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Palabras contadas: tectonics: 22, extensional: 28
Mescua, J.F. - Giambiagi, L.B. - Bechis, F.
Rev. Asoc. Geol. Argent. 2008;63(4):512-519

Descripción: This contribution presents the results of a first stage of a study of the Tordillo Formation in southwestern Mendoza province. This unit, assigned to the Kimmeridgian, represents a continentalization of the Neuquén Basin. It consists mainly of fluvial deposits associated with eolian and playa lake deposits. The reconstruction of the thickness variations of this unit, the presence of synsedimentary normal faults and a provenance study in sandstones from two localities, which shows that sediment supply came from both margins of the basin, suggest that the Tordillo Formation was deposited during an extensional period, in a similar way to what is observed in the Cerro Aconcagua area and in the Sexta Region in Chile.
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Tipo de documento: info:ar-repo/semantics/artículo

Barredo, S. - Ramos, V.A.
Rev. Asoc. Geol. Argent. 2010;66(1-2):133-145

Descripción: The Gondwana margin contained some Triassic basins that together constitute a regionally northwest-trending extensional system. The Cuyana rift Basin is internally composed of a family of hemigrabens filled with thick piles of sedimentary clastic and epiclastic rocks that can reach more than three thousand meters. In particular the Rincón Blanco sub-basin, one of the northernmost depocenter of this rift, is bounded by a linked through-going normal fault that usually displays an en-échèlon map view. Along strike existence of discrete depocenters and alternation of sedimentary wedges of different types suggest a linkage origin for some of them separated by a transfer zone. The infilling was strongly controlled by tectonics which in term produced distinctive features along the whole sedimentary sequence. An immediate consequence of this latter is that the architecture of the fill resulted from the geometry and the displacement of the bounding normal faults. Using lithology and structural data the infilling was subdivided into packages of genetically linked units bounded by regional extended surfaces. Hence, three depositional sequences or tectono- stratigraphic units separated by regional unconformities have been recognized. They were interpreted as a result of a major reactivation of the extensional system that could have evolved along strike as segments of fault that linked together and/or as laterally propagating faults. Using these basic concepts it was possible to reconstruct the geometry and the history of the infilling of the east margin of the hemigraben, buried under several backthrusts. Additionally, it could be possible to separate a sequence of rock, the Marachemill Unit, from the Rincón Blanco Group and to understand their tectonosedimentary relationships.
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Tipo de documento: info:ar-repo/semantics/artículo

Japas, M.S. - Cortés, J.M. - Pasini, M.
Rev. Asoc. Geol. Argent. 2008;63(2):213-222

Descripción: Triassic clastic and volcanic rocks from the Precordillera were deposited in the Cuyana rift basin filling half-graben systems. Contractional/transpressional Andean tectonics leads to the almost complete inversion of some portions of the basin which resulted in present-day isolated, structurally controlled outcrops of these Triassic rocks. In the Southern Precordillera both the degree of Neogene tectonic inversion and structural compexities are variable. At the regional scale, these variations in Andean deformation are related to first order anisotropies like the Cuyana basin borders and previous shear zones of Permian age (San Rafael orogenic phase). This paper focuses on the kinematic analysis done in the Cerro Manantial thrust sheet area (Cordón San Bartolo, central sector of the South Precordillera) where tectonic inversion was not that strong and the influence of oblique strain zones is practically null. Four sets of extensional/ transtensional faults were recognized affecting Triassic sedimentary rocks of the El Cielo Formation (Uspallata Group) at the Quebrada El Salto. Fault displacements are of decimetric to metric scale. Mesoscopic kinematic indicators (en-échèlon tensional gashes, Riedel shear fractures, sigmoidal fractures) were measured. Once Andean deformation was restored, a NNE direction for the Triassic extension was determined. Considering a northern branch of the Cuyana basin trending NNW (Az. 150°) and oblique to the direction of extension (Az. 35-40°), a sinistral strike-slip component could be inferred for this portion of the basin.
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Tipo de documento: info:ar-repo/semantics/artículo

Ramos, V.A.
Geol. J. 2010;45(1):2-25

Descripción: The analyses of the main parameters controlling the present Chile-type and Marianas-type tectonic settings developed along the eastern Pacific region show four different tectonic regimes: (1) a nearly neutral regime in the Oregon subduction zone; (2) major extensional regimes as the Nicaragua subduction zone developed in continental crust; (3) a Marianas setting in the Sandwich subduction zone with ocean floored back-arc basin with a unique west-dipping subduction zone and (4) the classic and dominant Chile-type under compression. The magmatic, structural and sedimentary behaviours of these four settings are discussed to understand the past tectonic regimes in the Mesozoic Andes based on their present geological and tectonic characteristics. The evaluation of the different parameters that governed the past and present tectonic regimes indicates that absolute motion of the upper plate relative to the hotspot frame and the consequent trench roll-back velocity are the first order parameters that control the deformation. Locally, the influences of the trench fill, linked to the dominant climate in the forearc, and the age of the subducted oceanic crust, have secondary roles. Ridge collisions of seismic and seismic oceanic ridges as well as fracture zone collisions have also a local outcome, and may produce an increase in coupling that reinforces compressional deformation. Local strain variations in the past and present Andes are not related with changes in the relative convergence rate, which is less important than the absolute motion relative to the Pacific hotspot frame, or changes in the thermal state of the upper plate. Changes in the slab dip, mainly those linked to steepening subduction zones, produce significant variations in the thermal state, that are important to generate extreme deformation in the foreland. © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
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Tipo de documento: info:ar-repo/semantics/artículo

