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Palabras contadas: flow: 198, gene: 793
Rosetti, N. - Remis, M.I.
PLoS ONE 2012;7(7)

Descripción: Many grasshopper species are considered of agronomical importance because they cause damage to pastures and crops. Comprehension of pest population dynamics requires a clear understanding of the genetic diversity and spatial structure of populations. In this study we report on patterns of genetic variation in the South American grasshopper Dichroplus elongatus which is an agricultural pest of crops and forage grasses of great economic significance in Argentina. We use Direct Amplification of Minisatellite Regions (DAMD) and partial sequences of the cytochrome oxydase 1 (COI) mitochondrial gene to investigate intraspecific structure, demographic history and gene flow patterns in twenty Argentinean populations of this species belonging to different geographic and biogeographic regions. DAMD data suggest that, although genetic drift and migration occur within and between populations, measurable relatedness among neighbouring populations declines with distance and dispersal over distances greater than 200 km is not typical, whereas effective gene flow may occur for populations separated by less than 100 km. Landscape analysis was useful to detect genetic discontinuities associated with environmental heterogeneity reflecting the changing agroecosystem. The COI results indicate the existence of strong genetic differentiation between two groups of populations located at both margins of the Paraná River which became separated during climate oscillations of the Middle Pleistocene, suggesting a significant restriction in effective dispersion mediated by females and large scale geographic differentiation. The number of migrants between populations estimated through mitochondrial and DAMD markers suggest that gene flow is low prompting a non-homogeneous spatial structure and justifying the variation through space. Moreover, the genetic analysis of both markers allows us to conclude that males appear to disperse more than females, reducing the chance of the genetic loss associated with recent anthropogenic fragmentation of the D. elongatus studied range. © 2012 Rosetti, Remis.
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Tipo de documento: info:ar-repo/semantics/artículo

Kornblihtt, A.R.
Medicina (Argentina) 2000;60(1):9-16

Descripción: This paper reviews basic concepts of modern molecular biology with the premise that its influence in today's medicine is so important that its knowledge cannot remain limited to a few experts. I first analyze the overall structure and organization of human genes, their split nature and the flow of genetic information from DNA to protein. The role of transcriptional control in the regulation of gene expression and cell differentiation is described by introducing experimental examples that define the importance of "master" genes. Basic concepts of genetic engineering, the generation of transgenic and knock out animals and the uses of molecular biology in clinical diagnosis, paternity tests and forensic medicine are presented. Finally, I discuss the possibilities of gene therapy and the fantasies and realities of transgenesis and cloning by nuclear transplant in humans.
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Tipo de documento: info:ar-repo/semantics/artículo

Gómez, G.A. - Hasson, E.
Mol. Biol. Evol. 2003;20(3):410-423

Descripción: Nucleotide variation was studied in a 1.1 kb section of the coding region of an Esterase gene (Est-A) that maps in the center of the segments rearranged by polymorphic inversions in the cactophilic Drosophila buzzatii. We examine 30 homozygous second-chromosome lines differing in gene arrangement and three D. koepferae isofemale lines as outgroups. Our data show that Est-A is a highly polymorphic gene at both synonymous and replacement sites. Significant departures from homogeneity in the distribution of the ratio of silent polymorphism to divergence predicted by the neutral theory reveals a local excess of silent polymorphism. This is consistent with the presence of two apparent narrow peaks of elevated silent polymorphism surrounding nonconservative amino acid substitutions. These polymorphisms as well as others at synonymous and nonsynonymous sites are shared with D. koepferae. We suggest that the presence of shared nucleotide polymorphisms is probably due to interspecific gene flow and/or balancing selection acting on replacement variants and/or to a decreased probability of loss of ancestral polymorphisms caused by linkage to an adaptive inversion polymorphism. Recurrent mutation and persistence of neutral ancestral polymorphisms cannot, however, be ruled out. The analysis of the distribution of nucleotide variation among the three chromosomal arrangements sampled reveals that derived arrangements (J and JZ3) are less polymorphic than the ancestral ST, and that the widely distributed ST and J arrangements are genetically differentiated. However, a significant number of polymorphisms are shared between arrangements, suggesting frequent exchange either from gene conversion or from double crossovers in heterokaryotypes. Finally, our present results in combination with data of sequence variation at the breakpoints of inversion J suggest that this old gene arrangement has risen in frequency in relatively recent times.
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Tipo de documento: info:ar-repo/semantics/artículo

Pérez-Barros, P. - Calcagno, J.A. - Lovrich, G.A.
Helgol. Mar. Res. 2011;65(4):513-523

