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Palabras contadas: romano: 7
Merlo, E. - Romano, A.
PLoS ONE 2008;3(11)

Descripción: In contextual memories, an association between a positive or negative reinforcement and the contextual cues where the reinforcement occurs is formed. The re-exposure to the context without reinforcement can lead to memory extinction or reconsolidation, depending on the number of events or duration of a single event of context re-exposure. Extinction involves the temporary waning of the previously acquired conditioned response. The molecular processes underlying extinction and the mechanisms which determine if memory will reconsolidate or extinguish after retrieval are not well characterized, particularly the role of transcription factors and gene expression. Here we studied the participation of a transcription factor, NF-κB, in memory extinction. In the crab context-signal memory, the activation of NF-κB plays a critical role in consolidation and reconsolidation, memory processes that are well characterized in this model. The administration of a NF-κB inhibitor, sulfasalazine prior to extinction session impeded spontaneous recovery. Moreover, reinstatement experiments showed that the original memory was not affected and that NF-κB inhibition by sulfasalazine impaired spontaneous recovery strengthening the ongoing memory extinction process. Interestingly, in animals with fully consolidated memory, a brief re-exposure to the training context induced neuronal NF-κB activation and reconsolidation, while prolonged re-exposure induced NF-κB inhibition and memory extinction. These data constitutes a novel insight into the molecular mechanisms involved in the switch between memory reconsolidation and extinction. Moreover, we propose the inhibition of NF-κB as the engaged mechanism underlying extinction, supporting a novel approach for the pharmacological enhancement of this memory process. The accurate description of the molecular mechanisms that support memory extinction is potentially useful for developing new strategies and drug candidates for therapeutic treatments of the maladaptive memory disorders such as post-traumatic stress, phobias, and drug addiction. © 2008 Merlo, Romano.
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Tipo de documento: info:ar-repo/semantics/artículo

Maldonado, H. - Romano, A. - Tomsic, D.
Braz. J. Med. Biol. Res. 1997;30(7):813-826

Descripción: A decade of studies on long-term habituation (LTH) in the crab Chasmagnathus is reviewed. Upon sudden presentation of a passing object overhead, the crab reacts with an escape response that habituates promptly and for at least five days. LTH proved to be an instance of associative memory and showed context, stimulus frequency and circadian phase specificity. A strong training protocol (STP) (≥15 trials, intertriai interval (ITI) of 171 s) invariably yielded LTH, while a weak training protocol (WTP) (≤10 trials, ITI = 171 s) invariably failed. STP was used with a presumably amnestic agent and WTP with a presumably hypermnestic agent. Remarkably, systemic administration of low doses was effective, which is likely to be due to the lack of an endothelial blood-brain barrier. LTH was blocked by inhibitors of protein and RNA synthesis, enhanced by protein kinase A (PKA) activators and reduced by PKA inhibitors, facilitated by angiotensin II and IV and disrupted by saralasin. The presence of angiotensins and related compounds in the crab brain was demonstrated. Diverse results suggest that LTH includes two components: an initial memory produced by spaced training and mainly expressed at an initial phase of testing, and a retraining memory produced by massed training and expressed at a later phase of testing (retraining). The initial memory would be associative, context specific and sensitive to cycloheximide, while the retraining memory would be nonassociative, context independent and insensitive to cycloheximide.
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Tipo de documento: info:ar-repo/semantics/artículo

Merlo, E. - Freudenthal, R. - Maldonado, H. - Romano, A.
Learn. Mem. 2005;12(1):23-29

Descripción: Several studies support that stored memories undergo a new period of consolidation after retrieval. It is not known whether this process, termed reconsolidation, requires the same transcriptional mechanisms involved in consolidation. Increasing evidence supports the participation of the transcription factor NF-κB in memory. This was initially demonstrated in the crab Chasmagnathus model of associative contextual memory, in which re-exposure to the training context induces a well characterized reconsolidation process. Here we studied the role of NF-κB in reconsolidation. NF-κB was specifically activated in trained animals re-exposed to the training context but not to a different context. NF-κB was not activated when animals were re-exposed to the context after a weak training protocol insufficient to induce long-term memory. A specific inhibitor of the NF-κB pathway, sulfasalazine, impaired reconsolidation when administered 20 min before re-exposure to the training context but was not effective when a different context was used. These findings indicate for the first time that NF-κB is activated specifically by retrieval and that this activation is required for memory reconsolidation, supporting the view that this molecular mechanism is required in both consolidation and reconsolidation.
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Tipo de documento: info:ar-repo/semantics/artículo

de la Fuente, V. - Freudenthal, R. - Romano, A.
J. Neurosci. 2011;31(15):5562-5573

Descripción: In fear conditioning, aversive stimuli are readily associated with contextual features. A brief reexposure to the training context causes fear memory reconsolidation, whereas a prolonged re exposure induces memory extinction. The regulation of hippocampal gene expression plays akey role in contextual memory consolidation and reconsolidation. However, the mechanisms that determine whether memory will reconsolidate or extinguish are not known. Here, we demonstrate opposing roles for two evolutionarily related transcription factors in the mouse hippocampus. We found that nuclear factor-KB (NF-kB) is required for fear memory reconsolidation. Conversely, calcineurin phosphatase inhibited NF-kB and induced nuclear factor of activated T-cells (NFAT) nuclear translocation in the transition between reconsolidation and extinction. Accordingly, the hippocampal inhibition of both calcineurin and NFAT independently impaired memory extinction, whereas inhibition of NF-kB enhanced memory extinction. These findings represent the first insight into the molecular mechanisms that determine memory reprocessing after retrieval, supporting a transcriptional switch that directs memory toward reconsolidation or extinction. The precise molecular characterization of postretrieval processes has potential importance to the development of therapeutic strategies for fear memory disorders. © 2011 the authors.
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Tipo de documento: info:ar-repo/semantics/artículo

