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Palabras contadas: behavior: 250
Chasseigne, E. - Chaves, M. - Rossi, J.D.
J. Math. Pures Appl. 2006;86(3):271-291

Descripción: We study the asymptotic behavior for nonlocal diffusion models of the form ut = J * u - u in the whole RN or in a bounded smooth domain with Dirichlet or Neumann boundary conditions. In RN we obtain that the long time behavior of the solutions is determined by the behavior of the Fourier transform of J near the origin, which is linked to the behavior of J at infinity. If over(J, ̂) (ξ) = 1 - A | ξ |α + o (| ξ |α) (0 < α ≤ 2), the asymptotic behavior is the same as the one for solutions of the evolution given by the α / 2 fractional power of the Laplacian. In particular when the nonlocal diffusion is given by a compactly supported kernel the asymptotic behavior is the same as the one for the heat equation, which is yet a local model. Concerning the Dirichlet problem for the nonlocal model we prove that the asymptotic behavior is given by an exponential decay to zero at a rate given by the first eigenvalue of an associated eigenvalue problem with profile an eigenfunction of the first eigenvalue. Finally, we analyze the Neumann problem and find an exponential convergence to the mean value of the initial condition. © 2006 Elsevier SAS. All rights reserved.
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Tipo de documento: info:ar-repo/semantics/artículo

Provecho, Y. - Josens, R.
J. Exp. Biol. 2009;212(20):3221-3227

Descripción: Camponotus mus ants can associate sucrose and odour at the source during successive foraging cycles and use this memory to locate the nectar in the absence of other cues. These ants perform conspicuous trophallactic behaviour during recruitment while foraging for nectar. In this work, we studied whether Camponotus mus ants are able to establish this odour-sucrose association in the social context of trophallaxis and we evaluated this memory in another context previously experienced by the ant, as a nectar source. After a single trophallaxis of a scented solution, the receiver ant was tested in a Y-maze without any reward, where two scents were presented: in one arm, the solution scent and in the other, a new scent. Ants consistently chose the arm with the solution scent and stayed longer therein. Trophallaxis duration had no effect on the arm choice or with the time spent in each arm. Workers are able to associate an odour (conditioned stimulus) with the sucrose (unconditioned stimulus) they receive through a social interaction and use this memory as choice criteria during food searching.
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Tipo de documento: info:ar-repo/semantics/artículo

Moncada, D. - Viola, H.
Learn. Mem. 2008;15(11):810-814

Descripción: Spatial familiarization consists of a decrease in the exploratory activity over time after exposure to a place. Here, we show that a 30-min exposure to an open field led to a pronounced decrease in the exploratory behavior of rats, generating context familiarity. This behavioral output is associated with a selective decrease in hippocampal PKMζ levels. A short 5-min exposure did not induce spatial familiarity or a decrease in PKMζ, while inactivation of hippocampal PKMζ by the specific inhibitor ZIP was sufficient to induce spatial familiarity, suggesting that the decrease in PKMζ is involved in setting a given context as a familiar place. © 2008 Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press.
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Tipo de documento: info:ar-repo/semantics/artículo

Terra, J. - Wolanski, N.
Discrete Contin. Dyn. Syst. 2011;31(2):581-605

Descripción: We study the large time behavior of nonnegative solutions of the Cauchy problem ut =R J(x,y)(u(y; t),u(x; t)) dy,up, u(x; 0) = u0(x) 2 L∞, where |x|αu0(x) → A < 0 as |x| → 1. One of our main goals is the study of the critical case p = 1+2=ff for 0 > ff > N, left open in previous articles, for which we prove that tff=2ju(x; t) , U(x; t)j → 0 where U is the solution of the heat equation with absorption with initial datum U(x; 0) = CA;N |x|,α. Our proof, involving sequences of rescalings of the solution, allows us to establish also the large time behavior of solutions having more general nonintegrable initial data u0 in the supercritical case and also in the critical case (p = 1 + 2=N) for bounded and integrable u0.
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Tipo de documento: info:ar-repo/semantics/artículo

Segura, D. - Petit-Marty, N. - Sciurano, R. - Vera, T. - Calcagno, G. - Allinghi, A. - Cendra, P.G. - Cladera, J. - Vilardi, J.
Fla. Entomol. 2007;90(1):154-162

