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Marcomini, S.C. - López, R.A. - Spinoglio, A.
Rev. Asoc. Geol. Argent. 2007;62(3):396-404

Descripción: The purpose of the paper is to analyze the geomorphology and hydrodynamic of the coastal area, to model the evolution of the coastal cohesive cliffs and the handing dune barrier system along southern Buenos Aires coast. The morphology and evolution of coastal transverse profile are used as geoindicator of erosional susceptibility for planning and manage the coastal communities' development. The vulnerability to erosion increases from dune coasts, to stabilized dunes, cliffs covered with ramps, cliffs with ramps, cliffs with mixed ramps, inactive cliffs and active cliffs. Human intervention such as afforestation, urbanization, mining and interruption of the littoral drift by Quequen harbor groins, have altered the eolian and marine sand supply in the area, modifying the coastal profile configuration, trending to the disappearance of sand ramps.
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Tipo de documento: info:ar-repo/semantics/artículo

Perazzo, C.A. - Gratton, J.
Phys. Fluids 2010;22(5):1-7

Descripción: With the purpose of modeling the process of mountain building, we investigate the evolution of the ridge produced by the convergent motion of a system consisting of two layers of liquids that differ in density and viscosity to simulate the crust and the upper mantle that form a lithospheric plate. We assume that the motion is driven by basal traction. Assuming isostasy, we derive a nonlinear differential equation for the evolution of the thickness of the crust. We solve this equation numerically to obtain the profile of the range. We find an approximate self-similar solution that describes reasonably well the process and predicts simple scaling laws for the height and width of the range as well as the shape of the transversal profile. We compare the theoretical results with the profiles of real mountain belts and find an excellent agreement. © 2010 American Institute of Physics.
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Tipo de documento: info:ar-repo/semantics/artículo

Hierro, R. - Llamedo, P. - De La Torre, A. - Alexander, P. - Rolla, A.
J. Geophys. Res. D Atmos. 2012;117(3)

Descripción: Meteorological phenomena are closely linked to the presence of water vapor. They mainly originate and develop in the troposphere, where almost all the atmospheric water is concentrated. The Global Positioning System radio occultation (GPS RO) technique provides vertical profiles of refractivity from which other properties such as temperature and water vapor can be derived. The GPS RO capability to reproduce global, synoptic, and regional climatological patterns over South America, which is a mostly oceanic continent, is tested. From FORMOSAT-3/COSMIC mission data (2006-2010), our previous knowledge regarding global and synoptic/regional patterns of temperature, equivalent potential temperature, specific humidity, and pressure is verified. Special cases such as baroclinic disturbances arriving at South American midlatitudes and storm events over a mountain region near the Andes are analyzed. The temporal evolution and the latitude-longitude distribution in several layers of the variables listed above are well described with this technique. Copyright 2012 by the American Geophysical Union.
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Tipo de documento: info:ar-repo/semantics/artículo

Gulisano, A.M. - Démoulin, P. - Dasso, S. - Rodriguez, L.
Astron. Astrophys. 2012;543

Descripción: Context. A large amount of magnetized plasma is frequently ejected from the Sun as coronal mass ejections (CMEs). Some of these ejections are detected in the solar wind as magnetic clouds (MCs) that have flux rope signatures. Aims. Magnetic clouds are structures that typically expand in the inner heliosphere. We derive the expansion properties of MCs in the outer heliosphere from one to five astronomical units to compare them with those in the inner heliosphere. Methods. We analyze MCs observed by the Ulysses spacecraft using in situ magnetic field and plasma measurements. The MC boundaries are defined in the MC frame after defining the MC axis with a minimum variance method applied only to the flux rope structure. As in the inner heliosphere, a large fraction of the velocity profile within MCs is close to a linear function of time. This is indicative of a self-similar expansion and a MC size that locally follows a power-law of the solar distance with an exponent called ζ. We derive the value of ζ from the in situ velocity data. Results. We analyze separately the non-perturbed MCs (cases showing a linear velocity profile almost for the full event), and perturbed MCs (cases showing a strongly distorted velocity profile). We find that non-perturbed MCs expand with a similar non-dimensional expansion rate (ζ = 1.05 ± 0.34), i.e. slightly faster than at the solar distance and in the inner heliosphere (ζ = 0.91 ± 0.23). The subset of perturbed MCs expands, as in the inner heliosphere, at a significantly lower rate and with a larger dispersion (ζ = 0.28 ± 0.52) as expected from the temporal evolution found in numerical simulations. This local measure of the expansion also agrees with the distribution with distance of MC size, mean magnetic field, and plasma parameters. The MCs interacting with a strong field region, e.g. another MC, have the most variable expansion rate (ranging from compression to over-expansion). © 2012 ESO.
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Tipo de documento: info:ar-repo/semantics/artículo

