quantum chemistry which quantifies the idea of electron correlation and allows one to detect spin entanglement. Its properties are rigorously stated and discussed for spin-adapted pure states. Numerical determinations are performed for both equilibrium conformations and dissociation processes in molecular systems. © 2010 American Institute of Physics.
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Tipo de documento: info:ar-repo/semantics/artículo

Urrutia, I. - Castelletti, G.
J Chem Phys 2011;134(6)

Descripción: In this work we analytically evaluate, for the first time, the exact canonical partition function for two interacting spherical particles into a spherical pore. The interaction with the spherical substrate and between particles is described by an attractive square-well and a square-shoulder potential. In addition, we obtain exact expressions for both the one particle and an averaged two particle density distribution. We develop a thermodynamic approach to few-body systems by introducing a method based on thermodynamic measures [I. Urrutia, J. Chem. Phys. 134, 104503 (2010)] for nonhard interaction potentials. This analysis enables us to obtain expressions for the pressure, the surface tension, and the equivalent magnitudes for the total and Gaussian curvatures. As a by-product, we solve systems composed of two particles outside a fixed spherical obstacle. We study the low density limit for a many-body system confined to a spherical cavity and a many-body system surrounding a spherical obstacle. From this analysis we derive the exact first order dependence of the surface tension and Tolman length. Our findings show that the Tolman length goes to zero in the case of a purely hard wall spherical substrate, but contains a zero order term in density for square-well and square-shoulder wall-fluid potentials. This suggests that any nonhard wall-fluid potential should produce a non-null zero order term in the Tolman length. © 2011 American Institute of Physics.
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Tipo de documento: info:ar-repo/semantics/artículo

Urrutia, I. - Szybisz, L.
J. Math. Phys. 2010;51(3)

Descripción: This work is devoted to the exact statistical mechanics treatment of simple inhomogeneous few-body systems. The system of two hard spheres (HSs) confined in a hard spherical pore is systematically analyzed in terms of its dimensionality D. The canonical partition function and the one- and two-body distribution functions are analytically evaluated and a scheme of iterative construction of the D+1 system properties is presented. We analyze in detail both the effect of high confinement, when particles become caged, and the low density limit. Other confinement situations are also studied analytically and several relations between the two HSs in a spherical pore, two sticked HSs in a spherical pore, and two HSs on a spherical surface partition functions are traced. These relations make meaningful the limiting caging and low density behavior. Turning to the system of two HSs in a spherical pore, we also analytically evaluate the pressure tensor. The thermodynamic properties of the system are discussed. To accomplish this statement we purposely focus in the overall characteristics of the inhomogeneous fluid system, instead of concentrate in the peculiarities of a few-body system. Hence, we analyze the equation of state, the pressure at the wall, and the fluid-substrate surface tension. The consequences of new results about the spherically confined system of two HSs in D dimension on the confined many HS system are investigated. New constant coefficients involved in the low density limit properties of the open and closed systems of many HS in a spherical pore are obtained for arbitrary D. The complementary system of many HS which surrounds a HS (a cavity inside of a bulk HS system) is also discussed. © 2010 American Institute of Physics.
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Tipo de documento: info:ar-repo/semantics/artículo

Cortese, M.D. - Norry, F.M. - Piccinali, R. - Hasson, E.
Evolution 2002;56(12):2541-2547

Descripción: Developmental time and body size are two positively correlated traits closely related to fitness in many organisms including Drosophila. Previous work suggested that these two traits are involved in a trade-off that may result from a negative genetic correlation between their effects on pre-adult and adult fitness. Here, we examine the evolution of developmental time and body size (indexed by wing length) under artificial Selection applied to one or both traits in replicated D. buzzatii populations. Directional changes in both developmental time and wing length indicate the presence of substantial additive genetic variance for both traits. The strongest response to selection for fast development was found in lines selected simultaneously to reduce both developmental time and wing length, probably as an expected consequence of a synergistic effect of indirect selection. When selection was applied in the direction opposite to the putative genetic correlation, that is, large wing length but fast development, no responses were observed for developmental time. Lines selected to reduce both wing length and developmental time diverged slightly faster from the control than lines selected to increase wing length and reduce developmental time. However, wing length did not diverge from the control in lines selected only for fast development. These results suggest a complex genetic basis of the correlation between developmental time and wing length, but are generally consistent with the hypothesis that both traits are related in a trade-off. However, we found that this trade-off may disappear under uncrowded conditions, with fast-developing lines exhibiting a higher pre-adult viability than other lines when tested at high larval density.
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Tipo de documento: info:ar-repo/semantics/artículo

