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Palabras contadas: alkaloid: 7
Corio, C. - Soto, I.M. - Carreira, V. - Padró, J. - Betti, M.I.L. - Hasson, E.
Biol. J. Linn. Soc. 2013;109(2):342-353

Descripción: The host-plant environment of phytophagous insects directly affects various aspects of an insect's life cycle. Interestingly, relatively few insect groups have specialized in the exploitation of plants in the Cactaceae family, potentially because of the chemical and ecological challenges imposed by these plants. The cactophilic Drosophila buzzatiiPatterson & Wheeler, 1942 is a well-studied model in evolutionary ecology, partially because of its ability to exploit toxic cactus hosts. Previous studies have shown a negative effect on performance when flies are reared in an alternative columnar cactus host of the genus Trichocereus, relative to its primary cactus host, Opuntia. These observations were attributed to the presence of alkaloids in Trichocereus tissues, a chemical deterrent to herbivores that indirectly affects Drosophila larvae; however, the putative toxic effect of alkaloids has never been tested directly in D. buzzatii. The present study is the first attempt to relate chemical extracts in Trichocereus terscheckii Britton & Rose, 1920 with detrimental effects on D. buzzatii. We assessed the effects of a crude alkaloid extract, rich in phenylethylamines, and a 'non-alkaloid fraction' on viability and adult wing morphology. Our results indicate that rearing larvae on an artificial diet containing different concentrations of the crude alkaloid extract decreased pupal viability and adult size in a concentration-dependent manner. We discuss the role of cactus alkaloids in the evolution of host-plant use in cactophilic flies. © 2013 The Linnean Society of London.
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Tipo de documento: info:ar-repo/semantics/artículo

Bruttomesso, A.C. - Gros, E.G.
Molecules 2000;5(3):564-565

Descripción: Diosgeninlactone (1), a natural product from Solanum vespertilio, was stereo-selectively synthesized in high yield from 3β-hydroxy-5-androstene.
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Tipo de documento: info:ar-repo/semantics/artículo

Zorrilla De San Martín, J. - Ballestero, J. - Katz, E. - Elgoyhen, A.B. - Fuchs, P.A.
JARO J. Assoc. Res. Otolaryngol. 2007;8(4):474-483

Descripción: The efferent synaptic specialization of hair cells includes a near-membrane synaptic cistern, whose presence suggests a role for internal calcium stores in cholinergic inhibition. Calcium release channels from internal stores include 'ryanodine receptors', whose participation is usually demonstrated by sensitivity to the eponymous plant alkaloid, ryanodine. However, use of this and other store-active compounds on hair cells could be confounded by the unusual pharmacology of the α9α10-containing hair cell nicotinic cholinergic receptor (nAChR), which has been shown to be antagonized by a broad spectrum of compounds. Surprisingly, we found that ryanodine, rather than antagonizing, is a positive modulator of the α9α10 nAChR expressed in Xenopus oocytes, the first such compound to be found. The effect of ryanodine was to increase the apparent affinity and efficacy for acetylcholine (ACh). Correspondingly, ACh-evoked currents through the isolated cholinergic receptors of inner hair cells in excised mouse cochleas were approximately doubled by 200 μM ryanodine, a concentration that inhibits gating of the ryanodine receptor itself. This unusual positive modulation was not unique to the mammalian receptor. The response to ACh of chicken 'short' hair cells likewise was enhanced in the presence of 100 μM ryanodine. This facilitatory effect on current through the AChR could enhance brief (∼1 s) activation of associated calcium-dependent K+ (SK) channels in both chicken short hair cells and rat outer hair cells. This novel effect of ryanodine provides new opportunities for the design of compounds that potentiate α9α10- mediated responses and for potential inner ear therapeutics based on this interaction. © 2007 Association for Research in Otolaryngology.
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Tipo de documento: info:ar-repo/semantics/artículo