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Palabras contadas: migration: 56, patterns: 124
Lanzavecchia, S. - Remis, M. - Cladera, J. - Zandomeni, R.
Entomol. Exp. Appl. 2010;136(1):53-65

Descripción: DNA size polymorphisms were utilized in a study of 24 natural populations of Ceratitis capitata Wiedemann (Diptera: Tephritidae) from Argentina. The first intron of alcohol dehydrogenase 1 gene (Adh1) was amplified using exon priming intron crossing-polymerase chain reaction. Three size variants were detected among the 307 samples analyzed. To better differentiate the size variants, further digestion of PCR products with the EcoRI restriction enzyme was carried out. Complete nucleotide sequences of the three-allele variants were obtained and single changes, insertions, deletions, and EcoRI recognition sites were located. Population allele frequencies were analyzed and a global mean heterozygosity (He) of 0.33 was obtained. In most populations, observed allelic frequencies conformed to Hardy-Weinberg expectations. Significant differences between provinces and sampling sites within these provinces, and among some populations were found. The average number of insects exchanged among populations (Nm) was estimated and high values were observed between Argentina and populations from two African countries (Morocco and Kenya), Australia, and Hawaii (Kauai). Pest introduction sources and dispersion patterns in Argentina are discussed based on these results as well as on available bibliographical data. © 2010 The Authors. Journal compilation © 2010 The Netherlands Entomological Society.
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Tipo de documento: info:ar-repo/semantics/artículo

Remis, M.I. - Clemente, M. - Pensel, S. - Vilardi, J.C.
Hereditas 1998;129(3):207-213

Descripción: Dichroplus elongatus is a grasshopper, which exhibits parallel polymorphisms for B chromosomes and supernumerary segments in chromosomes S10 (SS10), S9 (SS9) and M6 (SS6) in natural populations of Argentina. The patterns of simultaneous variation of different forms of supernumerary heterochromatin from 7 populations of two biogeographic provinces located at Northwest and East regions of this country were analysed. Spatial chromosome differentiation for all heterochromatic variants was observed. Different degree of differentiation among populations for supernumerary segments, evaluated through F(ST), was observed. This suggests that genetic drift and migration may not be the only factors involved in the maintenance of the detected chromosome patterns. The differentiation for SS9 and SS10 may be explained mainly by heterogeneity within the Northwest Region. On the contrary, the differences for SS6 and B chromosomes explained through isolation by distance. However, the absence or the low frequency of both chromosome mutations in some populations may not be explained by historical factors. A principal component analysis showed that the patterns of chromosome variation do not agree with the geographical distribution of the populations. The relationship between frequencies of each supernumerary segment and B chromosome depends on the segment. An analysis of partial correlation showed that the frequencies of B chromosomes were positively correlated with the frequency of SS6 and negatively with the frequency of the SS10. In agreement with this, a multiple regression analysis of B chromosome frequency on supernumerary segment frequencies depends on the incidence of SS6 and SS10. The covariation of the heterochromatic forms may act as another factor that establish limits to stochastic factors, may also affect the probable negative selection on B, and could be involved in the non random pattern detected in D. elongatus.
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Tipo de documento: info:ar-repo/semantics/artículo

Rosetti, N. - Remis, M.I.
PLoS ONE 2012;7(7)

Descripción: Many grasshopper species are considered of agronomical importance because they cause damage to pastures and crops. Comprehension of pest population dynamics requires a clear understanding of the genetic diversity and spatial structure of populations. In this study we report on patterns of genetic variation in the South American grasshopper Dichroplus elongatus which is an agricultural pest of crops and forage grasses of great economic significance in Argentina. We use Direct Amplification of Minisatellite Regions (DAMD) and partial sequences of the cytochrome oxydase 1 (COI) mitochondrial gene to investigate intraspecific structure, demographic history and gene flow patterns in twenty Argentinean populations of this species belonging to different geographic and biogeographic regions. DAMD data suggest that, although genetic drift and migration occur within and between populations, measurable relatedness among neighbouring populations declines with distance and dispersal over distances greater than 200 km is not typical, whereas effective gene flow may occur for populations separated by less than 100 km. Landscape analysis was useful to detect genetic discontinuities associated with environmental heterogeneity reflecting the changing agroecosystem. The COI results indicate the existence of strong genetic differentiation between two groups of populations located at both margins of the Paraná River which became separated during climate oscillations of the Middle Pleistocene, suggesting a significant restriction in effective dispersion mediated by females and large scale geographic differentiation. The number of migrants between populations estimated through mitochondrial and DAMD markers suggest that gene flow is low prompting a non-homogeneous spatial structure and justifying the variation through space. Moreover, the genetic analysis of both markers allows us to conclude that males appear to disperse more than females, reducing the chance of the genetic loss associated with recent anthropogenic fragmentation of the D. elongatus studied range. © 2012 Rosetti, Remis.
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Tipo de documento: info:ar-repo/semantics/artículo

