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Palabras contadas: kartashov: 1, d: 217
Lemell, C. - Dimitriou, K.I. - Arbó, D.G. - Tong, X.-M. - Kartashov, D. - Burgdörfer, J. - Gräfe, S.
EPJ Web Conf. 2013;41

Descripción: Using a quasiclassical approach, we demonstrate that the formation of the low-energy structure in above-threshold ionization spectra by intense, midinfrared laser pulses originates from a two-dimensional focusing of the strong-field dynamics in the energy-angular-momentum plane. We show that the low-energy structure is very sensitive to the carrier-envelope phase of the laser field. © Owned by the authors, published by EDP Sciences, 2013.
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Tipo de documento: info:ar-repo/semantics/documento de conferencia