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Palabras contadas: ecology: 18
Albicócco, A.P. - Carbajo, A.E. - Vezzani, D.
J. Vector Ecol. 2011;36(2):437-446

Descripción: Phytotelmata, or plant-held waters, are considered to be good model systems for the study of community ecology. The fauna of these natural container habitats, particularly the mosquitoes, have been extensively investigated in tropical regions, but there is little known about them in temperate South America. We assessed the structure of immature mosquito communities in leaf axils, tree holes, and bamboo stumps from a temperate wetland of Argentina. A total of 4,330 immature mosquitoes were collected among the 2,606 phytotelmata inspected. Leaf axils of eight plant species and tree holes were larval habitats for nine mosquito species belonging to the genus Culex, Wyeomyia, Isostomyia, and Toxorhynchites. The mosquito communities showed richness ranging from one to four species. Marked differences were detected in the plant specificity for the species collected. Some of them were exclusively found in one plant species (Isostomyia paranensis in Scirpus giganteus), whereas others were collected in up to five plant species but belonging to the same phytotelm class, the leaf axils. Those from tree holes are well-known dwellers of artificial containers and ground water habitats, such as Culex pipiens. Our results support the idea of low mosquito richness in phytotelmata from temperate regions in comparison with tropical areas, but the observed specificity patterns echo the findings of tropical forests. © 2011 The Society for Vector Ecology.
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Tipo de documento: info:ar-repo/semantics/artículo

Lavagnino, N.J. - Anholt, R.R.H. - Fanara, J.J.
J. Evol. Biol. 2008;21(4):988-996

Descripción: Odour-guided behaviour is a quantitative trait determined by many genes that are sensitive to gene-environment interactions. Different natural populations are likely to experience different selection pressures on the genetic underpinnings of chemosensory behaviour. However, few studies have reported comparisons of the quantitative genetic basis of olfactory behaviour in geographically distinct populations. We generated isofemale lines of Drosophila melanogaster from six populations in Argentina and measured larval and adult responses to benzaldehyde. There was significant variation within populations for both larval and adult olfactory behaviour and a significant genotype × sex interaction (GSI) for adult olfactory behaviour. However, there is substantial variation in the contribution of GSI to the total phenotypic variance among populations. Estimates of evolvability are orders of magnitude higher for larvae than for adults. Our results suggest that the potential for evolutionary adaptation to the chemosensory environment is greater at the larval feeding stage than at the adult reproductive stage. © 2008 The Authors.
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Tipo de documento: info:ar-repo/semantics/artículo

Kuhar, F. - Papinutti, L.
Mycologia 2009;101(4):535-538

Descripción: A new species, Geastrum episcopale, is described from Argentina. Detailed descriptions and illustrations of fresh and dry basidiomata are provided along with photographs of microscopic elements, such as spores, capillitium, calcium oxalate crystals, and exo- and endoperidium surfaces. This fungus is typical of the genus in its morphology and ecology but clearly differs from every known species. This species can be distinguished easily by the red-violet (to magenta) exoperidium and the lilac endoperidium. Specimens were collected on wet soil composed of a superficial layer of ca. 5 cm leaf litter and 15 cm of particulate and melanized lignocellulosic material (pH 6.5) under Eugenia uruguayensis and Nectandra sp. © 2009 by The Mycological Society of American.
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Tipo de documento: info:ar-repo/semantics/artículo

Corio, C. - Soto, I.M. - Carreira, V. - Padró, J. - Betti, M.I.L. - Hasson, E.
Biol. J. Linn. Soc. 2013;109(2):342-353

