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Palabras contadas: uranium: 10
Morello, O. - Rubinstein, N.
Rev. Asoc. Geol. Argent. 1997;52(1):41-46

Descripción: Drill samples from the Carrizal uranium ore deposit located in Western Precordillera, Province of San Juan, Argentina, were studied by petrography, ore microscopy, X-ray diffraction, energy dispersive electron microscope and microprobe methods. A mesothermal ore paragenesis composed of arsenic-nickel-cobalt-uranium-bismuth minerals was identified. The established paragenetic sequence is pyrite-bismuthinite; nickeline-gersdorffite-rammelsbergite-pechblende, in an assemblage hosted by lithic breccia. A second mineralization stage produced a porphyry copper deposit, spatially but not genetically associated with the above described assemblage. © 1997 Asociación Geológica Argentina.
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Tipo de documento: info:ar-repo/semantics/artículo

Japas, M.S. - Salvarredi, J.A. - Kleiman, L.E.
Rev. Asoc. Geol. Argent. 2008;63(2):204-212

Descripción: The main mineralizations of the Sierra Pintada uranium district, San Rafael Massif, Mendoza, are associated with the Choiyoi volcanic province. In the lower section of this magmatic cycle uranium deposits hosted by epiclastic sandstones are predominant. In the upper section, small vein-type deposits of low economic significance are found instead. During the emplacement of these Permian volcanic and sedimentary sequences two different stress regimes, which conditioned the mineralizing systems, were dominant: transpressional (San Rafael orogenic phase) and transtensional (post-orogenic stage). A strain fabric analyses was performed in an attempt to evaluate the control exerted by the structures in the distribution of the uranium mineralizations during these two stages of deformation. So that, a contribution to a better understanding of the genesis of these deposits will aid to the generation of new exploration guides for uranium in the Choiyoi province. In the case of the deposits related to the lower Choiyoi, three orders of magnitude could be defined for the structural control. The fabric of the structures determining the distribution of these mineralizations reflects the structural grain of the San Rafael orogeny. The deposition of uranium hosted by the upper Choiyoi sequences was directly or indirectly influenced by the structures generated under the post-sanrafaelic stress field.
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Tipo de documento: info:ar-repo/semantics/artículo

Caselli, A.T. - Limarino, C.O. - Castro, L.N.
Rev. Asoc. Geol. Argent. 1997;52(2):223-227

Temas:   concretion -  diagenesis -  Permian -  sandstone -  vanadium -  Argentina

Descripción: These concretions form discrete spherical bodies 2 to 20 cm in sizes, within medium grained massive sandstone (arkosic arenite). Three concentric zones are recognized: a) dark green to black core composed of quartz and feldespar cemented by illite and roscoellite, b) an intermediate pale red zone of hematite-coated quartz, and c) a white, iron-leached outer zone. Edax and ICP analyses reveal high concentrations of vanadium mainly in zones a) and b) (60340 and 2582 ppm respectivily), uranium (237 and 163 ppm), rubidium (252ppm) and copper (178ppm). The concretions are interpreted as formed under eodiagenetic conditions before the development of haematite cement which gave the red colour to the host rock.
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Tipo de documento: info:ar-repo/semantics/artículo