Elola, M.D. - Laria, D.
J Chem Phys 2002;117(5):2238-2245

Descripción: New insights into equilibrium and dynamical aspects of electron photodetachment reactions in small water clusters were given. It focuses on assessing the effects of thermal and polarization fluctuations provided by three cluster environments with different extents of spatial confinement, on the microscopic mechanisms that drive the reaction. These fluctuations, in turn, determine the characteristics of the electron localization and the subsequent detachment following photoexcitation of the probe.
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Tipo de documento: info:ar-repo/semantics/artículo

Borgna, J.P. - Rial, D.F.
J. Math. Phys. 2012;53(6)

Descripción: Relativistic Schrödinger equation with a nonlinear potential interaction describes the dynamics of a particle, with rest mass m, travelling to a significant fraction |v| < 1 of the light speed c = 1. At first, we deal with the local and global existence of solutions of the flux, and in the second term, and according to the relativistic nature of the problem, we look for boosted solitons as ψ(x, t) = eiμtφv(x - vt), where the profile φ v ∈ H 1/2 (R{double-struck}) is a minimizer of a suitable variational problem. Our proof uses a concentration-compactness-type argument. Stability results for the boosted solitons are established. © 2012 American Institute of Physics.
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Tipo de documento: info:ar-repo/semantics/artículo

Perazzo, C.A. - Gratton, J.
J. Phys. Conf. Ser. 2009;166

Descripción: We investigate the evolution of the ridge produced by the non-symmetrical convergent motion of two substrates over which an initially uniform layer of a Newtonian liquid rests. The lack of symmetry of the flow arises because the substrates move with different velocities. We focus on the self-similar regimes that occur in this process. For short times, within the linear regime, the height and the width increase as t1/2 and the profile is symmetric, independently of degree of asymmetry of the motion of the substrates. In the self-similar regime for large time, the height and the width of the ridge follow the same power laws as in the symmetric case, but the profiles are asymmetric. © 2009 IOP Publishing Ltd.
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Tipo de documento: info:ar-repo/semantics/documento de conferencia

Prevosto, L. - Artana, G. - Kelly, H. - Mancinelli, B.
J Appl Phys 2011;109(6)

Descripción: A two-wavelength quantitative Schlieren technique that allows inferring the electron and gas densities of axisymmetric arc plasmas without imposing any assumption regarding statistical equilibrium models is reported. This technique was applied to the study of local thermodynamic equilibrium (LTE) departures within the core of a 30 A high-energy density cutting arc. In order to derive the electron and heavy particle temperatures from the inferred density profiles, a generalized two-temperature Saha equation together with the plasma equation of state and the quasineutrality condition were employed. Factors such as arc fluctuations that influence the accuracy of the measurements and the validity of the assumptions used to derive the plasma species temperature were considered. Significant deviations from chemical equilibrium as well as kinetic equilibrium were found at elevated electron temperatures and gas densities toward the arc core edge. An electron temperature profile nearly constant through the arc core with a value of about 14000-15000 K, well decoupled from the heavy particle temperature of about 1500 K at the arc core edge, was inferred. © 2011 American Institute of Physics.
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Tipo de documento: info:ar-repo/semantics/artículo

Gulisano, A.M. - Démoulin, P. - Dasso, S. - Ruiz, M.E. - Marsch, E.
AIP Conf. Proc. 2010;1216:391-394