Descripción: Anastrepha fraterculus (Wiedemann) (Diptera: Tephritidae) displays a lek mating system. Males form groups in which they simultaneously display signals (acoustical, visual, or chemical) to attract females with the purpose of mating. Females visit the lek and choose among signaling and courting males to mate. Scarce information is available in A. fraterculus about the main factors involved in female choice and the behavior of displaying males. This information could be important within the context of pest control programs with a sterile insect technique (SIT) component, because departures from normal sexual behavior caused by artificial rearing could affect males' performance in the field. In this study we assessed A. fraterculus male behavior within the leks and analyzed the importance of behavioral and morphological traits on their copulatory success. The existence of preferred places for lek formation was evaluated in field cages with trees inside and analyzed by dividing the trees in sectors according to a 3-dimensional system. Males were individually weighed, marked, and observed every 15 min. Morphometric and behavioral characteristics of successful and unsuccessful males were compared. Most successful males grouped in a region of the tree characterized by the highest light intensity in the first 2 h of the morning. Results showed that pheromone calling activity is positively associated with copulatory success. Copulations were more frequent for males calling inside the lek, indicating that pheromone calling activity and presence in the lek are key factors for copulatory success. A positive association between copulatory success and eye length was found; some characteristics of the face were also associated with copula duration and latency.
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Tipo de documento: info:ar-repo/semantics/artículo

Arenas, A. - Fernández, V.M. - Farina, W.M.
PLoS ONE 2009;4(12)

Descripción: Background: Cognitive experiences during the early stages of life play an important role in shaping the future behavior in mammals but also in insects, in which precocious learning can directly modify behaviors later in life depending on both the timing and the rearing environment. However, whether olfactory associative learning acquired early in the adult stage of insects affect memorizing of new learning events has not been studied yet. Methodology: Groups of adult honeybee workers that experienced an odor paired with a sucrose solution 5 to 8 days or 9 to 12 days after emergence were previously exposed to (i) a rewarded experience through the offering of scented food, or (ii) a non-rewarded experience with a pure volatile compound in the rearing environment. Principal Findings: Early rewarded experiences (either at 1-4 or 5-8 days of adult age) enhanced retention performance in 9-12-day-conditioned bees when they were tested at 17 days of age. The highest retention levels at this age, which could not be improved with prior rewarded experiences, were found for memories established at 5-8 days of adult age. Associative memories acquired at 9-12 days of age showed a weak effect on retention for some pure pre-exposed volatile compounds; whereas the sole exposure of an odor at any younger age did not promote long-term effects on learning performance. Conclusions: The associative learning events that occurred a few days after adult emergence improved memorizing in middle-aged bees. In addition, both the timing and the nature of early sensory inputs interact to enhance retention of new learning events acquired later in life, an important matter in the social life of honeybees. © 2009 Arenas et al.
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Tipo de documento: info:ar-repo/semantics/artículo

Manrique, G. - Lazzari, C.R.
Mem. Inst. Oswaldo Cruz 1994;89(4):629-633

Temas:   animal -  article -  copulation -  female -  male -  physiology -  sexual behavior -  Triatoma -  Animals -  Copulation

Descripción: Factors affecting mating behaviour in the bug Triatoma infestans were quantitatively studied in the laboratory. Experimental conditions were established so that the probability of copulation increased with the time elapsed since the first adult meal. Copulatory attempts by males did not vary as a function of time, but rejections by females became significantly less frequent with the post feeding time. Non-receptive females displayed four types of rejection behaviour, i.e. flattening, stridulation, evasion and abdominal movements. The occurrence of stridulation performed by females in a sexual context was observed in a regular fashion and was quantified for the first time in this species.
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Tipo de documento: info:ar-repo/semantics/artículo

Ibrahim, A. - Stefano, L.D. - Tarzi, O. - Tar, H. - Ley, C. - Allonas, X.
Photochem. Photobiol. 2013;89(6):1283-1290

Descripción: The photoinitiating systems (PIS) usable in free radical photopolymerization are briefly reviewed. Apart conventional Type I and Type II photoinitiators, three-component PIS exhibiting a photocyclic behavior are discussed. The mechanisms of photoreaction are presented, highlighting the role of a redox additive which reacts with the photoinitiator photoproduct. Recent applications in holography recording are described showing that the selection of a PIS plays a crucial role in this application. © 2013 The American Society of Photobiology.
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Tipo de documento: info:ar-repo/semantics/artículo

Anton, S. - Evengaard, K. - Barrozo, R.B. - Anderson, P. - Skals, N.
Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A. 2011;108(8):3401-3405

