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Palabras contadas: index: 50, h: 348
Allinghi, A. - Calcagno, G. - Petit-Marty, N. - Cendra, P.G. - Segura, D. - Vera, T. - Cladera, J. - Gramajo, C. - Willink, E. - Vilardi, J.C.
Fla. Entomol. 2007;90(1):27-32

Descripción: We evaluated under semi-natural field cage conditions sexual compatibility and competitiveness of a laboratory strain (LAB) compared to a wild population (TUC) of Anastrepha fraterculus (Wiedemann). The LAB strain is produced under semi-mass rearing conditions at the Estación Experimental Agroindustrial Obispo Colombres facility (Tucumán, Argentina). Wild flies were obtained at Horco Molle (Tucumán, Argentina) from infested guava fruits. LAB pupae were irradiated (60Co) 48 h before adult emergence. The tested doses were 0 (control), 40, 70, and 100 Gy. Twenty-five males and 25 females each of TUC and LAB were released into cages and mating pairs collected. Only 1 irradiation dose was considered at a time. Females were separated and allowed to lay eggs into artificial fruits to estimate induced sterility from the corresponding hatching rate. Copulation start time did not differ significantly between strains nor among irradiation treatments. Copulation duration showed highly significant differences among irradiation doses, but no differences between strains. The index of sexual isolation (ISI) and the relative sterility index (RSI) indices indicated that LAB and TUC are fully compatible, males from TUC and LAB did not differ in mating competitiveness, and irradiation within the range tested did not affect these indices. Non-irradiated LAB females exhibited higher mating propensity than TUC ones. However, a significant reduction in the female relative performance index (FRPI) index was observed with increasing irradiation dose. The analysis of induced sterility indicated that treatment with 40 Gy reduces male fertility from about 80% to 0.75%, and higher doses produce total sterility. In females, the 40 Gy dose reduces fertility to about 2% and higher doses prevent egg laying.
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Tipo de documento: info:ar-repo/semantics/artículo

Castelletti, G. - Dubner, G. - Clarke, T. - Kassim, N.E.
Astron. Astrophys. 2011;534

Descripción: Aims.We investigate the morphology at low radio frequencies of the supernova remnant (SNR) IC 443 in detail and accurately establish its radio continuum spectral properties. Methods. We used the VLA in multiple configurations to produce high-resolution radio images of IC 443 at 74 and 330 MHz. From these data we produced the first sensitive, spatially resolved spectral analysis of the radio emission at long wavelengths. The changes with position in the radio spectral index were correlated with data in near infrared (NIR) from 2MASS, in gamma-rays from VERITAS, and with the molecular 12CO (J = 1-0) line emission. Results. The new image at 74 MHz has HPBW = 35′′ and rms = 30 mJy beam-1 and at 330 MHz HPBW = 17′′and rms = 1.7 mJy beam-1. The integrated flux densities for the whole SNR are S SNR 74MHz = 470 ± 51 Jy and S SNR 330MHz = 248 ± 15 Jy. Improved estimates of the integrated spectrum were derived taking a turnover into account to fit the lowest frequency measurements in the literature. Combining our measurements with existing data, we derive an integrated spectral index α 10700MHz 10MHz =-0.39 ± 0.01 with a free-free continuum optical depth at 330 MHz 330 ∼ 7 × 10 -4 (τ10 = 1.07); all measurements above ∼10 MHz are equally consistent with a power law spectrum. For the pulsar wind nebula associated with the compact source CXOU J061705.3+222127, we calculated S PWN 330MHz = 0.23±0.05 Jy, SPWN 1420MHz = 0.20±0.04 Jy, and α8460MHz 330MHz ∼ 0.0. Substantial variations are observed in spectral index between 74 and 330 MHz across IC 443. The flattest spectral components (-0.25 = a =-0.05) coincide with the brightest parts of the SNR along the eastern border, with an impressive agreement with ionic lines as observed in the 2MASS J and H bands. The diffuse interior of IC 443 has a spectrum steeper than found anywhere in the SNR (-0.85 = a =-0.6), while the southern ridge again has a flatter spectrum (a ∼-0.4). With the available statistics the VERITAS .-ray emission strikingly matches the CO distribution, but no clear evidence is found for a morphological correlation between the TeV distribution and radio emission. Conclusions. The excellent correspondence between the eastern radio flattest spectrum region and NIR ionic lines strongly suggests that the passage of a fast, dissociating J-type shock across the interacting molecular cloud dissociated the molecules and ionized the gas.We therefore conclude that thermal absorption at 74 MHz (τ74 up to ∼0.3) is responsible for the localized spectral index flattening observed along the eastern border of IC 443. Towards the interior of IC 443, the spectrum is consistent with those expected from linear diffusive shock acceleration, while the flatter spectrum in the southern ridge is a consequence of the strong shock/molecular cloud interaction. © 2011 ESO.
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Tipo de documento: info:ar-repo/semantics/artículo