Descripción: Magnetic clouds (MCs) are objects in expansion during their travel through the heliosphere. In situ observations indicate that their front travel faster than their back, showing a clear empirical signature of expansion. With the aim of quantifying the expansion rate of MCs in the inner heliosphere (0.3 to 1 AU), we present here a statistical study of events observed by the spacecraft Helios 1 and 2, during their complete period of operations. From the analysis of the profile of the MC magnetic field components in its local frame, which is obtained from a rotation of the observed magnetic field vectors to a system of reference oriented as the main axis of the flux rope, we revise a list of events identified in previous works and redefine improved MC boundaries/orientation for each event. We then split the sample into two subsets according to the characteristics of their velocity profiles, (a) those MCs with a significantly perturbed velocity profile due to the interaction with their surrounding solar wind (i.e. overtaken by streams) and (b) those that are not perturbed. We compute the dimensionless local expansion rate (ζ) for MCs defined by several works [e.g. Démoulin et al., Solar Phys, 250, 347-374 (2008)]. We find significantly different distribution of values for ζ when perturbed and non perturbed events are considered. Non perturbed MCs expand at rates ζ consistent with the expected value from the global pressure decay in the surrounding solar wind for increasing helio-distances, while perturbed ones may present strong departures from that global rule. We interpret these departures of ζ for perturbed MCs as a consequence of interaction with streams on their expansion. © 2010 American Institute of Physics.
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Tipo de documento: info:ar-repo/semantics/documento de conferencia

Ruiz, O. - Medina, G.R. - Cohen, R.G. - Amat, F. - Navarro, J.C.
Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 2007;335:155-165

Descripción: Nauplii of the branchiopod crustacean Artemia spp. are widely used as live food in aquaculture. Their nutritional value depends essentially on the fatty acid profile of their lipids, which can be very variable. Study of this variability (often species- and/or ecology-related) proposes interesting theoretical and applied questions. In the present study, cysts (dehydrated dormant eggs) from Argentinean Artemia spp. populations were analysed for their fatty acid profile. Most of the cyst samples analysed (n = 16) were obtained from Artemia persimilis populations, but 3 belonged to A. franciscana. Previous research indicated that A. persimilis populations are confined to inland biotopes, but in this study we report the presence of A. persimilis populations in coastal ecosystems. Cysts from all populations exhibited fatty acid profiles typical of either marine or freshwater, irrespective of the inland or coastal origin of their biotope. This study represents the first time that a significant amount of eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA, 20:5n-3) was detected in A. persimilis cyst samples. We hypothesize on some factors that presumably influence the fatty acid profiles of Artemia spp. cysts: (1) food resources from different habitats, which in turn can be influenced by environmental parameters, (2) the genetic make-up of each population, and/or (3) mechanisms of selective feeding. © Inter-Research 2007.
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Tipo de documento: info:ar-repo/semantics/artículo

De Leo, M. - Rial, D.
J. Math. Phys. 2007;48(9)

Descripción: In this work we take under consideration the Cauchy problem for the Schrödinger-Poisson type equation i t u=- x2 u+V (u) u-f (∫u∫2) u, where f represents a local nonlinear interaction (we take into account both attractive and repulsive models) and V is taken as a suitable solution of the Poisson equation V=12 ∫x∫ (C- ∫u∫2), C Cc∞ is the doping profile or impurities. We show that this problem is locally well posed in the weighted Sobolev spaces Hs { Hs (R): (1+ x2) 12 ∫∫2 <∞} with s1, which means the local existence, uniqueness, and continuity of the solution with respect to the initial data. Moreover, under suitable assumptions on the local interaction, we show the existence of global solutions. Finally, we establish that for s1 local in time and space, smoothing effects are present in the solution; more precisely, in this problem there is locally a gain of half a derivative. © 2007 American Institute of Physics.
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Tipo de documento: info:ar-repo/semantics/artículo

Prevosto, L. - Artana, G. - Mancinelli, B. - Kelly, H.
J Appl Phys 2010;107(2)