Vera, E.A.R. - Folguera, A. - Gímenez, M. - Martínez, P. - Ruiz, F. - Ramos, V.A.
Rev. Asoc. Geol. Argent. 2009;64(2):214-230

Descripción: The Huecú basin is located at the central part of the large Loncopué retroarc trough. Its volcanic, volcaniclastic, lacustrine and fluvial filling is directly related to neotectonic activity in the area. The basaltic eruptions are reflecting different pulses associated with the development of extensional faults and tensional fractures. Geophysical potential methods have identified basement involvement in the extensional deformation that affected the Tertiary sequences of the area during the last 5 Mys. Neotectonic features in Quaternary volcanic sequences suggest the persistence of these subsidence mechanisms in the Huecú depocenter. These faults are directly connected to the basement segmentation identified by gravimetric and mag-netometric studies. The historical floods produced by the Agrio river damming, are related to fisural eruptions and demons-trate the high probability that retroarc volcanic eruptions may occur again. The recognition of flooded areas that are forming the youngest sedimentary levels in the Huecú depocenter shows potential areas of active retroarc spreading in the Neuquén area associated with neotectonic and seismic processes.
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Tipo de documento: info:ar-repo/semantics/artículo

Rojas Vera, E.A. - Folguera, A. - Ramos, V.A.
Rev. Asoc. Geol. Argent. 2009;65(2):400-412

Descripción: The Huecú depocenter is located in the central sector of the Loncopué trough in western Neuquén. This basin is composed of volcanic, volcaniclastic, fluvial and lacustrine deposits, younger than 1.6 Ma encompassing postglacial and even historical sediments and lavas. During most of its evolution, the Huecú depocenter has constituted a small closed depression (pullapart basin) restricted to the Loncopué trough, a major extensional retroarc basin in the Central and Patagonian Andes. This basin was fed from the north since the beginning of its evolution by a series of big amalgamated post-Pliocene stratovolcanoes located in the Mandolegüe Cordillera. The basin was also filled by fissural lava flows originated in the Agrio caldera located to the east grouped in the Escorial Basalt of 1.6 to 0.8 Ma. Polygenetic volcanic products form in the region big stratovolcanoes among which the Trolón and Colorado volcanic centers were the most prominent. These centers of Pleistocene age were highly eroded by the last glacial activity that affected the region. Nearly at the end of the glacial period two fissural volcanic fields covered the Huecú depocenter corresponding to the Rankül-Lom Basalt and preglacial Tres Hermanos basalts. Finally postglacial volcanic lavas covered most of the Huecú depocenter. These were grouped in the Cerro Artillería Basalts and postglacial Tres Hermanos basalt, which have recurrently dammed the main fluvial basins in the area. The fluvial and lacustrine deposits are represented by El Huecú and Mar Pequeño Formations.
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Tipo de documento: info:ar-repo/semantics/artículo

Massabie, A.C. - Nestiero, O.E. - Sanguinetti, A.S.
Rev. Asoc. Geol. Argent. 2008;63(2):163-171

Descripción: Quartzitic sandstones of the sierras Bayas Group in Sierras Septentrionales of Buenos Aires are studied. Outcrops of these deformed rocks are observed at sierras Bayas and Barker localities, where quartzitic sandstones from Precambrian units are present. These rocks are compared with similar fault breccias in Sierras Australes of Buenos Aires, which were develop in quartzitic rocks of several Paleozoic units of this region. At both regions, fault zones are subvertical layers with acute contacts on the wall rocks. An original sedimentary protolith is recognized in textures and structures preserved in all samples of Sierras Bayas. Sedimentary textures at Sierras Australes are obliterated by penetrative deformation in greenschists facies methamorphism and also show a metaquartzitic protolith. In both analyzed regions, similar cataclastic textures are observed. All these breccias and microbreccias would be associated with a major extensional tectonic event of Jurassic - Cretaceous age, which could be related to the origin of Colorado and Salado extensional basins during the opening of the South Atlantic Ocean.
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Tipo de documento: info:ar-repo/semantics/artículo

Japas, M.S. - Sruoga, P. - Kleiman, L.E. - Gayone, M.R. - Maloberti, A. - Comito, O.
Rev. Asoc. Geol. Argent. 2013;70(1):16-30

