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Palabras contadas: topography: 11
Piola, A.R. - Franco, B.C. - Palma, E.D. - Saraceno, M.
J. Geophys. Res. C Oceans 2013;118(4):2107-2117

Descripción: Fil:Saraceno, M. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales; Argentina.
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Tipo de documento: info:ar-repo/semantics/artículo

Mescua, J.F. - Giambiagi, L.B. - Ramos, V.A.
Andean Geol. 2013;40(1):102-116

Descripción: The Cordillera de los Andes is the typical example of a subduction-related orogen. Its present topography is the result of post-Miocene uplift, however, Andean compressional deformation and uplift started in the Late Cretaceous, as increasingly recognized in different sectors of the mountain belt. We present evidences of a Late Cretaceous event of compressional deformation in the southern Central Andes (35oS), reflected in syn-orogenic foreland basin deposits assigned to the Neuquén Group in Argentina and the Brownish-Red Clastic Unit in Chile. Comparison of the facies of these units allows us to recognize a sector proximal to the Late Cretaceous orogenic front, a distal sector with sediment provenance from the forebulge and a western sector where the sediments where deposited within the Late Cretaceous mountain belt. On this basis, we assign the orogenic front to an inverted Jurassic normal fault, the Río del Cobre fault, and reconstruct the structure of the easternmost Late Cretaceous Andes at this latitude. The change in the location of the orogenic front north and south of 35oS allows us to recognize a long-lived change in behavior in Andean evolution in this sector, which correlates with a change in the shape and the deposits of Mesozoic Neuquén basin.
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Tipo de documento: info:ar-repo/semantics/artículo

Franco, B.C. - Piola, A.R. - Rivas, A.L. - Baldoni, A. - Pisoni, J.P.
Geophys. Res. Lett. 2008;35(2)

Descripción: Eighteen year (1985-2002) sea surface temperature (SST) data are used to study the intraseasonal variability of the Patagonian shelf break front (SBF) in the SW South Atlantic Ocean between 39° and 44°S. The cross-shelf break SST gradients reveal distinct, previously undocumented thermal fronts located both, offshore and inshore of the SBF. Throughout the year the main SBF, identified as a band of negative SST gradient maxima (relatively strong offshore temperature decrease), forms a persistent feature located closed to the 200 m isobath, while two distinct negative gradient maxima are located inshore and offshore of this location. Daily SST images reveal the presence of three branches of cold waters whose edges delineate the above mentioned fronts. The two offshore branches closely follow lines of constant potential vorticity (f/h) and appear to be associated with the Malvinas Current, while a third branch, located further onshore, is not steered by the bottom topography. South of 40°S the onshore branch forms a quasi permanent front parallel to the SBF. Copyright 2008 by the American Geophysical Union.
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Tipo de documento: info:ar-repo/semantics/artículo

Quinteros, J. - Ramos, V.A. - Jacovkis, P.M.
Rev. Asoc. Geol. Argent. 2005;60(4):714-723

Descripción: In this work, the modeling of plate tectonic processes associated with crustal deformation through a numerical framework for non-collisional Andean type orogens is presented. The main objectives of the numerical framework are to develop a numerical model in order to represent large-scale deformation in Andean type subduction zones, to include appropriate physical and mathematical laws that describe the behavior of the lithosphere, to model surface erosion taking into account dominant winds direction and the synorogenic topography of the orogen as the crustal erosion caused by friction between the subducting and the overriding plate and to include isostatic compensation behavior taking into account flexural rigidity. © 2005 Asociación Geológica Argentina.
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Tipo de documento: info:ar-repo/semantics/artículo

Alexander, P. - Luna, D. - Llamedo, P. - De La Torre, A.
Ann. Geophys. 2010;28(2):587-595

Descripción: We first study the seasonal and geographical behavior of gravity wave activity in the lower stratosphere over the southernmost Andes mountains and their prolongation in the Antarctic Peninsula by global positioning system (GPS) radio occultation (RO) temperature profiles, obtained between years 2002 and 2005 by the CHAllenging Minisatellite Payload (CHAMP) mission. The observed features complement observations in the same zone by other satellite passive remote sensing instruments, which are able to detect different height regions and other spectral intervals of the wave spectrum. Comparisons with previous GPS RO studies in smaller areas than the one covered in our analysis are also established. Significant seasonal variation of wave activity is observed in our work, in agreement with results from other instruments. The locations of significant cases indicate that topography is an important source. Some strong wave activity is also found over open ocean. Critical level filtering is shown to have an attenuation effect, implying that a large fraction of the observed activity can be considered to be an outcome of mountain waves. The studied region has a significant advantage as compared to other regions of our planet: it generates wavefronts nearly aligned with the North-South direction (almost parallel to the mountains), whereby this geometry favors the wave detection by the nearly meridional line of sight characterizing most of the GPS RO observations used. A distribution of the observed gravity waves in terms of amplitudes and wavelengths is also presented.
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Tipo de documento: info:ar-repo/semantics/artículo

Kaunitz, L.N. - Kamienkowski, J.E. - Varatharajah, A. - Sigman, M. - Quiroga, R.Q. - Ison, M.J.
NeuroImage 2014;89:297-305