Descripción: Plasma temperature and radial density profiles of the plasma species in a high energy density cutting arc have been obtained by using a quantitative schlieren technique. A Z-type two-mirror schlieren system was used in this research. Due to its great sensibility such technique allows measuring plasma composition and temperature from the arc axis to the surrounding medium by processing the gray-level contrast values of digital schlieren images recorded at the observation plane for a given position of a transverse knife located at the exit focal plane of the system. The technique has provided a good visualization of the plasma flow emerging from the nozzle and its interactions with the surrounding medium and the anode. The obtained temperature values are in good agreement with those values previously obtained by the authors on the same torch using Langmuir probes. © 2010 American Institute of Physics.
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Tipo de documento: info:ar-repo/semantics/artículo

Chasseigne, E. - Chaves, M. - Rossi, J.D.
J. Math. Pures Appl. 2006;86(3):271-291

Descripción: We study the asymptotic behavior for nonlocal diffusion models of the form ut = J * u - u in the whole RN or in a bounded smooth domain with Dirichlet or Neumann boundary conditions. In RN we obtain that the long time behavior of the solutions is determined by the behavior of the Fourier transform of J near the origin, which is linked to the behavior of J at infinity. If over(J, ̂) (ξ) = 1 - A | ξ |α + o (| ξ |α) (0 < α ≤ 2), the asymptotic behavior is the same as the one for solutions of the evolution given by the α / 2 fractional power of the Laplacian. In particular when the nonlocal diffusion is given by a compactly supported kernel the asymptotic behavior is the same as the one for the heat equation, which is yet a local model. Concerning the Dirichlet problem for the nonlocal model we prove that the asymptotic behavior is given by an exponential decay to zero at a rate given by the first eigenvalue of an associated eigenvalue problem with profile an eigenfunction of the first eigenvalue. Finally, we analyze the Neumann problem and find an exponential convergence to the mean value of the initial condition. © 2006 Elsevier SAS. All rights reserved.
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Tipo de documento: info:ar-repo/semantics/artículo

Evans, R.M. - Opher, M. - Oran, R. - Van Der Holst, B. - Sokolov, I.V. - Frazin, R. - Gombosi, T.I. - Vásquez, A.
Astrophys. J. 2012;756(2)

Descripción: The heating and acceleration of the solar wind is an active area of research. Alfvén waves, because of their ability to accelerate and heat the plasma, are a likely candidate in both processes. Many models have explored wave dissipation mechanisms which act either in closed or open magnetic field regions. In this work, we emphasize the boundary between these regions, drawing on observations which indicate unique heating is present there. We utilize a new solar corona component of the Space Weather Modeling Framework, in which Alfvén wave energy transport is self-consistently coupled to the magnetohydrodynamic equations. In this solar wind model, the wave pressure gradient accelerates and wave dissipation heats the plasma. Kolmogorov-like wave dissipation as expressed by Hollweg along open magnetic field lines was presented in van der Holst et al. Here, we introduce an additional dissipation mechanism: surface Alfvén wave (SAW) damping, which occurs in regions with transverse (with respect to the magnetic field) gradients in the local Alfvén speed. For solar minimum conditions, we find that SAW dissipation is weak in the polar regions (where Hollweg dissipation is strong), and strong in subpolar latitudes and the boundaries of open and closed magnetic fields (where Hollweg dissipation is weak). We show that SAW damping reproduces regions of enhanced temperature at the boundaries of open and closed magnetic fields seen in tomographic reconstructions in the low corona. Also, we argue that Ulysses data in the heliosphere show enhanced temperatures at the boundaries of fast and slow solar wind, which is reproduced by SAW dissipation. Therefore, the model's temperature distribution shows best agreement with these observations when both dissipation mechanisms are considered. Lastly, we use observational constraints of shock formation in the low corona to assess the Alfvén speed profile in the model. We find that, compared to a polytropic solar wind model, the wave-driven model with physical dissipation mechanisms presented in this work is more aligned with an empirical Alfvén speed profile. Therefore, a wave-driven model which includes the effects of SAW damping is a better background to simulate coronal-mass-ejection-driven shocks. © 2012. The American Astronomical Society. All rights reserved.
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Tipo de documento: info:ar-repo/semantics/artículo

Gulisano, A.M. - Démoulin, P. - Dasso, S. - Ruiz, M.E. - Marsch, E.
Astron. Astrophys. 2010;509(1)