Descripción: Modulation of sensitivity to sensory cues by experience is essential for animals to adapt to a changing environment. Sensitization and adaptation to signals of the same modality as a function of experience have been shown in many cases, and some of the neurobiological mechanisms underlying these processes have been described. However, the influence of sensory signals on the sensitivity of a different modality is largely unknown. In males of the noctuid moth, Spodoptera littoralis, the sensitivity to the female-produced sex pheromone increases 24 h after a brief preexposure with pheromone at the behavioral and central nervous level. Here we show that this effect is not confined to the same sensory modality: the sensitivity of olfactory neurons can also be modulated by exposure to a different sensory stimulus, i.e., a pulsed stimulus mimicking echolocating sounds from attacking insectivorous bats. We tested responses of preexposed male moths in a walking bioassay and recorded from neurons in the primary olfactory center, the antennal lobe. We show that brief exposure to a bat call, but not to a behaviorally irrelevant tone, increases the behavioral sensitivity of male moths to sex pheromone 24 h later in the same way as exposure to the sex pheromone itself. The observed behavioral modification is accompanied by an increase in the sensitivity of olfactory neurons in the antennal lobe. Our data provide thus evidence for cross-modal experience-dependent plasticity not only on the behavioral level, but also on the central nervous level, in an insect.
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Tipo de documento: info:ar-repo/semantics/artículo

Izús, G. - Deza, R. - Ramírez, O. - Wio, H.S. - Zanette, D.H. - Borzi, C.
Physical Review E 1995;52(1):129-136

Descripción: We study a piecewise linear version of a one-component, one-dimensional reaction-diffusion bistable model, with the aim of analyzing the effect of boundary conditions on the formation and stability of stationary patterns. The analysis proceeds through the study of the behavior of the Lyapunov functional in terms of a control parameter: the reflectivity at the boundary. We show that, in this example, this functional has a very simple and direct geometrical interpretation. © 1995 The American Physical Society.
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Tipo de documento: info:ar-repo/semantics/artículo

Lombardi, C.M. - Charbuki, M.
Iheringia Ser. Zool. 2002;92(1):105-109

Descripción: A change in bird density within a captive flock of Sicalis flaveola pelzeni (Sclater, 1872) affected the decision to join a group. Ruling out inter-individual differences and maintaining constant the size of a food patch, birds were found to fly more often to the food source and spend a longer time in its environs when kept in greater groups.
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Tipo de documento: info:ar-repo/semantics/artículo

Danon, F.
Journal of Physical Chemistry 1967;71(8):2650-2653

Descripción: A comparison of the compressibility factors of argon and xenon reduced in terms of the Kihara intermolecular core model potential is presented. It is found that corresponding-states behavior is better obeyed by using the Kihara rather than the Lennard-Jones potential. The results of this paper indicate that the assumption of the pairwise additivity of the potential seems to be valid within the range covered by the presently available experimental data.
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Tipo de documento: info:ar-repo/semantics/artículo

Bogoya, M. - Ferreira, R. - Rossi, J.D.
J. Math. Anal. Appl. 2008;337(2):1284-1294

Descripción: We deal with boundary value problems (prescribing Dirichlet or Neumann boundary conditions) for a nonlocal nonlinear diffusion operator which is analogous to the porous medium equation. First, we prove existence, uniqueness and the validity of a comparison principle for these problems. Next, we impose boundary data that blow up in finite time and study the behavior of the solutions. © 2007.
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Tipo de documento: info:ar-repo/semantics/artículo

Ballarini, F. - Moncada, D. - Martinez, M.C. - Alen, N. - Viola, H.
Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A. 2009;106(34):14599-14604

Descripción: In daily life, memories are intertwined events. Little is known about the mechanisms involved in their interactions. Using two hippocampus-dependent (spatial object recognition and contextual fear conditioning) and one hippocampus-independent (conditioned taste aversion) learning tasks, we show that in rats subjected to weak training protocols that induce solely short term memory (STM), long term memory (LTM) is promoted and formed only if training sessions took place in contingence with a novel, but not familiar, experience occurring during a critical time window around training. This process requires newly synthesized proteins induced by novelty and reveals a general mechanism of LTM formation that begins with the setting of a "learning tag" established by a weak training. These findings represent the first comprehensive set of evidences indicating the existence of a behavioral tagging process that in analogy to the synaptic tagging and capture process, need the creation of a transient, protein synthesis-independent, and input specific tag.
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Tipo de documento: info:ar-repo/semantics/artículo

Depine, R.A. - Skigin, D.C.
Phys Rev E. 2000;61(4):4479-4490

Descripción: Fil:Depine, R.A. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales; Argentina.
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Tipo de documento: info:ar-repo/semantics/artículo

Lavagnino, N. - Serra, F. - Arbiza, L. - Dopazo, H. - Hasson, E.
Evol. Bioinformatics 2011;2011(7):89-104

