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Palabras contadas: salt: 35, concentration: 132
Longinotti, M.P. - Carignano, M.A. - Szleifer, I. - Corti, H.R.
J Chem Phys 2011;134(24)

Descripción: In this work we studied the effect of NaCl on the thermodynamic and dynamic properties of supercooled water, for salt concentrations between 0.19 and 1.33mol kg-1, using molecular dynamic simulations for TIP5PE water model and ion parameters specially designed to be used in combination with this potential. We studied the isobaric heat capacity (Cp) temperature dependence and observed a maximum in Cp, occurring at Tm, that moves to lower temperature values with increasing salt concentration. Many characteristic changes were observed at scaled temperature TTm ∼ 0.96, namely a minimum in the density of the system, a reduction of the slope of the number of hydrogen bonds vs. temperature, and a crossover from Vogel-Tamman-Fulcher to Arrhenius dynamics. Finally, at low temperatures we observed that water dynamics become heterogeneous with an apparently common relationship between the fraction of immobile molecules and T/Tm for all studied systems. © 2011 American Institute of Physics.
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Tipo de documento: info:ar-repo/semantics/artículo

Tomio, J.M. - García, R.C. - San Martín De Viale, L.C. - Grinstein, M.
BBA - Enzymology 1970;198(2):353-363

Descripción: 1. 1. Uroporphyrinogen carboxy-lyase (EC 4.1.1.d), the enzyme catalysing the decaroxylation of uroporphyrinogen to coproporphyrinogen, has been isolated from normal chicken erythrocytes. The enzyme was purified 220-fold with a yield of 24% from haemolysate supernatant by DEAE-cellulose batch treatment, (NH4)2SO4 fractionation and chromatography on DEAE-cellulose. 2. 2. The purified material appears to be homogeneous in polyacrylamide gel disc electrophoresis. 3. 3. The enzyme was heat labile and inhibited by sodium salt; the activity was enhanced by EDTA, GSH and boiled rat-liver extract. 4. 4. The influence of these chemical and physical agents on the removal of the first and second carboxyl groups from uroporphyrinogen was compared; the second group was more susceptible to these agents. 5. 5. The possibility that one or several enzymes were involved in the stepwise decarboxylation of uroporphyrinogen is discussed. 6. 6. The general name of porphyrinogen carboxy-lyase for the enzyme system is proposed because of the different porphyrinogens it can decarboxylate. © 1970.
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Tipo de documento: info:ar-repo/semantics/artículo

Ruiz, O. - Medina, G.R. - Cohen, R.G. - Amat, F. - Navarro, J.C.
Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 2007;335:155-165

Descripción: Nauplii of the branchiopod crustacean Artemia spp. are widely used as live food in aquaculture. Their nutritional value depends essentially on the fatty acid profile of their lipids, which can be very variable. Study of this variability (often species- and/or ecology-related) proposes interesting theoretical and applied questions. In the present study, cysts (dehydrated dormant eggs) from Argentinean Artemia spp. populations were analysed for their fatty acid profile. Most of the cyst samples analysed (n = 16) were obtained from Artemia persimilis populations, but 3 belonged to A. franciscana. Previous research indicated that A. persimilis populations are confined to inland biotopes, but in this study we report the presence of A. persimilis populations in coastal ecosystems. Cysts from all populations exhibited fatty acid profiles typical of either marine or freshwater, irrespective of the inland or coastal origin of their biotope. This study represents the first time that a significant amount of eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA, 20:5n-3) was detected in A. persimilis cyst samples. We hypothesize on some factors that presumably influence the fatty acid profiles of Artemia spp. cysts: (1) food resources from different habitats, which in turn can be influenced by environmental parameters, (2) the genetic make-up of each population, and/or (3) mechanisms of selective feeding. © Inter-Research 2007.
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Tipo de documento: info:ar-repo/semantics/artículo

López, C.S. - Alice, A.F. - Heras, H. - Rivas, E.A. - Sánchez-Rivas, C.
Microbiology 2006;152(3):605-616

Descripción: The importance of the content of anionic phospholipids [cardiolipin (CL) and phosphatidylglycerol (PG)] in the osmotic adaptation and in the membrane structure of Bacillus subtilis cultures was investigated. Insertion mutations in the three putative cardiolipin synthase genes (ywiE, ywnE and ywjE) were obtained. Only the ywnE mutation resulted in a complete deficiency in cardiolipin and thus corresponds to a true clsA gene. The osmotolerance of a clsA mutant was impaired: although at NaCl concentrations lower than 1.2 M the growth curves were similar to those of its wild-type control, at 1 .5 M NaCl (LBN medium) the lag period increased and the maximal optical density reached was lower. The membrane of the clsA mutant strain showed an increased PG content, at both exponential and stationary phase, but no trace of CL in either LB or LBN medium. As well as the deficiency in CL synthesis, the clsA mutant showed other differences in lipid and fatty acids content compared to the wild-type, suggesting a cross-regulation in membrane lipid pathways, crucial for the maintenance of membrane functionality and integrity. The biophysical characteristics of membranes and large unilamellar vesicles from the wild-type and clsA mutant strains were studied by Laurdan's steady-state fluorescence spectroscopy. At physiological temperature, the clsA mutant showed a decreased lateral lipid packing in the protein-free vesicles and isolated membranes compared with the wild-type strain. Interestingly, the lateral lipid packing of the membranes of both the wild-type and clsA mutant strains increased when they were grown in LBN. In a conditional IPTG-controlled pgsA mutant, unable to synthesize PG and CL in the absence of IPTG, the osmoresistance of the cultures correlated with their content of anionic phospholipids. The transcriptional activity of the clsA and pgsA genes was similar and increased twofold upon entry to stationary phase or under osmotic upshift. Overall, these results support the involvement of the anionic phospholipids in the growth of B. subtilis in media containing elevated NaCl concentrations. © 2006 SGM.
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Tipo de documento: info:ar-repo/semantics/artículo