Descripción: The host-plant environment of phytophagous insects directly affects various aspects of an insect's life cycle. Interestingly, relatively few insect groups have specialized in the exploitation of plants in the Cactaceae family, potentially because of the chemical and ecological challenges imposed by these plants. The cactophilic Drosophila buzzatiiPatterson & Wheeler, 1942 is a well-studied model in evolutionary ecology, partially because of its ability to exploit toxic cactus hosts. Previous studies have shown a negative effect on performance when flies are reared in an alternative columnar cactus host of the genus Trichocereus, relative to its primary cactus host, Opuntia. These observations were attributed to the presence of alkaloids in Trichocereus tissues, a chemical deterrent to herbivores that indirectly affects Drosophila larvae; however, the putative toxic effect of alkaloids has never been tested directly in D. buzzatii. The present study is the first attempt to relate chemical extracts in Trichocereus terscheckii Britton & Rose, 1920 with detrimental effects on D. buzzatii. We assessed the effects of a crude alkaloid extract, rich in phenylethylamines, and a 'non-alkaloid fraction' on viability and adult wing morphology. Our results indicate that rearing larvae on an artificial diet containing different concentrations of the crude alkaloid extract decreased pupal viability and adult size in a concentration-dependent manner. We discuss the role of cactus alkaloids in the evolution of host-plant use in cactophilic flies. © 2013 The Linnean Society of London.
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Tipo de documento: info:ar-repo/semantics/artículo

Rubio, A. - Cardo, M.V. - Vezzani, D.
Mem. Inst. Oswaldo Cruz 2011;106(6):678-684

Descripción: Used vehicle tires are a source of mosquito vectors and a means of their introduction and expansion. With the aim of assessing the effects of urbanisation on the main mosquito vectors in temperate Argentina, the infestation levels of Aedes aegypti (L.) and Culex pipiens L. were studied in used tires from highly urbanised cities to low-urbanised small towns in Buenos Aires. Immatures of both species accounted for 96% of the 9,722 individuals collected; the total individuals collected represented seven species. The percentage of water-filled tires containing mosquitoes [container index (CI)] was 33% and the percentage of infested sites [site index (SI)] was 65.2%. These indexes decreased significantly from low to high urbanisation levels for both mosquito species. The relative abundance (RA) of Ae. aegypti immatures was slightly higher toward large cities, but showed no difference for Cx. pipiens. The CI of shaded tires was significantly higher than the CI of exposed tires for both mosquito species. There was no difference in RA values between shaded and sunlit tires. The CI and the SI were highest during the summer across the urbanisation levels, except for Cx. pipiens, which continued to increase during the autumn in small towns. Results related to urbanisation gradient, sunlit exposure and seasonality are discussed.
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Tipo de documento: info:ar-repo/semantics/artículo

Sciurano, R. - Segura, D. - Rodriguero, M. - Cendra, P.G. - Allinghi, A. - Cladera, J.L. - Vilardi, J.
Fla. Entomol. 2007;90(1):163-170

Descripción: Despite the interest in applying environmentally friendly control methods such as sterile insect technique (SIT) against Anastrepha fraterculus (Wiedemann) (Diptera: Tephritidae), information about its biology, taxonomy, and behavior is still insufficient. To increase this information, the present study aims to evaluate the performance of wild flies under field cage conditions through the study of sexual competitiveness among males (sexual selection). A wild population from Horco Molle, Tucumán, Argentina was sampled. Mature virgin males and females were released into outdoor field cages to compete for mating. Morphometric analyses were applied to determine the relationship between the multivariate phenotype and copulatory success. Successful and unsuccessful males were measured for 8 traits: head width (HW), face width (FW), eye length (EL), thorax length (THL), wing length (WL), wing width (WW), femur length (FL), and tibia length (TIL). Combinations of different multivariate statistical methods and graphical analyses were used to evaluate sexual selection on male phenotype. The results indicated that wing width and thorax length would be the most probable targets of sexual selection. They describe a nonlinear association between expected fitness and each of these 2 traits. This nonlinear relation suggests that observed selection could maintain the diversity related to body size.
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Tipo de documento: info:ar-repo/semantics/artículo

Fischer, S. - Zanotti, G. - Castro, A. - Quiroga, L. - Vargas, D.V.
J. Vector Ecol. 2013;38(2):215-223

