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Palabras contadas: locomotion: 6
Barrozo, R.B. - Lazzari, C.R.
Chem. Senses 2004;29(9):833-841

Descripción: The role of short-chain fatty acids in the host-seeking behaviour of Triatoma infestans larvae was investigated using a locomotion compensator. Several short-chain fatty acids were tested alone over a wide range of doses, or in combination with L-lactic acid (L-LA; 100 μg). Bugs showed no attractive response to single carboxylic acids, but when L-LA was added to airstreams carrying specific intensities of either propionic (C3; 100 μg), butyric (C4; 1 μg) or valeric acid (C5; 1 μg), these mixtures elicited an attractive response, evincing a synergistic effect. No orientation response was observed when caproic acid (C6) was offered with L-LA at the doses tested. Two blends were created: (1) C3, C4 and C5 combined at the effective doses when added with L-LA [C3C4C5 (1)], and (2) C3, C4 and C5 combined at a third of those intensities [C3C4C5 (2)]. Both blends were tested alone, with L-LA (100 μg), with a sub-threshold concentration of CO2 (300 p.p.m. above the ambient level), and combined with both compounds together. Oriented responses of bugs were only observed with the blend (2) added with L-LA and with the combination of this lure with CO2. This last combination evoked a behavioural response similar in intensity to that induced by a live mouse. © Oxford University Press 2004; all rights reserved.
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Tipo de documento: info:ar-repo/semantics/artículo

Minoli, S. - Kauer, I. - Colson, V. - Party, V. - Renou, M. - Anderson, P. - Gadenne, C. - Marion-Poll, F. - Anton, S.
PLoS ONE 2012;7(3)

Temas:   pheromone -  sucrose -  article -  association -  behavior -  controlled study -  female -  locomotion -  male -  moth

Descripción: The effect of repeated exposure to sensory stimuli, with or without reward is well known to induce stimulus-specific modifications of behaviour, described as different forms of learning. In recent studies we showed that a brief single pre-exposure to the female-produced sex pheromone or even a predator sound can increase the behavioural and central nervous responses to this pheromone in males of the noctuid moth Spodoptera littoralis. To investigate if this increase in sensitivity might be restricted to the pheromone system or is a form of general sensitization, we studied here if a brief pre-exposure to stimuli of different modalities can reciprocally change behavioural and physiological responses to olfactory and gustatory stimuli. Olfactory and gustatory pre-exposure and subsequent behavioural tests were carried out to reveal possible intra- and cross-modal effects. Attraction to pheromone, monitored with a locomotion compensator, increased after exposure to olfactory and gustatory stimuli. Behavioural responses to sucrose, investigated using the proboscis extension reflex, increased equally after pre-exposure to olfactory and gustatory cues. Pheromone-specific neurons in the brain and antennal gustatory neurons did, however, not change their sensitivity after sucrose exposure. The observed intra- and reciprocal cross-modal effects of pre-exposure may represent a new form of stimulus-nonspecific general sensitization originating from modifications at higher sensory processing levels. © 2012 Minoli et al.
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Tipo de documento: info:ar-repo/semantics/artículo

Kelly, M.A. - Low, M.J. - Rubinstein, M. - Phillips, T.J.
Genes Brain Behav. 2008;7(5):568-577

Descripción: Behavioral sensitization to psychostimulants manifests as an increased locomotor response with repeated administration. Dopamine systems are accepted to play a fundamental role in sensitization, but the role of specific dopamine receptor subtypes has not been completely defined. This study used the combination of dopamine D2 receptor-deficient mice and a D1-like antagonist to examine dopamine D1 and D2 receptor involvement in acute and sensitized locomotor responses to methamphetamine. Absence of the dopamine D2 receptor resulted in attenuation of the acute stimulant effects of methamphetamine. Mutant and wild-type mice exhibited sensitization that lasted longer within the time period of the challenge test in the mutant animals. Pretreatment with the D1-like receptor antagonist SCH 23390 produced more potent reductions in the acute and sensitized locomotor responses to methamphetamine in D2 receptor-deficient mice than in wild-type mice; however, the expression of locomotor sensitization when challenged with methamphetamine alone was equivalently attenuated by previous treatment with SCH 23390. These data suggest that dopamine D2 receptors play a key role in the acute stimulant and sensitizing effects of methamphetamine and act in concert with D1-like receptors to influence the acquisition of methamphetamine-induced behavioral sensitization, traits that may influence continued methamphetamine use.
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Tipo de documento: info:ar-repo/semantics/artículo