Confalonieri, V.A. - Sequeira, A.S. - Todaro, L. - Vilardi, J.C.
Heredity 1998;81(4):444-452

Descripción: Trimerotropis pallidipennis is an American grasshopper whose South American populations are polymorphic for pericentric inversions. Colonization of southern latitudes was by North American grasshoppers with basic chromosome arrangements, presumably along the Andean dry lands of South America. In Argentina, the frequencies of some of the rearrangements are correlated with geographical and climatic variables, following similar patterns among different ecological gradients, and are probably maintained by geographically variable coefficients of selection. Restriction site variation of mitochondrial DNA is used as a tool for determining the species history in relation to the formation of clines. Populations located along an altitudinal gradient, and others outside the cline, are analysed through phylogeographical studies. There is no strong geographical orientation in the unrooted tree connecting all 17 mitochondrial DNA haplotypes found. Many of them are present in most of the populations analysed, indicating high gene flow. The fact that there is no obvious differentiation in haplotype distribution between both extremes of the cline nor between chromosomally differentiated populations shows that the cline is not the result of a hybrid zone and reinforces the selection hypothesis. The estimation of the overall nucleotide divergence between the hypothetical ancestral haplotype and the other molecules shows that T. pallidipennis haplotypes started diverging from each other about 3 Myr ago. This result is in agreement with the time when the Isthmus of Panama rose (2-3 Myr ago), probably favouring the migration of many species between both hemispheres.
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Tipo de documento: info:ar-repo/semantics/artículo

Dadon, J.R. - Chauvin, S.F.
J. Molluscan Stud. 1998;64(3):345-354

Descripción: The distribution and abundance of gymnosome gastropods in the Argentine Sea and Brazil--Malvinas Confluence during 1978-1979 and 1988 were studied. The collections analyzed included 768 quantitative samples obtained between 48°W and the coast, and from 35°S to 55°S. Two species were found. Spongiobranchaea australis was the most frequent and abundant (up to 730 per 1000 m3); its presence in the area was associated with the core of the Malvinas Current. Clione antarctica was less abundant (maximum abundance: 230 per 1000 m3) and was also associated with the Malvinas Current. The geographic ranges of both species in the area are wider than previously described. Since the range of S. australis in the area extends far from the range of its prey Clio, it is not clear whether S. australis can feed on the thecosomatous pteropod Limacina (and not only on Clio, as described in the bibliography) or it starves in that area. During the 1978-1979 annual cycle, the abundance of both species followed neither the abundance patterns of their prey nor of the total zooplankton, and differed from each other. The residence time of swarms of both gymnosomes were shorter than one month. As a general pattern, the aggregates are rapidly transported northward by the Malvinas Current and also penetrate the outer shelf water, but they remain there only during a short period and cannot preclude the final expatriation. So, the abundance of gymnosomes in the area depends on passive migration more than intrinsic population factors.
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Tipo de documento: info:ar-repo/semantics/artículo

Mateo FerNández Caso, P.M. - Montero, D.G. - Leal, P.R. - Ramos, V.A.
Rev. Asoc. Geol. Argent. 2011;68(2):173-184

Descripción: Magmatism related to the growth and migration of the Andean arc was developed from the 36°40'S to the 38°20'S latitude, in the northwestern sector of the Neuquén Province, by the end of the Mesozoic. Hypabyssal and extrusive facies, which outcrop in the Pichaihue area, were described based on petrologic studies. The first ones are composed of andesites that are emplaced as lacoliths, dikes or sills intruding the Mesozoic sedimentary sequences. In addition, basalts outcrops were recognized. The extrusive facies consist of breccia or massive lavas and little domes. The geochemistry reveals an arc-like calc-alkaline signature with a normal crust and trace-element patterns which suggest a similar source. Based on regional knowledge, three groups are proposed: Cerro Mocho dikes with Ti anomalies and higher Sm/Yb; extrusive facies of the Upper Cretaceous- Paleocene (Rivera Andesite); and the hypabyssal facies of thr Eocene (Colipilli Dikes). Finally, the occurrences of these rocks in this segment of the Andes indicate an important shift to the East of the Upper Cretaceous-Eocene volcanic arc that reveals its easternmost position.
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Tipo de documento: info:ar-repo/semantics/artículo