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Palabras contadas: optical: 73, rotation: 87
Ligabue, A. - Lazzeretti, P. - Béccar Varela, M.P. - Ferraro, M.B.
J Chem Phys 2002;116(15):6427-6434

Descripción: A scheme for resolving average optical rotatory power of a molecule into atomic contributions, applied to hydrogen peroxide, is presented. The scheme is based on the acceleration gauge for the electric dipole, and the torque formalism. Calculations are carried out to test the reliability of the partition method. The force and torque gauges provide different numerical values for atomic contributions.
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Tipo de documento: info:ar-repo/semantics/artículo

Sánchez, M. - Ferraro, M.B. - Alkorta, I. - Elguero, J. - Sauer, S.P.A.
J Chem Phys 2008;128(6)

Descripción: We applied a methodology capable of resolving the optical rotatory power into atomic contributions. The individual atomic contributions to the optical rotatory power and molecular chirality of the methylhydroperoxide are obtained via a canonical transformation of the Hamiltonian by which the electric dipolar moment operator is transformed to the acceleration gauge formalism and the magnetic dipolar moment operator to the torque formalism. The gross atomic isotropic contributions have been evaluated for the carbon, the nonequivalent oxygen, and the nonequivalent hydrogen atoms of methylhydroperoxide, employing a very large Gaussian basis set which is close to the Hartree-Fock limit. © 2008 American Institute of Physics.
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Tipo de documento: info:ar-repo/semantics/artículo

Curé, M. - Rial, D.F. - Cidale, L.
Astron. Astrophys. 2005;437(3):929-933

Descripción: The effects of rapid rotation and bi-stability upon the density contrast between the equatorial and polar directions of a B[e] supergiant are re-investigated. Based on a new slow solution for different high rotational radiation-driven winds and the fact that bi-stability allows a change in the line-force parameters (α, k, and δ), the equatorial densities are about 102-104 times higher than the polar ones. These values are in qualitative agreement with the observations. © ESO 2005.
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Tipo de documento: info:ar-repo/semantics/artículo

Mazzaferri, J. - Ledesma, S.
AIP Conf. Proc. 2008;992:1057-1060

Descripción: In this work we introduce a new approach for corner extraction. The method that allows the corner extraction with rotation invariance is composed by a spiral phase function and a binary amplitude. The designed function can be easily implemented as a filter for a Vander Lugt-like optical correlator. A final image obtained with the detector presents intensity peaks in each corner location. Numerical simulation has been performed on a set of synthetic scenes, modulated either in amplitude or phase. Results that show the very good performance of the method are shown. © 2008 American Institute of Physics.
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Tipo de documento: info:ar-repo/semantics/documento de conferencia

Ravindra, B. - Yoshimura, K. - Dasso, S.
Astrophys. J. 2011;743(1)

Descripción: The line-of-sight magnetograms from Solar Optical Telescope Narrowband Filter Imager observations of NOAA Active Region 10930 have been used to study the evolution of spinning and braiding helicities over a period of five days starting from 2006 December 9. The north (N) polarity sunspot was the follower and the south (S) polarity sunspot was the leader. The N-polarity sunspot in the active region was rotating in the counterclockwise direction. The rate of rotation was small during the first two days of observations and it increased up to 8°hr-1 on the third day of the observations. On the fourth and fifth days it remained at 4°hr-1 with small undulations in its magnitude. The sunspot rotated about 260° in the last three days. The S-polarity sunspot did not complete more than 20° in five days. However, it changed its direction of rotation five times over a period of five days and injected both the positive and negative type of spin helicity fluxes into the corona. Through the five days, both the positive and negative sunspot regions injected equal amounts of spin helicity. The total injected helicity is predominantly negative in sign. However, the sign of the spin and braiding helicity fluxes computed over all the regions were reversed from negative to positive five times during the five-day period of observations. The reversal in spinning helicity flux was found before the onset of the X3.4-class flare, too. Though, the rotating sunspot has been observed in this active region, the braiding helicity has contributed more to the total accumulated helicity than the spinning helicity. The accumulated helicity is in excess of -7 × 1043Mx2 over a period of five days. Before the X3.4-class flare that occurred on 2006 December 13, the rotation speed and spin helicity flux increased in the S-polarity sunspot. Before the flare, the total injected helicity was larger than -6 × 1043Mx2. The observed reversal in the sign of spinning and braiding helicity fluxes could be the signature of the emergence of a twisted flux tube, which acquires the writhe of an opposite sign. The magnetic cloud associated with the ejected mass has carried about -7 × 1041Mx2 of helicity. A time integration of helicity flux of about 1.2hr integrated backward in time of the observation of the coronal mass ejection is sufficient for this event. © 2011. The American Astronomical Society. All rights reserved.
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Tipo de documento: info:ar-repo/semantics/artículo