Lin, M.C. - Soulignac, F.J. - Szwarcfiter, J.L.
Theor Comput Sci 2012;426-427:75-90

Descripción: We propose a new data structure for manipulating graphs, called h-graph, which is particularly suited for designing dynamic algorithms. The structure itself is simple, consisting basically of a triple of elements, for each vertex of the graph. The overall size of all triples is O(n+m), for a graph with n vertices and m edges. We describe algorithms for performing the basic operations related to dynamic applications, as insertions and deletions of vertices or edges, and adjacency queries. The data structure employs a technique first described by Chiba and Nishizeki [Chiba, Nishizeki, Arboricity and subgraph listing algorithms, SIAM J. Comput. 14 (1) (1985) 210223], and relies on the arboricity of graphs. Using the proposed data structure, we describe several dynamic algorithms for solving problems as listing the cliques of a given size, recognizing diamond-free graphs, and finding simple, simplicial and dominated vertices. These algorithms are the first of their kind to be proposed in the literature. In fact, the dynamic algorithms for the above problems lead directly to new static algorithms, and using the data structure we also design new static algorithms for the problems of counting subgraphs of size 4, recognizing cop-win graphs and recognizing strongly chordal graphs. The complexities of all of the proposed static algorithms improve over the complexities of the so far existing algorithms, for graphs of low arboricity. In addition, for the problems of counting subgraphs of size 4 and recognizing diamond-free graphs, the improvement is general. © 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
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Tipo de documento: info:ar-repo/semantics/artículo

Baerenzung, J. - Mininni, P.D. - Pouquet, A. - Politano, H. - Ponty, Y.
Phys. Fluids 2010;22(2):1-13

Descripción: A subgrid-scale spectral model of rotating turbulent flows is tested against direct numerical simulations (DNSs). The case of Taylor-Green forcing is considered, a configuration that mimics the flow between two counter-rotating disks as often used in the laboratory. Computations are performed for moderate rotation down to Rossby numbers of 0.03, as can be encountered in the Earth's atmosphere. We provide several measures of the degree of anisotropy of the small scales and conclude that an isotropic model may suffice at moderate Rossby number. The model, developed previously [J. Baerenzung, H. Politano, Y. Ponty, and A. Pouquet, "Spectral modeling of turbulent flows and the role of helicity," Phys. Rev. E77, 046303 (2008)], incorporates eddy viscosity and eddy noise that depend dynamically on the index of the energy spectrum. We show that the model reproduces satisfactorily all large-scale properties of the DNS up to Reynolds numbers of ~104 and for long times after the onset of the inverse cascade of energy; it is also shown to behave better than either the Chollet-Lesieur eddy viscosity model [J. P. Chollet and M. Lesieur, "Parametrization of small scales of three-dimensional isotropic turbulence utilizing spectral closures," J. Atmos. Sci.38, 2747 (1981)] or an under-resolved DNS. © 2010 American Institute of Physics.
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Tipo de documento: info:ar-repo/semantics/artículo