Pedreira, M.E. - Romano, A. - Tomsic, D. - Lozada, M. - Maldonado, H.
Anim. Learn. Behav. 1998;26(1):34-45

Descripción: The crab Chasmagnathus granulatus reacts to a shadow passing overhead with an escape response that habituates after 30 trials and for 5 days at least. The effect of a wide range of different intertrial intervals (ITIs) (0, 9, 27, 45, 81, 135, and 171 sec) on the Chasmagnathus long-term habituation (LTH) was evaluated at 24 h. Memory retention was estimated separately at two phases of a six-trial testing session: at first trial (the initial testing phase) and at the subsequent block of five trials (the retraining phase). A training of 30 trials with an ITI equal to or longer than 27 sec induced LTH at both testing phases, however, with a 0- or a 9- sec ITI, training wholly failed to build up LTH. When the number of trials was increased, a massed training (ITI = 0 or 9 sec) induced LTH at re- training but not at initial testing. Thus, massed training produces LTH only at retraining, whereas spaced training (ITI ≤ 27 sec) produces LTH at both initial phase and retraining. An ITI shift from training to testing diminished or abolished retention at retraining regardless of the direction of the shift, thus suggesting that crabs acquire a memory of the trial- spacing at training. According to these results, it is postulated that LTH consists of two memory components: one produced by spaced training and expressed at both initial testing and retraining, and one yielded by massed training and expressed only at retraining. The possibility that the two components of LTH were differentially affected by cycloxemide and context shift is discussed.
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Tipo de documento: info:ar-repo/semantics/artículo

Fustiñana, M.S. - Ariel, P. - Federman, N. - Freudenthal, R. - Romano, A.
BMC Neurosci. 2010;11

Descripción: Background: Human β-amyloid, the main component in the neuritic plaques found in patients with Alzheimer's disease, is generated by cleavage of the β-amyloid precursor protein. Beyond the role in pathology, members of this protein family are synaptic proteins and have been associated with synaptogenesis, neuronal plasticity and memory, both in vertebrates and in invertebrates. Consolidation is necessary to convert a short-term labile memory to a long-term and stable form. During consolidation, gene expression and de novo protein synthesis are regulated in order to produce key proteins for the maintenance of plastic changes produced during the acquisition of new information.Results: Here we partially cloned and sequenced the beta-amyloid precursor protein like gene homologue in the crab Chasmagnathus (cappl), showing a 37% of identity with the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster homologue and 23% with Homo sapiens but with much higher degree of sequence similarity in certain regions. We observed a wide distribution of cappl mRNA in the nervous system as well as in muscle and gills. The protein localized in all tissues analyzed with the exception of muscle. Immunofluorescence revealed localization of cAPPL in associative and sensory brain areas. We studied gene and protein expression during long-term memory consolidation using a well characterized memory model: the context-signal associative memory in this crab species. mRNA levels varied at different time points during long-term memory consolidation and correlated with cAPPL protein levels. Conclusions: cAPPL mRNA and protein is widely distributed in the central nervous system of the crab and the time course of expression suggests a role of cAPPL during long-term memory formation. © 2010 Fustiñana et al; licensee BioMed Central Ltd.
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Tipo de documento: info:ar-repo/semantics/artículo

Boccia, M. - Freudenthal, R. - Blake, M. - De La Fuente, V. - Acosta, G. - Baratti, C. - Romano, A.
J. Neurosci. 2007;27(49):13436-13445

Descripción: Initially, memory is labile and requires consolidation to become stable. However, several studies support that consolidated memories can undergo a new period of lability after retrieval. The mechanistic differences of this process, termed reconsolidation, with the consolidation process are under debate, including the participation of hippocampus. Up to this point, few reports describe molecular changes and, in particular, transcription factor (TF) involvement in memory restabilization. Increasing evidence supports the participation of the TF nuclear factor-κB (NF-κB) in memory consolidation. Here, we demonstrate that the inhibition of NF-κB after memory reactivation impairs retention of a hippocampal-dependent inhibitory avoidance task in mice. We used two independent disruptive strategies to reach this conclusion. First, we administered intracerebroventricular or intrahippocampal sulfasalazine, an inhibitor of IKK (IκB kinase), the kinase that activates NF-κB. Second, we infused intracerebroventricular or intrahippocampal κB decoy, a direct inhibitor of NF-κB consisting of a double-stranded DNA oligonucleotide that contains the κB consensus sequence. When injected immediately after memory retrieval, sulfasalazine or κB decoy (Decoy) impaired long-term retention. In contrast, a one base mutated κB decoy (mDecoy) had no effect. Furthermore, we also found NF-κB activation in the hippocampus, with a peak 15 min after memory retrieval. This activation was earlier than that found during consolidation. Together, these results indicate that NF-κB is an important transcriptional regulator in memory consolidation and reconsolidation in hippocampus, although the temporal kinetics of activation differs between the two processes. Copyright © 2007 Society for Neuroscience.
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Tipo de documento: info:ar-repo/semantics/artículo