Descripción: Munida gregaria and M. subrugosa have been considered two different species for more than a century; however, after a recent molecular phylogenetic study, they are considered a single polymorphic species. Yet, the use of markers to diagnose species may be misleading when divergence between species is recent, since a speciation event may be obscured by the retention and stochastic sorting of ancestral polymorphisms. The morphs gregaria and subrugosa of Munida gregaria constitute an interesting case for the study of behavioural isolation since they are sympatric, breed at the same time of the year, and might have experienced a recent speciation. Mating behaviour observations and mate choice mating trials were conducted in order to investigate the potential existence of a behavioural prezygotic barrier to gene flow between these two morphs. Since factors involved in mate choice in galatheids are unknown, the four possible combinations of the two different morphs in trios were used to test for the existence of mate choice. Video recordings of all the possible trio combinations revealed that there was cross-attraction between males and females of different morphs. Females bearing partial broods participated in encounters as well as non-ovigerous females. The frequency and duration of homo- and heterotypic encounters were registered, and a reproductive isolation index was calculated for each variable for each trio. The isolation indexes calculated were not different from zero indicating random mating, and were not affected by the composition of the trio or the partial ovigerous condition of females. These results provided evidence of the absence of behavioural prezygotic barriers to gene flow between the morphs gregaria and subrugosa of M. gregaria. © 2011 Springer-Verlag and AWI.
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Tipo de documento: info:ar-repo/semantics/artículo

Lanzavecchia, S. - Remis, M. - Cladera, J. - Zandomeni, R.
Entomol. Exp. Appl. 2010;136(1):53-65

Descripción: DNA size polymorphisms were utilized in a study of 24 natural populations of Ceratitis capitata Wiedemann (Diptera: Tephritidae) from Argentina. The first intron of alcohol dehydrogenase 1 gene (Adh1) was amplified using exon priming intron crossing-polymerase chain reaction. Three size variants were detected among the 307 samples analyzed. To better differentiate the size variants, further digestion of PCR products with the EcoRI restriction enzyme was carried out. Complete nucleotide sequences of the three-allele variants were obtained and single changes, insertions, deletions, and EcoRI recognition sites were located. Population allele frequencies were analyzed and a global mean heterozygosity (He) of 0.33 was obtained. In most populations, observed allelic frequencies conformed to Hardy-Weinberg expectations. Significant differences between provinces and sampling sites within these provinces, and among some populations were found. The average number of insects exchanged among populations (Nm) was estimated and high values were observed between Argentina and populations from two African countries (Morocco and Kenya), Australia, and Hawaii (Kauai). Pest introduction sources and dispersion patterns in Argentina are discussed based on these results as well as on available bibliographical data. © 2010 The Authors. Journal compilation © 2010 The Netherlands Entomological Society.
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Tipo de documento: info:ar-repo/semantics/artículo

Giudice, J. - Barcos, L.S. - Guaimas, F.F. - Penas-Steinhardt, A. - Giordano, L. - Jares-Erijman, E.A. - Coluccio Leskow, F.
Cell Commun. Signal. 2013;11(1)

Descripción: Background: Insulin and insulin-like growth factors (IGFs) act on tetrameric tyrosine kinase receptors controlling essential functions including growth, metabolism, reproduction and longevity. The insulin receptor (IR) binds insulin and IGFs with different affinities triggering different cell responses. Results: We showed that IGF-II induces cell proliferation and gene transcription when IR-B is over-expressed. We combined biotinylated ligands with streptavidin conjugated quantum dots and visible fluorescent proteins to visualize the binding of IGF-II and insulin to IR-B and their ensuing internalization. By confocal microscopy and flow cytometry in living cells, we studied the internalization kinetic through the IR-B of both IGF-II, known to elicit proliferative responses, and insulin, a regulator of metabolism. Conclusions: IGF-II promotes a faster internalization of IR-B than insulin. We propose that IGF-II differentially activates mitogenic responses through endosomes, while insulin-activated IR-B remains at the plasma membrane. This fact could facilitate the interaction with key effector molecules involved in metabolism regulation. © 2013 Giudice et al.; licensee BioMed Central Ltd.
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Tipo de documento: info:ar-repo/semantics/artículo

Confalonieri, V.A. - Sequeira, A.S. - Todaro, L. - Vilardi, J.C.
Heredity 1998;81(4):444-452

Descripción: Trimerotropis pallidipennis is an American grasshopper whose South American populations are polymorphic for pericentric inversions. Colonization of southern latitudes was by North American grasshoppers with basic chromosome arrangements, presumably along the Andean dry lands of South America. In Argentina, the frequencies of some of the rearrangements are correlated with geographical and climatic variables, following similar patterns among different ecological gradients, and are probably maintained by geographically variable coefficients of selection. Restriction site variation of mitochondrial DNA is used as a tool for determining the species history in relation to the formation of clines. Populations located along an altitudinal gradient, and others outside the cline, are analysed through phylogeographical studies. There is no strong geographical orientation in the unrooted tree connecting all 17 mitochondrial DNA haplotypes found. Many of them are present in most of the populations analysed, indicating high gene flow. The fact that there is no obvious differentiation in haplotype distribution between both extremes of the cline nor between chromosomally differentiated populations shows that the cline is not the result of a hybrid zone and reinforces the selection hypothesis. The estimation of the overall nucleotide divergence between the hypothetical ancestral haplotype and the other molecules shows that T. pallidipennis haplotypes started diverging from each other about 3 Myr ago. This result is in agreement with the time when the Isthmus of Panama rose (2-3 Myr ago), probably favouring the migration of many species between both hemispheres.
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Tipo de documento: info:ar-repo/semantics/artículo

