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Palabras contadas: gratton: 22, j: 270
Gratton, J.
Journal of Geophysical Research 1989;94(B11):15627-15634

Descripción: Fil:Gratton, J. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales; Argentina.
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Tipo de documento: info:ar-repo/semantics/artículo

Perazzo, C.A. - Gratton, J.
Phys. Fluids 2010;22(5):1-7

Descripción: With the purpose of modeling the process of mountain building, we investigate the evolution of the ridge produced by the convergent motion of a system consisting of two layers of liquids that differ in density and viscosity to simulate the crust and the upper mantle that form a lithospheric plate. We assume that the motion is driven by basal traction. Assuming isostasy, we derive a nonlinear differential equation for the evolution of the thickness of the crust. We solve this equation numerically to obtain the profile of the range. We find an approximate self-similar solution that describes reasonably well the process and predicts simple scaling laws for the height and width of the range as well as the shape of the transversal profile. We compare the theoretical results with the profiles of real mountain belts and find an excellent agreement. © 2010 American Institute of Physics.
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Tipo de documento: info:ar-repo/semantics/artículo

Gratton, J. - Perazzo, C.A.
Phys. Fluids 2011;23(4)

Descripción: In order to describe the development of plateaus such as the Tibet and the Altiplano we extend the two-layer model used in a previous paper [C. A. Perazzo and J. Gratton, Phys. Fluids22, 056603 (2010)] to reproduce the evolution of mountain ranges. As before, we consider the convergent motion of a system of two liquid layers to simulate the crust and the upper mantle that form a lithospheric plate, but now we assume that the viscosity of the crust falls off abruptly at a specified depth. We derive a nonlinear differential equation for the evolution of the thickness of the crust. The solution of this equation shows that the process consists of a first stage in which a peaked range is formed and grows until its root reaches the depth where its viscosity drops. After that the range ceases to grow in height and a flat plateau appears at its top. In this second stage the plateau width increases linearly with time as its sides move outward as traveling waves. We derive simple approximate formulas for various properties of the plateau and its evolution. © 2011 American Institute of Physics.
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Tipo de documento: info:ar-repo/semantics/artículo

Gratton, J. - Perazzo, C.A.
J. Phys. Conf. Ser. 2011;296(1)

Descripción: With the aim of describing the mountain building process, we have previously applied the lubrication approximation to obtain the evolution equations of the problem of two stacked layers of viscous fluids with different densities and different viscosities. The lubrication approximation is a perturbation method where the small parameter is the aspect ratio (thickness/lenght) of the current. This approximation is widely used to study the slow flow of one layer of a viscous fluid, but it is not well known under which conditions it can be applied in more general settings. Here we analyze in detail the assumptions needed to apply the lubrication theory to study the flow of two stacked viscous fluid layers. We employ the same perturbation method and we found that, besides the usual conditions (low Reynolds number and gentle slope), we must require that the viscosity and density ratios are of the order of unity. These requirements determine the range of validity of the equations of our model of the mountain building.
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Tipo de documento: info:ar-repo/semantics/documento de conferencia

Duhau, S. - Gratton, J.
Physics of Fluids 1973;16(1):150-152

Descripción: Fil:Duhau, S. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales; Argentina.
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Tipo de documento: info:ar-repo/semantics/artículo

Perazzo, C.A. - Gratton, J.
J. Phys. Conf. Ser. 2009;166

Descripción: We investigate the evolution of the ridge produced by the non-symmetrical convergent motion of two substrates over which an initially uniform layer of a Newtonian liquid rests. The lack of symmetry of the flow arises because the substrates move with different velocities. We focus on the self-similar regimes that occur in this process. For short times, within the linear regime, the height and the width increase as t1/2 and the profile is symmetric, independently of degree of asymmetry of the motion of the substrates. In the self-similar regime for large time, the height and the width of the ridge follow the same power laws as in the symmetric case, but the profiles are asymmetric. © 2009 IOP Publishing Ltd.
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Tipo de documento: info:ar-repo/semantics/documento de conferencia

Gratton, J. - Perazzo, C.A.
J. Phys. Conf. Ser. 2009;166

Descripción: We investigate the evolution of the ridge produced by the convergent motion of two substrates, on which a layer of a non-Newtonian power-law liquid rests. We focus on the self-similar regimes that occur in this process. For short times, within the linear regime, the height and the width increase as t 1/2, independently of the rheology of the liquid. In the self- similar regime for large time, the height and the width of the ridge follow power laws whose exponents depend on the rheological index. © 2009 IOP Publishing Ltd.
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Tipo de documento: info:ar-repo/semantics/documento de conferencia

Perazzo, C.A. - Gratton, J.
Phys. Fluids 2008;20(4)