Descripción: Notonectids are well-known predators in aquatic habitats, where mosquito larvae, chironomids, and cladocerans constitute their main diet. Our purpose was to assess the effect of structural complexity on the predatory ability of Buenoa fuscipennis, a common predator in aquatic habitats of Buenos Aires city (Argentina). Buenoa fuscipennis showed type 2 functional responses in both the presence and absence of prey refuge and no differences in attack rate or handling time between refuge treatments. Regarding mosquito size classes, B. fuscipennis exhibited a significantly higher preference for 2nd instar larvae and no predation on pupae. In the presence of mosquito larvae and alternative prey, B. fuscipennis preferred mosquitoes over chironomid larvae and adult cladocerans over mosquito larvae. No switching behavior was detected in our experiments. Habitat structure only slightly affected the predatoŕs consumption rates on mosquito larvae. Overall, preference for prey did not vary with the presence of refuge, except for the preference for mosquitoes over chironomid larvae, which was significantly decreased in the presence of refuge as a consequence of reduced predation on mosquito larvae. The results suggest that B. fuscipennis could efficiently control mosquitoes in structurally simple habitats where chironomids are the most abundant alternative prey but not in temporary pools where cladocerans are abundant. © 2013 The Society for Vector Ecology.
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Tipo de documento: info:ar-repo/semantics/artículo

Torretta, J.P. - Mulieri, P.R. - Patitucci, L.D. - Sander, V.A. - Rodríguez, P.L. - Schweigmann, N.
Mem. Inst. Oswaldo Cruz 2006;101(6):591-596

Descripción: We conducted a whole year research on the ecology of Mansonia indubitans and Ma. titillans in Macáes Pond, Costanera Sur Reserve, Buenos Aires, Argentina. The usage of different floating plants by immature instars and their overwintering was analized. The percentage of usage of the available floating macrophytes (Pistia, Limnobium, and Salvinia) by the larvae and pupae was studied. Also, we defined positivity (P+) as the percentage of plants with immature instars for each plant genus on a monthly basis. Ma. immature instars were captured throughout the year and Pistia was the resource most commonly exploited by the mosquitoes. The percentage of fourth-instar larvae and pupae on Pistia roots with respect to total immature instars captured was assessed on a monthly and seasonal basis. The proportion of fourth-instar larvae and pupae from both species of Mansonia on water lettuce roots, showed significant differences between months and seasons. Our results suggest that the populations of Ma. indubitans and Ma. titillans in Macáes Pond, survive during winter mainly as fourth-instar larvae.
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Tipo de documento: info:ar-repo/semantics/artículo

Santoferrara, L. - Alder, V.
J. Plankton Res. 2009;31(8):837-851

Descripción: Ciliates from sub-surface waters of the Argentine shelf and the Drake Passage under austral summer and autumn conditions were examined and compared for the first time. In both environments, the taxonomic structure of ciliates was related to temperature and salinity, and aloricate oligotrichs dominated in density (80%) over loricate oligotrichs, litostomatids and prostomatids, while the microplanktonic fraction prevailed in terms of biomass (90%) over the nanociliates. Myrionecta rubra was found all along the Argentine shelf only in autumn, but showed isolated peaks of abundance (103 ind. L -1) during summer. Mean values of density and biomass of total ciliates decreased ca. 2-fold from the shelf-slope to oceanic waters, while potential maximum production of aloricate oligotrichs decreased 9-fold, in relation with the drop in chlorophyll a concentration and the latitudinal decline of temperature, also reflected in maximum growth rates. Fifty percent of total ciliate abundance was represented by local increases (maximum: 20 000 ind. L-1 and 25 μg C L-1), which were spatially superimposed with ranges of seawater temperature and chlorophyll a concentrations of 10-15°C and 0.6-6 μg L-1, respectively, and were found in the nearby of fronts located on the shelf and the slope.
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Tipo de documento: info:ar-repo/semantics/artículo

Pérez-Barros, P. - Calcagno, J.A. - Lovrich, G.A.
Helgol. Mar. Res. 2011;65(4):513-523

