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Palabras contadas: crustal: 18, structure: 489
Alvarado, P. - Ramos, V.A.
Rev. Asoc. Geol. Argent. 2010;67(4):461-472

Descripción: Modeling of broadband seismic waveforms recorded by global and Chilean networks for two moderate crustal earthquakes of the northwestern Sierras Pampeanas shows their focal mechanisms, depths and seismotectonic features. The magnitude Mw 5.8 earthquake on 28 May 2002, located in the eastern flank of the sierra de Velasco and the Mw 6.2 earthquake on 7 September 2004, with epicenter in the southwestern part of the sierra de Ambato, have shallow focal depths of 10 and 8 km, respectively. These results combined with the historical seismicity of the region allow us to estimate the deep structure of the Sierras Pampeanas in the study region. The seismic analyses together with interpretations of the surface structure and previous neotectonic studies ruled out extensional or strike slip deformation as the main responsible mechanism of the Present structure of this sector of the sierras de Ambato and Velasco in the northwestern Sierras Pampeanas. The comparison between the Nazca-South America plate convergence orientation as well as GPS velocities in the upper plate with the summation of the seismic moment tensor for the largest seismic energy released by crustal earthquakes of this region in the last 30 years, shows a clockwise rotation of 50° of the average P-axis orientation from the convergence orientation to the northeast suggesting important strain partition. This partition is controlled by the Eopaleozoic basement fabric, which has guided the orientation and vergence of the Andean faults.
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Tipo de documento: info:ar-repo/semantics/artículo

Mescua, J.F. - Ramos, V.A.
Rev. Asoc. Geol. Argent. 2009;65(1):111-122

Descripción: Results of a detailed geologic survey of the Río Borbollón area, located in the Cordillera Principal of the province of Mendoza are presented. The stratigraphic record of the area corresponds to a Jurassic-early Cretaceous sedimentary succession, the products of Neogene igneous activity and Quaternary deposits. The Tres Esquinas and La Manga Formations of Jurassic age were recognized for the first time in the study area. The main structural features of the area are described and interpreted based on the obtained data and previous works. A balanced structural cross section of the Malargüe fold and thrust belt at 34°15'S depicts the structural style and the amount of orogenic shortening in this region of the Andes.
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Tipo de documento: info:ar-repo/semantics/artículo

González Díaz, E.F. - Folguera, A. - Costa, C.H. - Wright, E. - Ellisondo, M.
Rev. Asoc. Geol. Argent. 2006;61(2):197-217

Descripción: Studies performed during the last five years have shown the existence of 74 prehistoric rock-avalanches in the northern Neuquén Andes (36°-38°S). These are mainly related to volcanic grounds of Pliocene to Pleistocene age corresponding to the Hualcupén Formation. In this work we describe their main characteristics and general homogeneous morphology. They are also characterized by a single tectonic control associated with the occurrence of their break-away and mainly postglacial ages, fact revealed by their systematic position into previous glacial valleys and limited radiometric ages. The obstruction produced by these features altered the shape of the valleys giving to local lakes. Eighteen percent of the cases are characterized by landslide dams preserved nowadays while only six percent by ephemeral ones. Two of the dams were actually catastrophically collapsed: the Cerro Pelán and Navarrete rock-avalanches: The former in Barrancas river valley with the consequent formation of the Carrilauquen lake and the later with the generation of Navarrete lake. The Carrilauquen's dam broke during historical times (29/12/1914) forming an outburst-flood that passed from the Barrancas valley to the Colorado river valley destroying their local economy and reaching after 1,500 km the Atlantic coast. The highest computed volumes in the entire region for the deposits related to rock-avalanches correspond to Varva Co Campos avalanche (3 km3). Cosmogenic isotopes have revealed its age and the age of the neighbor deposit of Varvar Co Tapia rock-avalanche, resulting in 30 ka and 60 ka respectively. Further cosmogenic isotope data revealed that the Cerro PeMn avalanche is only 2 ka. A wrong assumption, presently revaluated, was related to the assignment of these deposits to glacial accumulations because of their chaotic structure, their hummocky topography and the induced dams. Finally, several topographic, geomorphological and seismotectonic criteria are exposed to prove a seismic trigger for these avalanches. Graphics and one table are used to display the distribution of their deposits and its dose association with the orogenic front at these latitudes and the crustal seismicity of the region. © 2006 Asociación Geológica Argentina.
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Tipo de documento: info:ar-repo/semantics/artículo