Descripción: We numerically and theoretically investigate the evolution of the ridges and rifts produced by the convergent and divergent motions of two substrates over which an initially uniform layer of a Newtonian liquid rests. We put particular emphasis on the various asymptotic self-similar and quasi-self-similar regimes that occur in these processes. During the growth of a ridge, two self-similar stages occur; the first takes place in the initial linear phase, and the second is obtained for a large time. Initially, the width and the height of the ridge increase as t 1/2. For a very large time, the width grows as t 3/4, while the height increases as t 1/4. On the other hand, in the process of formation of a rift, there are three self-similar asymptotics. The initial linear phase is similar to that for ridges. The second stage corresponds to the separation of the current in two parts, leaving a dry region in between. Last, for a very large t, each of the two parts in which the current has separated approaches the self-similar viscous dam break solution. © 2008 American Institute of Physics.
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Tipo de documento: info:ar-repo/semantics/artículo

González, A.G. - Gratton, J. - Gratton, F.T. - Farrugia, C.J.
Braz. J. Phys. 2002;32(4):945-957

Descripción: The compressible magnetohydrodynamic Kelvin-Helmholtz instability occurs in two varieties, one that can be called incompressible as it exists in the limit of vanishing compressibility (primary instability), while the other exists only when compressibility is included in the model (secondary instability). In previous work we developed techniques to investigate the stability of a surface of discontinuity between two different uniform flows. Our treatment includes arbitrary jumps of the velocity and magnetic fields as well as of density and temperature, with no restriction on the wave vector of the modes. Then it allows stability analyses of complex configurations not previously studied in detail. Here we apply our methods to investigate the stability of various typical situations occurring at different regions of the front side, and the near flanks of the magnetopause. The physical conditions of the vector and scalar fields that characterize the equilibrium interface at the positions considered are obtained both from experimental data and from results of simulation codes of the magnetosheath available in the literature. We give particular attention to the compressible modes in configurations in which the incompressible modes are stabilized by the magnetic shear. For configurations of the front of the magnetopause, which have small relative velocities, we find that the incompressible MHD model gives reliable estimates of their stability, and compressibility effects do not introduce significant changes. However, at the flanks of the magnetopause the occurrence of the secondary instability and the shift of the boundary of the primary instability play an important role. Consequently, configurations that are stable if compressibility is neglected turn out to be unstable when it is considered and the stability properties are quite sensitive on the values of the parameters. Then compressibility should be taken into account when assessing the stability properties of these configurations, since the estimates based on incompressible MHD may be misleading. A careful analysis is required in each case, since no simple rule of thumb can be given.
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Tipo de documento: info:ar-repo/semantics/artículo

Marino, B.M. - Thomas, L.P. - Gratton, R. - Diez, J.A. - Betelú, S. - Gratton, J.
Phys Rev E. 1996;54(3):2628-2636

Descripción: We investigate an unsteady plane viscous gravity current of silicone oil on a horizontal glass substrate. Within the lubrication approximation with gravity as the dominant force, this current is described by the nonlinear diffusion equation [Formula Presented]=([Formula Presented][Formula Presented][Formula Presented] (φ is proportional to the liquid thickness h and m=3>0), which is of interest in many other physical processes. The solutions of this equation display a fine example of the competition between diffusive smoothening and nonlinear steepening. This work concerns the so-called waiting-time solutions, whose distinctive character is the presence of an interface or front, separating regions with h≠/0 and h=0, that remains motionless for a finite time interval [Formula Presented] meanwhile a redistribution of h takes place behind the interface. We start the experiments from an initial wedge-shape configuration [h(x)≊[Formula Presented]([Formula Presented]-x)] with a small angle ([Formula Presented]⩽0.12 rad). In this situation, the tip of the wedge, situated at [Formula Presented] from the rear wall (15 cm⩽[Formula Presented]⩽75 cm), waits at least several seconds before moving. During this waiting stage, a region characterized by a strong variation of the free surface slope (corner layer) develops and propagates toward the front while it gradually narrows and [Formula Presented]h/∂[Formula Presented] peaks. The stage ends when the corner layer overtakes the front. At this point, the liquid begins to spread over the uncovered substrate. We measure the slope of the free surface in a range ≊10 cm around [Formula Presented], and, by integration, we determine the fluid thickness h(x) there. We find that the flow tends to a self-similar behavior when the corner layer position tends to [Formula Presented]; however, near the end of the waiting stage, it is perturbed by capillarity. Even if some significant effects are not included in the above equation, the main properties of its solutions are well displayed in the experiments © 1996 The American Physical Society.
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Tipo de documento: info:ar-repo/semantics/artículo