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Palabras contadas: osmosis: 11
Alleva, K. - Chara, O. - Amodeo, G.
FEBS Lett. 2012;586(19):2991-2999

Descripción: Osmolarity not only plays a key role in celluar homeostasis but also challenges cell survival. The molecular understanding of osmosis has not yet been completely achieved, and the discovery of aquaporins as molecular entities involved in water transport has caused osmosis to again become a focus of research. The main questions that need to be answered are the mechanism underlying the osmotic permeability coefficients and the extent to which aquaporins change our understanding of osmosis. Here, attempts to answer these questions are discussed. Critical aspects of the state of the state of knowledge on osmosis, a topic that has been studied since 19th century, are reviewed and integrated with the available information provided by in vivo, in vitro and in silico approaches. © 2012 Federation of European Biochemical Societies. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
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Tipo de documento: info:ar-repo/semantics/artículo

Moretti, M.B. - Maskin, L. - Gudesblat, G. - García, S.C. - Iusem, N.D.
Physiol. Plant. 2006;127(1):111-118

Descripción: Asr1, a tomato gene induced by abiotic stress, belongs to a family, composed by at least three members, involved in adaptation to dry climates. To understand the mechanism by which proteins of this family seem to protect cells from water loss in plants, we expressed Asr1 in the heterologous expression system Saccharomyces cerevisiae under the control of a galactose-inducible promoter. In a mutant yeast strain deficient in one component of the stress-responsive high-osmolarity glycerol (HOG) pathway, namely the MAP kinase Hog1, the synthesis of ASR1 protein restores growth under osmotic stress conditions such as 0.5 M NaCl and 1.2 M sorbitol. In contrast, the rescuing of this phenotype was less evident using a wild-type strain or the upstream MAP kinase kinase (Pbs2)-deficient strain. In both knock-out strains impaired in glycerol synthesis because of a dysfunctional HOG pathway, but not in wild-type, ASR1 led to the accumulation of endogenous glycerol in an osmotic stress-independent and unrestrained manner. These data suggest that ASR1 complements yeast HOG-deficient phenotypes by inducing downstream components of the HOG pathway. The results are discussed in terms of the function of ASR proteins in planta at the molecular and cellular level. Copyright © Physiologia Plantarum 2006.
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Tipo de documento: info:ar-repo/semantics/artículo

Jozefkowicz, C. - Rosi, P. - Sigaut, L. - Soto, G. - Pietrasanta, L.I. - Amodeo, G. - Alleva, K.
PLoS ONE 2013;8(3)

Descripción: Research done in the last years strongly support the hypothesis that PIP aquaporin can form heterooligomeric assemblies, specially combining PIP2 monomers with PIP1 monomers. Nevertheless, the structural elements involved in the ruling of homo versus heterooligomeric organization are not completely elucidated. In this work we unveil some features of monomer-monomer interaction in Beta vulgaris PIP aquaporins. Our results show that while BvPIP2;2 is able to interact with BvPIP1;1, BvPIP2;1 shows no functional interaction. The lack of functional interaction between BvPIP2;1 and BvPIP1;1 was further corroborated by dose-response curves of water permeability due to aquaporin activity exposed to different acidic conditions. We also found that BvPIP2;1 is unable to translocate BvPIP1;1-ECFP from an intracellular position to the plasma membrane when co-expressed, as BvPIP2;2 does. Moreover we postulate that the first extracellular loop (loop A) of BvPIP2;1, could be relevant for the functional interaction with BvPIP1;1. Thus, we investigate BvPIP2;1 loop A at an atomic level by Molecular Dynamics Simulation (MDS) and by direct mutagenesis. We found that, within the tetramer, each loop A presents a dissimilar behavior. Besides, BvPIP2;1 loop A mutants restore functional interaction with BvPIP1;1. This work is a contribution to unravel how PIP2 and PIP1 interact to form functional heterooligomeric assemblies. We postulate that BvPIP2;1 loop A is relevant for the lack of functional interaction with BvPIP1;1 and that the monomer composition of PIP assemblies determines their functional properties. © 2013 Jozefkowicz et al.
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Tipo de documento: info:ar-repo/semantics/artículo