Descripción: Abstract: Previous comparative genomic studies of genes involved in olfactory behavior in Drosophila focused only on particular gene families such as odorant receptor and/or odorant binding proteins. However, olfactory behavior has a complex genetic architecture that is orchestrated by many interacting genes. In this paper, we present a comparative genomic study of olfactory behavior in Drosophila including an extended set of genes known to affect olfactory behavior. We took advantage of the recent burst of whole genome sequences and the development of powerful statistical tools to analyze genomic data and test evolutionary and functional hypotheses of olfactory genes in the six species of the Drosophila melanogaster species group for which whole genome sequences are available. Our study reveals widespread purifying selection and limited incidence of positive selection on olfactory genes. We show that the pace of evolution of olfactory genes is mostly independent of the life cycle stage, and of the number of life cycle stages, in which they participate in olfaction. However, we detected a relationship between evolutionary rates and the position that the gene products occupy in the olfactory system, genes occupying central positions tend to be more constrained than peripheral genes. Finally, we demonstrate that specialization to one host does not seem to be associated with bursts of adaptive evolution in olfactory genes in D. sechellia and D. erecta, the two specialists species analyzed, but rather different lineages have idiosyncratic evolutionary histories in which both historical and ecological factors have been involved. © the author(s), publisher and licensee Libertas Academica Ltd.
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Tipo de documento: info:ar-repo/semantics/artículo

Arenas, A. - Ramírez, G.P. - Balbuena, M.S. - Farina, W.M.
Front. Physiol. 2013;4 AUG

Descripción: Cognitive experiences during the early stages of life play an important role in shaping future behavior. Behavioral and neural long-term changes after early sensory and associative experiences have been recently reported in the honeybee. This invertebrate is an excellent model for assessing the role of precocious experiences on later behavior due to its extraordinarily tuned division of labor based on age polyethism. These studies are mainly focused on the role and importance of experiences occurred during the first days of the adult lifespan, their impact on foraging decisions, and their contribution to coordinate food gathering. Odor-rewarded experiences during the first days of honeybee adulthood alter the responsiveness to sucrose, making young hive bees more sensitive to assess gustatory features about the nectar brought back to the hive and affecting the dynamic of the food transfers and the propagation of food-related information within the colony. Early olfactory experiences lead to stable and long-term associative memories that can be successfully recalled after many days, even at foraging ages. Also they improve memorizing of new associative learning events later in life. The establishment of early memories promotes stable reorganization of the olfactory circuits inducing structural and functional changes in the antennal lobe (AL). Early rewarded experiences have relevant consequences at the social level too, biasing dance and trophallaxis partner choice and affecting recruitment. Here, we revised recent results in bees' physiology, behavior, and sociobiology to depict how the early experiences affect their cognition abilities and neural-related circuits. © 2013 Arenas, Ramírez, Balbuena and Farina.
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Tipo de documento: info:ar-repo/semantics/artículo

Acosta, G. - Bonder, J.F. - Groisman, P. - Rossi, J.D.
Math. Model. Numer. Anal. 2002;36(1):55-68

Descripción: We study the asymptotic behavior of a semi-discrete numerical approximation for a pair of heat equations ut = Δu, vt = Δv in Ω × (0, T); fully coupled by the boundary conditions ∂u/∂η = up11vp12, ∂v/∂η = up21vp22 on ∂Ω × (0, T), where Ω is a bounded smooth domain in ℝd. We focus in the existence or not of non-simultaneous blow-up for a semi-discrete approximation (U, V). We prove that if U blows up in finite time then V can fail to blow up if and only if p11 > 1 and p21 < 2(p11 - 1), which is the same condition as the one for non-simultaneous blow-up in the continuous problem. Moreover, we find that if the continuous problem has non-simultaneous blow-up then the same is true for the discrete one. We also prove some results about the convergence of the scheme and the convergence of the blow-up times.
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Tipo de documento: info:ar-repo/semantics/artículo

Pompilio, L. - Kacelnik, A.
Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A. 2010;107(1):508-512

Descripción: A core problem of decision theories is that although decisionmakers' preferences depend on learning, their choices could be driven either by learned representations of the physical properties of each alternative (for instance reward sizes) or of the benefit (utility and fitness) experienced from them. Physical properties are independent of the subject's state and context, but utility depends on both. We show that starlings' choices are better explained by memory for context-dependent utility than by representations of the alternatives' physical properties, even when the decisionmakers' state is controlled and they have accurate knowledge about the options' physical properties. Our results support the potential universality of utility-driven preference control.
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Tipo de documento: info:ar-repo/semantics/artículo

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