Descripción: Despite the compelling contribution of the study of event related potentials (ERPs) and eye movements to cognitive neuroscience, these two approaches have largely evolved independently. We designed an eye-movement visual search paradigm that allowed us to concurrently record EEG and eye movements while subjects were asked to find a hidden target face in a crowded scene with distractor faces. Fixation event-related potentials (fERPs) to target and distractor stimuli showed the emergence of robust sensory components associated with the perception of stimuli and cognitive components associated with the detection of target faces. We compared those components with the ones obtained in a control task at fixation: qualitative similarities as well as differences in terms of scalp topography and latency emerged between the two. By using single trial analyses, fixations to target and distractors could be decoded from the EEG signals above chance level in 11 out of 12 subjects. Our results show that EEG signatures related to cognitive behavior develop across spatially unconstrained exploration of natural scenes and provide a first step towards understanding the mechanisms of target detection during natural search. © 2013 The Authors.
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Tipo de documento: info:ar-repo/semantics/artículo

González Díaz, E.F. - Folguera, A. - Costa, C.H. - Wright, E. - Ellisondo, M.
Rev. Asoc. Geol. Argent. 2006;61(2):197-217

Descripción: Studies performed during the last five years have shown the existence of 74 prehistoric rock-avalanches in the northern Neuquén Andes (36°-38°S). These are mainly related to volcanic grounds of Pliocene to Pleistocene age corresponding to the Hualcupén Formation. In this work we describe their main characteristics and general homogeneous morphology. They are also characterized by a single tectonic control associated with the occurrence of their break-away and mainly postglacial ages, fact revealed by their systematic position into previous glacial valleys and limited radiometric ages. The obstruction produced by these features altered the shape of the valleys giving to local lakes. Eighteen percent of the cases are characterized by landslide dams preserved nowadays while only six percent by ephemeral ones. Two of the dams were actually catastrophically collapsed: the Cerro Pelán and Navarrete rock-avalanches: The former in Barrancas river valley with the consequent formation of the Carrilauquen lake and the later with the generation of Navarrete lake. The Carrilauquen's dam broke during historical times (29/12/1914) forming an outburst-flood that passed from the Barrancas valley to the Colorado river valley destroying their local economy and reaching after 1,500 km the Atlantic coast. The highest computed volumes in the entire region for the deposits related to rock-avalanches correspond to Varva Co Campos avalanche (3 km3). Cosmogenic isotopes have revealed its age and the age of the neighbor deposit of Varvar Co Tapia rock-avalanche, resulting in 30 ka and 60 ka respectively. Further cosmogenic isotope data revealed that the Cerro PeMn avalanche is only 2 ka. A wrong assumption, presently revaluated, was related to the assignment of these deposits to glacial accumulations because of their chaotic structure, their hummocky topography and the induced dams. Finally, several topographic, geomorphological and seismotectonic criteria are exposed to prove a seismic trigger for these avalanches. Graphics and one table are used to display the distribution of their deposits and its dose association with the orogenic front at these latitudes and the crustal seismicity of the region. © 2006 Asociación Geológica Argentina.
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Tipo de documento: info:ar-repo/semantics/artículo

Salazar, A. - Goldstein, G. - Franco, A.C. - Miralles-Wilhelm, F.
J. Ecol. 2012;100(6):1411-1421

Descripción: Seedling dynamics are crucial for understanding spatial plant distribution patterns, yet little is known about seedling establishment in Neotropical savannas because empirical studies at the community level are scarce. Over 2 years, we studied the recruitment and survival of an initial seedling assemblage and three cohorts of recruits of woody plants within 216 plots of 1 m 2 located along a tree density gradient in the savannas of central Brazil. These savannas differ in tree density and canopy cover, from closed (high canopy cover) to open savannas (low canopy cover), and are located along shallow topographic gradients. We measured community-wide seedling limitation (i.e. proportion of 1-m 2 plots without seedlings of any woody species), photosynthetic photon flux density, litter cover, soil moisture and soil nutrients in each savanna type. Because closed savannas had lower PPFD and higher leaf litter cover than open savannas, we evaluated the effects of light level and litter cover on seedling emergence of nine dominant savanna woody species under controlled conditions in a glasshouse. Density, recruitment and survival of seedlings decreased over time because of mortality in all savanna types, but they were consistently higher in closed than in open savannas. Community-wide seedling limitation was significantly lower in closed (0.16 ± 0.03) than in open (0.30 ± 0.05) savannas. In the glasshouse, high litter cover and very low light levels reduced seedling emergence of most species, suggesting an adaptation to delay seed germination until the wet season when soil water availability is high and leaf litter rapidly decomposes. Synthesis: In Neotropical savannas, tree canopy cover facilitates seedling establishment of woody species by reducing stressful environmental conditions. In particular, low irradiance and high litter cover in closed savannas enhance the recruitment and survival of woody seedlings relative to open savannas by reducing soil water deficits and increasing nutrient availability in the upper soil layers. The higher seedling limitation of tree species in open than in closed savannas contributes to maintain relatively different balances between trees and herbaceous plants along topographic gradients in Neotropical savannas and helps to explain spatial distribution patterns of woody species in these ecosystems. © 2012 The Authors. Journal of Ecology © 2012 British Ecological Society.
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Tipo de documento: info:ar-repo/semantics/artículo