Descripción: Context: Observations of magnetic clouds (MCs) are consistent with the presence of flux ropes detected in the solar wind (SW) a few days after their expulsion from the Sun as coronal mass ejections (CMEs). Aims: Both the in situ observations of plasma velocity profiles and the increase of their size with solar distance show that MCs are typically expanding structures. The aim of this work is to derive the expansion properties of MCs in the inner heliosphere from 0.3 to 1 AU. Methods: We analyze MCs observed by the two Helios spacecraft using in situ magnetic field and velocity measurements. We split the sample in two subsets: those MCs with a velocity profile that is significantly perturbed from the expected linear profile and those that are not. From the slope of the in situ measured bulk velocity along the Sun-Earth direction, we compute an expansion speed with respect to the cloud center for each of the analyzed MCs. Results: We analyze how the expansion speed depends on the MC size, the translation velocity, and the heliocentric distance, finding that allMCs in the subset of non-perturbed MCs expand with almost the same non-dimensional expansion rate (ζ).We find departures from this general rule for ζ only for perturbed MCs, and we interpret the departures as the consequence of a local and strong SW perturbation by SW fast streams, affecting the MC even inside its interior, in addition to the direct interaction region between the SW and the MC. We also compute the dependence of the mean total SW pressure on the solar distance and we confirm that the decrease of the total SW pressure with distance is the main origin of the observed MC expansion rate. We found that ζ was 0.91 ± 0.23 for non-perturbed MCs while ζ was 0.48 ± 0.79 for perturbed MCs, the larger spread in the last ones being due to the influence of the solar wind local environment conditions on the expansion. © ESO 2010.
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Tipo de documento: info:ar-repo/semantics/artículo

Démoulin, P. - Dasso, S.
Astron. Astrophys. 2009;507(2):969-980

Descripción: Context. Magnetic clouds (MCs) are formed by magnetic flux ropes that are ejected from the Sun as coronal mass ejections. These structures generally have low plasma beta and travel through the interplanetary medium interacting with the surrounding solar wind. Thus, the dynamical evolution of the internal magnetic structure of a MC is a consequence of both the conditions of its environment and of its own dynamical laws, which are mainly dominated by magnetic forces.Aims. With in-situ observations the magnetic field is only measured along the trajectory of the spacecraft across the MC. Therefore, a magnetic model is needed to reconstruct the magnetic configuration of the encountered MC. The main aim of the present work is to extend the widely used cylindrical model to arbitrary cross-section shapes.Methods. The flux rope boundary is parametrized to account for a broad range of shapes. Then, the internal structure of the flux rope is computed by expressing the magnetic field as a series of modes of a linear force-free field.Results. We analyze the magnetic field profile along straight cuts through the flux rope, in order to simulate the spacecraft crossing through a MC. We find that the magnetic field orientation is only weakly affected by the shape of the MC boundary. Therefore, the MC axis can approximately be found by the typical methods previously used (e.g., minimum variance). The boundary shape affects the magnetic field strength most. The measurement of how much the field strength peaks along the crossing provides an estimation of the aspect ratio of the flux-rope cross-section. The asymmetry of the field strength between the front and the back of the MC, after correcting for the time evolution (i.e., its aging during the observation of the MC), provides an estimation of the cross-section global bending. A flat or/and bent cross-section requires a large anisotropy of the total pressure imposed at the MC boundary by the surrounding medium.Conclusions. The new theoretical model developed here relaxes the cylindrical symmetry hypothesis. It is designed to estimate the cross-section shape of the flux rope using the in-situ data of one spacecraft. This allows a more accurate determination of the global quantities, such as magnetic fluxes and helicity. These quantities are especially important for both linking an observed MC to its solar source and for understanding the corresponding evolution. © 2009 ESO.
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Tipo de documento: info:ar-repo/semantics/artículo

Gratton, F.T. - Gnavi, G. - Farrugia, C.J. - Bender, L.
Braz. J. Phys. 2004;34(4 B):1804-1813

