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Palabras contadas: mannose: 9
Manzi, A.E. - Ancibor, E. - Cerezo, A.S.
Plant Physiol. 1990;92(4):931-938

Descripción: The endosperm of the seed of Gleditsia triacanthos L. contains 18.55% of its dry weight as nonreserve, cell-wall carbohydrates. Of this carbohydrate material, comprising mainly mannose, galactose, and glucose, 76.1% was of low-molecular weight or highly hydrophilic. Mannose, galactose, and glucose were also the major sugar components of the polysaccharides extracted with alkali (23.1% of the cell-wall), while the same sugars, with minor amounts of arabinose, form the residues. Methylation analysis of the polysaccharides and the borate-sodium hydroxide residue indicate that the cell walls are built up on a network of galactomannans, with high Man/Gal ratios, reinforced with minor amounts of cellulose.
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Tipo de documento: info:ar-repo/semantics/artículo

Ielpi, L. - Couso, R. - Dankert, M.
FEBS Lett. 1981;130(2):253-256

Descripción: Fil:Ielpi, L. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales; Argentina.
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Tipo de documento: info:ar-repo/semantics/artículo

Katzen, F. - Ferreiro, D.U. - Oddo, C.G. - Ielmini, M.V. - Becker, A. - Pühler, A. - Ielpi, L.
J. Bacteriol. 1998;180(7):1607-1617

Descripción: Xanthan is an industrially important exopolysaccharide produced by the phytopathogenic, gram-negative bacterium Xanthomonas campestris pv. campestris. It is composed of polymerized pentasaccharide repeating malts which are assembled by the sequential addition of glucose-1-phosphate, glucose, mannose, glucuronic acid, and mannose on a polyprenol phosphate carrier (L. Ielpi, R. O. Couso, and M. A. Dankert, J. Bacteriol. 175:2490- 2500, 1993). A cluster of 12 genes in a region designated xpsI or gum has been suggested to encode proteins involved in the synthesis and polymerization of the lipid intermediate. However, no experimental evidence supporting this suggestion has been published. In this work, from the biochemical analysis of a defined set of X. campestris gum mutants, we report experimental data for assigning functions to the products of the gum genes. We also show that the first step in the assembly of the lipid-linked intermediate is severely affected by the combination of certain gum and non- gum mutations. In addition, we provide evidence that the C-terminal domain of the gumD gene product is sufficient for its glucosyl-1-phosphate transferase activity. Finally, we found that alterations in the later stages of xanthan biosynthesis reduce the aggressiveness of X. campestris against the plant.
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Tipo de documento: info:ar-repo/semantics/artículo

Petroni, E.A. - Ielpi, L.
J. BACTERIOL. 1996;178(16):4814-4821

Descripción: A genetic locus from Acetobacter xylinum involved in acetan polysaccharide synthesis has been characterized. The chromosomal region was identified by screening a genomic library of A. xylinum in a Xanthomonas campestris mutant defective in xanthan polysaccharide synthesis. The A. xylinum cosmid clone can functionally complement a xanthan-negative mutant. The polymer produced by the recombinant strain was found to be indistinguishable from xanthan. Insertion mutagenesis and subcloning of the cosmid clone combined with complementation studies allowed the identification of a 2.3-kb fragment of A. xylinum chromosomal DNA. The nucleotide sequence of this fragment was analyzed and found to contain an open reading frame (aceA) of 1,182 bp encoding a protein of 43.2 kDa. Results from biochemical and genetic analyses strongly suggest that the aceA gene encodes the GDP- mannose:cellobiosyl-diphosphopolyprenol α-mannosyltransferase enzyme, which is responsible for the transfer of an α-mannosyl residue from GDP-Man to cellobiosyl-diphosphopolyprenol. A search for similarities with other known mannosyltransferases revealed that all bacterial α-mannosyltransferases have a short COOH-termina1 amino acid sequence in common.
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Tipo de documento: info:ar-repo/semantics/artículo

Kimura, E.A. - Couto, A.S. - Peres, V.J. - Casal, O.L. - Katzin, A.M.
J. BIOL. CHEM. 1996;271(24):14452-14461

Descripción: Although the existence of O-linked oligosaccharide residues in glycoproteins of Plasmodium falciparum has been shown, the existence of N- linked glycoproteins is still a matter of controversy and skepticism. This report demonstrates the unequivocal presence of N-linked glycoproteins in P. falciparum, principally in the ring and young trophozoite stages of the intraerythrocytic cycle. These glycoproteins lose their capacity to bind to concanavalin A-Sepharose after treatment of cultures with tunicamycin under conditions that do not affect protein synthesis. When the glycoproteins were treated with N-Glycanase®, oligosaccharides were released. It was possible to identify an N-linked glycoprotein of >200 kDa in the ring stage and also N-linked glycoproteins in the range of 200-30 kDa in the trophozoite stage. Treatment of trophozoites with 12 μM tunicamycin inhibited differentiation to the schizont stage. To our knowledge, this is the first report in the literature unequivocally showing N-linked glycoproteins in trophozoites of P. falciparum as well as their importance for the differentiation of the intraerythrocytic stages of this parasite.
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Tipo de documento: info:ar-repo/semantics/artículo