Descripción: Bracketed between 188-152 Ma, the Chon Aike Silicic Province developed in Patagonia covering an area of about 1,7 x 10 6 km 2 with volcanic products. An extensional tectonic regime that was active since at least the Jurassic-Cretaceous boundary accompanied this volcanic megaevent. Kinematic analyses focused in four selected localities (El Dorado - Monserrat, Norte de Cerro Vanguardia and El Fénix, in the Deseado region; and Lago Ghío, in the southern Patagonian Cordillera) allowed to define the main kinematic axes and to recognize two different kinematic events (a main and a secondary ones). Additionally these data certified the transtensional character of the Jurassic deformational event. When comparing directions of kinematic axes of all the selected localities, two kinematic domains: west and east could be discriminated. Whereas the eastern domain (El Dorado - Monserrat, Cerro Vanguardia north) shows ENE and NNW directions of extension for the main and the secondary kinematic events respectively, the western domain (El Fénix and Lago Ghío) indicate NE and NW directions of extension for the two events. The two kinematic events could be related or correspond to different volcanic facies. Considering the diachronism of the Chon Aike province (younger volcanic rocks westwards), the different kinematic fields could be linked to a large scale, non-coaxial deformation regime that controlled the emplacement of the Chon Aike volcanic province.
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Tipo de documento: info:ar-repo/semantics/artículo

Giambiagi, L. - Bechis, F. - Lanés, S. - Tunik, M. - García, V. - Suriano, J. - Mescua, J.
Rev. Asoc. Geol. Argent. 2008;63(4):520-533

Descripción: The Atuel depocentre corresponds to a Late Triassic - Early Jurassic NNW-trending subbasin, located in the northern sector of the Neuquén basin. Based on pre-existing stratigraphical data and present structural analysis we propose that the Atuel depocentre is bounded by the presence of two NNW-trending major normal faults, named Alumbre and La Manga. These faults are inferred to have controlled the development of two west-facing half-grabens: the Río Blanco, a completely emerged half-graben, and the western Arroyo Malo, a completely submerged half-graben. The structural model presented here is based on the assumption that both, the basement structural grain and the regional extension direction, exerted a first-order control in the development and evolution of the Atuel depocentre. During the early stage of rifting (pre-Rhaetian - Middle Hettangian) the pre-Triassic Alumbre and La Manga faults reactivated in an oblique mode. During the second episode of rifting, both Alumbre and La Manga faults continued to play, while WNW-trending normal fault developed in order to accommodate the strain inside both half-grabens. The third extensional event began with an abrupt marine rise inside the Arroyo Malo half-graben during late Middle Hettangian, as a result of the last displacement of the Alumbre fault, and finished with an abrupt marine drop associated with the desactivation of the La Manga fault.
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Tipo de documento: info:ar-repo/semantics/artículo

Mpodozis, C. - Ramos, V.A.
Rev. Asoc. Geol. Argent. 2008;63(4):481-497

Descripción: The Jurassic history of southern South America shows a complex geologic evolution which is the result of different processes that began along the western Gondwana margin during the initial stages of Pangea breakup. Andean subduction along the Pacific continental margin began in the Early Jurassic, after a period of continental-scale extension and rifting, which peaked by the end of the Triassic in central and northern Argentina and Chile. Renewal of subduction was the result of an episode of ocean growth along a series of spreading centers between North and South America when the separation of these continents began as a consequence of the activity of the Central Atlantic Magmatic Province hotspot. Motion along these spreading centers produced a component of oblique, SE-directed subduction along the western margin of South America and the reactivation of inherited orthogonal structural features as the N70°E trending Huincul ridge in the Neuquén Basin that was uplifted during Jurassic times. Subduction along the north-south trending Argentine-Chilean continental margin acelerated during the break-up between West and East Gondwana soon after the opening of the Indian Ocean, linked to the Karoo hot-spot. Subduction took place under extensional conditions probably associated with a negative trench roll-back, leading to the formation of a magmatic arc along the Coast Ranges from southern Peru to central Chile and, to the east, the Arequipa, Tarapacá and Neuquén extensional back-arc basins. In northern Patagonia, early Jurassic arc related magmatism occurred to the east of the present day Andean Cordillera along the short-lived (190-170 Ma) Subcordilleran Batholith and the associated Liassic intra arc basin. Arc magmatism ceased in northern Patagonia at ca 170 Ma to be replaced by huge volumes of Early to Middle Jurassic rhyolites and dacites of the Chon-Aike Large Igneous province produced as a result of crustal melting in an overheated crust during the initial stages of Gondwana breakup. Early rifting during Middle-Late Jurassic times took place in the Cañadón Asfalto Basin and the Late Jurassic Río Guenguel, Río Mayo and Río Senguerr basins, orthogonal to the continental margin as a consequence of the Weddell Sea opening. Acid magmatism was associated with widespread extension and culminated in the opening of the ocean-floored Rocas Verdes Basin. The causes of the cessation of magmatism in the Subcordilleran Batholith, the origin of the Chon Aike LIP and the rotation of the magmatic front towards the Patagonian Batholith around 150 Ma are still not well understood. Hypothesis linking this mutating tectonic scenario to the collision of exotic terranes against the Pacific margin of Patagonia during the early to middle Jurassic should be taken into consideration.
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Tipo de documento: info:ar-repo/semantics/artículo