Descripción: Working within the domain of inviscid incompressible MHD theory, we found that a tangential discontinuity (TD) separating two uniform regions of different density, velocity and magnetic field may be Kelvin-Helmholtz (KH) stable and yet a study of a transition between the same constant regions given by a continuous velocity profile shows the presence of the instability with significant growth rates. Since the cause of the instability stems from the velocity gradient, and since a TD may be considered as the ultimate limit of such gradient, the statement comes as a surprise. In fact, a long wavelength (λ) boundary for the KH instability does not exist in ordinary liquids being instead a consequence of the presence of magnetic shear, a possibility that has passed unnoticed in the literature. It is shown that KH modes of a magnetic field configuration with constant direction do not have the long A boundary. A theoretical explanation of this feature and examples of the violation of the TD stability condition are given using a model that can be solved in closed form. Stability diagrams in the (kd, MA) plane are given (where kd = 2πd/λ, 2d is the velocity gradient length scale, and MA is the Alfvénic Mach number) that show both the well-known limit at small λs and the boundary for large but finite As noted here. Consequences of this issue are relevant for stability studies of the dayside magnetopause as the stability condition for a TD should be used with care in data analysis work.
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Tipo de documento: info:ar-repo/semantics/artículo

Ayón-Beato, E. - Giribet, G. - Hassane, M.
J. High Energy Phys. 2009;2009(5)

Descripción: We study AdS-waves in the three-dimensional new theory of massive gravity recently proposed by Bergshoeff, Hohm, and Townsend. The general configuration of this type is derived and shown to exhibit different branches, with different asymptotic behaviors. In particular, for the special fine tuning m 2 = 1/(2l 2), solutions with logarithmic fall-off arise, while in the range -1/(2l 2)$">m 2 > -1/(2l 2), spacetimes with Schrödinger isometry group are admitted as solutions. Spacetimes that are asymptotically AdS 3, both for the Brown-Henneaux and for the weakened boundary conditions, are also identified. The metric function that characterizes the profile of the AdS-wave behaves as a massive excitation on the spacetime, with an effective mass given by m eff 2 = m 2-1/(2l 2). For the critical value m 2 = -1/(2l 2), the value of the effective mass precisely saturates the Breitenlohner-Freedman bound for the AdS 3 space where the wave is propagating on. The analogies with the AdS-wave solutions of topologically massive gravity are also discussed. Besides, we consider the coupling of both massive deformations to Einstein gravity and find the exact configurations for the complete theory, discussing all the different branches exhaustively. One of the effects of introducing the Chern-Simons gravitational term is that of breaking the degeneracy in the effective mass of the generic modes of pure New Massive Gravity, producing a fine structure due to parity violation. Another effect is that the zoo of exact logarithmic specimens becomes considerably enlarged. © 2009 SISSA.
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Tipo de documento: info:ar-repo/semantics/artículo

Calabrese, G.C. - Wainstok, R.
Biocell 2004;28(3):251-258

Descripción: Endothelial cells, at the cell-cell borders, express PECAM-1, and have been implicated in vascular functions. The monoclonal antibody MEC 13.3 recognizes PECAM-1 molecule from mouse vessels and allows to analyze the ontogeny of mouse endothelium. At the present, little is known about the molecular basis of differentiation pathways of endothelial cells, that enables its morphological heterogeneity. The purpose of this study was to analyze the pattern of PECAM-1 expression, employing monoclonal antibody MEC 13.3, in cellular suspensions obtained from different mouse organs at pre and postnatal stages. Fluorescence activated cell sorter analysis showed a different profile of the glycoprotein expression in a cell population with size and granularity selected by 1G11 endothelial cell line. The expression differs from prenatal to postnatal developmental stages in a given organ, and among the organs studied. Another cell population, with a size and granularity higher than 1G11 endothelial cell line, coexists in cellular suspensions obtained from liver, gut and brain. These cells could be related to those detected by means of immunoenzyme methods which showed a non-differentiated morphology. The different PECAM-1 pattern expression could reflect potential organ-specific differentiation pathways during development and according to organs environment. The existence of another cell population with a size and granularity higher than 1G11 endothelial cell line required a phenotypic characterization.
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Tipo de documento: info:ar-repo/semantics/artículo

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