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Palabras contadas: granitoid: 3
Leall, P.R. - Miró, R.
Rev. Asoc. Geol. Argent. 2011;68(1):84-95

Descripción: In this paper new geologic evidences allow us to complete the stratigraphy of Ramez de Velasco ranges. Granitoids of the igneous basement are included into the Ojo de Agua-Ambargasta complex as the Sumampa Granite which is composed of three facies: facies Para Yacu, Sumampa Viejo and Los Telares. Thin aplitic dykes were included into the same basement as the last magmatic event of the same geological setting. The geochemical signature of these rocks shows meta to peraluminous compositions, which evidence magmatic arc granitoides. Basic dykes, few meters wide and more than one kilometer long, also intrude these granitoids. They are composed of basalts and andesites with calcoalkaline signatures that were correlated with Balbuena formation due to their petrological features. Finally, few and small outcrops of sandstones appears as the only expression of the Neopaleozoic sedimentation. On the basis of all the data obtained we suggest that the Ramíez de Velasco ranges preserve evidences of several geologic processes that took place since the Paleozoic.
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Tipo de documento: info:ar-repo/semantics/artículo

Crosta, S. - Vattuone, M.E. - Latorre, C.O.
Rev. Asoc. Geol. Argent. 2008;63(1):152-155

Descripción: Cerro Falkner is composed of granitic rocks underlying volcanic rocks of the Ventana Formation of Paleogene age. Those intrusives are graniodioritic in composition, metaluminous to peraluminous, subalkaline, with characteristics of volcanic arc granites that are concordant with other granitoids of the Cordillera Patagónica Septentrional's northern segment. The age obtained by the K-Ar method on tschemakitic amphiboles (125 ± 20 Ma) points out a minimun age from the lower Cretaceous for the Cerro Falkner's granodiorite. Therefore the use of the term Los Machis Formation (Upper Cretaceous) would be incorrect for these rocks. This age, allows us to relate the granitic rocks on the study area to the lower Cretaceous, coeval with the volcanism of the Divisadero Group.
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Tipo de documento: info:ar-repo/semantics/artículo

González Díaz, E.F. - García Morabito, E.
Rev. Asoc. Geol. Argent. 2010;67(2):177-185

Descripción: In the southern segment of the Copahue- Pino Hachado block, next to the Moquehue-Alumine lacustrine basin, an anomalous concentration of calderas, resulting from a Pliocene-Quaternary volcanic activity was recognized. The Ñireco caldera, which was proposed as part of this caldera complex, is the reason of the present work. The authors object the interpretation of such a morphostructural feature on the basis of a detailed geomorphologic, structural and stratigraphic analyses of the area. The limits of the proposed caldera coincide mostly with fluvial valleys that seem to be controlled by previous structures like faults and regional lineaments. There are no evidences that could suggest the presence of a volcanic complex that theoretically contains such a depression, or for its external and internal flanks. The central sector of the proposed caldera presents the highest altitude values of the region (± 2,900 m a.s.l.), which highly surpass those of the Principal Cordillera at these latitudes. The local stratigraphy of the area, is dominated by the oldest rocks of the region (Upper Paleozoic granitoids and Triassic volcanic and volcaniclastic sequences), and shows not temporal coincidence with the Pliocene-Quaternary volcanic activity, well represented immediately to the north. The study area falls on the contrary into a thick-skinned west-verging fold-and-thrust-belt, where tectonic inversion played a central role.
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Tipo de documento: info:ar-repo/semantics/artículo