Descripción: Munida gregaria and M. subrugosa have been considered two different species for more than a century; however, after a recent molecular phylogenetic study, they are considered a single polymorphic species. Yet, the use of markers to diagnose species may be misleading when divergence between species is recent, since a speciation event may be obscured by the retention and stochastic sorting of ancestral polymorphisms. The morphs gregaria and subrugosa of Munida gregaria constitute an interesting case for the study of behavioural isolation since they are sympatric, breed at the same time of the year, and might have experienced a recent speciation. Mating behaviour observations and mate choice mating trials were conducted in order to investigate the potential existence of a behavioural prezygotic barrier to gene flow between these two morphs. Since factors involved in mate choice in galatheids are unknown, the four possible combinations of the two different morphs in trios were used to test for the existence of mate choice. Video recordings of all the possible trio combinations revealed that there was cross-attraction between males and females of different morphs. Females bearing partial broods participated in encounters as well as non-ovigerous females. The frequency and duration of homo- and heterotypic encounters were registered, and a reproductive isolation index was calculated for each variable for each trio. The isolation indexes calculated were not different from zero indicating random mating, and were not affected by the composition of the trio or the partial ovigerous condition of females. These results provided evidence of the absence of behavioural prezygotic barriers to gene flow between the morphs gregaria and subrugosa of M. gregaria. © 2011 Springer-Verlag and AWI.
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Tipo de documento: info:ar-repo/semantics/artículo

Ferretti, V. - Massoni, V. - Bulit, F. - Winkler, D.W. - Lovette, I.J.
Behav. Ecol. 2011;22(6):1178-1186

Descripción: Female birds that engage in extrapair mating may choose extrapair mates that are genetically compatible, increasing their fitness through genetic benefits, such as increased heterozygosity, to their offspring; or choose mates that are heterozygous at one or more loci. Here, we describe the extrapair mating system, explore the fitness benefits of extrapair mating and test the heterozygosity hypothesis in White-rumped Swallows (Tachycineta leucorrhoa) breeding in Argentina using a panel of microsatellite loci. Extrapair offspring accounted for 56% of the nestlings and 77% of the broods in our population. Within broods, 1-4 males fathered extrapair offspring, and in 29% of nests, all offspring were from extrapair sires. We found that broods with extrapair offspring fledged overall more young than broods with no extrapair offspring but that the young that died were more heterozygous than the ones that fledged. Although extrapair offspring had a higher probability of surviving than within-pair offspring, these 2 groups did not differ in their level of heterozygosity. Neither the heterozygosity of the social mate nor the genetic similarity of the social pair predicted the presence of extrapair young. Instead, females chose social mates that were significantly less genetically similar to them. Our results do not support the heterozygosity hypothesis and contradict 2 of its main predictions. © 2011 The Author. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the International Society for Behavioral Ecology. All rights reserved.
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Tipo de documento: info:ar-repo/semantics/artículo

Ruiz, O. - Medina, G.R. - Cohen, R.G. - Amat, F. - Navarro, J.C.
Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 2007;335:155-165

Descripción: Nauplii of the branchiopod crustacean Artemia spp. are widely used as live food in aquaculture. Their nutritional value depends essentially on the fatty acid profile of their lipids, which can be very variable. Study of this variability (often species- and/or ecology-related) proposes interesting theoretical and applied questions. In the present study, cysts (dehydrated dormant eggs) from Argentinean Artemia spp. populations were analysed for their fatty acid profile. Most of the cyst samples analysed (n = 16) were obtained from Artemia persimilis populations, but 3 belonged to A. franciscana. Previous research indicated that A. persimilis populations are confined to inland biotopes, but in this study we report the presence of A. persimilis populations in coastal ecosystems. Cysts from all populations exhibited fatty acid profiles typical of either marine or freshwater, irrespective of the inland or coastal origin of their biotope. This study represents the first time that a significant amount of eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA, 20:5n-3) was detected in A. persimilis cyst samples. We hypothesize on some factors that presumably influence the fatty acid profiles of Artemia spp. cysts: (1) food resources from different habitats, which in turn can be influenced by environmental parameters, (2) the genetic make-up of each population, and/or (3) mechanisms of selective feeding. © Inter-Research 2007.
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Tipo de documento: info:ar-repo/semantics/artículo