Piuri, M. - Sanchez-Rivas, C. - Ruzal, S.M.
J. Appl. Microbiol. 2005;98(1):84-95

Descripción: Aims: To study the modification of the cell wall of Lactobacillus casei ATCC 393 grown in high salt conditions. Methods and Results: Differences in the overall structure of cell wall between growth in high salt (MRS + 1 mol l -1 NaCl; N condition) and control (MRS; C condition) conditions were determined by transmission electronic microscopy and analytical procedures. Lactobacillus casei cells grown in N condition were significantly larger than cells grown under unstressed C condition. Increased sensitivity to mutanolysin and antibiotics with target in the cell wall was observed in N condition. Purified cell wall also showed the increased sensitivity to lysis by mutanolysin. Analysis of peptidoglycan (PG) from stressed cells showed that modification was at the structural level in accordance with a decreased PG cross-link involving penicillin-binding proteins (PBP). Nine PBP were first described in this species and these proteins were expressed in low percentages or presented a modified pattern of saturation with penicillin G (Pen G) during growth in high salt. Three of the essential PBP were fully saturated in N condition at lower Pen G concentrations than in C condition, suggesting differences in functionality in vivo. Conclusions: The results show that growth in high salt modified the structural properties of the cell wall. Significance and Impact of Study: Advances in understanding the adaptation to high osmolarity, in particular those involving sensitivity to lysis of lactic acid bacteria.
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Tipo de documento: info:ar-repo/semantics/artículo

López, C.S. - Alice, A.F. - Heras, H. - Rivas, E.A. - Sánchez-Rivas, C.
Microbiology 2006;152(3):605-616

Descripción: The importance of the content of anionic phospholipids [cardiolipin (CL) and phosphatidylglycerol (PG)] in the osmotic adaptation and in the membrane structure of Bacillus subtilis cultures was investigated. Insertion mutations in the three putative cardiolipin synthase genes (ywiE, ywnE and ywjE) were obtained. Only the ywnE mutation resulted in a complete deficiency in cardiolipin and thus corresponds to a true clsA gene. The osmotolerance of a clsA mutant was impaired: although at NaCl concentrations lower than 1.2 M the growth curves were similar to those of its wild-type control, at 1 .5 M NaCl (LBN medium) the lag period increased and the maximal optical density reached was lower. The membrane of the clsA mutant strain showed an increased PG content, at both exponential and stationary phase, but no trace of CL in either LB or LBN medium. As well as the deficiency in CL synthesis, the clsA mutant showed other differences in lipid and fatty acids content compared to the wild-type, suggesting a cross-regulation in membrane lipid pathways, crucial for the maintenance of membrane functionality and integrity. The biophysical characteristics of membranes and large unilamellar vesicles from the wild-type and clsA mutant strains were studied by Laurdan's steady-state fluorescence spectroscopy. At physiological temperature, the clsA mutant showed a decreased lateral lipid packing in the protein-free vesicles and isolated membranes compared with the wild-type strain. Interestingly, the lateral lipid packing of the membranes of both the wild-type and clsA mutant strains increased when they were grown in LBN. In a conditional IPTG-controlled pgsA mutant, unable to synthesize PG and CL in the absence of IPTG, the osmoresistance of the cultures correlated with their content of anionic phospholipids. The transcriptional activity of the clsA and pgsA genes was similar and increased twofold upon entry to stationary phase or under osmotic upshift. Overall, these results support the involvement of the anionic phospholipids in the growth of B. subtilis in media containing elevated NaCl concentrations. © 2006 SGM.
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Tipo de documento: info:ar-repo/semantics/artículo