Gatica, S.M. - Hernández, E.S. - Barranco, M.
J Chem Phys 1997;107(3):927-931

Descripción: In the frame of finite range density functional (FRDF) theory, we review the systematics of energetic features of 4HeN clusters doped with atomic or molecular impurities, as well as the instability scenario of their collective motions. It is shown that for drops up to N = 500, the predictions of FRDF theory are coincident with those arising from microscopic many-body calculations that employ variational or diffusion Monte Carlo methods. For larger drops, the present description predicts a smooth approach to zero of the collective energies, a scenario that appears to support the most recent experimental data and microscopic calculations that demonstrate that the impurity is located within the bulk of the drop. © 1997 American Institute of Physics.
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Tipo de documento: info:ar-repo/semantics/artículo

Videla, P.E. - Rossky, P.J. - Laria, D.
J Chem Phys 2013;139(17)

Descripción: We use ring-polymer-molecular-dynamics (RPMD) techniques and the semi-empirical q-TIP4P/F water model to investigate the relationship between hydrogen bond connectivity and the characteristics of nuclear position fluctuations, including explicit incorporation of quantum effects, for the energetically low lying isomers of the prototype cluster [H2O] 8 at T = 50 K and at 150 K. Our results reveal that tunneling and zero-point energy effects lead to sensible increments in the magnitudes of the fluctuations of intra and intermolecular distances. The degree of proton spatial delocalization is found to map logically with the hydrogen-bond connectivity pattern of the cluster. Dangling hydrogen bonds exhibit the largest extent of spatial delocalization and participate in shorter intramolecular O-H bonds. Combined effects from quantum and polarization fluctuations on the resulting individual dipole moments are also examined. From the dynamical side, we analyze the characteristics of the infrared absorption spectrum. The incorporation of nuclear quantum fluctuations promotes red shifts and sensible broadening relative to the classical profile, bringing the simulation results in much more satisfactory agreement with direct experimental information in the mid and high frequency range of the stretching band. While RPMD predictions overestimate the peak position of the low frequency shoulder, the overall agreement with that reported using an accurate, parameterized, many-body potential is reasonable, and far superior to that one obtains by implementing a partially adiabatic centroid molecular dynamics approach. Quantum effects on the collective dynamics, as reported by instantaneous normal modes, are also discussed. © 2013 AIP Publishing LLC.
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Tipo de documento: info:ar-repo/semantics/artículo

Pandolfi, M. - Canepa, M.M. - Meijide, F.J. - Alonso, F. - Vazquez, G.R. - Maggese, M.C. - Vissio, P.G.
Biocell 2009;33(1):1-18

Descripción: Many characteristics of the South American teleost fish Cichlasoma dimerus (body size, easy breeding, undemanding maintenance) make it amenable to laboratory studies. In the last years, many of the fundamental aspects of its reproductive and developmental biology have been addressed in our laboratory. Rather recently, the immunohistochemical localization of pituitary hormones involved in reproduction and in background color adaptation has been described in both adult and developing individuals, and the role of FSH in ovarian differentiation has been established. These findings have been correlated with mapping of some of their brain-derived controlling hormones. The latter include brain-derived gonadotropins which were shown to be active in vitro in the control of pituitary hormone secretions. The emerging picture shows C. dimerus as an interesting species in which many of their basic features have already been investigated and which conform a solid platform for comparative studies correlating neurohormones, pituitary hormones and behavior, from the molecular to the organismic level.
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Tipo de documento: info:ar-repo/semantics/artículo

Michat, M.C.
Eur. J. Entomol. 2010;107(3):377-392

Descripción: The three larval instars of Megadytes (M.) carcharias Griffini and M. (Trifurcitus) fallax (Aubé) are described and illustrated in detail for the first time, with an emphasis on morphometry and chaetotaxy of the cephalic capsule, head appendages, legs, last abdominal segment and urogomphi. The ground plan of chaetotaxy of the genus Megadytes Sharp is described and illustrated based on three of the four recognised subgenera. First-instar larvae of Megadytes are characterised by the presence of a large number of additional sensilla on almost every part of the body. Primary chaetotaxy of the subgenera (Bifurcitus Brinck based on third instar) is very similar, with few differences including (1) shape of the setae on the anterior margin of the frontoclypeus; (2) presence or absence of a ring of multi-branched setae on distal third of mandible; and (3) number of setae on the urogomphus. A cladistic analysis of Dytiscidae, based on 169 larval characters and 34 taxa, indicates that: (1) Trifurcitus Brinck deserves generic status; (2) Cybistrini are not closely related to Hydroporinae; (3) the absence of a galea in Cybistrini is a secondary loss independent of that in Hydroporinae; (4) Cybistrini are well supported by many characters (including several aspects of first-instar chaetotaxy). © 2003 Institute of Entomology.
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Tipo de documento: info:ar-repo/semantics/artículo

Urrutia, I.
J Chem Phys 2010;133(10)