Rumi, A. - Bechara, J.A. - Hamann, M.I. - Ostrowski De Núñez, M.
Malacologia 2002;44(2):273-288

Descripción: Some of the Biomphalaria species living in Chaco, such as B. straminea and B. tenagophila, are natural transmitters of schistosomiasis in Brazil, while those of the genus Drepanotrema are not intermediate hosts of the disease. The aim of the present work was to analyze the importance of a selected set of environmental variables in explaining patterns of distributions and relative abundance of planorbid gastropod assemblages. The study sites were located in urban areas of Resistencia City, Chaco Province, and the environmental variables measured were substratum (macrophytes), water quality (pH, O2, nutrients, among others), as well as other gastropods (Ancylidae, Hydrobiidae and Ampullaridae). Seasonal samplings were carried out in four distinct environments. Thirty-one quantitative samples of gastropods and environmental variables were obtained. In canonical correspondence analysis (CCA), seven environmental variables were retained after a stepwise forward selection, from a total of 26, including [N-NH4+], O2%, and the macrophytes Eichhornia crassipes, Pistia stratiotes, Panicum elephantipes, Hydrocotyle ranunculoides and Canna glauca. They explained 62% of the variation in planorbid association. Canna glauca was the most significant variable, being positively correlated with all of the species of Drepanotrema. Axis I separates B. tenagophila from B. straminea, along a gradient related to increasing O 2% and P. elephantipes abundance, as well as decreasing [N-NH 4+] and P. stratiotes. Axis II separates D. lucidum, D. anatinum and D. cimex from the other planorbid species along a gradient associated with decreasing abundances of H. ranunculoides and C. glauca. Some common aquatic macrophytes, and to a lesser extent, dissolved oxygen and ammonium in water, may be useful indicators of favorable environmental conditions for potential intermediate hosts of schistosomiasis in Chaco Region.
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Tipo de documento: info:ar-repo/semantics/artículo

Pe'er, G. - Zurita, G.A. - Schober, L. - Bellocq, M.I. - Strer, M. - Müller, M. - Pütz, S.
PLoS ONE 2013;8(5)

Descripción: Landscape simulators are widely applied in landscape ecology for generating landscape patterns. These models can be divided into two categories: pattern-based models that generate spatial patterns irrespective of the processes that shape them, and process-based models that attempt to generate patterns based on the processes that shape them. The latter often tend toward complexity in an attempt to obtain high predictive precision, but are rarely used for generic or theoretical purposes. Here we show that a simple process-based simulator can generate a variety of spatial patterns including realistic ones, typifying landscapes fragmented by anthropogenic activities. The model "G-RaFFe" generates roads and fields to reproduce the processes in which forests are converted into arable lands. For a selected level of habitat cover, three factors dominate its outcomes: the number of roads (accessibility), maximum field size (accounting for land ownership patterns), and maximum field disconnection (which enables field to be detached from roads). We compared the performance of G-RaFFe to three other models: Simmap (neutral model), Qrule (fractal-based) and Dinamica EGO (with 4 model versions differing in complexity). A PCA-based analysis indicated G-RaFFe and Dinamica version 4 (most complex) to perform best in matching realistic spatial patterns, but an alternative analysis which considers model variability identified G-RaFFe and Qrule as performing best. We also found model performance to be affected by habitat cover and the actual land-uses, the latter reflecting on land ownership patterns. We suggest that simple process-based generators such as G-RaFFe can be used to generate spatial patterns as templates for theoretical analyses, as well as for gaining better understanding of the relation between spatial processes and patterns. We suggest caution in applying neutral or fractal-based approaches, since spatial patterns that typify anthropogenic landscapes are often non-fractal in nature. © 2013 Pe'er et al.
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Tipo de documento: info:ar-repo/semantics/artículo