Pérez, G. - Pregi, N. - Vittori, D. - Di Risio, C. - Garbossa, G. - Nesse, A.
Biochim. Biophys. Acta Mol. Cell Res. 2005;1745(1):124-130

Descripción: Aluminum (Al) and iron (Fe) share several physicochemical characteristics and they both bind to transferrin (Tf), entering the cell via Tf receptors (TfR). Previously, we found similar values of affinity constant for the binding of TfR to Tf carrying either Al or Fe. The competitive interaction between both metals prevented normal Fe incorporation into K562 cells and triggered the upregulation of Fe transport. In the present work we demonstrated that Al modified Fe uptake without affecting the expression of Tf receptors. Both TfR and TfR2 mRNA levels, evaluated by RT-PCR, and TfR antigenic sites, analyzed by flow cytometry, were found unchanged after Al exposure. In turn, Al did induce upregulation of non-Tf bound Fe (NTBI) uptake. This modulation was not due to intracellular Fe decrease since NTBI transport proved not to be regulated by Fe depletion. Unlike its behavior in the presence of Tf, Al was unable to compete with NTBI uptake, suggesting that both metals do not share the same alternative transport pathway. We propose that Al interference with TfR-mediated Fe incorporation might trigger the upregulation of NTBI uptake, an adaptation aimed at incorporating the essential metal required for cellular metabolism without allowing the simultaneous access of a potentially toxic metal. © 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
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Tipo de documento: info:ar-repo/semantics/artículo

Yaneff, A. - Sigaut, L. - Marquez, M. - Alleva, K. - Pietrasanta, L.I. - Amodeo, G.
Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A. 2014;111(1):231-236

Descripción: The plant aquaporin plasma membrane intrinsic proteins (PIP) subfamily represents one of the main gateways for water exchange at the plasma membrane (PM). A fraction of this subfamily, known as PIP1, does not reach the PM unless they are coexpressed with a PIP2 aquaporin. Although ubiquitous and abundantly expressed, the role and properties of PIP1 aquaporins have therefore remained masked. Here, we unravel how FaPIP1;1, a fruit-specific PIP1 aquaporin from Fragaria x ananassa, contributes to the modulation of membrane water permeability (Pf) and pH aquaporin regulation. Our approach was to combine an experimental and mathematical model design to test its activity without affecting its trafficking dynamics. We demonstrate that FaPIP1;1 has a high water channel activity when coexpressed as well as how PIP1-PIP2 affects gating sensitivity in terms of cytosolic acidification. PIP1-PIP2 random heterotetramerization not only allows FaPIP1;1 to arrive at the PMbut also produces an enhancement of FaPIP2;1 activity. In this context, we propose that FaPIP1;1 is a key participant in the regulation of water movement across the membranes of cells expressing both aquaporins.
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Tipo de documento: info:ar-repo/semantics/artículo

González, I.T. - Barrientos, G. - Freitag, N. - Otto, T. - Thijssen, V.L.J.L. - Moschansky, P. - von Kwiatkowski, P. - Klapp, B.F. - Winterhager, E. - Bauersachs, S. - Blois, S.M.
PLoS ONE 2012;7(10)

Descripción: Dendritic cell (DC) and natural killer (NK) cell interactions are important for the regulation of innate and adaptive immunity, but their relevance during early pregnancy remains elusive. Using two different strategies to manipulate the frequency of NK cells and DC during gestation, we investigated their relative impact on the decidualization process and on angiogenic responses that characterize murine implantation. Manipulation of the frequency of NK cells, DC or both lead to a defective decidual response characterized by decreased proliferation and differentiation of stromal cells. Whereas no detrimental effects were evident upon expansion of DC, NK cell ablation in such expanded DC mice severely compromised decidual development and led to early pregnancy loss. Pregnancy failure in these mice was associated with an unbalanced production of anti-angiogenic signals and most notably, with increased expression of genes related to inflammation and immunogenic activation of DC. Thus, NK cells appear to play an important role counteracting potential anomalies raised by DC expansion and overactivity in the decidua, becoming critical for normal pregnancy progression. © 2012 González et al.
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Tipo de documento: info:ar-repo/semantics/artículo