Descripción: The partition function of two hard spheres in a hard-wall pore is studied, appealing to a graph representation. The exact evaluation of the canonical partition function and the one-body distribution function in three different shaped pores are achieved. The analyzed simple geometries are the cuboidal, cylindrical, and ellipsoidal cavities. Results have been compared with two previously studied geometries; the spherical pore and the spherical pore with a hard core. The search of common features in the analytic structure of the partition functions in terms of their length parameters and their volumes, surface area, edges length, and curvatures is addressed too. A general framework for the exact thermodynamic analysis of systems with few and many particles in terms of a set of thermodynamic measures is discussed. We found that an exact thermodynamic description is feasible based on the adoption of an adequate set of measures and the search of the free energy dependence on the adopted measure set. A relation similar to the Laplace equation for the fluid-vapor interface is obtained, which expresses the equilibrium between magnitudes that in extended systems are intensive variables. This exact description is applied to study the thermodynamic behavior of the two hard spheres in a hard-wall pore for the analyzed different geometries. We obtain analytically the external reversible work, the pressure on the wall, the pressure in the homogeneous region, the wall-fluid surface tension, the line tension, and other similar properties. © 2010 American Institute of Physics.
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Tipo de documento: info:ar-repo/semantics/artículo

Izaguirre, I. - Allende, L. - Marinone, M.C.
J. Plankton Res. 2003;25(9):1079-1097

Descripción: Three water bodies of contrasting trophic status located at Hope Bay (Antarctic Peninsula) were studied during the summer of 1999, analysing all of their planktonic communities (zooplankton, phytoplankton and bacterioplankton) and their main limnological features. Important differences associated with their trophic conditions were found among lakes. At one extreme of the gradient, in the most oligotrophic lake (Lake Chico), the nektobenthic copepod Boeckella poppei and the rotifer Philodina gregaria were dominant in the open waters, and copepods presented a single reproductive event (univoltine life cycle); phytoplankton exhibited the lowest densities, dominated by nanoplanktonic Chrysophyceae and picocyanobacteria. In the meso-eutrophic Lake Boeckella, B. poppei, the dominant zooplankter, exhibited a multivoltine life cycle; phytoplankton were mainly represented by nanoplanktonic species of Volvocales, alternating with flagellate Chrysophyceae, and a great abundance of picocyanobacteria. In the hypertrophic Pingüi Pond, zooplankters were exclusively represented by bdelloid rotifers and ciliates; phytoplankton samples included some strictly planktonic species (Volvocales), a great proportion of picocyanobacteria and many typically benthic species (oscillatorians and diatoms) due to the shallowness of the water body. Bacterioplankton densities did not show important differences among lakes, but fluctuations, probably associated with a top-down control, were observed in the hypertrophic pond. This paper constitutes the first survey concerning all the planktonic compartments of water bodies of different trophic status at Hope Bay, describing the relative contributions of autotrophic and heterotrophic components to their food webs.
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Tipo de documento: info:ar-repo/semantics/artículo

Barnatan, Yair - Tomsic, Daniel - Sztarker, Julieta
Front. Physiol. 2019;586

Descripción: Animals, from invertebrates to humans, stabilize the panoramic optic flow through compensatory movements of the eyes, the head or the whole body, a behavior known as optomotor response (OR). The same optic flow moved clockwise or anticlockwise elicits equivalent compensatory right or left turning movements, respectively. However, if stimulated monocularly, many animals show a unique effective direction of motion, i.e., a unidirectional OR. This phenomenon has been reported in various species from mammals to birds, reptiles, and amphibious, but among invertebrates, it has only been tested in flies, where the directional sensitivity is opposite to that found in vertebrates. Although OR has been extensively investigated in crabs, directional sensitivity has never been analyzed. Here, we present results of behavioral experiments aimed at exploring the directional sensitivity of the OR in two crab species belonging to different families: the varunid mud crab Neohelice granulata and the ocypode fiddler crab Uca uruguayensis. By using different conditions of visual perception (binocular, left or right monocular) and direction of flow field motion (clockwise, anticlockwise), we found in both species that in monocular conditions, OR is effectively displayed only with progressive (front-to-back) motion stimulation. Binocularly elicited responses were directional insensitive and significantly weaker than monocular responses. These results are coincident with those described in flies and suggest a commonality in the circuit underlying this behavior among arthropods. Additionally, we found the existence of a remarkable eye dominance for the OR, which is associated to the size of the larger claw. This is more evident in the fiddler crab where the difference between the two claws is huge. Copyright © 2019 Barnatan, Tomsic and Sztarker. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY). The use, distribution or reproduction in other forums is permitted, provided the original author(s) and the copyright owner(s) are credited and that the original publication in this journal is cited, in accordance with accepted academic practice. No use, distribution or reproduction is permitted which does not comply with these terms.
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Tipo de documento: info:ar-repo/semantics/artículo