Busch, M. - Cavia, R. - Carbajo, A.E. - Bellomo, C. - Gonzalez Capria, S. - Padula, P.
Trop. Med. Int. Health 2004;9(4):508-519

Descripción: We studied the spatial and temporal distribution of Hantavirus Pulmonary Syndrome (HPS) cases from 1998 to 2001 in the Buenos Aires Province, Argentina. HPS is a severe viral disease whose natural reservoir are rodents of the subfamily Sigmodontinae (Muridae) and which occurs in many countries of South and North America. We considered two spatial arrangements: cells of 18.5 x 18.5 km2; and departments, the political subdivisions of the province, as spatial units. We tested the departure from a Poisson distribution of the number of cases per cell and per month with the Variance/Mean index, while the interaction between spatial and temporal clustering was tested by means of the Knox and Mantel tests. We constructed probability maps in which the HPS rates per department were considered Poisson variates according to population, area and the product of population and area. We analysed the relation between rodent distribution, environmental and demographic variables and HPS cases conducting preliminary univariate analysis from which we selected variables to enter in general linearized models. We found that both the spatial and temporal distribution of cases is strongly aggregated. The spatiotemporal interaction appears to be related to a strong seasonality and the existence of particular ecological conditions rather than epidemic transmission of the disease. The main explanatory variables for the distribution of HPS cases among the departments of the Buenos Aires Province were human population, the distribution of the rodent Oxymycterus rufus and evapotranspiration. The last two variables are probably indicators of favourable ecological conditions for the reservoirs, which encompass other variables not taken into account in this study.
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Tipo de documento: info:ar-repo/semantics/artículo

Salazar, A. - Goldstein, G. - Franco, A.C. - Miralles-Wilhelm, F.
J. Ecol. 2012;100(6):1411-1421

Descripción: Seedling dynamics are crucial for understanding spatial plant distribution patterns, yet little is known about seedling establishment in Neotropical savannas because empirical studies at the community level are scarce. Over 2 years, we studied the recruitment and survival of an initial seedling assemblage and three cohorts of recruits of woody plants within 216 plots of 1 m 2 located along a tree density gradient in the savannas of central Brazil. These savannas differ in tree density and canopy cover, from closed (high canopy cover) to open savannas (low canopy cover), and are located along shallow topographic gradients. We measured community-wide seedling limitation (i.e. proportion of 1-m 2 plots without seedlings of any woody species), photosynthetic photon flux density, litter cover, soil moisture and soil nutrients in each savanna type. Because closed savannas had lower PPFD and higher leaf litter cover than open savannas, we evaluated the effects of light level and litter cover on seedling emergence of nine dominant savanna woody species under controlled conditions in a glasshouse. Density, recruitment and survival of seedlings decreased over time because of mortality in all savanna types, but they were consistently higher in closed than in open savannas. Community-wide seedling limitation was significantly lower in closed (0.16 ± 0.03) than in open (0.30 ± 0.05) savannas. In the glasshouse, high litter cover and very low light levels reduced seedling emergence of most species, suggesting an adaptation to delay seed germination until the wet season when soil water availability is high and leaf litter rapidly decomposes. Synthesis: In Neotropical savannas, tree canopy cover facilitates seedling establishment of woody species by reducing stressful environmental conditions. In particular, low irradiance and high litter cover in closed savannas enhance the recruitment and survival of woody seedlings relative to open savannas by reducing soil water deficits and increasing nutrient availability in the upper soil layers. The higher seedling limitation of tree species in open than in closed savannas contributes to maintain relatively different balances between trees and herbaceous plants along topographic gradients in Neotropical savannas and helps to explain spatial distribution patterns of woody species in these ecosystems. © 2012 The Authors. Journal of Ecology © 2012 British Ecological Society.
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Tipo de documento: info:ar-repo/semantics/artículo